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1、Edition: CKH/2002_1023 请将手机、请将手机、BP机等通讯工具调到震动状态。机等通讯工具调到震动状态。 请勿在上课期间,随意进出,以免影响其他同事。请勿在上课期间,随意进出,以免影响其他同事。 请勿交头接耳、大声喧哗。请勿交头接耳、大声喧哗。 如有特殊事情,在征得培训导师的同意的情况下,如有特殊事情,在征得培训导师的同意的情况下,方可离场。方可离场。前言前言中国中国PCB产业属性,几乎是以,也就是受客户产业属性,几乎是以,也就是受客户委托制作空板(委托制作空板(Bare Board)而已,不像美国,很多而已,不像美国,很多PCB Shop是包括了线路设计,空板制作以及装配是

2、包括了线路设计,空板制作以及装配Assembly)的的Turn-Key业务。以前,只要客户提供的业务。以前,只要客户提供的原始资料如原始资料如Drawing, Artwork, Specification,再以手再以手动翻片、排版、打带等作业,即可进行制作,但近年由动翻片、排版、打带等作业,即可进行制作,但近年由于电子产品日趋轻薄短小,于电子产品日趋轻薄短小,PCB的制造面临了几个挑战的制造面临了几个挑战:(1)薄板()薄板(2)高密度()高密度(3)高性能()高性能(4)高速)高速 ( 5 ) 产产品周期缩短(品周期缩短(6)降低成本等。)降低成本等。 以往以灯桌、笔刀、贴图及照相机做为制前

3、工具,现在己被计算机、工作软件及激光绘图机所取代。过去,以手工排版,或者还需要Micro-Modifier来修正尺寸等费时耗工的作业,今天只要在CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing)工作人员取得客户的设计资料,可能几小时内,就可以依设计规则或DFM(Design For Manufacturing)自动排版并变化不同的生产条件。同时可以output 如钻孔、成型、测试夹具等资料。这就是CAD/CAM的过程。首先来了解一下本公司PE部对客户资料是如何处理的。Part I:PCB CAD/CAM Introduction (40 minutes)Customer Dat

4、a CAD文件格式文件格式CAD/CAM 名词的定义与解说名词的定义与解说Laser Plotter & Developer & ArtworkDFM NetlistDRCPart II: CAD/CAM Process (20 minutes)Tooling Fabrication FlowchartInputPCB & Panel EditingDrill EditingOL & IL EditingPart I: PCB CAD/CAM Introduction客户必须提供的资料:电子厂或装配工厂,委托PCB SHOP生产空板(Bare Board)时,必须提供下列资料以供制作。见表料号

5、资料表-供制前设计使用. 客户资料客户资料项目内容格式1.资料P/N包含此P/N的版别、更改历史、日期以及发行资讯。和Drawing一起或另有一Text档。2.工程图A.P/N工程图:包括一些特殊要求,如原物料需求,特性阻抗控制、防焊油墨、文字种类、颜色、尺寸公差、层次等。HPGL及Post ScriptB.钻孔图此图通常标示孔位,孔径及孔符HPGL及Post ScriptC.成品外围图包含每一小片的位置、尺寸、折断边、工具孔相关规格、特殊符号以及特定制作流程和容差。HPGL及Post ScriptD.压板结构图包含各导体层,绝缘层厚度,阻抗厚度等。HPGL及Post Script3.菲林资料

6、(Artwork DataA.线路层B.防焊层C.文字层Gerber (RS-274)4. Aperture List定义:各种pad的形状,一些特别的如thermal pads并须特别定义constructionText file文字档Customer Data客户资料客户资料项目内容格式5.钻孔资料定义:A.孔位置B.孔径及孔符C.孔类型(PTH&NPH)D.埋孔及盲孔层Excellon Format6.钻孔工具档定义:A.孔径B.电镀状态C.盲埋孔D.档名Text file文字档7.Netlist 资料定义线路的运通IPC-356 or其它从CAD输出之各种格式8.制作规范1.指明依据之

7、国际规格,如IPC,MIL2.客户自己PCB进料规范3.特殊产品必须meet的规范如PCMCIAText file文字档客户资料客户资料上表资料是必备项目,有时客户会提供一片样品, 一份零件图,一份保证书(保证制程中使用之原物料、耗料等不含某些有毒物质)等。这些额外资料,厂商须自行判断其重要性,以免误了商机。 Customer DataArtwork FilmDrillDrawingNetlistCAM FormatGerber RS274DExcellon IHPGL 1IPC-D-356ODB +Gerber RS274XExcellon IIHPGL 2IPC-D-356AImageBa

8、rco DPFTrudrilAutoCAD DXFMentor NetlistPADS 2000SM 1000ATISM 3000Hitachi CAD/CAM 文件格式文件格式相关相关CAD/CAM名词的定义与解说名词的定义与解说 A Gerber file这是一个从PCB CAD软件输出的资料文件做为光绘图语言。1960年代一家名叫Gerber Scientific(现在叫Gerber System)专业做绘图机的美国公司所发展出的格式,尔后40年,行销于世界多个国家。几乎所有CAD系统的发展,也都依此格式作其Output Data,直接输入绘图机就可绘出Drawing或Film,因此Ge

9、rber Format成了电子业界的公认标准。CAD/CAM名词的定义与解说名词的定义与解说B. RS-274DGerber Format的正式名称,正确称呼是EIA STANDARD RS-274D(Electronic Industries Association)主要两大组成:1.Function Code:如G codes, D codes, M codes 等。2.Coordinate data:定义图像(imaging)RS-274D & RS-274XC. RS-274X 是RS-274D的延伸版本,除RS-274D之Code 以外,包括 RS-274X Parameters,或

10、称整个extended Gerber format 它以两个字母为组合,定义了Aperture及 XY Coordinate .D. ODB+ ODB+ 是 Orbotech/Frontline 发展出来的一套 CAD CAM format,可以很容易由PCB CAD/CAM产生,然后依此系统,PCB SHOP 再产生Artwork FilmNC Drill Program,Netlist,并可直接输入Laser Plotter绘制底片. ODB +Laser Plotter 见图, 输入Gerber format或IPC 350 format以绘制Artwork 镜头孔径镜头孔径Gerber


12、X0064Y0048D02*移至(0.64,0.48)快门开关D03*闪现所选择ApertureAperture TableDcodeShapeSizeD10Round5D11SMD50 x 100D12Donut100 - 70Gerber + ApertureGerber + Aperture将将PCB文件转换为文件转换为GERBER文件和钻孔数据后文件和钻孔数据后交交PCB厂制板的原因厂制板的原因 大多数工程师都习惯于将PCB文件设计好件转换为GERBER文件和钻孔数据后交PCB厂,为何不直接把文件设计好后直接送PCB厂加工呢?因为电子工程师和PCB工程师对PCB的理解不一样,由PCB工

13、厂转换出来的GERBER文件可能不是您所要的,如您在设计时将元件的参数都定义在PCB文件中,您又不想让这些参数显示在 PCB成品上,您未作说明,PCB厂依葫芦画瓢将这些参数都留在了PCB成品上。这只是一个例子。若您自己将PCB文件转换成GERBER文件就可避免此类事件发生。GERBER文件是一种国际标准的光绘格式文件,它包含RS-274-D和RS-274-X两种格式,其中RS-274-D称为基本GERBER格式,并要同时附带D码文件才能完整描述一张图形;RS-274-X称为扩展GERBER格式,它本身包含有D码信息。常用的CAD软件都能生成此二种格式文件。底片与程序:底片Artwork 在CA

14、M系统编辑排版完成后,配合D-Code档案,而由镭射绘图机(Laser Plotter)绘出底片。所须绘制的底片有内外层之线路,外层之防焊,以及文字底片。由于线路密度愈来愈高,公差要求越来越严谨,因此底片尺寸控制,是目前很多PCB厂的一大课题。下表是传统底片与玻璃底片的比较表。玻璃底片使用比例已有提高趋势。而底片制造商亦积极研究替代材料,以使尺寸之安定性更好。例如干式做法的铋金属底片. Artwork传统工作底片玻璃底片尺寸安定性最易受温度和相对湿度影响几乎不受相对湿度影响,且温度效应为传统底片的一半。耐用性基材易起趋纹且封位孔易受磨损易破碎,但不易起趋纹操作/储存/运送较轻且具柔软性容易运送

15、及储存较重,需小心防碎,要注意储存运送空间,并注意其重量。使用于一般的曝光 适用于所有曝光设备需调整设备或特殊设备。绘图机适于一般自动化处理机 碟式或特殊平板处理机。价格便宜贵Artwork显影 定影 水洗 烘干 菲林冲片机菲林冲片机一般在保存以及使用传统底片应注意事项如下:1).环境的温度(223C)与相对湿度(55 5%)的控制 2).全新底片取出使用的前置适应时间 (min. 24 hrs) 3).取用、传递以及保存方式 4).置放或操作区域的清洁度 底片环境控制Future Trend: LDILaser Direct ImagingDRCDesign Rule Check (DRC)

16、 : 设计规则设计规则检查检查主要检查客户设计是否符合设计者所制定的规则,同时也需确认所制定的规则是否符合印制板生产工艺的需求, 一 般检查有如下几个方面: 线与线, 线与元件焊盘, 线与贯通孔, 元件焊盘与贯通孔, 贯通孔与贯通孔 之间的距离是否合理,是否满足生产要求。 电源线和地线的宽度是否合适,电源与地线之间是否紧耦合(低的波阻抗)?在PCB中是否还有能让地线加宽的地方。 加在PCB中的图形(如图标、注标)是否会造成信号短路。 在PCB上是否加有工艺线?阻焊是否符合生产工艺的要求,阻焊尺寸是否合适,字符标志是否压在器件焊盘上,以免影响电装质量。 多层板中的电源地层的外框边缘是否缩小,如电

17、源地层的铜箔露出板外容易造成短路。 Manufacturing AnalysisDFMDesign for manufacturing(加工设计/ 为制造着想的设计)Pcb lay-out 工程师大半不太了解,PCB制作流程以及各制程需要注意的事项,所以在Lay-out线路时,仅考虑电性、逻辑、尺寸等,而甚少顾及其它。PCB制前设计工程师因此必须从生产力,优良率等考量而修正一些线路特性,如圆形接线PAD修正成泪滴状,见图2.5,为的是制程中PAD一孔对位不准时,尚能维持最小的垫环宽度 DFMDFMMinimum Pad Size = a + 2b + cWhere:a = Maximum fi

18、nished hole diameterb = Minimum annular ring requirementsc = A standard fabrication allowance IPC-2221-9.1.1) Maximized Land Key HolingFilletingCorner EntryNot PreferablePreferable(IPC-2221-9-1)Level AGeneral Design Complexity Preferred0.4 mm16 milLevel BModerate Design Complexity Standard0.25 mm10

19、milLevel CHigh Design Complexity Reduced0.2 mm8 milMinimum Standard Fabrication AllowanceNot PreferablePreferableLand (Pad) RequirementsIn order to meet annular ring requirement particularly while breakout is not desirable, the pad size requirement shall be determined by the following equation:Examp

20、le of land size calculation:Given: 4 layer, 1 oz base Cu, Level B Finished hole size = 13 3 mil Max. finished hole size = 16 mil Min. annular ring = 2 mil Fabrication allowance = 10 mil Minimum land size = 16 + 2 (2) + 10 = 30 mil 1 For copper weight greater than 1oz/sq.ft, add 2 mil minimum to c fo

21、r each additional oz/sq.ft. of copper used. 2. For more than 8 layers add 2 mil (IPC-2221-9.1.1) DFMNPTH Wall To Copper Requirement PTH Wall To Copper RequirementIn order to improve yield, PTH wall to copper spacing for inner layer should be kept at minimum 13 mil. This 13 mil is the alignment allow

22、ance for pressing, drilling and film registration.NPTH wall to copper spacing should be designed preferably at minimum 10 mil. This allowance is particular necessary to ensure dry film has enough bonding area to adhere on the pcb. The purpose of covering NPTH hole with dry film is to avoid the hole

23、to be plated. Inner Layer Opening Requirement Due to process allowance, inner layer clearance on power or ground layer should be designed preferably with at least 10 mil clearance.Drilled Hole Opening ClearanceCu(Minimum 10 mil) Hole To Hole Spaces Requirement Conductor Widths & Spaces RequirementCo

24、nductor widths and spaces shall be maximized whenever feasible. In order to maintain the conductor widths and spaces specified on the master drawing, conductor widths and spaces on the production master should be compensated for etching process allowance.Cu WeightMin. LW/LSInner LayerHoz 1oz3mil/3mi

25、l 3mil/3milOuter LayerHoz1oz2oz4mil/4mil5mil/5mil6mil/6milRed Area: Compensate for etching allowanceIn order to improve yield in Desmear process, drilled hole edge to drilled hole edge spaces shall be designed with at least 11 mil distance in between.11 milPlease see below table for Viasystems drill

26、ed hole size calculation:Drilled Size Calculation for PTHDrilled HoleHole SizeDrilled Size + A D - BHALGold Plating / EntekImmersion GoldD + (A-B)/2 + 6 milD + (A-B)/2 + 4 mil Drilled Size Calculation for NPTHHole SizeDrilled Size + A D - BD + (A+B)/2 , Choose the nearest bigger drill bit step For D

27、 = X .YZ mmIFDrill Bit Size3 Z 0 X.Y07 Z 3 X.Y5 10 Z 7 X.(Y+1)0Drill Bit Size SelectionPlease see below table for Viasystems minimum conductor widths and spaces requirements on customer design.DFMDFM Sample FileDFM Sample File Genesis DFM但是制前工程师的修正,有时却会影响客户产品的特性甚或性能,所以不得不谨慎。PCB厂必须有一套针对厂内制程上的特性而编辑的规范

28、除了改善产品优良率以及提升生产力外,也可做为和PCB线路Lay-out人员的沟通语言,见图.DFM AOI程序设计由CAD/CAM直接产生CAD reference文件。 AOI系统可直接讀取文件.比以往使用金板製作程式更準確。AOISMDSMDtraceComponent Side (CS)A Net is a set of contiguous points connected by a conductive path.All the points in a net are electrically connected through traces and plated drills on

29、 the printed circuit board.What is a net?A Netlist is a list of nets stored in a data file which define the conductivity inter-connection scheme of a bare circuit board.SMDSMDnet1net2SMDSMDCSPSWhat is a Netlist?A netlist is a list of nets stored in data file which define the conductivity interconnec

30、tion scheme of a bare circuit board. Comparison of customer netlist with the graphical data is imperative to ensure design integrity is being maintained during editing stages. Netlist provided by customer should be bare board netlist. Accepted Formats:IPC-D-356IPC-D-356AMentorNetlist InformationC IP

31、C-D-356 Bare Board Electrical Test InformationC Based on the IPC-D-356 documentC Assumptions: 1) All points are assumed to be end points.C Column 32 will then always be blank.317+42V AL1 -5C317GND AL1 -5E 317NCAB SIGN1A-10A 317N/C SIGN1A-5B 317CKH SIGN1A-7B 367Mounting Hole Tool -1.999D0280PA00X-015

32、850Y+029075X0480Y0480R000 S0D0280PA00X-015850Y+030650X0480Y0480R000 S0D0280PA00X-024413Y+027500X0480Y0480R000 S0D0280PA00X-028350Y+028287X0480Y0480R000 S0D0280PA00X-026776Y+028287X0480Y0480R000 S0D1250UA00X+000000Y+000000X1250Y1250R000 S3Sample IPC-D-356 Test FileThe format in supplied IPC-D-356 and

33、 IPC-D-356A should complies with the description of the IPC-D-356 specification.Sample IPC-D-356A Test FileP JOB P023003A.ipcP UNITS CUSTP TITLE P023003A.ipcP NUM 23003P REV 300P VER IPC-D-356AP IMAGE PRIMARYC367 - D1970UA00X-001590Y+055374X1970Y0000 S0367 - D1970UA00X-001583Y+001438X1970Y0000 S0327

34、NET1 - M A01X-002235Y+037065X0150Y0000 S1327NET1 - M A01X-002235Y+037235X0150Y0000 S1317NET1 - M A01X-002150Y+037150X0250Y0000 S1017NET1 - MD0160PA00X-002150Y+037150327NET1 - M A02X-002150Y+037150X0135Y0000 S0317NET1 - M A02X-002150Y+037150X0250Y0000 S2017NET1 - MD0160PA00X-002150Y+037150327NET2 - M

35、 A02X+040700Y+035450X0135Y0000 S0317NET2 - M A02X+040700Y+035450X0250Y0000 S2017NET2 - MD0160PA00X+040700Y+035450327NET2 - A01X+040735Y+031350X0380Y0310 S0327NET2 - M A01X+040818Y+035425X0150Y0000 S1327NET2 - M A01X+040820Y+035450X0150Y0000 S1078 X28671 X28748Y5845 X29898 X30245Y5498 Y5198 X30498Y49

36、45 X31053 X31305Y5198078 Y6597 X31503Y6795 X36998 X37245Y6548 Y4398 X37395Y4248 Y2753 X37048Y2405078 X36503 X35805Y3103 Y3703 X35553Y3955 X33998 X33698Y3655 X32447 X31698Y2905078 X29248 X28748Y2405 X26253 X26055Y2603 Y5317 X26918 X27083Y5483 Y5718078 X26918Y5883 X26175 Y6018 X27153Y6995 X28298999IPC

37、-D-356 与与 IPC-D-356A 的分别的分别As with 356, 356A carries information required for electrical test:Location, size, and accessibility of pads and holes on the board. Netlist information, showing what pads and holes should be on the same net. Header information giving the name and revision of the board, an

38、d so forth.IPC-D-356A adds considerable information:Location and width of conductors. List of nets which are adjacent to each other. (This shows where shorts are likely.) Actual test probe locations, as opposed to just the location of the pad. The size, shape, and location of the soldermask openings

39、, independent of the pad. Support for blind and buried vias. Longer net names (up to 57 characters) are allowed. Support for buried resistance. A variety of non-test features, such as fail marks. The board outline. Support for high voltage tests. Support for impedance tests. Support for stepped imag

40、es.IPC-D-356A also changes the handling of some information from 356:In 356A, there are stringent requirements for the order of data in the file. IPC-D-356 does not have these requirements. IPC-D-356 supports an optional variable record format. Support for this format has been dropped in 356A. IPC-D

41、-356 uses fixed-column records. Trailing spaces must be included in the file. IPC-D-356A allows trailing spaces to be left out of the record. IPC-D-356 was unclear on how records should be terminated, resulting in a variety of approaches by file writers. IPC-D-356A mandates that records be terminate

42、d by a CR/LF pair.The result is that 356A files are much more powerful than 356 files, but are easier to read than 356 files. IPC-D-356A files are in many respects easier to write than 356 files, although the sorting requirements of 356A may add complexity to a writer. On balance, however, 356A file

43、s are also easier to write than 356 files.# # date: Monday June 2, 1997; 18:46:15#Board Information#BOARD SYSTEST_BOARD OFFSET x:0.0 y:0.0 ORIENTATION 0B_UNITS Inches#Attribute Information#B_ATTR MILLING_ORIGIN MILLING 0 0.0 0 -0.4 -4.0B_ATTR DRILL_ORIGIN 0.0 0.0B_ATTR BOARD_DEFINITION_IDENTIFIER 0

44、0.#Nets Information#NET /+8VTO10VCOMP C1 PN-150uFCAP 150uFCAP cl23_d5 -0.2 -2.0 1 0C_PIN C1-1 -0.2 -2.0 0 1 0 term_1 /N$577C_PIN C1-2 0.6 -2.0 0 1 0 term_1 GROUND.#Hole Information#HOLE PTH -0.2 -3.8 0.093HOLE PTH -0.2 -1.2 0.093HOLE PTH 3.9 -1.2 0.093#Pad Information#PAD VIA VIA_1 Thru 0.03P_SHAPE

45、VIA_1 PHYSICAL_1 CIRCLE 0.05P_SHAPE VIA_1 PHYSICAL_2 CIRCLE 0.05.Genesis Manual, 0403.1199, pg 42,43Sample Mentor File 指ETest电测Netlist档. 由CAD/CAM 产生ET系统可接受的资料,而电测Net list档则用来制作电测治具Fixture。Electrical TestPart II: CAD/CAM ProcessDrillDataInnerLayerRoutS/MC/MOuterLayerETInputDRC (CAM Checking)Tooling F

46、abrication FlowchartNoCustomer FabricationPackage1st Input (Engineer)2nd Input (Supervisor)Compare TwoInput Results(D-code, Layers& Report)ResultAnalysis Discrepancy Occurs No Discrepancy Input Error NotifyMI GroupCustomerData Error IfCustomer NetlistExist?GenerateCAD NetlistConvert CAD NetlistTo Re

47、ference NetlistFor Film Fabrication ReferenceCompare CustomerNetlist with GeneratedCAD NetlistNo DiscrepancyDiscrepancy Occurs ResultAnalysisCustomerNetlist Error Convert Generated CAD NetlistTo Reference NetlistFor Film Fabrication Reference Notify MI GroupTo Request NetlistFrom CustomerYesNoRedo I

48、nputInput Error Input FlowchartInput多层板时,若客户资料中无表示Thermal 的字符时,需高度注意,部分客户的Thermal Aperture与Circle,Round同名,只是在文件头中Power一项设置为True,则此时需把这种Circle Input为Thermal。若两种情况都无,则需查清是否内层中孔与GND直接相连。客户给出Spuare或Rectangle一项中,将会分X、Y。X表示水平,Y则表示坚直方向。Input时需以此为依据,若客户无标明及相关说明则检查图像中是否有SMD全部重叠在一条直线上,若有则表示X、Y颠倒,需更正。客户设计中如有0m

49、il Aperture时,需确定这些Aperture代表内容,如为相关蚀字或白字,则需加到56 mil,供MI参考,并提示出来。Input注意事项注意事项CAM CheckingP2LL2PT2CL2L/P* SLOT长大于等于宽两倍时,总长加2 mil;长小于宽两倍时加3mil并加补偿。* 为避免尾孔钻出板外,切记尾孔最大孔孔壁距UNIT板边70mil。* 做完钻带必须优化。* 检查Template须逐一检查MI所有关于孔的标数、Size,并用红胶片一个单元去拍其它单 元检查是否少孔或多孔。DrillPCB EDITING1、 EDITING 通过CAD/CAM WORK STATION 加

50、菲林制作补偿数据 (参考MEI-025和MI)2、 取消标记 - 角位标记 取消所有沿外围上的标记 - NON-PTH 取消所有NPTH上的标记 3、 加标记 - 内部需要 加DATE CODE,LOGO UL MARK,参照MI的要求 - 客户需要 在MI指定位置加特殊标记,参照客户的SPECPCB EditingPanel EditingPNL板边注意事项板边注意事项1. 外层Breakaway上加 Dummy Pad应避开加钻孔、绿油窗、V-坑线3050mil。 2. 有镀金手指板板边注意镀金引线一定要与PNL板边相连。但把PCB打开时,镀金引 线不能与PNL板边Cu皮重叠。3. 多层板


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