1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 MAHMANGALA SUTTADiscourse on Blessings (Maha-mangala Sutta 1) 如是我闻。vam m sutam:Thus have I heard: 一时,佛住舍卫国祇树给孤独园。kam samayam Bhagav Svatthiyam viharati Jtavan Anthapindikassa rm,On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at Jetavana at Anathapindikas monastery.时已夜深,有一天神,殊
2、胜光明,遍照园中,来至佛所。atha kho anatar dvat abhikkantya rattiy abhikkanta vann kvalakappam Jtavanam bhsetv, yna Bhagav tnupasamkami.Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, approached the Blessed One.恭敬礼拜,站立一旁。Upasam kamitv Bhagavantam
3、 abhivdetv kamantam atthsi.respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him.以偈白佛言:kamantam thit kh s dvat Bhagavantam gthya ajjhabhsi.Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:“众天神与人,渴望得利益,思虑求幸福,请示最吉祥。”Bah dv manuss ca mangalni acintayum kankhamn sotthnam brhi mangala muttamam1.Many deities
4、 and men longing for happiness have pondered on (the question of) blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are.世尊如是答言:“远离众愚迷,亲近诸智者,尊敬有德者,是为最吉祥。Asvan ca blnam panditnam ca svan Pj ca pjanynam tam mangala muttamam2.Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise, and to hon
5、or those worthy of honor this is the highest blessing.居住适宜处,往昔有德行,置身于正道,是为最吉祥。Patirpa dsa vso ca pubb ca kata puat Atta samm panidhi ca tam mangala muttamam3. To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to set oneself in the right direction this is the hi
6、ghest blessing.多闻工艺精,严持诸禁戒,言谈悦人心,是为最吉祥。Bhu saccam ca sippan ca vinayo ca susikkhito Subhsit ca y vc tam mangala muttamam4. Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech this is the highest blessing.奉养父母亲,爱护妻与子,从业要无害,是为最吉祥。Mt pit upatthnam puttadrassa sangaho A
7、nkul ca kammant tam mangala muttamam5. To support ones father and mother; to cherish ones wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations this is the highest blessing.如法行布施,帮助众亲眷,行为无瑕疵,是为最吉祥。Dnam ca dhamma cariy ca taknam ca sangaho Anavajjni kammni tam mangala muttamam6. Liberality, ri
8、ghteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives, and performance of blameless deeds this is the highest blessing.邪行须禁止,克己不饮酒,于法不放逸,是为最吉祥。rati virati pp majjapn ca saamo Appamd ca dhammsu tam mangala muttamam7. To cease and abstain from evil, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligent in pe
9、rforming righteous acts this is the highest blessing.恭敬与谦让,知足并感恩,及时闻教法,是为最吉祥。Grav ca nivt ca santutth ca kataut Klna dhamma savanam tam mangala muttamam 8. Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha this is the highest blessing.忍耐与柔和
10、,得见众沙门,适时论信仰,是为最吉祥。Khant ca svacassat samannam ca dassanam Klna dhamma skacch tam mangala muttamam9. Patience, obedience, meeting the Samanas (holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma this is the highest blessing.自制净生活,领悟于圣谛,实证涅槃法,是为最吉祥。Tap ca brahma cariyam ca ariya sacc na dassanam Nibbna s
11、acchi kiriy ca tam mangala muttamam10. Self-control, chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbana this is the highest blessing.八风不动心,无忧无污染,宁静无烦恼,是为最吉祥。Phutthassa lka dhammhi cittam yassa na kampati Askam virajam khmam tam mangala muttamam11. The mind that is not touche
12、d by the vicissitudes of life, 2 the mind that is free from sorrow, stainless, and secure this is the highest blessing.依此行持者,无往而不胜,一切处得福,是为最吉祥。”tdisni katvna sabbatha maparjitSabbhattha sotthim gacchanti tam tsam mangala muttamanti12. Those who have fulfilled the conditions (for such blessings) are
13、victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere To them these are the highest blessings.注:见小诵经第5篇及经集第46页吉祥经。另请参照本生经第452篇大吉祥本生谭。1Khp. No.5; Sn.46 under the title Mangala sutta; cf. Mahamangala Jataka No. 452.注2:八风分别为利、衰、誉、毁、称、讥、乐、苦。该句偈颂指的是圣者阿罗汉的心识状态。2The vicissitudes are eight in number: gain
14、and loss, good-repute and ill-repute, praise and blame, joy and sorrow. This stanza is a reference to the state of mind of an arahant, the Consummate One.Discourse on Blessings (Maha-mangala Sutta ) Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Savatthi at Jetavana at Anathapind
15、ikas monastery. Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, approached the Blessed One. Respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him. Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse:1.Many deities and men longing for happi
16、ness have pondered on (the question of) blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are.2.Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise, and to honor those worthy of honor this is the highest blessing.3. To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actio
17、ns in the past, and to set oneself in the right direction this is the highest blessing.4. Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech this is the highest blessing.5. To support ones father and mother; to cherish ones wife and children, and to be engaged in p
18、eaceful occupations this is the highest blessing.6. Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives, and performance of blameless deeds this is the highest blessing.7. To cease and abstain from evil, to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligent in performing righteous acts this
19、 is the highest blessing.8. Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha this is the highest blessing.9. Patience, obedience, meeting the Samanas (holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma this is the highest blessing.10. Self-co
20、ntrol, chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbana this is the highest blessing.11. The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life, 2 the mind that is free from sorrow, stainless, and secure this is the highest blessing.12. Those who have fulfilled the conditions (for such blessings) are victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere To them these are the highest blessings.专心-专注-专业