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2、的巨大的。 任何设施管理人员考虑楼宇发展或网站的搬迁也应考虑所带来的机会智能建筑技术及概念。 这项免费的概要文章是由一家总部设在英国的首席专家加里米尔斯提供,他在智能建筑,智能家居,以及大厦管理系统都有非常熟练以及高超的水平。智能建筑物和建筑管理系统在20世纪70年代已经在工业界开始应用,从制度和管制使用的自动化生产过程和管理植物的生长。发达国家智能建筑在80年代概念和应用软件的发展和标准化,使智能楼宇的技术和系统,可以在以住宅和商业部门之间转让。智能建筑-控制理论智能建筑的本质,建设管理系统和智能建筑是在控制技术,使服务一体化,自动化和优化的所有服务和设备提供服务和管理环境的建设。可编程逻辑

3、控制器(PLC) ,形成了原来的基础上的控制技术。后来的事态发展,在商业和住宅的申请,是基于分布式智能的微处理器 。 稍后这些技术的采用和发展,让各种网站的建设和服务得以优化,往往高产显着并且降低成本和节省大量能源。 有很多方法,其中建设服务的建筑物内可以得到控制,下降大致可分为二的方法类型:文献来自:Intelligent building,2005年第8期基于时间 -提供暖气或照明服务等,只有在需要时 基本参数的优化-经常使用的名词,代表环境方面的服务,如温度的空间加热或照度的照明。暖气-基于时间的控制基于时间的控制,可以用来打开和关闭供暖系统(和/或热水)在预先选定的时期(一天,一周等)

4、 。 优化参数:无论任何条件下,控制,确保建设达到预期的温度,开始入住。暖气-优化基于参数(温度)控制的例子温度控制:保护对冻结或霜冻保护一般涉及运行供暖系统水泵和锅炉,当外部温度达到了一套水平( 0 C时) 。补偿系统:当室外温度下降,将控制流温度,在加热电路相对外部温度。这将提供一个上升的电路流温度。散热器恒温阀:这些意义上的空间温度在一个房间内和节流阀的流量相关,所以通过装上散热器或变换器控制。比例控制:涉及交换设备,并自动关闭,以规管输出。 其他的方法可以包括恒温器,红外传感入住的(被动式红外线感应器) ,用户手册和控制。照明控制方法不同的控制系统的存在,再次基于时间的控制和优化基于参

5、数的情况下的水平照度或特定用途的照明是必需的。区域:灯开关就相应的使用和布局的照明领域,如果只有一小部分,为了避免照明一大片,它需要轻亮。时间控制:开关和关闭自动在每个区域,以预设的时间表,轻损耗。 被动式红外线(红外)入住遥感:在地区是被侵入的间歇,入住传感器可以用来表明是否或没有任何人是当前和切换轻或关闭。轻一级的监测:这包括调光开关或人工照明,以维持一个轻的水平来衡量一个光电。建设管理系统和智能建筑-节约能源直到最近几年,能源效率一直是大厦的业主和投资者比较低的优先和低限度的考虑。 但是,随着急剧增加的和认识能源使用的关注和进步,符合成本效益的技术,能源效率正在迅速成为一部分房地产管理,

6、设施管理和运作策略的概念,现在也作出重大大举进入国内住宅建筑部门。照明,节约能源的最多可以有75 的原电路的负荷,它代表5 的能源消费总量的住宅和商业部门。节约能源的潜力,从水加热,冷却,或热水的生产,最多可以有10 ,代表多达7 的能源消费总量的国内住宅及商业部门。经验研究表明,在奥地利的潜在加热和冷却可节省的能源是高达30 ,在公共建筑物。 甚至让事实,即建筑物所使用的研究可能已被那些有特别高的能源用量,这个数字是一个令人印象深刻的一个。 (资料来源: eu2分析和市场调查,欧洲的建筑技术在中环及中东欧国家-g opa)建设管理系统和智能建筑-环境和温室气体的好处减少对温室气体排放量的依赖

7、和相关的减少能源的使用。智能建筑和楼宇管理系统的技术直接有助于减少能源的使用,在商业,工业,体制和国内住宅部门。在短期内,智能楼宇和适当的应用管理系统的建设有利于环境。立法和环境标准,卫生和安全规定,和全球趋势对改善室内空气质量标准,都是显着的办法, 并提供一个连续认可的需要-建设管理系统和智能建筑技术。政府的措施在世界各地也有强劲的发展,并通过大厦管理系统的技术。 例如,英国碳信托允许增强资本免税额(非洲经委会) ,以作抵销对税务关于能源效率的制度,从而使储蓄的30 左右,为所有能源相关的建设管理系统和智能楼宇设备,以及相关的安装和设计成本。建设管理系统和智能建筑-市场趋势仔细解释,是必要的

8、。 在英国,通过控制技术进入新的建设和翻新的主要行业是比较高的:估计在数年前的英国市场的建设管理控制系统的新建和主要翻新,所有部门,建议通过市场(如在1994年-源u k1评估英国能源的R TD,越- 1994) :暖气控制70 。 热水系统控制的90 。 空调控制80 。不过,根据欧洲委员会的记录多达90 的现有的建筑物已不适用或无效的管制,其中有许多需要完成的整修控制系统。此外传统的控制系统停止短期自动化智能建筑的全部功能。 一个重要的因素是人类所需的最优秀的有效运作,即使控制系统正确地指明和安装。鉴于典型的装置和设备经常存在的问题,为建设占用(住宅)或经理(商业)的使用情况操作是否正确和

9、正确的运作是至关重要的有效的结果。教育用户,改善系统的设计方便用户,并提供有关指示和信息都是至关重要的,使理论转化为实践,并实现潜在的效益和节省。建设管理系统和智能大厦-的实际利益能源的有效的制度,平衡建设的电灯,日光和机械系统以谋求最大利益。 加强照明设计是一个多电器布局。 它必须考虑的需要及附表占用,季节和气候的日光变化,及其对建筑物的机械系统的影响。照明系统加入日光到建设是一个方法,以达到能源效益的设计。 自然日光收获 ,可以使人们更快乐,更健康,更具生产力减少需要的电灯,大量的金钱可以节省能源。 几乎每一个商业大厦是一个潜在的节能项目,如电力照明系统,可设计为暗灰色,与供货的日光。 高

10、达75 的照明能源消耗可节省。此外,通过减少电灯照明,并尽量减少太阳能热增益,控制的照明还可以减少建筑物的空调负荷。机械系统暖通空调系统和控制措施,包括应用分配制度的空气进入工作区,是机械零件的建筑物,影响热舒适性。 这些系统必须共同努力,提供建筑的舒适度。 而不是通常的一部分的美学大厦,他们是至关重要的其业务和乘员的满意度。头号办公室投诉,是因为工作场所是太热,人数第二的是办公室太冷。 很多人应付加入的球迷,空间加热器,涵盖了喷口,投诉,进行恒温战争与他们的合作工人,或者干脆离开办公室。 住户可以驱车前往分心,试图调整舒适,其空间。 不适当的温度,湿度,通风,室内空气品质也有重大影响的生产力

11、和健康。 当我们热舒适我们更好地开展工作,店更长的时间,放松,呼吸更容易,我们的注意力集中越好。为了提供一个舒适和健康的室内环境建设机械系统必须:提供一个可接受的水平,温度和湿度和安全防范,气味和室内空气污染物。 创造意识的可居住性,通过空气流动,通风和轻微的温度变化。 让乘员,可以控制和修改条件,以符合个人喜好。阻力大厦管理系统和智能建筑技术“我们的楼宇已具能源效益的” 。 (是整个建筑的节能,抑或是业主,限制他的重点,以公用地方及毛额租用空间? )“我们宁愿设备与最低的成本时,首先装修租客空间” 。 (是否规范有任何的想法谁承担增加的经营成本,这样的策略呢? )“我们需要一个为期两年的简单

12、的回馈或更少” 。 (这是仍然是现实,鉴于该回报率对货币市场是从字面上了其中的十分之一是什么这是20年前? )“住户支付所有的能源成本,并会得到所有的储蓄” 。 (请勿住户真的支付所有的能源,还是只能源超过预先设定的基准年或牺牲停止? ) “我们正在出售的建设” 。 (我们是否应该承担,然后降低营运开支和收获增加资产价值并不重要? )智能家居建设管理系统为住宅的申请与广泛采用数字技术将有一场深刻变革,我们如何与他人沟通。 甚至如何,在我们的家园,我们商店进行服务,接收新闻,管理我们的财政状况,了解世界,并开展业务,管理资源,寻找娱乐,当我们进入老年并保持独立性和自主性。这些活动的日益发生在家庭

13、中。 作为我们的看法,银行,商店,大学,社区和城市的变化反应的新技术,使建筑建立管理制度,正在成为一个不平凡的新的重要性。因为它存在的今天,家庭不能满足这些需求,或利用新的机会所造成的社会和技术的变化。 大多数人住的空间不能满足他们的需要。直到最近,大多数房屋被有线仍略多于主要电子电路,数电话线,和几个电视电缆。 时代变了。 电器及保安系统承办商经常安装低压电缆通信网,这就是广泛的智能家居或智能家居系统。服务和设备,利用这些网络包括:安全;家庭影院和娱乐;电话,门电话和内部通信;个人电脑及互联网网络;监视摄像头;车道的车辆传感器;沟通恒温;摩托窗口百叶窗和窗帘;输入系统;和灌溉系统。智能家园智

14、能家居是另一种的任期为1智能化住宅的建设,或一个智能家居。 几年前,这些概念很少考虑未来和幻想。 现在他们的现实。 这些条款是现在常用来定义一个居住使用控制系统的整合居住的各种自动化系统。整合民政系统,使它们能够互相沟通,通过控制系统,从而使单一的按钮和语音控制同时在预先编程的情景或经营模式下控制各种家用系统。发展智能家居系统,集中讨论如何在家及其相关技术,产品和服务应该演变,以最好地满足面临的机遇和挑战的未来。 的可能性和排列是无止境的。 这里是一些例子:智能家居示例1情况下,如我家可引发迫切的一个按钮上的一个关键环远程控制从您的车辆作为你的做法的车道上。 控制系统接收的关键环远程控制的命令

15、。 这将触发预先编程的函数序列。 例如出发,把对照明在车道,车库,走廊,和厨房。 然后解除武装的保安系统,打开车库门,打开进入室内车库门,调整暖气,以预设的温度,并轮流对整个内部音响系统播放你最喜爱的CD ,同时你可以洗澡。控制系统编程,以满足特定用户的需求,开创了连续自动操作的家用系统,在回应一个按钮命令的基础上,形势和或时间。智能家居案例2在上午07时30分,你要清醒的声音,你最喜爱的CD中发出的背景;灯在您的卧室开关,让您醒来在自己的时间。 该楼下闯入者警报系统是激活的。 在厨房的咖啡机轮流上作出饮料。 地面的窗帘和百叶窗打开;毛巾加热器在浴室宽慰毛巾。 你甚至还没有起床。Intelli

16、gent buildings design and building management systemsOverview of intelligent buildings and intelligent homes technologiesThe field of Intelligent Buildings, Intelligent Homes, Building Management Systems (BMS) encompasses an enormous variety of technologies, across commercial, industrial, institutio

17、nal and domestic buildings, including energy management systems and building controls. The function of Building Management Systems is central to Intelligent Buildings concepts; its purpose is to control, monitor and optimise building services, eg., lighting; heating; security, CCTV and alarm systems

18、; access control; audio-visual and entertainment systems; ventilation, filtration and climate control, etc.; even time & attendance control and reporting (notably staff movement and availability). The potential within these concepts and the surrounding technology is vast, and our lives are changing

19、from the effects of Intelligent Buildings developments on our living and working environments. The impact on facilities planning and facilities management is also potentially immense. Any facilities managers considering premises development or site relocation should also consider the opportunities p

20、resented by Intelligent Buildings technologies and concepts. This free summary article is contributed by Gary Mills, a leading UK-based expert in the field of Intelligent Buildings, Intelligent Homes, and Building Management Systems. The origins of Intelligent Buildings and Building Management Syste

21、ms have roots in the industrial sector in the 1970s, from the systems and controls used to automate production processes and to optimise plant performances. The concepts and applications were then adapted, developed and modularised during the 1980s, enabling transferability of the technology and sys

22、tems to the residential and commercial sectors.ntelligent buildings - control theoryThe essence of Building Management Systems and Intelligent Buildings is in the control technologies, which allow integration, automation, and optimisation of all the services and equipment that provide services and m

23、anages the environment of the building concerned.Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) formed the original basis of the control technologies.Later developments, in commercial and residential applications, were based on distributed-intelligence microprocessors.The use of these technologies allows the

24、 optimisation of various site and building services, often yielding significant cost reductions and large energy savings. There are numerous methods by which building services within buildings can be controlled, falling broadly into two method types:Time based - providing heating or lighting service

25、s, etc., onlywhen required, and Optimiser Parameter based - often utilising a representative aspect of the service, such as temperature for space heating or illuminance for lighting.Heating - time-based controlTime-based controls can be used to turn on and off the heating system (and/or water heatin

26、g) at pre-selected periods (of the day, of the week, etc). Optimiser Parameters: whatever the conditions, the controls make sure the building reaches the desired temperature when occupancy starts. Heating - optimiser parameter-based (temperature) control examplesTemperature control: protection again

27、st freezing or frostprotection generally involves running heating system pumps and boilers when external temperature reaches a set level (0C).Compensated systems: will control flow temperature in the heatingcircuit relative to external temperature. This will give a rise in the circuit flow temperatu

28、re when outside temperature drops.Thermostatic radiator valves: these sense space temperature in aroom and throttle the flow accordingly through the radiator or convector to which they are fitted.Proportional control: involves switching equipment on and offautomatically to regulate output.Other meth

29、ods can include thermostats, occupancy sensing PIRs(passive infra-red sensors), and manual user control.Lighting control methodsDifferent control systems exist, again time-based control and optimiser parameter-based where a level of illuminance or particular use of lighting is required.Zones: lights

30、 are switched on corresponding to the use and layoutof the lit areas, in order to avoid lighting a large area if only a small part of it needs light.Time control: to switch on and off automatically in each zone toa preset schedule for light use.Passive Infra-Red (PIR) Occupancy sensing: In areas whi

31、ch areoccupied intermittently, occupancy sensors can be used to indicate whether or not anybody is present and switch the light on or off accordingly.Light level monitoring: this consists of switching or dimmingartificial lighting to maintain a light level measured by a photocell.Building management

32、 systems and intelligent buildings - energy savingsUntil recent years, energy efficiency has been a relatively low priority and low perceived opportunity to building owners and investors. However, with the dramatic increase and awareness of energy use concerns, and the advances in cost-effective tec

33、hnologies, energy efficiency is fast becoming part of real estate management, facilities management and operations strategy. The concepts are also now making significant inroads into the domestic residential housebuilding sectors.For lighting, energy savings can be up to 75% of the original circuit

34、load, which represents 5% of the total energy consumption of the residential and commercial sectors.Energy savings potential from water heating, cooling, or hot water production, can be up to 10%, which represents up to 7% of the total energy consumption of the domestic residential and commercial se

35、ctors.Experiences from studies in Austria suggest potential heating and cooling energy savings are up to 30% in public buildings. Even allowing for the fact that buildings used in the study may have been those with particularly high energy usage, the figure is an impressive one. (Source: EU2 Analysi

36、s and Market Survey for European Building Technologies in Central & Eastern European Countries - GOPA)Building management systems and intelligent buildings - environmental and greenhouse gas benefitsGreenhouse gas emission reductions depend on and correlate to reductions in energy use.Intelligent Bu

37、ildings and Building Management Systems technologies contribute directly to the reduction in energy use, in commercial, industrial, institutional and domestic residential sectors.In short, Intelligent Buildings and suitably applied Building Management Systems are good for the environment.Legislation

38、 and environmental standards; health and safety regulations; and global trends towards improving indoor air quality standards are all significant drivers of - and provide a continuous endorsement of the need for - Building Management Systems and the Intelligent Buildings technologies.Government Init

39、iatives around the world are also driving the development and adoption of Building Management Systems technologies. For example the UK Carbon Trust allows Enhanced Capital Allowance (ECA) to be offset against taxation on energy efficient systems, which enables savings of around 30% for all energy-re

40、lated Building Management Systems and Intelligent Buildings equipment, and the associated installation and design costs.Building management systems and intelligent buildings - market trendsCareful interpretation is required. In the UK, adoption of controls technologies into the new build and major r

41、efurbishment sectors is relatively high: Estimates a few years ago of the UK market for Building Management Control Systems for new build and major refurbishment, all sectors, suggest market adoption of (as at 1994 - Source UK1 An Appraisal of UK Energy RTD, ETSU -1994):Heating controls 70%. Hot wat

42、er system controls 90%. Air conditioning controls 80%.However according to European Commission as many as 90% of all existing buildings have inapplicable or ineffective controls, many of which require complete refurbishment of control systems.Moreover conventional control systems stop short of autom

43、ated Intelligent Buildings full capabilities. A significant human element is required for optimal effective operation even if control systems correctly specified and installed.Given typical installations and equipment there is often a difficulty for building occupants (residential) or managers (comm

44、ercial) to operate them correctly. Usage and correct operation are vital for effective results.Education of users; improved systems-design user-friendliness, and the provision of relevant instructions and information are all critical to enable theory to translate into practice, and for potential eff

45、ectiveness and savings to be realised.Building management systems and intelligent buildings - practical benefitsEnergy-effective systems balance a buildings electric light, daylight and mechanical systems for maximum benefit.Enhanced lighting design is more than an electrical layout. It must conside

46、r the needs and schedules of occupants, seasonal and climatic daylight changes, and its impact on the buildings mechanical systems.Lighting systemsAdding daylight to a building is one way to achieve an energy-effective design. Natural daylight harvesting can make people happier, healthier, and more

47、productive. And with the reduced need for electric light, a great deal of money can be saved on energy. Nearly every commercial building is a potential energy saving project, where the electric lighting systems can be designed to be dimmed with the availability of daylight. Up to 75% of lighting ene

48、rgy consumption can be saved. In addition, by reducing electric lighting and minimizing solar heat gain, controlled lighting can also reduce a buildings air conditioning load.Mechanical systemsThe HVAC system and controls, including the distribution system of air into the workspaces, are the mechanical parts of buildings that affect thermal comfort. These systems must work together to provide building comfort. While not usually a part of the aesthetics of a building, they are critical to its operations and occupant satisfaction.The number one office complaint is that the workpla


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