1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上粉末涂料(塑粉)的MSDS 1 产品产品名称 热固性粉末涂料 应用 静电喷涂 2.成分构成/信息 在1997化学品(危险品知识与包装)规章的范围内体现健康危害的物质: 名称 含量范围 代表符号 R-术语(*) 异氰尿酸三缩水 0.1至5.0% T R46 R23/25 R48/22 甘油酯(TGIC) R41 R43 (*)详见16小节 3危害识别 该产品因含有TGIC被定为具有毒性。可能会有损害遗传基因的风险。可能引起皮肤接触性过敏。吸入和误食均有伤害。 4急救措施 一般: 若有任何疑问或有症状持续出现,请寻医助。 保证失去意识的患者口中无任何东西。 吸入: 移到通
2、风处,保持患者体温和静止。如果患者呼吸不规律或停止,进行人工呼吸急救。保证口中无异物。如果失去意识,安置在恰当位置并寻医助。 眼睛接触: 取下隐形眼睛。用大量干净的清水冲洗至少十分钟,保证眼皮张开并寻医助。 皮肤接触: 脱下被污染的衣物。用肥皂和水或者是合适的皮肤清洁剂彻底清洗。切忌使用溶剂或稀释剂。 吞服: 如不慎吞食,立即寻求医助。保持患者静躺,切勿导吐。 5消防措施 灭火媒介: 建议:水,泡末,干粉,CO2,水喷淋或水雾 禁止使用:高压惰性气体(如CO2),水枪喷射 建议: 火灾现场浓厚的黑烟包含很多由于燃烧产生的有害物质(参看第10小节)。暴露于这种分解的物质中对健康有害。需要自带呼吸
3、器的器械。用水喷的方式冷却暴露在火中的密闭容器。切勿把灭火器的流出物直接排到下水道或河道中。 6应急意外泄露 排除火源,保证场地通风。无关人员远离现场。避免吸入灰尘。涉及到的保护措施列在7、8小节。打扫溢出粉末应使用防静电的真空清洁器或湿的清洁刷,并根据废物处理规则(参看13小节)收集在密闭容器中待处理。切勿使用扫把,以免形成灰尘层和静电积累。请勿直接排放到下水道或河道中。 如果产品进入下水道或河道,应立即联系当地自来水公司;如果污染了河流、小溪或湖泊,应求助当地环保部门。 7处置和存储 处置 采取措施以预防灰尘积聚到高于爆炸或偶然爆炸极限。 电气和照明设备应根据相宜标准进行保护,切勿让灰尘接
4、触热表面、火星或其它点火火源。 保证容器密封。排除热源、火星和明火。避免吸入灰尘。在储存和使用区域严禁抽烟、进食和饮水。 操作人员应佩带防静电鞋,地面保持导电。 涉及到个人防护参看8小节。 本产品包装物应交有资质的部门处理。 储存 阅读储存措施标识。一般贮存在35之下、通风良好、干燥的室内,不得靠近火源、暖气,避免阳光直射。禁止抽烟。不经授权不得进入。打开的包装一定要重新密封,并摆放适当位置防止泄露。 8暴露控制/个人防护 暴露极限 物质 职业暴露极限 8小时 TWA(1) 15分钟 STEL(2) mg/m3 (3) mg/m3 (3) TGIC 0.1MEL 注释: (1) 长期暴露极限8
5、小时时间的加权平均值 (2) 短期暴露极限15分钟参考周期 (3) “OES”是指Occupational Exposure Standard(职业暴露标准), “MEL”是指Maximum Exposure Limit(最大暴露极限), “OELS”是取自于EH40的当前版本。 对TGIC的暴露可以用MDHS85(HSE)方法来测量。对TGIC的暴露还可以通过另外一种方法来测量,即测出总吸入微粒(TIP)然后再计算出这种物质中TGIC的含量是多少。 对于TGIC含量在0.1%5.0%范围的产品,TIP的暴露低于2 mg/m3 就意味着TGIC的暴露低于0.1 mg/m3 MEL。 具有呼吸道
6、疾病和过敏反应病史的人员必须要在适当的医疗监督下才能暴露于此产品中或处理此类产品。 技术措施 避免吸入粉尘。使用现场的排气通风和抽风装置来减少粉尘。如果这些措施仍不能将粉尘浓度控制在职业暴露极限之下,就需要佩带合适的呼吸保护装备。(参考下面的“个人防护”章节) 个人防护 用来控制对有害物质的暴露所有的PPE(个人防护装备)包括RPE(呼吸保护装备)都必须达标。 呼吸保护: 如果喷涂人员或附近其他人员对于产品的暴露不能控制在职业暴露极限之下,或是技术控制措施没有合理的改进,本产品喷涂时则必须佩带合适的呼吸保护装置。 手的保护: 皮肤暴露可能发生的区域,建议从手套供应商处选择合适的型号。 眼睛的保
7、护: 当有可能暴露于产品中时,应佩带相应的防护镜免于灰尘的暴露。 皮肤的保护: 通常棉或合成棉的用品比较合适。 选择防护布料时一定要注意,应确保避免脖子和手腕处皮肤与粉末接触,以免其受刺激发炎。 9物理和化学性质 物理状态 细粉状 比重 1.21.9 在水中的溶解性 不溶于水 最低点燃温度 400 最低点燃能量: 520mJ 最低爆炸浓度: 2070g/m3 10稳定性和反应活性 在建议的贮存和处理条件(见7小节)下产品保持稳定。在燃烧中,产品会分解有害物如烟、CO、CO2,也可能产生其它氮氧化合物。 11 毒性信息 关于产品本身没有可获得的数据。 粉末可能会引起局部皮肤褶皱处或衣物紧裹处刺激
8、。 12生态信息 关于产品本身没有可获得的数据。 该产品含有对水生物有害的TGIC,因此可能会对水生环境造成长期的不利影响。 本产品不准排入河流或下水道,或是在可能影响土壤或地表水的地方沉积。 当应用本产品时应遵循在环境保护法中制定的空气污染控制规章要求。 13处理考虑因素 不允许排入河道或下水道或是在可能影响土壤或地表水的地方沉积。废弃物包括空的容器,应根据在污染控制法和环境保护法中制定的规章处理。咨询你的废弃物处理商以获得更详尽的信息。 14运输信息 运输时确保包装物的密封、完整,确保运输人员在发生泄露等事件时知道如何处理。在国际章程项下该产品并未被划分为危险运输品。 15管理信息 根据1
9、997化学品规章(有害信息和包装)的要求该产品的安全术语如下: 该产品含有TGIC被定为有毒级别。 R46 可能损害遗传基因 R43 可能引起皮肤接触性过敏 R36 对眼睛有刺激性 R20/22 若吸入或吞服均有损害 S24/25 避免与皮肤和眼睛接触 S45 意外事件或是你感觉不佳,立即需求医助(可能的话向医生出示标签) S38 若通风不足应佩带合适的呼吸器具 S53 避免暴露使用前熟悉特殊指导说明 此安全数据页里所包含的信息,根据其它健康和安全法律要求,并不能构成用户本身工作场地风险的评估。使用本产品时为了工作的健康和安全,应该遵循物质对健康危害的控制章程。 16其他信息 此安全数据页里所
10、包含的信息是根据1997化学品规章(有害信息和包装)的要求提供。 在第二小节包含的R术语全文是: R23/25 若吸入或吞服均有毒性 R41 对眼睛严重损伤的风险 R43 可能引起皮肤接触性过敏 R46 可能损害遗传基因 R48/22 有害:长期暴露和误食对健康的严重损害危险 在没有向粉末供应商联系并获得书面的作业指导前,本产品不得用作除第一部分所列的其他用途。若本产品是在供应商控制之外其他特殊条件下使用,用户应确保遵从相关的法律要求。 此安全数据页里所包含的信息是基于现有的知识形态和当前的国家法律。它对本产品健康、安全和环境方面提供指导,但做特殊用途时并不能提供技术性能或稳定性的保证。 更详
11、尽的信息和建议可从下列获得: 1999物质有害健康控制章程(SL1999:437) 英国涂料联盟粉末涂料静电喷涂(安全惯例代码)应用(01372 360 660) 1992操作处理规章手册(SL 1992:2793) 化学品的入库贮存:密封危险品的贮存 HS(G)71 1992环境保护章程(SL 1992:2839) 1997化学品(危险品信息和包装)章程(SL 1997:3247) * Powder Coating SAFETY DATA SHEET NO 29 COATING POWDER Product and reference:ALL PRODUCT PROVIDED THE SDS
12、 29 MATERIAL Date of Issue:*. *st, 2009 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE PREPARATION AND COMPANY Product name and/or code: Thermosetting Coating Powder Intended use: * Name and full address: * * Emergency phone number: * 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Substances presenting a health hazard within t
13、he meaning of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997: Name Conc. Range Symbol Letter R-phrases(*) Triglycidyl(TGIC) 0.1 to 5.0% T R46, R23/25, R48/22,R41,R43 Isocyanurate (*)For full text see section 16 3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION This product contains TGIC and is classified
14、as toxic. Possible risk of heritable genetic damage. May cause sensitisation by skin contact and may be irritating to eyes. Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed. 4. FIRST AID MEASURES General: In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms persist, seek medical attention. Never give anything by mouth to
15、an unconscious person. Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, keep the patient warm and at rest. If breathing is irregular or stopped, administer artificial respiration. Give nothing by mouth. If unconscious, place in the recovery position and seek medical advice. Eye contact: Contact lenses should be rem
16、oved. Irrigate copiously with clean, fresh water for at least 10 minutes, holding the eyelids apart, and seek medical advice. Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing. Wash skin thoroughly with soap and water or use a proprietary skin cleaner. Do NOT use solvents or thinners. Ingestion: If acciden
17、tally swallowed, obtain medical attention. Keep at rest. Do NOT induce vomiting. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Extinguishing media: Recommended: water, extinguisher of foam, Powder and Carbon dioxide, water spray/mist. Not to be used: high pressure inert gas(e.g. CO2),water jets. Recommendations: Fire w
18、ill produce dense black smoke containing hazardous products of combustion (see Section 10). Exposure to decomposition products may be a hazard to health. Appropriate self-contained breathing apparatus may be required. Cool closed containers exposed to fire with water spray. Do not allow run-off from
19、 fire fighting to enter drains or watercourses. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Exclude sources of ignition and ventilate the area. Exclude non-essential personnel. Avoid breathing dust. Refer to protective measures listed in Sections 7&8. Contain and collect spillage with an anti- electrostatic vacu
20、um cleaner or by wet brushing and place in a closed container for disposal in accordance with the waste regulations (see Section 13). Do not use a dry brush or static electricity can be created. Do not allow to enter drains or watercourses. If the product enters drains or sewers, the local water com
21、pany should be contacted immediately; in case of contamination of streams, rivers or lakes, the relevant environment agency. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Precautions should be taken to prevent the formation of dusts in concentrations above explosive or occupational exposure limits. Electrical e
22、quipment and lighting should be protected to appropriate standards and to prevent dust coming into contact with hot surfaces, sparks or other ignition sources. Keep the container tightly closed. Exclude sources of heat, sparks and open flame. Avoid the inhalation of dusts. Smoking, eating and drinki
23、ng should be prohibited in areas of storage and use. Operators should wear anti-static footwear and floors should be electrically conductive. For personnel protection see Section 8. The containers of this product should be handled in qualified department. Storage: Observe the label precaution. Store
24、 below 35 in a dry, well ventilated place away from sources of heat, ignition and direct sunlight. No smoking. Prevent unauthorized access. Containers which are opened should be properly released and upright to prevent leakage. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/ PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Limits: Substance Occ
25、upational Exposure Limits 8hr TWA(1) 15min STEL(2) mg/m3 (3) mg/m3 (3) TGIC 0.1 MEL Notes: (1) Long term exposure limit8 hour time weighted average (2) Short term exposure limit15 minutes reference period (3) “OES”indicates an Occupational Exposure Standard. MEL indicates a Maximum Exposure Limit. O
26、ELS are taken from the current version of EH40. Exposure to TGIC can be measured by the method described in MDHS 85 (HSE). An estimate of exposure to TGIC can also be carried out by measuring exposure to total inhalation particulate(TIP), and then calculating how much of this material is TGIC. For p
27、roducts with TGIC content in the range 0.1 to 5.0% exposure to TIP below 2 mg/m3 will mean exposure to TGIC will be below the MEL of 0.1 mg/m3. Persons with a history respiratory problems or allergic responses should only be exposed to, or handle, this product under appropriate medical supervision.
28、Engineering Measures: Avoid the inhalation of dusts. Where reasonably practicable this should be achieved by the use of local exhaust ventilation and good general extraction. If there are not sufficient to maintain concentrations of dust below the relevant Occupational Exposure Limits, suitable resp
29、iratory protective equipment should be worn (see personal protection below). Personal Protection: All PPE, including RPE, used to control exposure to hazardous substances must be selected to meet the relevant requirements. Respiratory Protection: Suitable respiratory protective equipment should be w
30、orn when this product is sprayed if the exposure of the sprayer or other people nearby cannot be controlled to below the occupational exposure limit and the engineering controls and methods cannot reasonably be improved. Hand Protection: Where skin exposure may occur, advice should be sought from gl
31、ove suppliers on appropriate types. Eye protection: Eye protection designed to protect against exposure to dusts should be worn when there is a likelihood of exposure. Skin Protection: Cotton or cotton/ synthetic overalls or overalls are normally suitable. Care should be taken in the selection of pr
32、otective clothing to ensure that inflammation and irritation of the skin at the neck and wrists through contact with the powder is avoided. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Physical state: Fine powder Specific Gravity: 1.21.9 Solubility in water: insoluble Minimum ignition temp: 400 Minimum ignit
33、ion energy: 520mJ Minimum explosive concentration: 2070g/m3 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stable under the recommended storage and handling conditions (See Section 7). In a fire, hazardous decomposition products such as smoke, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and oxides of nitrogen may be produced. 11
34、. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION There is no data available on the product itself. Coating powders can cause localized skin irritation in folds of the skin or in contact with tight clothing. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION There is no data available on the product itself. This product contains Triglycidyl Iso
35、cyanurate (TGIC) which is classified as harmful to aquatic organisms, and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. The product should not be allowed to enter drains or watercourses or be deposited where it can affect ground or surface waters. The Air Pollution Control requirem
36、ents of regulations made under the Environmental Protection Act may apply to the use of this product. 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Do not allow into drains or watercourses or dispose of where ground or surface waters may be affected. Wastes, including emptied containers, are controlled wastes and sho
37、uld be disposed of in accordance with regulations made under the Control of Pollution Act. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Always transport in closed containers that are upright and secure. Ensure that persons transporting the product know what to do in the event of accident or spillage. The product is no
38、t classified as dangerous for carriage under International regulations. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION The safety phrases of this product is identified in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations (1997) as follows. This product contains
39、Triglycidyl Isocyanurate (TGIC) and is classified as toxic. R46 May cause heritable genetic damage R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R36 Irritating to eyes. R20/22 Harmful by inhalation and if swallowed S24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. S45 In case of accident or if you feel unwell
40、, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). S38 In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment. S53 Avoid exposure obtain special instructions before use. The information contained in this safety data sheet does not constitute the users own assessment
41、of workplace risks as required by other health and safety legislation. The provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act and the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations apply to the use of this product at work. 16. OTHER INFORMATION The information in this safety data sheet is pr
42、ovided in accordance with the requirements of the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997. The full text of the R phrase contained in Section 2 is:- R23/25 Toxic by inhalation and if swallowed. R41 Risk of serious damage to eyes. R43 May cause sensitisation by skin contact. R46
43、 May cause heritable genetic damage. R48/22 Harmful: danger of serious damage to health by prolonged exposure if swallowed. The product should not used for purposes other than those shown in Section 1 without first referring to the powder supplier and obtaining written handling instructions. As the
44、specific conditions of use of the product are outside the suppliers control, the user is responsible for ensuring that the requirements of relevant legislation are complied with. The information contained in this data sheet is based on the present state of knowledge and current national legislation.
45、 It provides guidance on health, safety and environmental aspects of the product and should not be construed as any guarantee of technical performance or suitability for particular application. Further information and relevant advice can be found in: The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Reg
46、ulations 1999(SL1999:437). The Application of Powder Coatings by Electrostatic Spraying (Code of Safe Practice) from British Coatings Federation(01372 360 660). The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992(SL 1992:2793). Chemical Warehousing: Storage of Packaged Dangerous Substances HS(G)71 The E
47、nvironmental Protection (Duty of Care) Regulations 1992(SL 1992:2839). The Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging) Regulations 1997(SL 1997:3247).0回答者: - 3-8 00:27 其他回答共 2 条希望下面内容对你有用: 粉末涂料安全技术说明书,英文简称MSDS,是一份关于粉末涂料燃、爆、毒性和生态危害以及安全使用、泄露应急处理、主要理化参数、法律法规等方面信息的综合性文件,作为对客户的一种服务,特别是生产企业和进出口企业,粉末涂料供应商
48、应随粉末涂料产品一起向客户提供粉末涂料安全技术说明书,使客户明了粉末涂料的有关危害,施工使用时能自主进行防护,起到减少职业危害和预防化学事故的作用。 粉末涂料安全技术说明书主要用途粉末涂料安全技术说明书作为最基础的粉末涂料技术文件,主要用途是传递安全信息,它的主要作用表现在如下方面:是给从事粉末涂料工作人员安全使用粉末涂料的指导性文件;为粉末涂料生产、处置、储存和使用各个环节指定安全操作规程提供技术信息;为危害控制和预防措施设计提供技术依据;是企业安全教育的主要内容。 编制粉末涂料安全技术说明书的要求及必要性 粉末涂料供应商即粉末涂料生产商,对粉末涂料安全技术说明书的编写和供给负有最基本的责任,生产企业必须按照国家法规填写符合规定要求的粉末涂料安全技术说明书,全面详实地向用户提供有关粉末涂料的本企业产品的粉末涂料安全技术说明书,具体应包括安全卫生信息,并确保接触粉末涂料的工作人员能方便查阅,还应负责更新本企业产品的粉末涂料安全技术说明书,确保接触粉末涂料的作业人员能方便地查阅。 经营、销售企业所经销的粉末涂料必须附带安全技术说