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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上铸钢闸阀操作和维护手册1. 总则该系统的阀门,在管线系统中用于关闭或开启管线,保持系统正常运行。2. 产品描述2.1 技术要求2.1.1 设计与制造:API600、API603、ASME B16.34、BS14142.1.2 连接端尺寸:ASME B16.5、ASME B16.47、ASME B16.252.1.3 结构长度:ASME B16.102.1.4 检查和试验:API 598、API6002.1.5 规格:MPS248,压力:Class15025002.2 该系列的阀门带有法兰端、对焊端手动(通过手轮或齿轮箱传动的)铸钢闸阀。阀杆以垂直的方向移动。当顺时针旋

2、转手轮时,闸板落下来关闭管线;当逆时针旋转手轮时,闸板上升,开启管线。2.3 结构简图请见图1、图2、图3; 图1 图2 图3专心-专注-专业2.4 主要部件的名称和材料在表格1中(表1)零件名称材 料阀体、阀盖ASTM A216 WCB、ASTM A352 LCB、ASTM A217 WC6、ASTM A217 WC9、ASTM A351 CF3、ASTM A351 CF3MASTM A351 CF8、ASTM A351 CF8M、ASTM A351 CN7MASTM A494 CW-2M、Monel闸 板ASTM A216 WCB、ASTM A352 LCB、ASTM A217 WC6、A

3、STM A217 WC9、ASTM A351 CF3、ASTM A351 CF3MASTM A351 CF8、ASTM A351 CF8M、ASTM A351 CN7MASTM A494 CW-2M、Monel阀 座ASTM A105、ASTM A350 LF2、F11、F22、ASTM A182 F304(304L)、ASTM A182 F316(316L)ASTM B462、Has.C-4、Monel阀 杆ASTM A182 F6a、ASTM A182 F304(304L)、ASTM A182 F316(316L)、ASTM B462、Has.C-4、Monel填 料编织石墨和柔性石墨、P

4、TFE螺柱/螺母ASTM A193 B7/A194 2H、ASTM L320 L7/A194 4、ASTM A193 B16/A194 4、ASTM A193 B8/A194 8、ASTM A193 B8M/A194 8M垫片304(316)+石墨、304(316)+环垫、Has.C-4环垫、Monel环垫、B462座圈/阀瓣/密封面13Cr、18Cr-8Ni、18Cr-8Ni-Mo、NiCu alloy、25Cr-20Ni、STL3. 存贮、维护、安装和操作3.1 存贮、维护3.1.1 阀门应被存贮在室内于干燥和通风处。通道的端口应用盖子塞住。3.1.2 长期存贮的阀门应进行定期检查和清理,

5、特别是清理阀座密封表面,防止被损坏。并且在机加工表面涂上防锈油。3.1.3 如果存贮的时间超过18个月,阀门在安装使用前应进行测试,并做好记录。3.1.4 安装后的阀门应定期进行检查和修理。主要的维护点包括如下: 1) 密封表面 2) 阀杆和阀杆螺母 3) 填料 4) 阀体和阀盖的内部表面的污垢3.2 安装3.2.1 安装前重新确认阀门标识(如型号、公称通径、公称压力、材料)是依据管线系统的要求标识。3.2.2 安装前仔细地检查阀门的通道和密封表面。如有任何的赃物,应清理干净。3.2.3 安装前,确保所有的螺栓已拧紧。3.2.4 安装前,确保填料被压紧。但不应妨碍阀杆的移动。3.2.5 安装阀

6、门的地方应是方便于检测和操作的,最好的位置应和管线是水平的,并且手轮在上,阀杆是垂直的。3.2.6 对于正常的关闭阀门,阀门不适合安装在工作压力非常大的地方,以避免阀杆被损坏。3.2.7 采用承插焊连接的阀门在现场与管道施焊连接安装时应至少作到如下要求: 1) 焊工应持有国家锅炉与压力容器部门认可的焊工资格证,或已得到ASTM标准年鉴第卷焊工资格评定证书的操作工方可进行施焊。 2) 焊接工艺参数的选择必须符合相应焊接材料质保证书的规定。 3) 焊缝的填充金属焊接材料,其化学成分和机械性能及耐腐蚀应与阀体母材金属相近。3.2.8 阀门正常安装,应避免由支持物、附件、管件产生巨大的重压。3.2.9

7、 安装之后,在管线系统的压力测试期间,阀门必须全部开启。3.2.10 支持点:如果管线有足够的强度来支持阀门重量和操作扭矩,不需要支持点。否则,阀门应有支持点。3.2.11 提升:不能用手轮提升和起吊阀门。3.3 操作和使用3.3.1 在使用期间,闸板必须全部开启或全部关闭,以防止因高速介质损坏阀座密封圈和闸板的表面。不能用于调节流量。3.3.2 当开启或关闭阀门时,使用手轮代替辅助的手柄或其他的工具。3.3.3 在许用工作温度下,确保瞬间的压力低于ASME B16.34压力-温度额定值中的工作压力。3.3.4 禁止在运输、安装、操作期间对阀门进行敲打和撞击。3.3.5 不稳定流体的分解,如一

8、些流体的分解造成体积扩张,导致工作压力的上升,从而使得阀门损坏和泄漏,因此,应用适当测量仪来排除 或限制此导致流体的分解因素。3.3.6 如果流体是冷凝物,将影响阀门的性能,应用适当测量仪来减少流体的温度(如保证流体合适的温度等)或更换其它的阀门。3.3.7 对于能自燃的流体,应用适当测量仪来保证环境和工作压力不超过它自燃点(特别注意日晒和外部火)3.3.8 对于危险性的流体,如爆炸性的,可燃性、有毒性、氧化性的物品等,在压力下,禁止更换填料。无论如何,在紧急情况下,也不推荐在压力条件下更换填料(尽管阀门具有此功能)。3.3.9 确保流体不是脏的,以致于影响阀门的性能,不包括硬实心微粒,否则,

9、应用一些相适应测量仪来将赃物和硬实心物质清除,或更换其它类型的阀门。3.3.10 许用工作温度:材 料许用工作温度材 料许用工作温度ASTM A216 WCB-29425ASTM A217 WC6-29538ASTM A352 LCB-46343ASTM A217 WC9-29570ASTM A351 CF3(CF3M)-196454ASTMA494 CW-2M-29450ASTM A351 CF8(CF8M)-196454Monel-29425ASTM A351 CN7M-294503.3.11 确保阀门的阀体材料是适合用于防腐和防锈的流体环境下。3.3.12 在使用期间,依据如下表格检查密

10、封性能:检查点泄漏阀体与阀盖连接处零填料密封零阀座密封依据技术规范3.3.13 有规律地检查密封表面的磨损,填料的老化和损坏。如有损坏,应及时地进行修理和更换。3.3.14 修理之后,阀门应进行重新组装和调整,接着测试密封性能并做好记录。3.3.15 检查和修理时间为两年。4. 可能发生的问题,原因和解决的办法问题的描述可能产生的原因解决的办法在填料处泄露填料压的不够紧重新拧紧填料螺母填料的数量不够加更多的填料填料损坏的原因是因为长期使用或不正确的保护更换填料在阀座密封表面泄漏密封表面弄脏清理赃物在阀座密封副表面泄漏密封表面磨损对其进行修理或更换密封圈或闸板因硬实心微粒损坏密封表面清理流体中的

11、硬实心微粒,或更换密封圈和闸板,或更换其它类型的阀门在阀体与阀盖连接处泄漏螺栓没有正确拧紧统一拧紧螺栓阀体与阀盖法兰的密封面损坏对其进行修理垫片损坏或破裂更换垫片手轮旋转困难或不能打开或关闭闸板填料拧的过紧适当的将填料螺母拧松密封压盖变形弯曲调整密封压盖阀杆螺母损坏修正螺纹和清理赃物阀杆螺母的螺纹磨损或破裂更换阀杆螺母阀杆弯曲更换阀杆闸板或阀体的导向表面有赃物清理导向表面赃物注:维护者应有相关知识和阀门经验。 5. 水封闸阀 水封闸阀阀盖填料室具有水密封结构,当接口通入压力0.61.0MP的水时,可使系统与大气隔离,保证系统具有良好的气密性。在管路上做启闭装置用,必须处于全开或半开状态,不得用

12、于调节流量。6. 真空闸阀 真空闸阀阀盖填料室设有真空密封机构,具有自胀压紧作用,并且各连接面采用高强膨胀材料密封使系统与大气隔离,具有很好的真空密封性能。7. 保证 使用后,阀门的质保其为12个月,但不超过交货期后24个月。在质保期间,在正确的操作前提下,因材料、制造、或破损的原因而造成损坏,制造厂将无偿进行维修或提供零部件。Cast steel gate valveOperation and Maintenance Manual1. General Valves of this series are used to close or open pipelines in pipeline s

13、ystem so as to maintain normal operation of the system.2. Product Description2.1 Technique requirement2.1.1 Design and manufacture: API600、API603、ASME B16.34、BS14142.1.2 Connection end dimension:ASME B16.5、ASME B16.47、ASME B16.252.1.3 Face to face or end to end:ASME B16.102.1.4 Inspection and test:A

14、PI 598、API6002.1.5 Nominal sizes:MPS248,Nominal class ratings:Class15025002.2 Valves of this series are manual (actuated through handwheel or gear box) gate valves with flange ends and butt welding end .The valve stem moves vertically. When turn the handwheel clockwise, the gate falls down to close

15、the pipeline; when turn the handwheel counterclockwise, the gate rises up to open pipeline.2.3 The structural see Fig.1, 2and3. Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.32.4 Names and materials of main parts are listed in Table 1.(Table 1)Part NameMaterialBody and bonnetASTM A216 WCB、ASTM A352 LCB、ASTM A217 WC6、ASTM A217 WC

16、9、ASTM A351 CF3、ASTM A351 CF3MASTM A351 CF8、ASTM A351 CF8M、ASTM A351 CN7MASTM A494 CW-2M、MonelgateASTM A216 WCB、ASTM A352 LCB、ASTM A217 WC6、ASTM A217 WC9、ASTM A351 CF3、ASTM A351 CF3MASTM A351 CF8、ASTM A351 CF8M、ASTM A351 CN7MASTM A494 CW-2M、MonelseatASTM A105、ASTM A350 LF2、F11、F22、ASTM A182 F304(304

17、L)、ASTM A182 F316(316L)ASTM B462、Has.C-4、MonelstemASTM A182 F6a、ASTM A182 F304(304L)、ASTM A182 F316(316L)、ASTM B462、Has.C-4、MonelPackingBraided graphite and flexible graphite、PTFEStud/nutASTM A193 B7/A194 2H、ASTM L320 L7/A194 4、ASTM A193 B16/A194 4、ASTM A193 B8/A194 8、ASTM A193 B8M/A194 8MGasket304(

18、316)+Graph、304(316)、Has.C-4、Monel、B462Seat ring/Disc/surfaces13Cr、18Cr-8Ni、18Cr-8Ni-Mo、NiCu alloy、25Cr-20Ni、STL3. Storage, maintenance, Installation and operation3.1 Storage and maintenance3.1.1 The valves should be stored in dry and well ventilated room. The passage ends should be plugged with cove

19、rs.3.1.2 The valves under long-time storage should be examined and cleaned regularly, especially the cleaning of seating face to prevent damage, and the finished surfaces should be coated with rust inhibiting oil.3.1.3 If storage period exceeds 18 months, the valves should be tested and records shou

20、ld be made.3.1.4 Installed valves should be examined and repaired regularly. The main maintenance points include the following:1) Sealing face2) Valve stem and valve stem nut.3) Packing.4) Fouling on internal surface of valve body and valve bonnet3.2 Installation3.2.1 Before installation, make sure

21、valve identification (such as model, DN, PN and material) are marked according to requirements of pipeline system.3.2.2 Before installation, carefully check valve passage and sealing face. If there is any dirt, clean it thoroughly.3.2.3 Before installation, make sure all bolts are fastened tightly.3

22、.2.4 Before installation, make sure packing is compressed tightly. However, the motion of valve stem should not be disturbed.3.2.5 The installation place of the valve should facilitate inspection and operation. The preferable position should be that the pipeline is horizontal, handwheel is above, an

23、d valve stem is vertical.3.2.6 For normally closed valve, it is not suitable to install it in the place where working pressure is very big to avoid damage of valve stem.3.2.7 Socket welded valves shall at least meet the following requirements when they are welded for installation in pipeline system

24、on site:1) Welding should be carried out by the welder who possesses welders qualification certificate approved by the State Boiler and Pressure Vessel Authority; or the welder who has obtained welders qualification certificate specified in ASME Vol.2) Welding process parameters must be selected as

25、specified in the quality assurance manual of welding material.3) The chemical composition, mechanical performance and corrosion resistance of the filler metal of welding seam should be compatible with base metal.3.2.8 The valve is normally installed, big stress due to supports, accessories and pipes

26、 should be avoided.3.2.9 After installation, during pressure testing of pipeline system, the valve must be fully opened.3.2.10 Bearing point: if the pipeline has sufficient strength to bear valve weight and operation torque, then no bearing point is required, otherwise valve should have bearing poin

27、t.3.2.11 Lifting: dont use handwheel to hoist and lift valve.3.3 Operation and use3.3.1 During service period, valve gate must be fully opened or fully closed to avoid surface damage of seat ring and valve gate due to high-speed medium. It cannot be used to adjust flow capacity.3.3.2 When open or cl

28、ose the valve, use handwheel instead of auxiliary lever or use other tool.3.3.3 At working temperature, make sure instantaneous pressure be lower than 1.1times that working pressure of pressure-temperature ratings in ASME B16. Safety relief equipment should be installed on the pipeline to pr

29、event the working pressure of the valve at working temperature from exceeding the maximum allowable pressure.3.3.5 Stroking and shocking the valve is prohibited during transport, installation and operation period.3.3.6 Decomposition of unsteady fluid, for example, the decomposition of some fluids ca

30、n cause volume expansion and lead to working pressure rise, thus damaging the valve and causing permeation, therefore, use appropriate measuring instruments to eliminate or limit factors that may cause decomposition of fluid.3.3.7 If the fluid is a condensate, this will affect valve performance, use

31、 appropriate measuring instruments to reduce temperature of the fluid (for example, to guarantee appropriate temperature of the fluid) or replace it with other type of valve.3.3.8 For self-inflammable fluid, use appropriate measuring instruments to guarantee ambient and working pressure do not excee

32、d its auto-ignition point (especially notice sunshine or external fire).3.3.9 In case of dangerous fluid, such as explosive, inflammable. Toxic, oxidation products, it is prohibited to replace packing under pressure (although the valve has such a function).3.3.10 Make sure the fluid is not dirty, wh

33、ich affects valve performance, does not contain hard solids, otherwise appropriate measuring instruments should be used to remove the dirt and hard solids, or replace it with other type of valve.3.3.11 Allowable working temperature: MaterialtemperatureMaterialtemperatureASTM A216 WCB-29425ASTM A217

34、WC6-29538ASTM A352 LCB-46343ASTM A217 WC9-29570ASTM A351 CF3(CF3M)-196454ASTMA494 CW-2M-29450ASTM A351 CF8(CF8M)-196454Monel-29425ASTM A351 CN7M-29450-3.3.12 Make sure the material of valve body is suitable for use in corrosion resistant and rust prevention fluid environment.3.3.13 During service pe

35、riod, examine sealing performance as per the table below:Inspection pointLeakConnection between valve body and bonnetZeroPacking sealZeroValve seatAs per technical specification3.3.14 Regularly check for the wear of sealing face. Packing aging and damage. Make repair or replacement in time if eviden

36、ce is found.3.3.15 After repair, re-assemble and adjust the valve, the test tightness performance and make record.3.3.16 Examination and repair internal is two years.4. Possible problems, causes and remedial measuresProblem descriptionPossible causeRemedial measuresLeak at packingInsufficiently comp

37、ressed packingRe-tighten packing nutInadequate quantity of packingAdd more packingDamaged packing due to long-time service or improper protectionReplace packingLeak on valve seating faceDirty seating faceRemove dirtWorn seating faceRepair it or replace seat ring or valve gateDamaged seating face due

38、 to hard solidsRemove hard solids in the fluid, repair or replace seat ring or valve gate, or replace with other type of valveLeak at connection between valve body and valve bonnetBolts are not properly fastenedUniformly fasten boltsDamaged seating surface of valve body and valve bonnet flangeRepair

39、 itDamaged or broken gasketReplace gasketDifficult rotation of handwheel or valve gate cannot be opened or closedToo tightly fastened packingAppropriately loosen packing nutDeformation or bending of sealing glandAdjust sealing glandDamaged valve stem nutCorrect thread and remove the dirtWorn or brok

40、en valve stem nut threadReplace valve stem nutBent valve stemReplace valve stemDirty guide surface of valve gate or valve bodyRemove dirt on guide surfaceNote: Service person should have relevant knowledge and experience with valves.5. Warranty After the valve is put into use, the warranty period of valve is 12 months, but does not exceed 24 months after delivery date. During warranty period, the manufacturer will provide repair service or spare parts free of charge for the damage due to material, workmanship or damage provided that operation is correct.


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