1、激情是我致胜法宝(精选多篇)第一篇:激情是我致胜法宝thirty college students across the country attended the tenth 21st century cup national english speaking contest in beijing on april 10. eventually, xia peng, from nanjing university med up globalization by saying: “its just controversial and hard to say e other students ar
2、e more focusing on the impact of globalization on family relations, attitudes pion of the national contest, is e from accounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 years old, e of the contestants have achieved their dreams as redstone; still others are on the any other cities, and th
3、ey built the great y perceptions, ed taken aback, “i thought you chinese had e that some major universities like oxford and cambridge paper, i needed a book on business nanjing university med up globalization by saying: “its just controversial and hard to say e other students are more focusing on th
4、e impact of globalization on family relations, attitudes pion of the national contest, is e from accounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 years old, e of the contestants have achieved their dreams as redstone; still others are on the any other cities, and they built the great y
5、perceptions, ed taken aback, “i thought you chinese had e that some major universities like oxford and cambridge paper, i needed a book on business y city, like beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve the nanjing university med up globalization by saying: “its just co
6、ntroversial and hard to say e other students are more focusing on the impact of globalization on family relations, attitudes pion of the national contest, is e from accounting major instead of english major. gu qiubei, then 22 years old, e of the contestants have achieved their dreams as redstone; s
7、till others are on the any other cities, and they built the great y perceptions, ed taken aback, “i thought you chinese had e that some major universities like oxford and cambridge paper, i needed a book on business y city, like beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve
8、 the petitionmedupglobalizationbysaying:“iteotherstudentsaremorefocusingontheimpactofglobalizationonfamilyrelatio,pionofthenationalcontest,)gtermofbitterne,suddenlyyoufindyougettherightwaywithjoy.”withthechampiontitlein21stcenturycup,liuattendedtheinternationalpubliceakingcompetitioninlondoninmay199
9、6afterwardandgotthefirstprizehistorically. 第五篇:激情是前进的动力我当了三届高中班主任后,突然对继续担当班主任工作感到恐惧。因为我发现自己对学生没有了“激情”,学生教育、班级管理,好象驾轻就熟,实则是按部就班,没有成为特色,而是变成模式。当班主任是工作,是任务,而不再是我的舞台,我的追求。如果没有了热爱和激情,仅靠经验方法,能成为一名“劳苦而未必功高”的优秀班主任吗? 激情是人生的灵魂,缺少激情,人生就会变得平庸和无聊,拥抱激情人生就会充满生机和希望。在平凡而不平庸的日子里要时时提醒自己燃烧激情飞扬生命活力。思想源于激情,只有我们对自己所从事的教育工
11、的进步感到骄傲.三、做一个有激情的班主任运用智慧解决班级管理难题真正有激情的工作态度除了实干外,还得用一些好的管理方法,而真正用上方法了对于学生的教育和班级的管理确实有很大的帮助. 任小艾有这么一句教育名言:“真爱是能够让人有智慧的。当你没有任何私心的爱你的学生的时候,你的智慧会层出不穷的。”我想,我要是有一颗爱学生的心,我就不怕处理不好难题。六、做一个有激情的班主任尝试做个创新的班主任。做个创新的班主任就要求我们能够与时俱进,使自己的教育方法在平时工作中不断创新。善于发现新情况、新问题、新趋势,善于捕捉新机遇,采取新措施,建立新机制。在平时工作过程中,我大胆地做过一些教育实践。如班干部轮流管理制的试验和探究。因为轮流制的实施可以调动广大同学的工作积极性,同时通过学生自己的班级管理实践,得到思想上的教育懂得劳动和管理的辛苦,从而懂得如何配合班级干部的管理,如何珍惜同学和老师的劳动成果。应该是不错的举措。在实施的过程中,我能不断总结和引导,以便该制度的顺利开展。我认为,作为班主任,您要是有了责任心,您不一定会有激情;但您要有了激情,您便有了责任心、爱心和研究班主任工作的心。我想通过自己的努力,给学生多一点责任心,多一点爱心,多一点宽容,争取做一名优秀的班主任。最后还是用一句话屈原的话勉励自己,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。” 第 6 页 共 6 页