1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上法律英语教学大纲课程名称:法律英语英文名称:Legal English学分:2学分总学时:36学时适用专业:法学先修课程:大学英语课程、法律基础类课程 一、课程性质法律英语是依据大学英语教学大纲对大学英语应用提高阶段在专业英语方面的教学要求,适应中国加入世贸组织后进一步扩大对外交流形式的需要,以培养更多既有扎实法律专业知识又精通外语的复合型人才的需求,所开设的英语专业本科选修课程。本课程以英美法为教学核心内容,包括英语法律术语、英美法系与大陆法系的比较、英美律师职业介绍、英美主要部门法、WTO 法律文件选读、国际经贸法律、法学研究技巧与资源的运用。二、教学目标通过本课
2、程的学习,培养学生以下专业与非专业素质:本课程历时一个学期,其教学目的旨在培养和提高学生在法律领域里应用英语的能力。在教师的指导下,学生通过阅读一些精选的法律类英语文章掌握法学基本概念和基本理论以及专业术语。在教学过程中着重于扩大学生的专业词汇量,提高学生的英语阅读理解水平。同时,本课程采用个人发言和小组讨论等多种形式以增加学生的语言实践机会,使他们能将专业知识与英语知识很好地结合,最终具有较强的英语口头交流能力和翻译能力。三、课程教学内容与要求1. Introduction to Legal English 导论教学目的与要求介绍开设本课程的背景意义、课程性质与特点、教学内容安排、学习方法与
3、要求、相关参考书及本课程的考核方式2. Lesson 1 Legal System 法律制度教学目的(1)To be clear about the difference between common law and civil law systems(2)To have a clear idea of the legal system of China(3)To grasp the related legal vocabularies 教学内容Part I Features and CharacteristicsPart II Common law and Equity law3. Less
4、on 2 Legal Profession 法律职业教学目的(1)To be clear about the American legal profession(2)To learn certain legal phrases, such as practicing lawyer, legal instruments, associates, practice preventive law(3)To understand the process of engaging a lawyer(4)To get acquainted with some useful expressions in en
5、gaging a lawyer教学内容Part I The BarPart II Lawyers in Private PracticePart III House CounselPart IV Lawyers in Government4. Lesson 3 Legal Education 法律教育教学目的(1)To be clear about the curriculum of American legal education(2)To distinguish the case method from lecture method(3)To learn some legal phrase
6、s: Regulatory state; clinical education; layering; law faculties; in high-prestige fields of law教学内容Part I Curriculum and the case methodPart II Law school hierarchy5. Lesson 4 Judicial System 司法体系教学目的(1)To be clear about the American court system and English court system(2)To distinguish between tr
7、ial courts and appellate courts(3)To be clear about the position of the Judges in court(4)To learn certain legal vocabulary, such as jurisdiction, sue, plaintiff, defendant, action, petition, and so on 教学内容Part I Courts Part II Judges 6. Lesson 5 Constitution 宪法教学目的(1)To be clear about the feature o
8、f the US Constitution, the fundamental principles of government and the provisions for amendment(2)To learn legal phrase: Judicial interpretation; national convention; implement; check and balance; separation of powers; federalism教学内容Part I The constitution as the supreme lawPart II The principles o
9、f governmentPart III Provisions for amendment7. Lesson 6 Administrative Law 行政法教学目的(1)To be clear about the scope of the administrative law(2)To know the definition of “agency” in the Federal Administrative Procedure(3)To be clear about the functions of regulatory agencies and non-regulatory agencie
10、s(4)To learn legal phrases: remedy; vest; delegation; mandate; administrative action; fiscal; welfare; judicial review教学内容Part I Agency action and administrative lawPart II Paradigms and models8. Lesson 7 Criminal Law 刑法教学目的(1)To learn the element of a crime in the US criminal law.(2)To be clear abo
11、ut types of crime(3)To be clear about what is homicide and what is justifiable homicide(4)To know the difference between murder and manslaughter(5)To know what is voluntary manslaughter and federal crime of murder(6)To learn legal phrases: Homicide; self-defense; justifiable homicide; justification;
12、 willful, deliberate and premeditated; the unwritten law; felon; murder and manslaughter; malice; death penalty; voluntary manslaughter; criminal sanction; statutory offense; imposition of the death penalty教学内容Part I Murder Part II Manslaughter Part III Federal Homicide lawPart IV Modern murder-mans
13、laughter legislation Part V Capital punishment9. Lesson 9 Contract Law 合同法教学目的(1)To understand the nature of a contract(2)To be clear about the requirements for a contract(3)To be clear about the source of contract law(4)To know the difference between judicial opinions and statutory law (5)To learn
14、legal phrases: Real property; bodies of law; fraud; breach of contract tort; statutes; ordinances; blind adherence to; construction; offer; consideration; acceptance; misrepresentation; duress; unconscionability; contract performance; damages; expectation damages; agreed upon remedies; equitable rel
15、ief; specific performance; injunction; restitution教学内容What is a contract?10. Lesson 10 Tort Law 侵权法教学目的(1)To understand what is a tort(2)To learn legal phrases: Tortuous acts; try his claim; verdict; guest statutes; recovery; warranty; implied contract; intentional tort; negligence; strict liability
16、; duty of care; contributory negligence教学内容Part I Introduction Part II Intentional tortsPart III Liability for negligencePart IV Tort law reform11. Lesson 11 Property Law 财产法教学目的(1)To know the background of the US property law(2)To be clear about fundamentals of real property law(3)To understand the
17、 role of the lawyer in real property transactions(4)To learn legal phrases: Due diligence; formalities; instruments; secondary party; easement; security devices; mortgage holder; recovery of possession教学内容Part I Introduction Part II The fundamentals of real property lawPart III The role of the lawye
18、r in real property transactions四、教学重点与难点章节标题重点难点导论IntroductionCourse contents, teaching requirements, study methodsThe way to express opinion or ideas and disagreementLesson 1Legal systemCommon law legal systemDifference between common law and civil lawLesson 2Legal professionStatus of American lega
19、l professionLawyer phrasesLesson 3Legal educationLaw school hierarchy and legal educationDifference between case method and lecture methodLesson 4Judicial systemAmerican court systemLegal phrases, translation of long and difficult sentencesLesson 5ConstitutionPrinciples of checks and balancesTransla
20、tion of the US constitutionLesson 6Administrative lawComprehension of the textLegal phrases, translation of long and difficult sentencesLesson 7Criminal lawComprehension of the textCase analysisLesson 9Contract lawWhat is a contractMock trialLesson 10Tort lawComprehension of the textLegal phrases, t
21、ranslation of long and difficult sentencesLesson 11Property lawComprehension of the textLegal phrases, translation of long and difficult sentences五、学时分配章次标题总课时理论课时实践课时备注导论Introduction 22Lesson 1Legal system44Lesson 2Legal profession431Lesson 3Legal education44Lesson 4Judicial system44Lesson 5Constit
22、ution44Lesson 6Administrative law22Lesson 7Criminal law431Lesson 9Contract law211Lesson 10Tort law22Lesson 11Property law22机动2合计36324六、实验、实训等实践教学要求1. Topic discussion 实践项目:to discuss 2 topics1) Do you want to be a judge or a lawyer?2) Discussion of the principle of checks and balances实践目的:to use leg
23、al terms to state ones views on the above topics in English 2. Listening practice 实践项目:to listen to the text and repeat or dictate while learning each lesson 实践目的:to make an understanding of the legal paras and civil and criminal procedures3. Translation practice 实践项目:to translate the constitution o
24、f the US实践目的: to know the constitution of the US and to learn some translation skills4. Case analysis实践项目:to read one case实践目的:to know the way to read real cases and its decisions5. Mock trial实践项目:Williams v.Walker-Thomas Furniture Co.实践目的:to know the tasks and skills of acting as different roles in
25、 an appeal case七、思考题、三习题法律英语课程的思考题及三习题的设置必须覆盖教学的核心内容、重点、难点,学生“三习”的时间与教学时间之比不少于1:1。教师每节课必须布置“三习”题。复习题要以侧重记忆与理解为主;预习题要以侧重引导、提示、布置任务为主;练习题要以侧重思考与运用为主。要使学生通过“三习”学会思考、善于思考、勤于思考,使学生通过三习题理解每篇课文的基本内容,提高学生对课文的欣赏能力。八、说明(一)教学方法与教学手段教学方法:1. 中英文讲授法:针对每课,分三步进行:第一:背景知识介绍(中英文) 第二:阅读与词汇讲解(英文) 第三:听力口语训练或课堂模拟(英文)2. 案例
26、分析法3. 课堂讨论法4. 电影教学法5. 课外自学法6. 模拟审判法教学手段:1.运用多媒体教学,图文并茂的给学生展示法律英语的特点;2.增加听力与听写训练,了解一些地道的法律英语;3.组织学生观看英文电影,让学生通过影片了解美国法律制度;4.讨论案例、分析法律争议点,理解所做判决;5.模拟审判,了解美国上诉程序及技巧。(二)作业及辅导答疑要求作业:不少于12次辅导答疑:要求教师给学生交代辅导答疑的计划安排(时间、地点、联系方式等),主要在课外进行。1)学生课堂提问:按照开发内化教学模式,教师辅导答疑环节体现在每次课的第三个环节中,学生在课前自主学习的基础上针对课文中出现的一些无法理解的问题
27、在课堂上向教师提问,教师当堂做出解答。对于比较有共性的提问,教师进行详细的讲解。2) 教师课堂提问:如果在课堂上学生没有提出有针对性的问题,教师会就这些重难点问题对学生进行提问,让学生解答,然后根据学生的回答进行一定的补充和讲解。3)网络答疑:学生通过QQ、邮箱、短信和电话的形式把自己不懂的问题向老师提问,老师及时做出解答。3.课程考核方式考核方式:考试学生最终成绩由期末考试成绩(占总评成绩的50%)、平时成绩(考勤、作业、课堂表现、讨论、小测验,共占总评成绩的50%)两部分组成。平时成绩具体构成如下:项目权重学院及课程课堂 提问作业随堂小测验 练习期中考试文法与外语学院:法律英语30%30%
28、20%10%10%九、教材及主要参考书1.本课程使用教材:1.何家弘法律英语美国法律制度(第四版),北京:法律出版社,2010年7月。2.赵建 夏国佐主编法学专业英语教程上下册,北京:,1999年。3.沙丽金 法律英语,北京:,2007年。2.教材内容处理:为体现美国司法制度的代表性,删掉了部分章节。3.主要参考书:1.赵雁丽法律英语教程上下册,西安:,2003年。2.何主宇最新法律专业英语,北京:机械工业出版社,2003年。3.杜金榜法律英语阅读教程1-3册,北京:,2003年。 4.唐桂民法律英语听说教程上下册,北京:对外贸易大学出版社,2004年。5.李宗锇、潘惠仪英汉法律大词典,北京:法律出版社,1998年。6.Bryan A. Garner 牛津现代法律用语词典-A Dictionary of Modern Legal Usage,北京:法律出版社,2002年。十、编写及审核人编写者:谭宗燕审核者:法学系教研室集体审议,专业负责人(或主任)签字:席静编写时间:2014年3月专心-专注-专业