1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Unit 11. 天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of four seasons and the growth of all living things.2. 生生之谓易。Continuous creation of life is change.3. 天地之大德曰生The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating.4. 获罪于天,无所祷也。He who offends against H
2、eaven has none to whom he can pray.5. 仁者,人也,亲亲为大。The greatest love for people is the love for ones parents.6. 父母在,不远游,游必有方。Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.7. 父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。Children should think
3、often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.8. 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。While fulfilling ones own desires, allow others to fulfill theirs.9. 己所不欲,勿施于人。Do not do towards others anything you
4、would not want to be done to you.10. 子生三年,然后免于父母之怀。A child should not leave his parents bosom until he is three years old.11. 礼之用,和为贵。The role of li is to maintain harmony among people.12. 知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐知者。Simply knowing the highest standard of virtue(i.e.,love of people) is not as good as setting
5、it as ones goal. Setting is as ones goal is not as good as enjoying practicing of it.Unit 21. 顺应自然 Follow the way of nature.2. 无为而无不为 Act through non-action.3. 大巧若拙 Great ingenuity appears to be stupidity.4. 以柔弱胜刚强 Overcome the strong by being weak.5. 兼爱 Love for all.6. 上善若水 The greatest virtue is l
6、ike water.7. 人往高处走,水往低处流。 Humans tend to seek higher positions while water always flows to lower places.8. 无欲则刚 One is invincible because he desires nothing and contends for nothing.9. 返璞归真 Return to the state of a newborn baby.Unit 31. 先计而后战 Planning before going to war.2. 百战不殆One can fight and win
7、 a hundred wars if one knows both oneself and the enemy.3. 兵以诈立 The army survives by treachery.4. 利而诱之,乱而取之,实而备之,强而避之,怒而挠之,卑而骄之,佚而劳之,亲而离之。Tempt the enemy with gains, attack the enemy when they are in disorder, be prepared for the enemy when they are equal in strength, avoid the enemy when they are s
8、tronger, (further) aggravate the enemy when they are angry, cause the enemy to become arrogant when they are prudent, tire the enemy when they are at rest, sow discord among the enemy when they are united.5. 攻其不备,出其不意。 Attack the enemy at an unexpected time and place.6. 不战而屈人之兵。 Winning a war withou
9、t fighting it.7. 乱生于治,怯生于勇,弱生于强。Chaos compares with order, cowardice with bravery, and weakness with strength.8. 兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道。The use of force is a matter of life or death for the soldiers, the people and the country.Unit 51. 天以阳生万物,以阴成万物。Heaven creates life through yang and nurtures life throu
10、gh yin.2. 生之性便是仁The nature of life is love.3. 亲亲而仁民,仁民而爱物。(One should) love ones family, love the people, and love all things in the world.4. 民吾同胞,物吾与也。All people in the world are my brothers and all beings in the world are my campanions.5. 仁者以天地万物为一体。Those with love regard themselves as the same as other licing things in the world.6. 我图娱悦,彼在囚牢,何情何理,而必屈物之性以适吾性乎。It is unreasonable to keep them in a cage just to please myself, to oppress their nature to suit my nature.7. 万物之生意最可观。Life and its state of being is most worthy of appreciation.专心-专注-专业