1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上纪律严明的办法篇一:员工纪律管理办法员工纪律管理办法 Employees Discipline Management Rules 1. 目的 Purpose 本办法为XXX有限公司员工手册的支持性文件,目的在于防止和纠正员工的失职失责、违规行为,明确员工必须遵守的行为规范,为打造优秀的XXX企业文化提供支撑。 The Rules serve as the supporting document of Employee Handbook of Valin ArcelorMittal Automotive Steel Co., Ltd. (VAMA) and aim to
2、 prevent and correct the conduct of any employee negligence of duty and violating rules, and to specify the code of conduct which employees must follow, help to build up excellent automotive steel enterprise culture. 2. 范围 Scope 本办法适用于本公司全体员工(实习生、返聘人员)和股东双方派遣人员以及外协(外包)人员、来访人员及进入公司区域的各类人员。 The Rules
3、is applicable to all employees (including interns and reemployed retired personnel) and personnel dispatched by shareholders, outsourcing personnel, visitors and personnel entering into the Company. 3. 定义 Definition 失职失责行为:在职责管辖范围内不履行或不正确履行职责,而导致工作效果不佳,给公司造成不良影响和后果的行为。 Negligence of duty refer to an
4、y behavior not implement or improper implement job responsibility, lead to working result not good and bad influence on company. 违规行为:违反了公司各项规章制度的行为。 Violations of rules refer to any conduct violating the rules and systems of the Company. 4. 职责 Responsibilities 4.1. CAO人力资源部 CAO HR Division 负责制定本办法并
5、组织实施。 Establish the Rules and organize its implementation. 4.2. CAO EHSS部门 CAO EHSS Dept. 负责对违反安全、环保、保卫的违规行为进行调查及处理。 Investigate and handle violations of rules in terms of safety, environment and security. 4.3. CAO行政部 CAO Administration Office 负责对员工除安全、环保、保卫违规行为以外其它所有的违规行为进行检查和处理。 Check and handle v
6、iolations of rules in terms of all violation behavior except of safety, environment and security. 4.4. 各部门 Each department 4.4.1. 负责对员工违规行为进行监督、核查,收集、整理违规证明。 Supervise and verify violations of rules and collect and sort out evidences. 4.4.2. 负责根据本制度对员工违规行为提出初步处理意见。 Give preliminary opinion on handli
7、ng violations of rules. 4.5. 公司工会 Trade union of the Company 参与对严重违规行为的调查或员工对违规处分有异议的调查核实, 确保员工的合法权益受到保护。 4.1.1. Participate in investigation on serious violations of rules or investigate and verify objections against punishments for violations of disciplines and rules, ensure employees legal rights
8、 to be protected. 5. 工作程序 Working Procedures 违规处分的批准 Approval of punishments for violations of rules 5.1. 5.1.1. 一般违规员工的处分,由人力资源部批准;主管级别的违规处分,由公司CAO批准;经理级别及以上 的违规处分,由公司COO-CEO批准。 Punishments for violations of rules conducted by general employees, supervisors and managers or above be respectively app
9、roved by HR Division, CAO of the Company and COO-CEO of the Company. 5.1.2. 对违规员工给予解雇处理,须征求工会意见。 Dismissal of employees violating rules shall be subject to the opinion of Trade Union. 5.1.3. 所有处理处分,都需按流程报备。 All punishment should go through according to procedure. 5.2. 员工行为规范 Code of conduct for empl
10、oyees 5.2.1. 以下行为属轻微违规,包括但不限于以下违规行为,应给予通报批评或书面警告处分并经济考核违规 者100元/次,以下第6条到第8条违规员工的直接上级连带经济考核50元/人/次: Minor violations of rules include but not limited to the following conducts which will be punished by circulating a notice of criticism or written warning and imposing economic punishment amounting to
11、RMB 100 per time on the employees violating rules and the immediate superiors of employees having conducts set forth from Article 6 to 8 shall receive joint and several economic punishment amounting to RMB 50 per person per time: 1) 未按要求参加班前会议或未执行交接班制度。 Fail to participate in tool box meeting or to
12、implement shift system. 2) 上班无故迟到、早退、溜岗、窜岗或会议无故迟到、缺席。 Get late for working,leave company early,leave position without permit, get late for meeting or be absent from meeting without reasonable reasons. 3) 未正确佩戴PPE,未按规定使用特殊防护用品,安全防护设施管理不当。 Fail to correctly wear PPE or use special protective equipment
13、 as specified or properly manage safety protection facilities. 4) 未按5S管理标准执行。 Fail to implement 5S management standard. 5) 工作执行力不强,从而造成工作延误或损失。 Assignment execution is not strong and cause working delay or loss. 6) 违反安全、生产、工艺操作规程,情节轻微。 Violate safe, production, and process operating procedures. 7) 高
14、空作业、起重吊装作业、动火作业、受限空间作业、脚手架作业、交叉作业等特殊作业时安全措施 不到位。 Fail to fully take safety measures for special operations such as work at height, hoisting work, hot works, work in confined space, scaffold operation and cross operation. 8) 违反特殊作业工作许可、挂牌上锁制度。 Violate special work permit and lock-out systems. 9) 员工手册
15、中规定的应给予书面警告的行为。 Behavior should be given written warning letter stated in 10) 其它类似违规行为。 Have any other similar conduct violating rules. 5.2.2. 以下行为属一般违规,包括但不限于以下违规行为,应给予严重书面警告处分并考核违规者500元/ 次,以下第2条到第7条违规员工的直接上级连带经济考核200元/人/次: General violations of rules include but not limited to the following conduc
16、ts which shall be punished by circulating a notice of criticism or a written warning and imposing economic punishment amounting to RMB 500 per time on the employees violating disciplines and rules and the immediate superiors of employees having conducts set forth from Paragraph 2 to Paragraph 7 shal
17、l receive joint and several economic punishment amounting to RMB 200 per person per time: 1) 造成公司重要物品、工具或重要文件资料、数据的丢失。 Cause the Company to lose important objects and tools or important documents and data. 2) 工作时间睡觉。 Sleep at working time. 3) 高处作业不系挂安全带。 Fail to wear safety belt while working at hei
18、ght. 4) 擅自动火作业。 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Carry out hot work without permission. 酒后作业和班中喝酒。 Go to work after drinking alcohol or drink alcohol during shift. 严重违反安全、生产、工艺操作规程。 Seriously violate safe, production, and process operating procedures. 未停机挂牌、能量隔断、上锁实施运转设备清扫、加油、维护等作业或擅自启动设备。 Carry out operations such a
19、s cleaning, refueling and maintaining working equipment without shutting down the equipment, cutting off energy and locking the equipment or start the equipment without permission.员工手册中规定的应给予严重书面警告的行为。 Behavior should be given serious written warning letter stated in 其它类似违规行为。 Have any other similar
20、 conduct violating rules. 5.2.3. 以下行为属严重违规,包括但不限于以下违规行为,应给予解雇警告处分并处2000元经济考核,情节 严重者直接解雇(直接上级连带经济考核1000元/人/次): Serious violations of disciplines and rules which include but not limited to the following conducts which shall be punished by giving a dismissal warning and imposing economic punishment amo
21、unting to RMB 2,000, andif the circumstances are serious, involved employees shall be directly dismissed (and their immediate superiors shall receive joint and several economic punishment amounting to RMB 1,000 per person per time): 1) 对公司员工采取威胁、恐吓、报复等过激行为。 Have violent behaviors, such as threat, in
22、timidation and reprisal, against the employees of the Company. 2) 不服从上级的合理工作安排且消极怠工或借故闹事。 Disobey the reasonable work arrangement of the superior and be passive or slack in work or find excuses to make troubles. 3) 泄漏公司机密或商业秘密。(造成严重后果的将加重处罚) Disclose the confidential information or business secret o
23、f the Company.(cause serious consequences will be punished more heavily). 4) 违章指挥或违规操作,造成人身伤亡、生产质量事故、公司财产损失超过 10000 元。 Give instructions or operate without following rules and cause the Company to suffer property or interest loss exceeding RMB 10,000. 5) 影响公司正常生产或管理秩序或公司声誉、或造成财产损失超过 10000 元。 Affecti
24、ng the normal production or management order or reputation of the Company or cause the Company to suffer property loss exceeding RMB 10,000. 6) 员工手册中规定的应给予解雇的行为。 Behavior should be fired stated in 7) 其它类似违规行为。 Have any other similar conduct violating rules. 5.2.4. 员工若有其它未列入其中的违规行为,也将会受到违规处分;违规处分参照已经
25、列出的类似违规行为给 予处分。 Any employee who has any other conduct violating rules not included in the above violations will also be punished according to the similar violations of rules which have been set forth. 5.3. 违规处分换算 Conversion of punishments for violations of rules 12个月内两次通报批评相当于一次书面警告,两次书面警告相当于一次严重书面
26、警告,两次严重书面警告可以直接解雇。 Circulating a notice of criticism twice within 12 months is equivalent to a written warning, giving written warning for two times are equivalent to a serious written warning and employees who receive serious written warning for two times will be directly dismissed. 5.4. 违规处分辅助手段 A
27、ids of punishments for violations of rules 根据其违规行为的严重程度可同时运用降职(级)、降薪、停职停薪进行处分,具体执行参照员工手册。 Demotion, salary decrease and suspension (without pay) can be used as aids of punishments for undisciplined employees according to the severity of circumstances. 5.5. 违规员工的考核标准Assessment standards for undiscipl
28、ined employees5.5.1. 违规受到降职(级)、降薪处分的,期限为半年,半年期限满可根据工作表现决定是否恢复原级别及 原工资。 Where an undisciplined employee is punished through demotion and salary decrease, the punishment will last for half a year and upon the expiration of half a year, whether such employee can have his or her original position and sa
29、lary will be determined according to the work performance of such employee. 5.5.2. 受到停职停薪调查的,停职调查期间,只发基本生活费,做出处理决定后,按所作决定做出相应处 理。如证实员工是无过错的,则补发停职调查期间的工资。 Where an undisciplined employee is punished through suspension (without pay) and investigation, such employee only can obtain subsistence allowanc
30、e during the period of suspension and investigation and he or she will be handled according to handling decision after such handling decision is made. If it is proved that such employee is innocent, the salary during the period of suspension and investigation will be paid retroactively. 5.5.3. 受到公司违
31、规处罚的,所属部门不再给予重复处罚。 Where an undisciplined employee is punished by the Company, the department where such employee works will not impose duplicate punishment on such employee. 5.6. 5.6.1. 5.6.2. 违规处理流程: Procedures for handling violations of rules: 具体处理流程参照附表三员工违规处理流程。 Detailed handling procedure refe
32、r to annex form 3. 受到违规处理的员工,如有异议可向公司工会提交书面申诉报告。由公司工会会同人力资源部进行联 合调查,做出最终处理决定,并向员工发出违规最终处理通知书。员工对最终处理决定仍然有异议的,可以向公司劳动争议调解委员会提出调解申请。 If any employee punished due to violations of disciplines has any objection, he or she can submit a written compliant report to Trade Union of the Company upon receipt o
33、f the handling decision. Trade Union and HR Division of the Company will jointly conduct investigation, make final handling decision and send a notice on final handling decision to such employee. If such employee still has an objection against such final handling decision, he or she may file an appl
34、ication for mediation to the labor dispute mediation committee of the Company. 员工的违规行为给公司造成经济损失的,公司除了给予违规处理之外,将追索员工对公司造成经济损失进行赔偿的权利。 Where the Company suffers any economic loss due to any violation of rules caused by any employee, in addition to punishment for such violation, the Company will claim
35、for compensation for such economic loss against such employee. 所有违规处理记录和资料将提交人力资源部存档。 All records and materials about the handling of violations of rules shall be submitted to HR Division for filing. 5.6.3. 5.6.4. 6. 存档文件 Documents to be Filed 6.1. 员工违规处理通知书、员工违规处理审批表、员工受到解雇的决定;存入员工档案。 Notice on Han
36、dling Violations of Rules, Approval Form for Handling Violations of Rules and decision on dismissal of any employee shall be filed in employee files. 7. 本办法由CAO人力资源部负责解释。 The Rules shall be interpreted by CAO HR Division. 8. 相关表式 Relevant Forms 7.1. 附表一员工违规处理审批表 Annex 1:Approval Form for Handling Vi
37、olations ofRules 7.2. 附表二员工违规处理通知书 Annex 2:Notice on Handling Violations of Rules 7.3. 附表三员工违规处理流程 Annex 3:Procedures for Handling Violations of Rules 篇二:关于进一步严肃工作纪律的通知 关于进一步严肃工作纪律的通知 各科室: 6月14日上午,县纪委思想作风建设督查组莅临本院进行了督查,督查组要求本院严格执行中央八项规定和省、市、县的有关规定,并强调工作纪律是工作作风的重要内容,它直接反映单位的全面建设和干部职工的工作面貌、工作态度,关系到单位的
38、整体形象。督查组还指出,在上级督查组6月19日至*为期一个月的明查暗访期间,要求本院全体员工进一步加强工作纪律和思想作风建设,确保工作纪律和思想作风不出问题。因此,为切实转变工作作风,严肃工作纪律,规范内部管理,进一步加强员工队伍建设,落实好县纪委督查组的工作意见,树立勤政、务实、廉洁、高效的良好行业形象。现就本院加强工作纪律的有关问题通知如下: 一、严格劳动纪律,进一步规范工作制度 1、所有干部职工都要按照单位规定的作息时间按时上下班,不得迟到或早退;对本单位召开的各种会议必须按时参加,对本单位举办的各类活动,要积极参与。 2、认真落实岗位职责、按时完成院领导交办的各项工作任务,不得无故推诿
39、,及时上报工作进展情况,做到事事有回音,件件有着落;值班人员在值班期间要认真履行值班职责,不得离岗、溜岗、缺岗,总值班要加强督查。 3、禁止在工作时间网上聊天、炒股、玩游戏、棋牌、看电影等与工作无关是事;禁止在办公区大声喧哗、吵架等与行业不符的行为。 4、认真执行窗口行业文明规范,做到礼貌待人、文明行医、服务和蔼、耐心解释、缜密诊疗,坚决杜绝“门难进、脸难看、话难听、事难办”现象,让社会各界群众满意。 二、严格工作计划,进一步规范请销假制度 1、各科室要认真做好每月工作计划与安排,并于每月5日前以电子邮件形式上报行政办公室,行政办公室根据各科工作计划与安排汇总上报院长办公会。 2、正常外出学习
40、、培训、开会等公出,按月计划安排执行。临时因工作需要外出,应向主管领导请假说明。要坚决杜绝和严禁擅离岗位,擅离职守的现象发生。 3、认真执行请休假(出差)管理办法,请假应事先书面履行请假手续,并统一使用请假单,病假另附医院出示的疾病证明书,如有特殊情况不能事前请假,事后2日内应及时补办请假手续。 4、重申请销假审批权限:职工休假、请探亲假应经本科室分管领、主要领导逐级审批。婚假、产假须由科主任签字,报分管计生工作的领导审批。丧假由职工所在科室审批报办公室备案。职工请病假、计划生育假应持定点医疗机构出具的病假证明,职工由本科室审批;科室负责人由分管领导审批,7天以上报主要领导审批。职工请事假3天
41、以下由科主任审批,4天以上报分管领导审批,7天以上报主要领导审批。科室负责人请事假3天及以下报分管领导审批,4天以上报主要领导审批。职工外出学习或出差,由科室报分管领导审批,科室负责人由院长审批。 职工请休假(出差)期满后,必须按时返回工作岗位上班,并及时按原来报批程序办理销假(差)手续,否则按旷工计算。 三、加强监督检查,进一步强调自律意识 1、建立日常的督查监督机制。日常督查工作由行政办牵头实施,每周不定期地对全院干部职工工作纪律情况进行明查暗访。科室负责人要负责对本科室人员的监督考核,一级抓一级,一级对一级负责。 2、规范考勤管理。各科室负责每日对自己科员的出勤情况进行考勤并统计考核。行
42、政办作为本院的考勤责任科室,一是负责定期抽查;二是每月底负责收集各科室的考勤表,并进行统计汇总考核。 3、强调劳动和工作纪律: (1)若没有正当理由且多次发生迟到、早退、旷工等违反劳动纪律的情况,将视情给予警告、通报批评、诫勉谈话;情节严重又屡教不改的,在责令其作出书面检查的同时,取消其当年各项评优、评先资格。违纪的,按照有关党纪政纪规定进行处理。 (2)发现本院工作人员在工作时间网上炒股、玩电脑游戏,看电影等与工作无关的事;或者发生在办公区大声喧哗、吵架等与行业不符的行为者。一经查实,按上级有关规定处理。 (3)因服务不到位,工作不负责或被患者或群众投诉查证属实的,除要求其提高思想认识,及时
43、向服务对象作出书面检查外,院方将视情节作出相应处理。 4、加强内部管理,强调自律意识。各科室要认真履职,加强科室内部管理,增强干部职工工作意识、纪律意识、责任意识、服务意识和大局意识,认真履行岗位职责,营造良好的学习、工作氛围,自觉遵守工作纪律。科主任以上领导干部更要带头遵守劳动纪律,起好表率作用,做到“从我做起,向我看齐”。全体员工要进一步加强工作责任心,提高工作效率、效果和效益,克服纪律松驰、工作拖延、自由散漫、懒散拖拉等违纪违规、消极怠工现象,确保本院各项工作有条不紊的开展。 *医院 2013年6月14日 篇三:公司会议纪律管理制度 唐山市长城畜牧机械有限公司 会议纪律管理制度 第一条
44、目的 为严明会议纪律,维持会场秩序,保证会议的质量和效果,提高会议严肃性及纪律性。 第二条 适用范围 适用于公司各种例会及专题会议。 第三条 归口部门 行政部负责监督该制度的执行。 第四条 会议纪律 1、参会人员提前10分钟入场,不得无故迟到、早退、旷会,会务人员提前连好投影设备,准备好相关数据文件。 2、参会人员因故不能出席,需提前1个小时向会议组织部门请假,否则按迟到或缺席处理。 3、员工大会因故不能出席,需提前半个工作日在行政部备案,否则按迟到或缺席处理。 4、进入会场前,参会人员应整理自己的仪表,做到衣冠整齐、精神饱满;会议期间要求集中精神、认真听取发言,不得交头接耳。 5、发言人在会
45、前做好充分的准备,发言简明扼要。不准跑题。遵守发言时间。 6、提意见和建议要先征得主持人许可,不需七嘴八舌、污言秽语、泄私愤、恶意攻击。 7、会议进行期间应把手机关机或设置静音状态,不接打电话,不玩手机或上网;如必须接听电话,到会议室外接听。 8、会议期间严禁吸烟。 9、开会时参会人员应坐姿端正,不随意走动,不允许打瞌睡,做与会议无关的事情。 10、参会人员不得泄露会议机密,并妥善保管会议材料。 11、未经主管领导同意,不得安排他人代会。 12、违反会议纪律者,公司根据情节的轻重做出乐捐处理(见附表)。 第五条 实施日期 本制度自发布之日起施行。 附表: 备注:捐款时限一周7天,提前主动交清的额度减半,到期交的保持原额度不变,不缴的从工资扣的在原值基础上翻倍。 2014-3-13 纪律严明的办法出自:百味书屋专心-专注-专业