1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上大学英语精读第三版第二册UNIT16单元英译汉汇总UNIT11.It was an early September day, cool and bright and just right for running, and I was in the first few miles of a 10.5 mile race over a course through steep, exhausting hills. 那是9月初的一天,天气凉爽而又晴朗,正 是赛跑的好日子。我参加了一项10.5英里的越野赛跑,才跑了最初几英里;整个赛程要穿越若干陡峭、耗人体力的山坡。2.The
2、 pace felt comfortable, so I decided to stay where I was; why bother concentrating on pace when she was such a nice pacesetter for me? 这种步速我跑起来觉得很轻松,所以我决 定保持在原有的位置上。既然她在前面领跑对我很合适,我又何必费心考虑步速 呢?3.There was still a noticeable bounce in her stride, but whatever springiness I had once possessed had long
3、since left me. 她步幅很大,脚下的弹性仍显而易见,而 我曾一度有过的那么一点弹性,早已离开了我脚下。4.We were a mile from the finish line, so whatever happened on the hill would almost certainly determine who crossed it first. 我们离终点线只有1英里了,因此在这一斜 坡上无论发生什么情况,几乎可以肯定都会决定谁率先冲过终点线。5.Yet as Peggy Mimno so clearly demonstrated, the similarities bet
4、ween male and female runners are more important than the differences. 然而,正如佩吉米姆诺所清楚表明的,男 女赛跑选手之间的相同之处要比他们之间的不同之处更重要。UNIT21.Writers note that the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. is not unlike the temples that ancient Greeks built in honor of their gods, and that annual ceremonies of celebrating
5、Lincolns birthday in schools and public places have sometimes had characteristics of religious services. 作家们指出,华盛顿特区的林肯纪念堂, 与古希腊人为纪念他们的神祗而建造的神殿不无相似之处;而每年在学校和公共场所举行的纪念林肯诞辰的庆典仪式有时也带有宗教仪式的特点。2. Americans admire the self-made person the one who, with neither money nor family influence, fights his or her
6、 way to the top. 美国人民钦佩靠自己奋斗成功的人那种 既没有钱,也没有家族权势,全靠自我拼搏而出人头地的人。3.When reformers in the northern states put pressure on Congress not to permit slavery in western territories that later became states, some of the southern states wanted to secede, or withdraw, from the United States. 北方诸州的改革家们对国会施加压力,要
7、求在后来成为合众国诸州的西部领地内禁止奴隶制。这时,南方的有些州便想脱 离,即退出合众国。4. As President, he appointed men to high government positions whom he considered most capable, even though some of them openly scorned him. 作为总统,他任命那些他认为最有才能的 人担任政府要职,尽管其中有些人曾公开对他冷嘲热讽。5.The uncontrolled emotional reaction of the nation to his death was a
8、lmost unbelievable and demonstrated the deep esteem in which he was held. 举国上下对他的死所作出的毫无克制的情 感反应,几乎令人难以置信,表明了他深受国人的敬重。UNIT31.I held a series of jobs for short periods, quitting some in disgust, being fired from others because of my attitude, my speech, or the look in my eyes. 我曾干过一系列工作,可都为期很短,有 些是我愤
9、然辞去不干的,有些则是由于我的态度、我的言词或是我的眼神而被解雇的。2. Maybe thats whats wrong with Negroes, I said. They take too much time. “黑人的毛病可能就出在这儿,”我说,“他 们太不着急了。” 3. The next morning I was outside the office of the optical company long before it opened. I was reminding myself that I must be polite, must think before I spoke
10、, must think before I acted, must say yes, sir or no, sir, that I must behave myself so that White people wouldnt think that I thought I was so good as they.第二天上午,眼镜公司还没开门,我就早 早地候在外面了。我不住提醒自己要有礼貌,开口前要先动动脑子,要三思而行,要说“是,先生,”或“不是,先生”;要举止得当,不能让白人们觉得我自以为跟他们一样行。4. I even tried to keep the tone of my voice
11、low, trying to rob it of any suggestion or overtone of aggressiveness. 我甚至竭力压低嗓门,尽量不让语调中带 有丝毫咄咄逼人的口吻。5. I tried to answer in a way that would let him know that I would try to be worthy of what he was doing. 我在回答时竭力要让他知道,我将竭尽全 力,决不辜负他的栽培。UNIT41. During his useful life he often felt he was useless: Al
12、fred Nobel, he once wrote of himself, ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as, with a cry, he entered life. 在他颇有建树的一生中,他常常觉得自己 渺小无用。艾尔弗雷德诺贝尔,他曾这样写到他自己,本该在呱呱坠地之时就让一位好心的医生给弄死。2. He had never been to school or university but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty was a
13、skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. 他从未上过学,全靠自学成才,20岁时, 便成了一名技术娴熟的化学师,通晓数国语言,能熟练地说瑞典语、俄语、德语、法语和英语。3. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward-looking indus
14、trialist. 他的过人之处实际上就在于他有杰出的才 能,把一个具有独创性的科学家和一个具有远见卓识的实业家的品质融为一体。4. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. 他郁郁寡欢,总在探索人生的意义,从青 年时代起便对文学和哲学产生了浓厚的兴趣。5. His famous will, in which he left money to provide p
15、rizes for outstanding work in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals. 他在遗嘱中将钱留出来,为在物理、化 学、生理学、医学和文学以及和平事业方面所作的杰出成就提供奖金,他的这一著名的遗嘱是他多种兴趣与理想的纪念碑。UNIT51. The Space shuttle is our doorway into space. It is the first true spaceship. 航天飞机是我
16、们进入太空的门户。它是第 一艘名副其实的宇宙飞船。2. More importantly, the Shuttle can carry parts of large structures and park them in orbit. Eventually, there will be a great many structures, all near each other, all circling the Earth. 更重要的是,航天飞机能携带大型建筑结 构的部件,并把他们停放在轨道上。最终会有许许多多的建筑构件,相互挨得很 近,全都围绕地球运行。 3. In the same way,
17、 we can build computerized factories in space. These factories can make use of the properties of space high and low temperatures, lots of good vacuum and no gravity. We can build laboratories and observatories, too. 我们还能用同样的方法,在太空中建造电 脑化的工厂。这些工厂可以利用外层空间的各种特性高温与低温,大量的优质真空,而且一无重力。我们还能建造实验室与观察站。 4. If
18、human beings wish to invest the time, money, and effort, all of this can be done in about fifty years, and many people your age will be part of it. Yours will be the first generation of space. People your age now will grow up to be engineers and construction workers in space. 假如人类愿意投入时间、钱财与精力,所 有这一切
19、大约能在50年内予以实现,你们这样年纪的人,很多会直接参与其事。你们这一代将是第一代太空人。你们的同龄人长大后,会成为太空工程师和太空建筑工人,在观察站和实验室工作。5. You may be on the first team to mine the moon, and your son or daughter may be on the first crew to land on an asteroid or on one of the outer moons of Jupiter. 你也许是第一支月球采矿队的成员,而你 的儿女可能是率先登上某个小行星的,或是率先登上木星外围某个月球的第一
20、批工作队员。UNIT61. Anyone whos a doctor is right out of luck, I thought. Anyone whos studying medicine should have his head examined. 我倒认为,凡是当医生的全都倒了霉。凡 是学医的都该去查一下脑子是否正常。2. As one of my friends says even doctors have a few friends its all experience. 正如我的一个朋友所说即便是医生也 还有几个朋友当医生就是能长阅历。3. As I speed down Le
21、a Bridge in the dark at this horrible morning hour, the swish of the mud against the windows, the heater first blowing hot then cold, my back aching from the car-seat made for a misshapen camel, the fog swirling about the empty petrol stations, I do not feel like a ministering angel. 我在这讨厌的凌晨时刻,摸黑急速
22、驶过利 埃大桥,泥浆在车窗上沙沙溅响,发热器先是吹热风,然后又吹冷风;那张对畸形骆驼才适合的车座,硌得我的脊背又酸又痛;路边空荡荡的加油站四周雾气缭绕 这时候,我并不觉得自己像个救护天 使。4. Occasionally people are ill, occasionally you can help, occasionally you get given a cup of tea and rock-hard cake at two oclock in the morning then you worry if you have done everything. 偶尔人们真的病了,偶尔你确实能帮上 忙,偶尔凌晨两点光景,有人会拿给你一杯茶和一块硬梆梆的糕饼这么一来,你就会担心自己是否样样事情都做周全了。专心-专注-专业