1、论中小学音乐教学中民族音乐的拓展毕业论文内容摘要在音乐教育面临发展机遇和严峻挑战的今天,如何加强音乐教育自身的建设,完善音乐课程体系,推进美育的发展,已成为摆在音乐教育工作者面前的1个10分重要和紧迫的课题。回顾音乐学产生和发展的过程,可以看出民族音乐自始至终都占有极其重要的地位。所有的音乐元素,都是在民族音乐的基础上建立起来的。而民族音乐在音乐教学中的作用更是举足轻重的。如何做好中国的“柯达伊”呢?现在,本人就中小学民族音乐教学的现状和1些具体实施的方法提出1些自己的见解。关键词 音乐教育、音乐教学、民族音乐、爱国主义教育、社会教育Abstract:Face opportunity for
2、development and severe today in challenge in music education, how strengthen music education ones own construction, perfect the course system of the music, advance the development of aesthetic education , has already become a very important and urgent subject in front of music educator. Review the c
3、ourse that musicology produces and develops, can find out national music all occupy the extremely important position from start to finish . All music elements, are all set up on the basis of national music. And the role in music teaching of national music is very more important.How to do Iraq of Kodak of China well? Now, I put forward some ones own opinions on the current situation of national music teaching of the middle and primary schools and some concrete methods to implement.Keyword: Music education , music teaching , national music , education in patriotism , social education第 2 页 共 2 页