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1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑CHAPTER 1 Structure and layout of international business letter(介绍商务信函基础知识与外贸交易程序)7 原则 7Cs: 1.Correctness,正确 2.Conciseness,简洁 3.Clarity,清晰4.Concreteness ,具体 5.Completeness,完整 6.Courtesy礼貌 7.Consideration.体谅信函时间的正确的写法February 2, 2013 2 February,2013 February 2nd, 2013 2nd F

2、ebruary,2013 Structure of Business letter:1. The Letterhead(信头) 2. The Date line(日期)3. The Reference and Inside Address(编号和封内地址)5. The Salutation(称呼语)7. The body of the Letter(正文) 8. The Complimentary Close(结尾敬语)9. The Signature(签名) 10. The Enclosure(附件)11. The Postscript(附言) 12. The Reference Line

3、信件编号13. The Attention Line主办人或经办人 14. The Subject Heading 事由行15. The Identification Marks备忘署名 16. The Attention line(注意项)17. The C.C. Line抄送 (cc to XX) 18. The subject line (事由)信头( Letter Head) : 信头一般都是事先就印好的,它表示发信人公司行号名称及地址,使收信人一看就知道发自何方、何处、核实,也便于复信时参考。包括发信人的姓名、地址、网址、电子信箱、电报挂号、电话号码。有的信头还包含公司负责人的姓名和

4、职务职称。一般商号的信笺都印有信头,如果没有,也可以在信纸上端的中间,或者在信笺的右上方,如:Richard Thomas & Baldwins Ltd. 151 Gower Street London, SCT 6DY, England Tel: 63216260 Fax: 63302700 注意: 1.一般说来,门牌号和街名之间不用逗号点开,但城市名和国名之间必须用逗号点开。城市名后面的字母或数字等是大城市的邮区号。注明邮区便于邮局分信。 2.有时候不写门牌号,而是用邮箱号代替。如:P. O. Box No.1079 London, England 日期( Date) :应据信头右下角三至

5、六行处。注意:日期可按“日、月、年”的次序排(英国),如 15 Jan., 2012(国际通用)也可按“月、日、年”的次序排(美国)如, Jan. 15, 2012 年份应完全写出,不能用(00)来代表( 2000)月份要写英文名称,不能用数字代替,例如,3/9/99不能用在正式的信函中。月份名称可用缩写,如Aug.代替 August; Oct. 代替 October ,但 May,June ,July 本身很短,不再减缩。日期可用基数词,也可用序数词。一般用基数词,较少使用序数词基数: 3 November, 2000 (3 Nov., 2000) November 3,2000 (Nov.

6、3,2000) 序数: 3rd November, 2000 November 3rd, 2000 月份和日期之间不要用标点点开,年份之前,必须用逗号点开. 例如, Oct.1,2000 (或 October 1,2000) 30 Nov.,2000(或 30 Novermber,2000) 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑日期的几种常见写法: June 5,2000 (5t

7、h June,2000) 30 Nov.,2000 ( 30 November,2000) 1st October,2000 (1st Oct.,2000或 October 1,2000) 封内地址和行名(Inside Name and Address):这是指收信人的行号和地址。距日期两行,打在左边。3. 写封内地址时对公司行名的称呼:一般用公司全称 London Export Corporation China Chemical Co. 在公司的名称由人的姓名组成时可以使用Messrs 表示客气 Messrs. John Smith & Co. Messrs. Black & White

8、Co. 还有即使公司的名称由人名组成,也不应该加Messrs 的情况,例如 a. 写给公司中某一个人的信,例如 Mr. Charles Snow Robinson & Co. b.公司名称中已包括其职衔 c.公司名中有定冠词the Dr. Haris & Co. The Grayson Electrical Co. 称呼( Salutation) :写信人对收信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行,并与之平头。其形式取决于写信人与收信人的关系。 1.商业函件用“ Dear Sirs, ” 不能单独用“ Sirs, ”如果是女性公司,则用“Dear Madams,”美国人用“ Gentl

9、emen:”, 更加普遍 ( 不能用单数) , 单数时称“ Dear Sir ”2. 公事函件:“ Dear Sir,”对一般机关团体负责人适用。此外公事函件还可以用“To those who may be concerned,”3. 半公半私函件,且给个人的信件给男士,用“ Mr.” 或“Esq.” a) Dear Mr. Black, b) Esq.=Esquire 。在英国,它是对一般男性的敬称,在美国Mr. 是很通用的称呼,Esq. 则是对有声望的男性的尊称,如法官、地方长官等。注意:用在姓之后 Dear Black, Esq. 2)给女士,用“ Miss”, “Mrs.”, ”Ms.

10、”, 最好用“ Ms.”, 例如,Dear Ms. Black, 注意:称呼后面的标点一般用逗号(,) , ,但美国和加拿大等地的来信中,Gentlemen 后面也用冒号(:) Mr.和 sir是常能碰到的词, 意思都是“先生”表示对男性的尊称,但用法有较大的差异,需要认真区别。一、 Mr. 的用法特点Mr. 是 mister的缩写形式, Mr. 一般与姓氏或姓名全称连用,但不能与名字连用。还常与表示职位的名称连用3. Mr. 不能单独使用,单独使用需用sir 来代替 Mr. 。如不可说“ Yes, Mr./ mister ”, 可说“ Yes, sir ”.二、 sir 的用法特点1、不知姓

11、名, 或虽知姓名, 但为表明对对方的尊敬,常常用 sir ,一般性的会话中和严肃的公函中都可使用,2、sir一般单独使用,后面不可接姓氏,但写信时称呼对方可加dear. 如:可以说dear sir, 不可以说dear sir brown. 如果 Sir( 大写首字母 ) 后面接姓氏,就不能理解为“先生”,而应理解为“爵士”。3、sir常用于下级称呼上级,服务行业人员称呼顾客等。也有西方人在为别人服务时对所有的人都称呼sir. (五)信的正文(Body) 信的主要部分,表达发信人的意见。信的优劣完全要看正文写得好坏。大多数书信遵循三段原则:第一段为引导段,自我介绍或说明来信已收到。第二段提供信息

12、或说明事实。第三段设计将来的打算和行动。注意事项:段与段之间一般空一行如果信的本文很长,一页纸不够用而需两张或数张联页,应在第一页的右下端打“待续”(to be continued),并在联页上端注明收信人的名称、日期、页数,再继续打正文。这是为了避免第一页和第二页,第三页在发信时误置。5) 结尾语( The Closing Sentences): 一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提示对受信人的要求。如希望来函精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - -

13、 - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑或电报订货,答复询问或作必要的声明等,另外也附加一些略带客套的语气。他在正文结束之后,另起一段。 A )用分词短语开始的: Awaiting your good news, we are, Looking forward to your early reply, we remain, Looking forward to receiving your shipping advice, we remain, 注意 : 句末用逗号,不用句号。 B) 用完整句子的: We await your good news. We hope to

14、 receive your early reply. We look forward to your shipping advice. 8. The Complimentary Close 结尾敬语结束语是一种客套用语它应与前面的称呼相呼应。结束礼词( The Complementary Close)商业函件用: Yours faithfully, Faithfully yours, Sincerely yours, Sincerely yours 公事函件用: Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully 注意:结束礼词写在结尾语下隔一行,正中或略向右边写起只

15、有第一个字母大写,后面加逗号欧洲把 Yours 放前,美国则把副词放前不能将其单独另页打印,万一出现该况则应重新打印全信。用 Yours 而不用 Your,与 Yours 连用的一定是带-ly的副词。9. The Signature(placed two lines below the complimentary close.)手签名往往难以辨认,签名一般由手签、打印名和职务三部分组成。1)结束语的下面,一般应将公司的名称用大写打出。2)必须由负责人签名。3)打上签名人的姓名。 4)打上签名人的职位。格式如下: Yours Faithfully, THE NATIONAL TRANSPORT

16、CO. T.M.White T.M.White Manager 5. The Enclosure Notation附件When there is something enclosed with the letter, typed the word “Enclosure ” or “Encl. ” or Enc., in the bottom left-hand under the identification marks (if any). 如信中有附件时,应在签名下注明Encl. 或 Enc. 如果附件不止一件,应注明2 Encls.或 3 Encls.等. 如: Encl / Enc: 2

17、 Invoices Enclosure: (1) A catalogue (2) Invoice No. 2453 3 Encls. : 1 B/Lading (提单一张 ) 1 Photo (照片一张 ) 1 Certificate (证明书一张 )Memo Style (备忘录式)TO: All students in the business writing training seminar From: Helen Sharp, Professor of English Subject: Memo Style of Business Letters Date: March 5, 2010

18、 Dear Students,Influenced by the style of memo which is used for inner office communication, some business correspondences now adopt memo style even for formal and external communication. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权

19、请联系网站删除word 可编辑E-mails often use this style. Sincerely yours, Helen Sharp Helen Sharp Professor of English 1. Name of the addressee;(收信人姓名) 2. Number and street;(门牌号)3. City, state and zip code;(城市、州、邮编) 4. Country.(国家)注意: 1.注释:如系私人信件或密件,需收信人亲自开启而不要他人拆阅可在信封“Remarks ”处,根据需要注明下列字样: Private 私人信 Persona

20、l 个人信 Confidential 机密信1. Common used phrases: sample 样品 with compliments赠品 printed matter印刷品 photo only内有照片,请勿折叠private 亲启 personal私函 confidential密函 registered 挂号 carbon copy(C.C. )抄送urgent or immediate 急件 forward (care of,c/o) 请转交 introducing Mr. 兹介绍先生kindness of Mror per favor of Mr敬烦先生转交 commerci

21、al papers商务文件please readdress请转寄poste restante留存邮件 care postmaster留存邮局2If undelivered, please return to 若无法投递,请退回原处。3After 10 days, please return to 10天后请寄回。4Return postage guaranteed 回信邮资已付。5. We have received your letter of May 18, 2010, for which we thank you. 收到你方 2010 年 5 月 18 日函,谢谢。6. In accor

22、dance with the instructions given in your favour of the 10th May. 遵照贵公司5月 10 日来函指示。7Thank you for your letter dated August 12, informing us of the opening date of the fair. 感谢你方 8 月 12 日来函,告知交易会开幕日期: 8. Further to our letter yesterday, we now have the pleasure of informing you that 续谈我方昨日函,现欣告知9. We

23、 must apologize for the delay in replying to your letter of 迟复贵方月日函,甚歉。10. In reply of your letter of. we are glad to. 兹复你方的来函,我方很高兴11. For your information we would like to add that我方要补充说明,仅供参考。12. If you are interested in the article, please let us know as soon as possible. 如对该货感兴趣,请尽早告知。13. We ar

24、e pleased / glad to inform you that.兹欣告你方精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑14We would remind you that we have not had a reply yet from you to our question. 我们提醒你方,我方尚未收到你方对问题的答复。15. We are sending you herewi

25、th / under separate cover. 兹随函 / 另封寄上16Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have taken. 有劳贵方,不胜感激。17. We are obliged to thank you for your kind attention in this matter. 不胜感激贵方对此事的关照。18. We tender you our sincere thanks for your generous treatment of us in this affair. 对贵方在此事中的慷慨之举,深表感谢。19.

26、Allow us to thank you for the kindness extended to us. 对贵方之盛情,不胜感谢。20. We thank you for the special care you have given to the matter. 贵方对此悉心关照,不胜感激。21. We should be grateful for your trial order. 如承试订货,不胜感激22.We should be grateful for your furnishing us details of your requirements.详述具体要求不胜感激。23. I

27、t will be greatly appreciated if you will kindly send us your samples. 如承惠寄样品,不胜感激。24. We shall appreciate it very much if you will give our bid your favorable consideration. 如承优惠考虑报价,不胜感激。25. We are greatly obliged for your bulk order just received. 收到贵方大宗订货,不胜感激。26. We assure you of our best servi

28、ces at all times. 我方保证向贵方随时提供最佳服务。27. If there is anything we can do to help you, we shall be more than pleased to do so. 贵公司若有所需求,我公司定尽力效劳。28. It would give us a great pleasure to render you a similar service should an opportunity occur. 我方如有机会同样效劳贵方,将不胜欣慰。29. We spare no efforts in endeavoring to

29、be of service to you. 我方将不遗余力为贵方效劳。30. We take this opportunity to re-emphasize that we shall, at all times, do everything possible to give you whatever information you desire. 我们借此机会再次强调,定会尽力随时提供贵方所需的信息。例 China National Light Industrial Products Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Branch 128 Huchi

30、u Road, Shanghai, China Cable address: INDUSTRY SHANGHAI Telex address: 33054 INDUS CN March 23, 2010 H.G. Wilkinson Company, Limited 245 Lombart Street Lagos Nigeria Dear sirs, Re: Sewing Machines We thank you for your letter of March 16 enquiring for the captioned goods. The enclosed booklet conta

31、ins details of all our Sewing Machines will enable you to make a suitable selection. we are waiting for your reply. Yours faithfully, 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑 China National Light Industrial Produc

32、ts Import & Export Corporation Shanghai Branch Wang Qiong Wang Qiong Manager Enclosure: Price list(or catalugue) Chapter 2 Establishing Business Relations(建立业务关系)目的:了解如何撰写建立最初的业务关系的信函,同时如何对客户的资信情况、经营范围进行调查。进出口双方可以通过以下渠道来相互了解:(1)银行(Bank) (2)商会(Chamber of Commerce )(3)商务参赞处( Commercial Counselor s Off

33、ices )(4)交易会和展览会(Export Commodities Fairs & Exhibitions)(5)广告( Advertisement)(6)商业目录( Trade Directory)(7)其他渠道 :网络、代理商等写信要点( Writing Skills)1 信息来源:告诉对方我方是如何获悉对方的地址和经营范围的。2 写信目的:表示我方有与对方建立业务关系和合作的强烈愿望。3 本公司概述:介绍本公司的性质、基本业务情况和经营范围。4 产品介绍:说明希望推销或购买的产品。5 必要时可向对方提供资信证明人,以便对方了解我方的资信情况。6 要求寄送有关资料和表达愿望:附寄公司简

34、介、商品目录、价目表和小册子等,以便对方全面了解我方信息。* 建立业务关系信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:(1)说明信息来源(告知对方你从何种渠道得知对方公司的情况)我们从得知;通过我们了解到Your company has been kindly introduced to us by(贵公司由介绍给我们。)We learn through/fromthat (我们通过得知。)On the recommendation of (由推荐) (1) Your firm has been kindly recommended to us through the courtesy of the Cha

35、mber of Commerce . 承蒙贵国商会的介绍,我公司得知贵公司的情况。(2) We have obtained your name and address by the Commercial Counselor s Office of the Indian Embassy in Beijing and understand that you would like to establish a business relation with us. 我们从印度驻北京大使馆商务参赞处得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉贵公司愿同我们建立业务关系。(3) We learn your compan

36、y from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufactures in this line. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑我们从网上了解到贵公司是这一行业的主要生产商之一。(4) Having had /obtained the name and address of your company from AB

37、C trading Company ,we know that you deal in textiles.通过 ABC贸易公司的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址,并获悉你方经营纺织品。(2)对你的公司做简单的介绍(例如公司的业务范围等)We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a (我们把自己作为介绍给你们。)Our lines are mainly(我们主要从事。) fall within 应列入范围内fall within our business activities.(属于我们的经营范围。)Articles of this kind fall w

38、ithin the scope of our business activities. 此类商品在我方经营范围之内。(1) We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you as one of the leading importers in the chemical line. 我们有幸自荐,我们是经营化学产品的主要进口商之一。 (2) We are a stated-owned corporation, engaged in exportation of following articles. 我们是一家国有企业,经营以下商品的出口业

39、务(3) We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of Chinese Green Tea, which falls in the scope of our business activities. 据了解,贵公司是中国绿茶的潜在买主,而中国绿茶属于我们的经营范围。 (4) This corporation handles/deals/specializes in the import and export business of Chinese Silk Goods. 本公司经营 / 专营中国丝织品的进出口业务。(5)

40、We are writing to introduce ourselves as large dealers in foodstuffs with good connections in the country. 现函告:我公司为食品大经销商,在国内拥有大批客户。(三)表达写信目的:建立业务关系We are willing to enter into business relations with you.(我们愿意和贵方建立业务关系。)We express our desire to (我方愿意。)We are desirous of (我方愿意。)We are now writing yo

41、u for (我们现写信愿意。)(1) We are writing to you in the hope of entering into business relations with you. (2) We are writing to you and willing to open up a business relation with you. 兹写信给贵公司以期与贵公司建立业务联系。(3) We would like to take this opportunity to establish business relations with you. 我们愿借此机会与贵公司建立业务联

42、系。(四)表达与对方合作及早日收到回复的愿望We look forward to receiving(希望早日收到。)Hope to receive (希望收到。)Your early reply is appreciated.(盼早复。) We are anticipating your answer.(盼早复。)(五)要求寄送/ 主动寄送有关资料(1) Please send us your catalogue and quotations. 请给我们寄你公司的商品目录和价目单. (2) We have airmailed samples of our new articles for y

43、our reference under separate cover. 我们另航空邮寄新品种的样品供你方参考。(3) We would appreciate it if you could send us an up-to- date price list for your electric products. 你们若能寄来一份电子产品的最新价目表,我们将非常感谢。(4)We shall appreciate your catalogues and quotations.如能寄你公司的商品目录和价目单当十分感谢。(5)We ll be pleased to have your catalogu

44、es and quotations. 我们将非常乐意收到你公司的商品目录和价目单。回复建立业务关系信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:(1)感谢对方对你公司的兴趣精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除word 可编辑Thank you for (感谢你方。) Thank you for your interest in (感谢你们对的兴趣。)We have received (我们已收到贵方)Your

45、letter of August 8 has been received with thanks.(感谢贵方8 月 8 日的来信。)(2)表示对对方建立业务关系意愿的兴趣Your wish of establishing business relations coincides with ours. 你们建立业务关系的愿望和我们不谋而合。)This is also our desire.(这也是我们的愿望。 )We shall be very glad to enter into business relations with you.(我们将非常高兴与你们建立业务关系。)(3)表示采取进一步

46、的行动We are sending you our catalogue and pricelist(我们将给你方寄去我们的目录和价格表。)We shall be glad to have your specific inquiry.(我们将很高兴得到你方的具体询价。)例子:Letter1 An Introduction of an Exporter 贵公司主要从事农产品的出口业务,想与澳大利亚的某企业建立业务关系,随函附寄出口产品目录和价格表各一份。 1.从事农产品的出口 2.建立业务关系 3.出口产品目录和价格表各一份Dear Sirs, We owe your name and addre

47、ss to the Commercial Counselor s office of AustralianEmbassy in Shanghai who have informed us that you are in the market foragricultural product. We are an individual-owned enterprise, handling export of agricultural product. We wish to establish trade relationship with you by the commencement of so

48、me practical transactions. In order to acquaint you with our agricultural products available now for export, we enclose a catalogue and a price list for your reference. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us know. We shall be glad to give you our lowest quotations upon receipt

49、of your detailed requirements. We look forward to receiving from your specific enquiries. Yours faithfully, CHINA AGRICULTURAL PRODUCT EXPORT CORPORATION XUZHOU BRANCH (signature) Bruce Wang Director Encl. Notes to Letter One 1. We owe your name and address to承蒙告知贵公司地址和名称。2. Commercial Counselors of

50、fice of Australian Embassy 澳大利亚商务参赞处3. in the market for something 是书面语言,表示想买进某物。除此以外, in the market for something 也可以引申于“乐于接受某物”。 in the market 想要买(或卖)4. inform 通知,告诉,报告 5. individual-owned enterprise 私营企业6. Export (单 ) 出口;(复)出口货7. acquaint sb with/of sth; acquaint sb that 使某人熟悉,使了解,使认识We are well


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