1、高中生演讲稿:注意冬季安全,共建美好校园大家好!我是来自高二(15)班的张艺丹。今天我国旗下演讲的题目是注意冬季安全,共建美好校园。上周我们迎来了专家组对学校的复评,整个校园井然有序,富有生气,我要为校领导的决策力和老师们的执行力点赞。118个班,6600名学生,4分钟,全部集合完毕,展现了铜中学子的精神风貌,我要为我们自己点赞。复评工作,在这阳光灿烂的十一月末落下帷幕。进入十二月,天气会越来越冷,在紧张的学习中,我们每个同学都应该关注安全问题:一、消防安全:有人问我:他应该怎样做一名合格的芳心纵火犯呢?我的回答是:你先得学会 不要玩火,的确,我国每年发生火灾约4万起,这些事故的发生都是由于用
2、火,用电不规范导致的。所以,注意安全是前提,要做到:寝室严禁使用各种违规电器、严禁室内明火等。同时养成 人走断电 的习惯。二、运动及课间安全:无论是上体育课还是课间放松,同学们都不要做剧烈运动,或是在走廊上追逐打闹,有冰霜的地方要绕道行走。三、预防流行病、传染病冬季同样是流感等传染疾病的高发季节,同学们要做好个人卫生,勤洗手,常开窗,多喝热水,保持良好的个人卫生习惯。患上感冒之后在人多的地方带好口罩,预防传染。四、注意防寒保暖:秋衣秋裤别嫌丑,保暖防寒小帮手。同学们,重视安全就是重视生命,防患于未然,事故似虎狼,常在暗中藏,若是不提防,它就把人伤。让我们齐心协力共同做好冬季校园安全工作,创建一
3、个文明和谐温暖的校园。我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家!以下是英文演讲稿:Dear teachers and studentsgood morning!I m heyi (何奕)from Class 15 Grade 2.Last week, we welcomed the re evaluation of the school by the expert group. The whole school is orderly and vibrant. I would like to praise the decision-making ability of the school leaders an
4、d the execution ability of the teachers. 118 classes, 6600 students, 4 minutes, all assembled, showing the spirit of the students in Tongzhong middle school. I want to praise ourselves,too.The re evaluation work came to an end at the end of this sunny November. In December, the weather will get cold
5、er and colder. During nervous study, each of us should pay attention to safety problems:1、 Fire safety:Someone asked me: how should he be a qualified heart arsonist? My answer is: you must first learn not to play with fire. Indeed, there are about 40000 fires in China every year on average . These a
6、ccidents are caused by the non-standard use of fire and electricity. Therefore, pay attention to safety is the premise. It is strictly prohibited to use all kinds of illegal electrical appliances and indoor open fire.2、 Sports break safety:Whether it s PE class or relaxing in break, Students shouldn
7、 t do vigorous exercise and frolic.3、 prevent infection.Wash hands frequently, open windows frequently, drink more hot water, and maintain good personal hygiene habits.4、 Keep warm and cold proof:Don t dislike autumn clothes and trousers. They re a warm and cold proof helper. You need them.Students,
8、 to pay attention to safety is to pay attention to life and take precautions. Accidents are monsters. They often hide in the dark. If you are not careful, they will hurt you. Let s make concerted efforts to do a good job in school safety in winter and create a civilized, harmonious and warm campus.That s all. Thank you for your listening!第 4 页 共 4 页