2、限定词/句,有没有绝对 词。所谓限定词,就是把题目的主题限定在一定范围内的词。比如:The incidence of violence/crimes for young people is increasing. Give possible reasons and recommendations of punishment and measures to the situation., 这个题目中youth就是一个关键词,全文必须围绕青少年来分析其犯罪原因和惩罚方案,有的学生写到了失业率高,找不到工作,没有钱负担生活,所以去犯 罪。这个理由用于成年人的犯罪是很好,但大多数的青少年还在学习阶段,
3、还没工作,自然谈不上失业的压力。所以写这个话题,如果我们从家庭和学校的环 境,以及媒体的影响这几个方面去着手会更切题。所谓绝对词,就是all, best, only, the most等词汇,题目中出现这样词汇,考生是很容易提出反驳的。比如Some people think economic development is the only way to measure the success of a government. To what extend do you agree or disagree. 经济的发展确实是衡量一个政府是否成功的重要标志,我们可以写一到两个段落来说明经济的重要性
4、,然后再写一个让步段,来反驳ONLY这个词,可以提出教育 的普及,社会福利等方面也不可忽视,这样文章就更全面。第三步列提纲。这是所有写作老师都反复强调,而学生却总不愿意去做的一件事。不愿意列提纲的理由是大家总觉得40分钟时间宝贵,恨不得从第一秒就开始拼命写。但是,没有整理好思路,一边想一边写的结果是更加浪费时间,而且段落的发展越到后面越混乱。在列提纲之初,肯定是先要brainstorming,问题是很多考生brainstorming完了就以为自己审完了题目。其实 brainstorming出来的很多点是有重复或者有因果关系的,如果以这些重复或有因果关系的点作为段落的主题句,那么写到后面一定会有
5、问题。所以, 我们应该花一点时间整理一下逻辑。比如讨论出国留学的好处和坏处,大多数学生很能想到下列的几个点1.得到更好的教育;2.得到更好的工作;3.开阔眼界4.文化交流 5.学习语言。其实这5个点,整理一下的话,可以发现1和5是并列的,2是其结果。3和4也同样是因果关系。这样5个点变成2个点,每个点的论证也有了着 落,写起来就会很顺。而有些学生想到了1和2就觉得自己有来两个段落了,立刻开始动笔,写完主体第一段,再开始第二段的时候,突然发现其实得到更好的工作 是更好教育的一个结果,如果要把这个段落写清楚就得把第一段再重复一遍。雅思大作文:young people can find jobs m
6、ore easily than older people雅思大作文题目:As technology is used more in the workplace, some people tend to believe that young people can find jobs more easily than older people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?作文范文:In the contemporary society, working lives are shaped by technological innovations
7、and are undergoing profound transformations. Thus, most employees are equipped with practical computer skills. Due to such circumstance, some people argue that young people are more competitive in terms of job hunting compared to elders. I shall agree with such argument.There are several reasons why
8、 the youngsters tend to be more competent when dealing with technological changes. First of all, younger generation is capable of using technology because courses related to computer-skill learning have long been adopted as a mandatory course for many primary and secondary schools. Those students ar
9、e cultivated to have both searching skills and analytical skills, moreover, they are capable of tackling difficulties that are relevant to software as well as hardware. In addition, many businesses prefer to recruit junior employees because they are more sensitive to new trends in the market place,
10、mainly because their frequent use of social networking. Hence, a company may prosper with young technicians who can excel professionally and create more values.Admittedly, senior employees may possess more edges over the young. With better cognitive skills such as big-picture thinking and long-term
11、vision, they would take every perspective into consideration before making crucial decisions based on years of work, which would be conducive to the long-run development of the organization. However, as the ideas of innovation and technological transformation are becoming prevailing, the elders may
12、find it difficult to readapt to the pace of work as many of them are unwilling to accept such change in their fields.In conclusion, though the old tend to be well-experienced in the workplace, young people are more capable of adopting new technical innovations and make contribution.雅思大作文:more and mo
13、re people buy and use their own cars雅思大作文题目:As countries developing, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages for the environment?作文范文:Since the invention of combustion engines, motor vehicles have been blamed for the contaminated
14、air and resource consumption. Surely, the increasing number of cars is the major contributor of environmental damage, but it is also one of the greatest invention one could ever imagine.Scientifically, emissions from cars increase the levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosp
15、here. At normal levels, greenhouse gases keep some of the suns heat in the atmosphere and help warm Earth. That said, many scientists believe that burning fossil fuels such as gasoline causes greenhouse gas levels to spike, leading to global warming. Thus, cars become the number one suspect under th
16、is consideration.However, to individuals, private cars dramatically changed the way to commute from place to place. Increased road safety, flexible hours and a show-off of personal identity are the three major benefits of the private vehicle while public transport can never compete. Granted that the
17、y are expensive piece of machinery, this does not prevent consumers from purchasing them even with monthly loans.I personally believe that the benefits of owning a private vehicle are evident, while it is our choice of action of conserve the environment. Aside from the production process, modern tec
18、hnology has introduced electric vehicles since a decade ago. Cars do not pollute, whereas people who choose gasoline-consumed cars over for example Tesla do.All in all, the pollution of private vehicles is attributed to the irresponsibility of people s attitudes towards this particular issue. The upcoming future may introduce environmental friendly transports that to a large extent best all aspects of current cars, and this is up to us to make the choice.雅思写作Task1常出现的两大问题 对于雅思写作重要性已经是不争的事实。众多考生在写作训练的时候,往往忽视Task1里出 第 9 页 共 9 页