1、29.29.郑板桥巧劝舅父郑板桥巧劝舅父你会读吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience候候 砍砍 讨讨 父父 历历 厌厌 困困 贫贫hu kn to f l yn kn pn你会写吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience父你会写吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content d
2、esign, 10 years experience候候 侯侯丨丨你会组词吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience父PPT模板:素材:PPT背景:图表:PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛: PPT课件:语文课件:数学课件:英语课件:美术课件:科学课件:物理课件:化学课件:生物课件:地理课件:历史课件:你会读吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design,
3、 10 years experience 时候 砍掉 讨厌 舅父 经历 困难 贫寒 hu kn toyn jif l kn pn你会读吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience著名 枝繁叶茂 郁郁葱葱坐牢 不慌不忙 囚犯zh fn mo y cnglo hung qiTextTextText 这棵经历了几百年风风雨雨的古树,枝繁叶茂,郁郁葱葱,郑板桥非常喜爱它。 你会填吗?welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience一、补充词语。一、补充词语。家境(家境( )寒)寒 唉唉( )叹叹( )不慌不不慌不( ) ( )繁繁( )茂茂二、带二、带“方框儿方框儿”的字有:的字有:(困)(困) (囚)(囚) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )