《Where's the orange cat》PPT课件范文.pptx

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1、Module3 Unit 1 Wheres the orange cat?Lets play a game!Lets play a game!Look and say.看一看,说一说。看一看,说一说。Whats this?Whats this?Its a cat.Its an orange cat.PPT模板:素材:PPT背景:图表:PPT下载:教程: 资料下载:范文下载:试卷下载:教案下载:PPT论坛: PPT课件:语文课件:数学课件:英语课件:美术课件:科学课件:物理课件:化学课件:生物课件:地理课件:历史课件:Whats this?Whats this?Its a cat.Its a b

2、lack cat.Whats this?Whats this?Its a cat.Its a white cat.How many cats?How many cats?Three.This is an This is an orangeorange cat. cat.This is a This is a blackblack cat. cat.This is a white cat.This is a white cat.What else can you see?What else can you see?你还看到了什么动物?你还看到了什么动物?mousemouseLets look a

3、nd listen. 让我们看一看,听一听。让我们看一看,听一听。How many cats?Twelve cats.Lets play a game!Lets play a game!Look and find.看一看,找一找。看一看,找一找。Wheres the black cats?On the bed.Wheres the yellow cats?On the bed.Wheres the blue cats?On the bed.Wheres the orange cat?Under the bed.And the other cats?还有其它的猫呢?还有其它的猫呢?I dont

4、know! 我不知道!我不知道!Please open your book, listen and point.请打开书,听录音并指图。请打开书,听录音并指图。Please listen, point and repeat!请听录音请听录音,指句子并跟读。指句子并跟读。Please close your book, try to tick the right picture.请合上书,用请合上书,用 选出正确选出正确的图片。的图片。How many cats?Twelve cats.Eleven cats. Wheres the orange cat?Under the bed.In the

5、box.Now practice Now practice with your partner.with your partner.下面请和同桌进行对下面请和同桌进行对话练习话练习。Group show.Group show.小组展示小组展示。Lets play a game!Lets play a game!Look and practise.Look and practise.看一看,练一练。看一看,练一练。Its in the bag.Wheres the orange bird?Its on the desk.Wheres the orange bird?Ask and answer问一问,答一答。问一问,答一答。Wheres the? Its inonunder.


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