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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上家教资格考试教学设计科 目(Subject)英 语(English)课 题(Topic)英语写作(writing a composition)教学目标(Teaching Aims)1、 教会学生用英语表达题目中所显示的内容;2、 使学生能基本套用模板,适当使用连接词,组句成篇,实现用词准确,行文流畅。教学重点(Teaching Important Points)1、 引导学生分析作文题目中的中文要点,并在脑海中建立初步提纲,调动词汇的使用;2、 引导学生扩大词汇量,了解更多短语句型在英语写作中的应用;3、 帮助基础较差的学生套用英语写作模板;4、 从心理层面对英语写作

2、有一个新的认识,引导兴趣指向英语写作。教学难点(Teaching Difficult Points)1、 学生对词汇的使用,对填充模板能力的提升;2、 写作所用句式不再局限于简单句,学会使用较高级的词汇,较丰富的句式,恰当使用连接词;学习者特征分析1、 基础知识掌握不牢固,单词、短语以及句型等积累不足;2、 知识运用能力较差,不能对所学内容做到立刻融会贯通;3、 分析能力较弱,不能深刻挖掘英语写作的内涵。主要教学方法(Teaching Methods)1、 交流讨论法。老师引导学生共同对一些英语话题进行讨论,充分扩大学生的思维广度;2、 举例法。通过列举一些高考范文既使学生了解近年来的高考作文

3、趋势,也使学生明确高考作文应达到的目标;3、 练习法。以一些简单题目练习,一方面改善学生单词量不够的不足,一方面使学生多了解句型。教学资源(Teaching resources)1、 高考作文的相关模板;2、 提升学生学习兴趣并引导学生加强基础知识夯实的活动;3、 近年来的高考英语作文。教学过程预设课时环节教师活动(教学内容呈现)学生活动(学生活动设计)设计意图共一课时Step 1.导入新课(5分钟左右)Good afternoon, dear student. Oh. Today is very cold. How do you feel? 我们今天可是采取了西方式的见面问候方式。(大略介绍

4、中西方文化之间存在的差异)西方文化也有其自身的魅力,而我们要更深入地了解西方文化,就要自己动手去运用现在所学的东西写作。这不仅仅是在应付高考,也是对个人内在魅力提升重要的一个层面。(采用更口语化的语言使学生了解英语写作的重要性)Today we are going to learn how to write a good composition. It will be an interesting travel. Lets go together.在老师的引导下回答相关提问题,说出自己的看法,保持交流状态。1、 营造英语学习的氛围,用天气开头引出本节课,活跃气氛,消除紧张情绪。2、 初步了解所

5、教学生的英语水平。Step 2.提出一个英语话题,引导学生自主理解。(10分钟左右)1、 为了更加贴近学生的生活,将选择一个与学生息息相关的话题Living in Big City.西安本来就是发展非常迅速的城市,在这里生活的学生一定都会有话可说,为开拓学生的思维有积极作用。2、 对于基础较薄弱的学生,老师适当设置问题引导学生自己说出自己的感受。问题示例:Have you ever been living in small cities or countryside?Can you give me your reasons why you like or why you dont like l

6、iving in Shanghai? Which part of Shanghai do you like best?Do you think it is easy to live in big cities? When you grow up, where do you want to live, if possible?3、每个问题都起到一个抛砖引玉的作用,逐个将这些问题抛给学生,不要一次性展示,与学生共同解决。学生所提出的意见暂且不必纠正语法错误,先将关键词或者短语说出来,下一步将是brainstorming时间。根据老师的提问做出思考,积极地说出自己积累的东西,形成一些零碎的思想。1、

7、 为学生提供自主思考的空间;2、 了解学生的词汇量以及对英语写作的延伸性理解。Step 3.Brainstorming以及详细解析这个话题。(25分钟左右)1、 学生可能发出的对这个问题的看法示例:Housinghousing estates, flats, suburbs, gardens, skyscrapers, high cost for housingWorkingoffice, factory, or industry, joint venture, white collar, employer, employeeShoppingbig shops, Leisuresports,

8、coffee bars, cinema, theatre, music concert, clubs, colorful lightsEatingChinese restaurants, snacks, fast food, pubsWeathercold and rainy in winter, hot and breathless in summerEnvironmenttraffic jams, noise, pollution, good education, subway, highway network, overpopulation, fierce competitions2、

9、学生在写作过程中的障碍更重要的是由于思路不畅导致的。这制约了学生语言能力的正常发挥,也使英语写作教学举步维艰。有了brainstorming的这些素材,可以初步打消学生的畏难情绪,接下来要做的就是把这些素材进行选择和整理。引导学生思考如何整理这些内容。(提供思路:从advantages和disadvantages两方面来说)Advantages: more chances for finding jobs; can receive good education; connect with different people; easy to be informed of new things a

10、nd new concepts; easy to run after fashion; have convenient traffic network and advanced subway;There are many fabulous architecture, such as Bell Tower, Big Wild Goose Pagoda and etc. 说出自己的看法,更多地与老师交流提出自己切身感受的问题,并在理性思维的驱动下分析这些问题。使学生学会从一个很宽泛的话题中逐个击破、深入,为作文的条理性做好准备,也使学生学会分析问题。Disadvantages: high livi

11、ng expenses and dear consumptions;fierce competition and heavy pressure;Lots of homeless people give heavy pressure to social security and they often make streets dirty.Many chemical factories and numerous cars bring air pollution and noise pollution.Traffic jams always make me late for school.The w

12、eather in Shanghai is not comfortable.3、 进一步引导学生为这些条条框框充实更多的实例,通过身边的见闻使文章的内容充实。4、 框架的提出。很多学生作文写不好,缺乏条理就是因为没有一个切实可行的框架支撑。片段性思维使最后的成文看起来不那么连贯,结构也不够井然有序。作为一篇议论文,学生在行文的第一段就要表明自己的观点。由于母语的影响,很多学生写英语作文的时候不是开门见山,而是曲径通幽型。这是东西方文化的差异所致,中文讲究的是形散神聚,而英语则要求神聚形也聚。接下来的行文中,尽量用topic sentence来表明本段的思想,选取上述的优势或者劣势中有代表性和自

13、己熟悉的两到三点进行详细阐述。在文章结束的时候要用一两句精炼的话来总结整篇文章的主旨。5、 引导学生写outline.6、 让学生自己总结这个topic的写作过程,说出自己的收获。在有初步了解之后,学生的outline举例如下:Paragraph 1: 指出当前人们对于居住在大城市的看法,指出I like living in big cities, like Shanghai。Paragraph23:提出具体的理由:more chances for hunting a job(各种类型的企业在西安遍地开花,给大家提供了很多就业机会)easy to be informed by new thin

14、gs(举例说西安接受新科技、新潮流、新知识之迅速) 同时提及居住在小地方的不便(信息闭塞、娱乐活动少、生活质量不高)Paragraph4:总结自己的观点,再次指出居住在大城市的好处。1、 引导学生动手去写而不是一直纸上谈兵;2、 帮助学生养成写outline的好习惯;3、 通过讲解使学生改变以往的写作方式方法,对英文写作有一个全新的认识。Step 4.词句的训练(15分钟左右)1、 选择一篇较简单的范文,挖空其中的一些单词让学生自主练习。引文如下:Nowadays a lot of schools keep their students in school all day long. Stud

15、ents have different opinions about it. Some of the students think they enjoy less freedom , and have little chance to get in touch with society .They are not able to fully develop their interests and hobbies ,_they have less interest in their studies. Some other think school is the best place to get

16、 knowledge _they should put their heart into their studies._, Some students lack the ability to control themselves ._out of school, they may lose control of themselves and do something that will affect their studies. _, it is necessary to keep students at school ._at the same time schools should org

17、anize various activities _ students can enjoy their school life.2、根据学生的作答情况讲解范文中的突出点,对词汇和短语对学生提出要求。3、为学生讲解关于句子拓展的相关知识,英语写作不能只写简单句。示例:. In addition, students dont have the ability to control themselves.In addition , students lack the ability to control themselves. /In addition, students cant manage t

18、hemselves well due to a lack of self-control. They may play computer games and forget to study.They may spend much time playing computer games instead of studying. /They may get addicted to playing computer games instead of studying hard.学生按要求完成填充,体会英语写作的过程。1、 了解学生对词汇的掌握情况,并使学生清楚词汇在英语写作中的重要性;2、 通过句型

19、句式的变化使学生清楚句子在作文中的基础性作用。 In school we should study hard. In school we should concentrate on/be absorbed in /devote our body and soul to studies. Keep students in school all day are bad for students. Its bad to keep students at school all day.School is the best place to get a lot of knowledge, student

20、s should put their heart into their studies in school.School is the best place to get a lot of knowledge so that students should put their heart into their studies in school. Some students cant behave themselves well but for teachers remind us.Some students couldnt have behaved themselves well but f

21、or/without teachers help ./Some students cant behave themselves well unless teachers remind us to do so.Some students leave the school may do something unrelated to their studies.Once they leave school, they may do something unrelated to their studies.We can only enjoy ourselves when we have school

22、holidays. Only when schools break up can we enjoy ourselves.与老师共同完成句式的深入转换。根据学生的掌握情况在八个句式转换中有选择地使学生明白句型句式的转换方法。Step 5.作文模板和固定连接词的应用。(5分钟左右)1、 准备一些简单的作文模板供学生参考运用;(见附)2、 帮助学生对连接词重视起来;(见附);3、 布置作业让学生根据所学模板自己写作。听老师讲解并自己学习运用模板使学生在自己利用模板写出作文的同时树立对英语学习的信心自我反思设计理念使学生在一个相对轻松的环节中充满兴趣地学习英语写作,教授内容从大到小,步步深入,练习和学

23、习相结合。主要特色与创新之处1、 采用一个话题让学生对英语写作有一个大体的认识;2、 练习和学习相结合,不断强化训练;3、 符合学生的自身情况,教学设计的伸缩性强,有利于基础薄弱的学生学习。存在问题和不足1、 练习的强度不够大,不能起到更好地夯实巩固效果;2、 学习内容稍多,不能保证学生完全消化。教学设计反思:整个教学设计符合一个基础薄弱的高中学生的程度,由浅入深,从分析问题和词句写作等各个方面全方位地提高学生的写作能力,这也要求教师的知识储备和教学素养都达到一定程度。整个教学过程教师不能继续填鸭式教学,要将学生置于中心,引导学生的自主学习。附:1、逻辑角度合适的过渡性词汇时间顺序first,

24、 then, finally/at last , soon after, immediately, suddenly, next空间顺序here, there, on one sideon the other side,in front of, at the back of, next to 并列关系and, as well as, also转折关系but, however, yet, instead, though, otherwise, despite, on the contrary, in spite of因果关系because, since, as, thanks to, as a

25、result, thus, owing to, due to条件关系as long as, so long as, on condition that, if, unless对比关系similarly, like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand,递进关系Besides, in addition, moreover, whats more, furthermore, whats worse, to make matter worse举例for example, for instance, such as, in other words, t

26、hat is to say让步关系though, as, even if/though, whether, who/where/what/when+ever总结归纳in general, generally speaking, above all, after all, in short, in a word, in brief, in conclusion, all in all过渡性插入语I think, Im afraid, you know, as we all know, as far as I know, in my opinion, personally2、A.正反观点对比型正反

27、对比首先要引出人们对某个问题的不同看法,然后提出作者自己的看法。近年来正反观点对比型作文出现频率较高,以历年评卷的经验,建议以三段式来论述,要求论点突出,论据有理,论述有力。第一段:提出论点,一般只写三句。第一句:When it comes to/ when asked about 争论焦点,peoples opinions about it vary from person to person.第二句:Some people tend to 正方观点,which seems a common occurrence in our lives.第三句:Others hold the opinio

28、n that反方观点。第二段1)主体段的开头部分,一般用三句来阐述正方观点:第一句:It is widely known for some time that a great many people consider 正方观点.第二句:One reason they illustrate is that 理由一第三句:The other reason they hold is that 理由二2)主体段的中间部分一般也用三句话来阐明反方观点:第一句:However, others may have a quite different view on this heated issue.第二句:

29、They maintain such an idea because 理由一.第三句:They also proclaim(宣布) that理由二.3)主体段的结尾部分一般用四句话,分配如下:第一句:From what has been discussed above, it is obvious that each one has its own impartial(公平的) standpoint(立场,观点)。第二句:On the one hand, 进一步阐述正方观点.第三句:At the other end of the scale, 进一步阐述反方观点.第四句:Only in thi

30、s way can we consider every aspect of the problem/question objectively.第三段:结尾段须阐述我的观点,通常写三句。第一句:Through the above analysis, I approve of the latter/former opinion to some extent.第二句:Personally, it is true that the positive aspects/ the latter overweighs(胜过) the negative ones/ the former.第三句:We may (

31、safely, reasonably) arrive at/ draw the conclusion that 个人看法的总结、全文的结论B.现象分析型现象分析性作文主要是作者针对某些社会现象或社会问题进行剖析,表明自己观点态度的文章.在论述开始便引入某种现象作为讨论的话题,然后有针对性的提出个人的见解和看法;同时也可以引入持不同意见的两方的辩论,对其进行评论.对现象加以明晰的阐述及具逻辑性的个人观点的阐述是比较好的论述方法.第一段:列出现象,只写两句。第一句:With the rapid development of modern industry/ society/economy, mor

32、e and more people are concerned about the problem/ phenomenon of 现象.第二句:How to solve the problem has become a lot issue among many people.第二段:阐述理由,只写四句。第一句:It seems to me(= I think) that there are several reasons explaining主题.第二句:One of the main reasons is that理由一。第三句:Whats more, another major facto

33、r is that 理由二.第四句:Considering that/ as a result 阐述导致的结果.第三段:陈述解决方法,只写四句。第一句:People have figured out many effective measures to solve this problem.第二句:One of the ideal ways to solve 问题 is that 解决方法一.第三句:Another way is that 解决方法二.第四句:Confronted with the problem, we should take a series of measures to cope with the situation so that in this way we can successfully solve the problem.专心-专注-专业


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