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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上前言网络商场包罗万象,商品种类繁多,购买方便快捷,向消费市场散发着难以抵挡的诱惑。据艾瑞咨询数据显示,从2001年到2006年,我国网络购物的用户规模从375万人增加到4310万人,与此同时网络购物交易额也由6亿元增长至312亿元。艾瑞咨询:2012Q3电子商务交易规模1.99万亿.随着水果蔬菜、衬衫、电器、建材甚至钻石都已经搬到网上来卖,会有更多的细分垂直行业掀起新的网络销售,电子商务也开始由第一波的互联网概念真正走向了关乎人们衣食住行的商务行为。调查: 在我们的调查中,不少被访者认为网上购物既方便又齐全,但也有被访者反映了网上购物的商品信息不齐全,很多商品都是拿官


3、岁,江门人,五邑大学学生“我曾在网上购买50元充值卡,买回来后发现却是30元充值卡,一直也联系不上卖家,所以在网上购物存在很大风险,经营者多用虚拟网名注册,经营者的真实身份、住所等信息无法予以确认,很多网上交易又是跨省市的异地交易,给受理和查处带来困难,使消费者的损失难以被追回。” 网络购物的弊端分析我们在看到网上购物优点的同时更要认清它在现阶段存在的问题,以便尽早地找到解决方案以促进网上购物的良性发展。可以说,现阶段我国消费者对网上购物状况的评价是“痛并快乐着”,而这其中痛的指数要高于快乐指数。第一、交易对象认定的模糊性。明确交易对象对于消费者来说是非常重要的事情,这关系到法律责任的承担问题




7、络安全的主要大敌。一些商家为了扩大销售额,不惜将以前消费者的信息建立数据库,根据其经济状况、上网习惯等不停轰炸消费者的邮箱以推销自己的产品;更有甚者,为了眼前的经济利益将消费者的信息卖给他人。此外,消费者的信用卡账号、密码被篡改、被盗也是常有的事。所有这些问题如果不能及时有效地解决,肯定会制约未来网上购物的进一步发展。当今信息产业高速发展,商品借助网络产生了一种新的交易方式网络购物,今天很高兴和对方辩友共同探讨网络购物利弊的问题,我方观点是网络购物弊大于利,首先,我们明确这样的概念 :网络购物指的是通过互联网检索信息,并通过订购者发出请求,通过第三方支付工具或银行付款,通过邮寄方式或快递公司配

8、送的购物方式。今天我们研究利弊的对象,是看网络购物对个人,对社会,乃至对国家是利是弊。下面我方从从以下三方面进行阐述。 第一、从个人的角度出发,网络购物使个人权益受到威胁。我们知道网络购物需要大量的个人信息,而现在的网络上个人信息外泄的现象越来越严重,甚至有人倒卖个人信息。再者,通过网络进行购物,消费者难以知悉其商品和接受的服务的真实情况,由于网络具有虚拟性,看得见却摸不着,网络消费者仅能凭着自己的感官或经验去判定产品质量和性能。众多消费者对网络产品质量,性能了解是局部的,片面的。因此,包括因产品存在的瑕疵等质量问题而引发的纠纷时常发生。由于网络购物无确定的发生地,交易地而导致消费者难以享有应




12、制能力不够强,这就使他们沉迷于网络,荒废了学业,以后根本无法为祖国的建设贡献出自己的力量。第三,上网需要一定的资金,会给家庭带来不必要的开销,而且很少有人能够拥有属于自己的电脑,那么他们上网的地点有一半以上都是在网吧,而网吧环境恶劣,也不利于他们的安全和身心发展。第四,由于网络提供的信息和资源大部分是直接给出的,不利于大学生思考,不利于他们创新能力和思维的形成,导致他们没有自己的主见和观点。第五,很多人因为迷恋网络而患有网络依赖症 依赖网络,即使在网络上没有意思也要呆着 这对学生的身心健康都有危害。第六由于电脑一些的网络软件 使其产生依赖 最显而易见的是QQ强迫症 既然是强迫症 就是不管怎样都

13、要挂着QQ 或者在里面消遣时间有甚者沉迷聊天搞起了网恋。,综上所述,网络对于学生弊大于利。谢谢大家!2-3辩提问1人身安全越来越没保障 2人类身体素质大不如前 3身体疾病 如眼部疾病 颈椎病 紧张性头痛4导致精神疾病患:专家指出,过度使用网络常常会导致青少年出现情绪障碍和社会适应困难。5在心理方面,会出现注意力不能集中和持久,记忆力消退,对其他活动缺乏兴趣,为人冷漠,缺乏时间感,情绪低落。6在躯体方面,会出现不能维持正常的睡眠周期,停止上网时出现失眠、头痛、注意力不集中、消化不良、恶心厌食、体重下降。在行为方面,会出现品行障碍,产生攻击行为。即上网成瘾症。7中学生处于生理、心理发展尚未成熟的阶

14、段8网上游戏、网上聊天和网上色情是网络三个魔爪,是使中学生堕落的三大杀手。许多中学生一旦接触,便深陷其中而不能自拔,因而网上“三魔爪”又被称作“电子海洛因”,是杀人不眨眼的刽子手 ,对中学生的危害特别大9有关专家说,长时间上网,容易把精力,脑力耗到极点,进而诱发一系列诸如经常性头痛,偏头疼,视力损坏,鼠标手,电脑脸等毛病。10青少年上网首先的一大危害就是会影响视力。据统计,经常上网的学生中近视的比例大约占60%。第二大危害就是电脑所释放出来的辐射,具有相当强烈的危害。1.使自控能力差的同学沉溺网中,不能自拔,花费大量时间上网,从而影响学习成绩。 2.网络良莠并存,容易接触不良网页,如色情、暴力

15、等。又因为学生常常容易受人影响、自控能力差、分辨能力弱,他们常常会因为网上不良内容而走上犯罪道路。 3.长时间上网容易造成大脑缺氧,从而造成精神萎靡、眼睛长期处于紧张状态容易造成近视。 4.一些长期长时间上网的学生容易产生孤独症,整天沉溺于幻想中脱离现实,而当他真正面对社会和人群的时候,就会因为想像和距离的问题产生退缩感,不敢正常与人沟通。 5.许多中学生因为打一些暴力游戏使自己模糊了真人与游戏对象的区别,常常无意识地模仿游戏来对待身边的人。 6.长期上网需要大量金钱,没有钱的时候,自控能力弱的人会采取违法的方式,不择手段地获取金钱从而走上犯罪道路。 7.网吧这些上网的地方往往是无业游民、瘾君

16、子、罪犯的藏匿地点,在这些地方逗留时间太久往往会出意外,或受人引诱。 8.互联网中的不良信息和网络犯罪对青少年的身心健康和安全构成危害和威胁. 网络是一个新生事物,的确中学生的自制力和网络的吸引力,可以说两者根本是无法匹敌的。网络的吸引力是无穷的,而中学生的自制力是有限的。据联合国教科文组织的不完全统计,以学习为主要目的上网的中学生,美国占总数的20%,英国为15%,中国仅仅为2%。这惊人的对比,恰如其分地说明了中学生的自制力不如网络的吸引力PrefaceNetwork shopping cover and contain everything, a wide variety of goods

17、, buy convenient, to the consumer market exudes difficult to resist the temptation. According to Ai Rui consulting data shows, from 2001 to 2006, Chinas online shopping user scale from to people, at the same time online shopping transactions from yuan to yuan of growth. Ari Consulting: 2012Q3 electr

18、onic commerce transaction size 1.99 trillion . With fruits and vegetables, shirt, electrical appliances, building materials and diamond have been moved to the Internet to sell, there will be more segmented vertical industry set off a new network marketing, electronic commerce also started from the f

19、irst wave of the Internet concept to the concerns people basic necessities of life business behavior.Investigation of:In our investigation, many respondents think that online shopping is convenient and complete, but also has the respondents reflected online shopping goods information is not complete

20、, many goods are holding official magazine pictures to confuse the consumer issues.Case : small, female, 28 years old, Jiangmen Taishan person, freedom of occupation. I think that online shopping fraud is more than benefit. Most shop is billed as South Korea and other overseas official pictures, wit

21、h beautiful renderings to confuse consumers, while the commodity is imitation, this let us consumers buy not ease, many rational consumers will choose small consumption. Case two: Mr. Huang, male, 40 years old, from Jiangmen, a clothing store owner Online shopping can not see the kind, clothing and

22、other articles can not try, blackheart sellers will pass, the defective products sold to the buyer. On one hand, transaction security, the entity store sales are cash transactions, shopping online and it must Kuandaofahuo, does not determine whether the seller can transaction integrity; on the other

23、 hand, repair difficulties. When you buy on the net of digital products, the use of fault, whether you can get warranty warranty service. Case three : Chen, male, 22 years old, the Jiangmen person, Wuyi University students I had been in the online purchase of $50 prepaid card, buy back to find that

24、it is 30 yuan of prepaid cards, has also not contact the seller, so there is a big risk in online shopping, operators using virtual register, the operator s true identity, domicile and other information could not be confirmed, many online transactions are provinces and cities in different places tra

25、nsaction, to accept and investigate brings difficulty, make consumer losses are difficult to be recovered. Network shopping malpractice analysisWe see the advantages of online shopping to recognize it in the issue that shows stage presence, so as to find solutions to promote the healthy development

26、of online shopping. Can say, the present stage our country consumers online shopping situation evaluation is the pain and happiness , and the pain than happiness index.First, the transaction object recognized the fuzziness. Explicit transaction object for consumers is very important, this related to

27、 the legal responsibility problems. In the traditional shopping environment transaction target is very clear, the store hung license will indicate the identity of the operator. Once a problem can be directly to the original shopping places the responsibility to recover. But in the network environmen

28、t, consumers only by the operators of the site provides information about each other, but as far as the information is true, the other who is not at all clear.Second, it is difficult to guarantee the right to know. The right to know is a basic right of the consumer to enjoy is an important right. Ho

29、wever, online shopping, consumer information range is limited, it is not as traditional shopping can see, touch the true stereo goods, and to inquire about the goods salesman in detail the basic situation. The consumers can only from the online content provided access related commodity information,

30、see is at best a or several related commodity plane photos. Therefore, online shopping consumers in general information on the goods what is missing.In third, the format contract restriction. Due to the special nature of online shopping, the format contract inevitably become consumers and operators

31、of agreements necessary link. The problem now is that operators often use privilege to formulate some long and complex or even harm the consumers rights provisions, sometimes in order to escape liability will use some ready to accept either course language, once a problem in order to defend himself.

32、 Consumers sometimes for graph save trouble will not read each clause, sometimes even read is also likely to miss the nuances, sometimes even find anything suspicious place but in a timely manner in order to get the necessary goods can go all lengths, therefore, sometimes a I agree click will give c

33、onsumers shopping after a series of troubles.In fourth, the delay in delivery. After the payment to be received the goods that it is often seen., sometimes not received payment after the goods will appear.Fifth, returns difficult. Online purchase goods to return is not easy, operators often find all

34、 sorts of reasons to return. Sometimes directly in the format contract expressly provides that certain goods shall not return. In return for goods within the scope of the operator, through regulations also never returned.Sixth, online fraud and false advertising. Internet technology allows some busi

35、nesses can anonymously to avoid investigation, use of superintendency difficulty is great, strong concealment, propagation characteristics of fast big line of false advertising and fraud of the road, they are often under the banner of jump off building. you get a premium Award category of the banner

36、 to attract the attention of consumers, to violate the consumer rights and interests for their own profit.Seventh, no one shows any interest in the after sale service. Many Internet users, online shopping after sale service is poor, sometimes the goods out operators can push push, even after sale se

37、rvice is only superficial, many problems can not get the real solution.Eighth, in the midst of a crisis of the right of privacy. This question is now widespread concern, but also challenges to network security the main enemy. Some businesses in order to expand the sales of their previous, consumer i

38、nformation database, according to the economic situation, the Internet habits constantly bombarded consumers e-mail to promote their own products; what is more, to the immediate economic benefits will be the consumer information to others. In addition, the consumers credit card account number, passw

39、ord has been tampered with, the stolen frequently happened. All these problems if not timely and effectively solved, will restrict the further development of future of online shopping.The rapid development of information industry, the commodity with the network created a new transaction way - online

40、 shopping, very happy today and the other contestants to discuss network shopping problems, our view is that the network shopping do more harm than good, first of all, we define such concepts: online shopping refers to through the Internet information retrieval, and through the order request, throug

41、h the third party payment or payment, by mail or courier company distribution mode of shopping. Today we study the advantages and disadvantages of the object, is to look at the network shopping on the individual, social, and even the country is good or bad.Below we from the following three aspects.F

42、irst, from a personal point of view, the network shopping make personal rights under threat.We know that web shopping needs a lot of personal information, but now the network personal information leakage phenomenon is more and more serious, and even some people sell personal information. Furthermore

43、, through the network shopping, consumers can not be aware of its goods and services to the real situation, because the network is virtual, visible but cant touch, the network consumer can only with their own sensory or experience to judge the quality and performance of products. Many consumers to n

44、etwork product quality, performance understanding is partial, one-sided. Therefore, because of product defects such as quality problems caused by the disputes often occur. As online shopping without determining the occurrence, transactions and lead consumers to enjoy the after sale service, and nati

45、onal policy three bags are difficult to achieve. When the consumers rights and interests have been infringed upon, because the network identity information check hard evidence to identify the authenticity, difficult, rights and obligations that difficult three features which led to consumer rights a

46、nd interests cannot get proper maintenance. Whether it is online shopping online shopping process or the results without telling us, Internet shopping fraud is more than benefit.Second, from the social level, the network shopping triggered a reputation, moral crisis.We see that teaches us to open bo

47、oks, without taboo to tell us how it will product picture modification to beauty even exaggerating; how to write can attract even Huyou consumers text; how business reputation brush to a certain height; how to remove the businessmen adverse comments. When these things into the open net store the req

48、uired course, our fears or superfluous? We also see, in this network platform of smuggled goods, smuggling, trafficking of pirating more rampant, they frantically occupy the genuine business market, so that consumers want to buy genuine but did not dare to buy, when to sell genuine genuine businessm

49、en but not to sell, to legitimate business interests under impact. Smuggled goods, piracy and other undesirable practices prevailing, disrupted the market at the same time is also bound to the social ethics, social order to produce great adverse effect.Third, from the national point of view, the netwo


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