1、浅谈少儿古筝学习中的兴趣培养毕业论文摘 要: 在少儿古筝教学中,激发、保护少儿学习古筝的兴趣是非常重要的。本文就少儿古筝教学中的兴趣问题展开论述,从教师、学生、家长3个方面进行论述,研究如何激发、保护少儿学习古筝的兴趣。关键词: 古筝 教学 兴趣 教师 学生 家长 Take off to want:In young child the GuZhen teaching, the interest that stirs up, protects the young child to study the GuZhen is count for much. This text interest in
2、the little young child GuZhen teaching in problem launches the treatise. The elucidation is originally the meaning, purpose, range of research of the topic. In brief described this topic in development general situation and this topics of the our country in our existent problem, Speak of the techniq
3、ue request that to attain also, the elucidation is originally the topic in the little young child GuZhen teaching of leading thought. From the teacher, student, parent, society these four carry on the treatise, elaborating how to stir up, protect the interest that the little son studies the GuZhen.K
4、eyword: GuZhen Teaching Interest Teacher Student Parent绪论随着近年来我国整体国民经济的提高,全国范围内人民的文化观念、生活理念在不断改变,古筝这种过去多为深宫闺秀演奏的雅乐,因为它外形古朴典雅、美丽大方,乐音优美圆润、清丽明亮,音量大而不噪,有着极强的感染力,弹奏古筝常给人以优雅、文静、细腻的感觉,深受广大音乐爱好者的喜爱。为追求高雅,提高修养,培养文静的性格,典雅的气质,越来越多的少儿选择学习古筝。1般来说,少儿都有着1定的爱好音乐的天性,对音乐的兴趣也容易激发起来。苏霍姆林斯基说:“没有欢欣鼓舞的心情,没有学习兴趣,学习将成为学生的沉重负担。”著名的科学家爱因斯坦也说过:“兴趣是最好的老师”。“兴趣”让人力求知识和趋向某种事物并与肯定情绪相联系的个性倾向。浓厚的兴趣更是如同1股巨大动力,它可以推动人们去寻求知识和从事活动。但我们也不难发现在古筝学习过程中有的少儿容易对练琴产生厌恶、乐感很差、基础不牢固、进步很慢、半途而废者比比皆是。影响少儿学习古筝中兴趣的主要原因是少儿学习的兴趣还没有激发出来。第 2 页 共 2 页