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1、此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流第二章后习题答案习题1.水在 20时的饱和蒸气压为2.34 kPa 。若于 100g 水中溶有10.0 g 蔗糖 (Mr= 342),求此溶液的蒸气压。解根据BAAAnnnx, mol56.5mol18.0g100gO)(H1 -2nmol0292.0molg342g0.10)(1蔗糖n995.0mol0292.0mol56.5mol56.5)(O)(HO)(HO)(H222蔗糖nnnxkPa33.2995.0kPa34.2O)(H20 xpp2.甲溶液由 1.68 g 蔗糖(Mr=342)和 20.00 g 水组成,乙溶液由2.45

2、g (Mr= 690)的某非电解质和20.00 g 水组成。在相同温度下,哪份溶液的蒸气压高?将两份溶液放入同一个恒温密闭的钟罩里,时间足够长, 两份溶液浓度会不会发生变化,为什么?当达到系统蒸气压平衡时,转移的水的质量是多少?解 (1) mol004912.0molg342g68.1)(1甲nmol003551.0molg690g45.2)(1乙n1kgmol2456.0kg0200.0mol004912.0(甲)b1kgmol1775. 0kg0200.0mol003551.0(乙)b溶液乙的蒸气压下降小,故蒸气压高。(2)乙溶液浓度变浓, 甲溶液浓度变稀。因为浓度不同的溶液置于同一密闭容

3、器中,精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流由于Bb不同, P 不同, 蒸发与凝聚速度不同。乙溶液蒸气压高,溶剂蒸发速度大于甲溶液蒸发速度,所以溶液乙中溶剂可以转移到甲溶液。(3)设由乙溶液转移到甲溶液的水为x(g), 当两者蒸气压相等时,则(乙)甲bb)(g)00.20(mol003551.0g)00.20(mol004912.0 xxx = 3.22g 3. 将 2.80 g

4、 难挥发性物质溶于100 g 水中,该溶液在101.3 kPa 下,沸点为 100.51 。求该溶质的相对分子质量及此溶液的凝固点。(Kb = 0.512 K kg mol-1,Kf = 1.86K kg mol-1) 解K51.0K)15.27300.100(K)15.27351.100(0bbbTTT11bbBkgmol996.0molkgK512.0K51.0KTb11Brmolg1.28kg100.0kgmol996.0g80. 2VbmMK85.1kgmol996.0molkgK86. 111BffbKT该溶液的凝固点fT为-1.854. 烟草有害成分尼古丁的实验式是C5H7N,今将

5、 538 mg 尼古丁溶于10.0 g 水,所得溶液在 101.3 kPa 下的沸点是100.17 。求尼古丁的分子式。解K17.00bbbTTT11bbBkgmol332.0molkgK512.0K17. 0KTb11Brmolg162kgmol332. 0kg0100.0g538. 0bmM尼古丁的分子式为:21410NHC5. 溶解 3.24 g 硫于 40.0 g 苯中,苯的凝固点降低1.62。求此溶液中硫分子是由几个精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 7 页 - - -

6、- - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流硫原子组成的?(Kf = 5.10 K kg mol-1 ) 解11ffBkg0.318molmolkg5.10K1.62KKTb11Brmol255gkg0.318mol0.0400kg3.24gbmM此溶液中硫原子是由8 个硫原子组成。6. 试比较下列溶液的凝固点的高低:(苯的凝固点为5.5 , Kf = 5.12 K kg mol-1,水的 Kf = 1.86 K kg mol-1) 0.1 mol L-1蔗糖的水溶液;0.1 mol L-1乙二醇的水溶液;0.1 mol L-1乙二醇的苯溶液;0.1

7、mol L-1氯化钠水溶液。解 对于非电解质溶液BffbKT,电解质溶液BffbiKT,故相同浓度溶液的凝固点的大小顺序是:7. 试排出在相同温度下,下列溶液渗透压由大到小的顺序:c(C6H12O6)= 0.2 mol L-1;132Lmol2.0)CONa21( c;143Lmol2.0)PONa31(c;c(NaCl)= 0.2 mol L-1。解 根据非电解质溶液cRT, 电解质溶液icRT,渗透压大小顺序是: 8. 今有一氯化钠溶液,测得凝固点为-0.26 ,下列说法哪个正确,为什么?此溶液的渗透浓度为140 mmol L-1;此溶液的渗透浓度为280 mmol L-1;此溶液的渗透浓

8、度为70 mmol L-1; 此溶液的渗透浓度为7 153 mmol L-1。解 由于 NaCl 在水溶液中可以电离出2 倍质点数目,该溶液的渗透浓度可认为11-kgmolBLmol0s2bc:kgmol140.0molkg86.126.0211KKbB所以( 1)正确,氯化钠溶液的渗透浓度应为140 mmol L-19. 100 mL 水溶液中含有2.00 g 白蛋白, 25 时此溶液的渗透压力为0.717 kPa 求白蛋白的相对分子质量。解141-1Lmol1089.2K)25273(KmolLkPa314.80.717kPa)(RTc 白蛋白精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - -

9、 - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流141-4molg1092.6L100.0Lmol1089. 2g00.2(白蛋白)M10. 测得泪水的凝固点为-0.52 ,求泪水的渗透浓度及37 时的渗透压力。解11Bkgmol280.0molkgK86.1K52. 0b泪水的渗透浓度为1Lmmol280。722kPa37)K(273KmolL8.314kPaLmol28.0-11111.今有两种溶液,一为1.50 g 尿素(Mr

10、= 60.05)溶于 200 g 水中,另一为42.8 g 某非电解质溶于 1000 g 水中,这两种溶液在同一温度下结冰,试求该非电解质的相对分子质量。解若两溶液在同一温度下结冰,则(某非电解质)尿素bb)(,VMmKbKTBrfff/有g1000/8.42g200molg05.60/g50.1r1Mg1rmolg343M12. 在 0.100kg 的水中溶有0.020 mol NaCl, 0.010 mol Na2SO4和 0.040 mol MgCl2。假如它们在溶液中完全电离,计算该溶液的沸点升高值。解1kgmol20.0kg100.0mol020. 0(NaCl)b142kgmol1

11、0.0kg100.0mol010.0)SO(Nab12kgmol40.0kg100.0mol040.0)(MgClb他们在溶液中完全电离,溶液中总质点数目为:1111242kgmol9.1kgmol40.03kgmol10.03kgmol20.02)MgCl(3)SONa(3)NaCl(2)(bbbb 总K97.0kgmol9.1molkgK512.011bTExercises 1. What are the normal freezing points and boiling points of the following solution?(a)21.0g NaCl in 135mLof

12、water.(b) 15.4g of urea in 66.7 mL of water. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流Solution: (a)11Lmol659.20.135Lmolg21.0g/58.5NaCl)(cK89.9Lmol659. 2molkgK86.1211fTC89.9ofTK72.2Lmol659.2molkgK512.0211bTC72.102o

13、bT(b) 1142Lmol848. 30.0667Lmolg15.4g/60.0)HCON(cK16.7Lmol848.3molkgK86.111fTC16.7ofTK97.1Lmol848.3molkgK512.011bTC97.101obT2. If 4.00g of a certain nonelectrolyte is dissolved in 55.0g of benzene, the resulting solution freezes at 2.36. Calculate the molecular weight of the nonelectrolyte. Solution:

14、 C14.3C36.2C5.5ooofoffTTT11Bkgmol616.0molkgK10.5K14.3b11-molg118kg.616mol0g/0.0550kg00.4rM3. The average osmotic pressure of seawater is about 30.0 atm at 25. Calculate the concentration (molarity) of an aqueous solution of urea (NH2CONH2)that is isotonic with seawater. Solution: kPa3039atm1kPa3 .10

15、1atm0.3011122Lmol23.1K298molKLkPa314.8kPa3039)NCONHH(RTc4. A quantity of 7.85g of a compound having the empirical formula C5H4 is dissolved 301g of benzene. The freezing point of the solution is 1.05 below that of pure benzene. What are the molar mass and molecular formula of this compound? 精品资料 - -

16、 - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流Solution: 11Bkgmol206.0molkgK10.5K05.1b11 -molg127kg.206mol0301.0.85g7kgMrSince the formula mass of 45HCis 1molg64and the molar mass is found to be 1molg127, the molecular formula

17、of the compound is 810HC. 5. Ethylene glycol (EG) CH2(OH)CH2(OH), is a common automobile antifreeze. it is cheap, water-soluble, and fairly nonvolatile (b.p.197).Calculate the freezing point of a solution containing 651g of this substance in 2505g of water. Would you keep this substance in your car

18、radiator during the summer? The molar mass of ethylene glycol is 62.01g. Solution: M(EG)=62.01gmol-1 1-1kgmol19.4kg505.2molg651g/62.01)(EGbK79. 7kgmol19. 4molkgK86.111fTC79.7ofTK15.2kgmol19.4molkgK512.011bTC15.102obTBecause the solution will boil at 102.15,it would be preferable to leave the antifre

19、eze in your car radiator in summer to prevent the solution from boiling. 6. A solution is prepared by dissolving 35.0g of hemoglobin (Hb) in enough water to make up one liter in volume.If the osmotic pressure of the solution is found to be 10.0mmHg at 25,calculate the molar mass of hemoglobin. Solut

20、ion: the concentration of the solution: 141 -1Lmol1038.5K)25273(KmolLkPa314.8760mmHg101.3kPa10.mmHg)Hb(RTc141 -4-molg1051.6L1Lmol10.3855.0g3)Hb(M7. A 0.86 percent by mass solution of NaCl is called “physiological saline ” because its osmotic pressure is equal to that of the solution in blood cell. C

21、alculate the osmotic pressure of this solution at normal body temperature (37). Note that the density of the saline solution is 1.005g /mL. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - - 此文档仅供收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除只供学习与交流Solution: 111Lmol148. 01L1000mLmol58.5gmL1.005g100g0.86g)NaCl( c763kPa37)K(273KmolL8.314kPaLmol148. 021-11RTicB精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 7 页 - - - - - - - - - -


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