1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上唐山导游词英文3篇唐山导游词英文3篇唐山是创新城市、著名的生态城市、中国优秀旅游城市、中国科学发展示范区,也是历史悠久的古地、文化灿烂的名城、资源丰富的沃土、中国近代工业的摇篮、凤凰涅槃的奇迹、可持续发展的前沿,沿海特大城市,一座创造奇迹与梦想的城市。唐山导游词英文范文1:Tangshan, due to the entral it of taesongsan the name. The tang dnast, its to Crusades, all station troops no the donton taesongsan, mountain give tan
2、g, tangshan, hene the name. Is a oastal it. Tangshan it is loated in the enter of bohai ba area hih it, tangshan it area is 200 square kilometers in 201X, aording to the latest plan, 2020 tangshan donton area is 500 square kilometers, gathered around an urban population of 5 million. Tangshan no and
3、 in the future fous on four it river and aofeidian ne distrit as the ore of the oastal area of the four . Tangshan is the developed rih vibrant metropolis, is also at the forefront of sientifi development in our ountr. Tangshan is evaluated man times national garden it and national sanitar it and na
4、tional ivilized it. Tangshan port is one of the eight sea port.Tangshan is a long histor of the anient and splendid ulture famous it, the resoures is rih in fertile soil, the radle of China s modern industr, the mirale of the phoenix nirvana, the forefront of sustainable development, the eonomiall d
5、eveloped oastal megaities, a mirale and dream it.唐山导游词英文范文2:Tangshan tangshan, referred to as tang, is the Asian and Afrian ountries and Amerian states to a kind of all in mainland China, overseas Chinese in southeast Asia and the amerias to China itself, as ell as the Taianese dialet in a all to ma
6、inland China. Tangshan is a provinial government in hebei provine of the People s Republi of China. Domain entral ities in hebei provine, one of China s big ities, one of the important eonomi enter in north China, north China important foreign portal; Is also important shipping enter of northeast As
7、ia logistis enter, orld-lass ne industrialization base; At the same time is also one of the Beijing and tianjin tang the ore it of urban agglomerations.Tangshan east aross the luanhe river, and on the other side of the qinhuangdao, est adjaent to tianjin, the bohai sea in the south, north depends on
8、 anshan, aross the Great Wall and the hengde area border, enter in bohai ba, the geographial position is superior, the thing about 130 km ide, about 150 km north-south Mao. The it s total area of040 square kilometers. The total land area of72 square kilometers, tangshan sea area of 4440 square kilom
9、eters, 132 island is basi in tangshan in hebei. Donton area is loated in the middle of tangshan, east, north and luan ount border, south border ith aofeidian area, ith rih area adjaent to the est and north. East to qinhuangdao 125 kilometers, 40 kilometers south from the bohai sea and southest to th
10、e tianjin 108 kilometers, and the provinial apital shijiazhuang, 366 kilometers, 154 kilometers northest to Beijing.Tangshan is innovative it, the famous eologial it, China exellent tourist it, the development of Chinese siene demonstration area, also has a long histor of the anient and splendid ult
11、ure famous it, resoures rih in fertile soil, the radle of China s modern industr, the mirale of the phoenix nirvana, the forefront of sustainable development, oastal megaities, a mirale and dream it. A good performane. Currentl shijiazhuang has bee the outstanding features in the eonom, leading indu
12、str, rih people s life, the development prospets of one of the important enter it in north China.Tangshan in anshan, aross the plains, near bohai sea, geomorphi tpes inluding mountains, hills, basins, plains and aters. Bak mountain, the landsape pattern of linhai, plex landform tpes, unique geograph
13、ial loation, for the formation of the tourism resoures provides the advantageous geographial onditions, mountain, forest, lake, sea, island natural tourist resoures suh as tpes of both.唐山导游词英文范文3:Tangshan it is loated in the enter of bohai sea area, the south shore of bohai sea, north depends on ans
14、han, the transportation is onvenient, an be in and out of the sex is ver strong. Bak mountain geographial landsape, linhai are diverse and plex landform tpes and harateristi of the loal histor and ulture, has reated man distintive tourism resoures. Taste unique natural landsape, ultural landsape ult
15、ure deepl. Tangshan northern mountainous area of Ming Great Wall, 221 kilometers, east to shanhaiguan, old fauet, est to badaling and mutianu, there are 29, jailed narro athtoers, 603, 82 beaon toer.Underater Great Wall the Great Wall, marble, 72 stamps, prison floor, atergate and the Great Wall bri
16、k kilns, raising horses, station troops are onl along the Great Wall, on behalf of the Ming Great Wall is the essene of the histor and ulture. Along the Great Wall has lear dongling, JingZhongShan, JiuFengShan, essene, panjiakou, DaHeiTing, astle peak, lingshan, the Aries valle and a series of seni
17、spots. Qing dongling, built Yu Kangxi to ears, is at present, the sale, the existing sstem of plete DiWangLing tombs, one of the listed as a orld heritage site in November 201X. Land buried five emperors, 15 queen, 137 onubines, 4 priness. Clear dongling, grand, magnifient, elegant and big buildings
18、 in China s largest stone memorial arh, the longest god road. Loated in the territor of qianxi map JingZhongShan, ith its extensive and profound, has a long histor of Buddhism, Taoism, Confuianism, Buddhism humanities and natural landsape, has been the qing emperor kangxi imperial topi lingshan thor
19、n , the orld famous mountains .Tangshan has mountains, sea, forest, a variet of unique natural landsape, there are national level ultural relis protetion units 2, 40 provinial ke ultural relis protetion units. Tangshan has5 kilometers long oastline, beautiful oastal sener, espeiall the bodhi island,
20、 on tuo island, plaing net post three offshore islands, is in the proess of development and onstrution of natural eolog sightseeing and leisure as the main ontent of the ne tourist area, bee a bit more beautiful harateristis in north China tourism.附送:专心-专注-专业唐山导游词范文3篇唐山导游词范文3篇唐山拥有丰富的铁矿、煤炭资源,毗邻京津,东临渤
21、海,具有优越的地理区位优势。唐山导游词范文1:清东陵清东陵位于河北省遵化境内的清东陵是中国现存规模最为宏大,体系最为完整,布局最为得体的帝王陵墓建筑群。占地78平方公里的15座陵寝中,长眠着161位帝、后、妃及皇子公主们。 清东陵是一块难得的 风水 宝地。北有昌瑞山做后靠如锦屏翠帐,南有金星山做朝如持芴朝揖,中间有影壁山做书案可凭可依,东有鹰飞倒仰山如青龙盘卧,西有黄花山似白虎雄踞,东西两条大河环绕夹流似两条玉带。群山环抱的堂局辽阔坦荡,雍容不迫,真可谓地臻全美,景物天成。当年顺治皇帝到这一带行围打猎,被这一片灵山秀水所震撼,当即传旨 此山王气葱郁可为朕寿宫 。从此昌瑞山便有了规模浩大、气势恢
22、宏的清东陵。 清东陵的建筑恢宏、壮观、精美。有580多单体建筑组成的庞大古建筑群中,有中国现存面阔最宽的石牌坊,五间六柱十一楼的仿木结构巧夺天工,中国保存最完整的长6000多米的孝陵主神路,随山势起伏极富艺术感染力,乾隆裕陵地宫精美的佛教石雕令人叹为观止,班禅大师誉为 不可多得的石雕艺术宝库 ,慈禧陵三座贴金大殿,其豪华装修举世罕见, 凤上龙下 石雕匠心独运 清东陵以她无可辩驳的魅力,以她重要的历史、艺术和科学价值于201X年11月30日被正式列入世界文化遗产名录。2001年1月被国家旅游局评定为国级AAAA级旅游景区。唐山导游词范文2:青山关长城古堡旅游区青山关长城古堡旅游区位于河北省唐山市
24、修边建关起,这里就一直硝烟弥漫,战火纷飞,唐代诗人戎昱塞下曲诗, 铁衣霜雪重,战马岁年深,自有卢龙塞,烟尘飞至今。 卢龙塞即现在的喜峰口,此诗是对古代这一区域的真实写照。至今为止,迁西境内拥有明代古长城87公里,敌楼203座,烽火台23座,关口10个,其中保存最完好、最有代表性的就是青山关长城,这里有万里长城沿线保存最完整的提吊式水门,有中国最精致的长城古堡,造型奇特的七十二券楼、监狱楼,有如梦如幻、匪夷所思的月亮城,有野生动物资源丰富,植被覆盖率达到93%的唐山地区最高峰 八角八面、北天一柱八面峰。唐山导游词范文3:景忠山景区景忠山景区位于河北省迁西县境内,三抚、邦宽交叉口南2公里处,距唐山
25、75公里,北京180公里,天津185公里,承德130公里,秦皇岛130公里,交通便利。景忠山现为国家AAAA级景区,省级文物保护单位,省级森林公园,省级地质公园,河北最美30景,河北省旅游定点单位。景忠山以其鬼斧神工,秀美雄奇的自然景观;以其博大精深,源远流长的佛道文化;以其匠心独具,蔚为壮观的人文建筑被康熙御题为 天下名山 。景忠山海拔610米,1872级台阶直达顶峰。景忠山始有庙宇建筑可上溯到宋代。明朝初年,此山建 三忠祠 ,祠内供奉诸葛亮、岳飞、文天祥三位爱国忠臣。明嘉靖二年,蓟镇总兵马永又于 三忠祠 东侧建碧霞宫,奉元君像。之后,曾在景忠山脚下镇守16年之久的著名民族英雄戚继光先后进行
26、了两次大规模修缮。从此,景忠山的香火日益兴盛。清朝初期,顺治和康熙皇帝对景忠山格外垂青,他们曾六次登临景忠山,不仅拨给大量田产帑银,修复山上山下庙宇建筑,而且御赐一尊十六斤四两的金娘娘一尊及四千五百余卷的大藏经一堂4500余卷,成为景忠山镇山之宝。此外又召景忠山性在禅师入京城大内讲佛,每议要政都来景忠山礼佛问卜。据碑刻记载,顺治立玄烨为太子,就是在景忠山问卜后而钦定的。景忠山被看作皇家寺庙,由此,声誉雀起,名驰天下。在碧霞宫东南侧,有一个天然生成的石洞,洞门石匾阴刻隶书 知止洞 。洞内供奉的就是在景忠山乃至中国佛教史上,都产生过重要影响的一代大德高僧 别山惠善普应禅师。景忠山自然风光秀美旖旎。
27、山上植被条件极好,野生植物资源异常丰富,多达80余种,森林覆盖率为100%。树种以松树为最,仅201X以上的古松就有201X多株。这里,初春山花烂漫,盛夏绿林成荫,深秋层林尽染,隆冬苍松傲雪。座座庙宇殿堂,金碧辉煌;株株古松,造型独特;条条峡谷,险峻幽深;块块峰石,入化逼真 当年康熙皇帝登临此山后,有感而发,御题 天下名山 、 名山初步 、 灵山秀色 等匾额。神奇的自然景,孕育了极富魅力的文化民风,每年农历四月十八和十月十五庙会期间,京、津、唐、承、内蒙等地信众、游人蜂拥而至,商贾云集,歌舞、评剧、马戏、皮影、花会等民间文化活动丰富多彩。近年来,景忠山景区加大投资力度,重塑寺庙内佛像金身,增加新景点二十余处。投资一千万元的御佛寺金殿,万福路、景忠禅泉、观景木栈道、宝鼎文化广场、三教广场等新建景观相继建成;投资3.1亿元的万松禅苑、高档宾馆使景忠山景区宗教养生、食宿休闲、会议度假及旅游等配套附属设施更加完善,成为人们心灵度假的首选之地。