1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上中国人非常看重诸如诚实、善良、忠诚及勤奋这些品质。 Chinese people regard highly such qualities as honesty,kindness,loyalty and diligence. 一般来说,一个极有抱负的人会被看作是富有进取心的。 Generally speaking,a man of great ambition is seen to be aggressive.在跨文化交际中,身体语言起着重要的作用。 In cross-cultural communication,boby language plays an impo
2、rtant role. 出于对她的不幸的同情,我们让她留了下来。 Out of compassion for her sufferings,we allowed her to stay. 在竞争当中,你会惧怕你的对手,反之亦然。 In competition,you will be afraid of your rival and vice versa. 这对夫妇听到报价就吓跑了,不敢买这座昂贵的房子。 The couple shied away from buying the expensive house when they lear-ned the price. 我听说过这位作家,但我从
3、未见过其本人。 I know of him,I have never seen him,though. 这些陈旧的观点仍然在这个地方广泛流行,真不可思议。 It is strange that these old ideas are still widely current in this area.无数的事实表明无知会使我们陷入盲从的陷阱。 Countless facts have revealed that ignorance will make us get caught in the trap of blind following.幸福与否取决于你如何理解幸福二字。 Whether y
4、ou are happy or not depends on how you choose to understand the word happiness.根据最近的一次调查,这个地区百分之二十的消费者每天购买这种面包。 According to a recent survey,20% of the consumers in this area buy this kind of bread everyday.目前,人们还没有找到对付艾滋病和癌症的有效方法。 At present no effective methods have been found to deal with AIDS an
5、d cancer. 有些计算机病毒可在世界范围内对计算机系统造成损害。 Some computer viruses may cause worldwide damages to computer systems. 爱因斯坦似乎不受嫉妒和虚荣之类情感的影响。 Einstein seemed immune to such emotions as jealousy and vanity. 种牛痘可以帮助人们获得对天花的免疫力。 Vaccination may help people acquire immunity to smallpox. 在过去,没有什么治疗肺炎的办法,很多人死于这种疾病。 In
6、 the past ,there was no cure for pneumonia and many people died from it.流感侵袭了这个城市,有多达1,300人感染了流感并正在治疗中。 Influenza attacked the city. As many as 1,300 people were infected and they were under treatment now .最近,这个工厂的许多工人下岗了,他们得自谋职业。 Recently many workers in the factory have been laid off and they have
7、 to hunt for jobs on their own.你得在工作中非常努力,才能获得事业的成功。 You have to make great effort before you can succeed in your career. 如果你只用计算机打字,你就失去利用计算机的很多用途。 If you can only type,you will lose many advantages of having a computer. 我们的计划可以变通,换句话说,我们可根据自己的需要进行调整。Our plan is flexible,in other words ,we can make
8、 some changes according to our own needs.像往常一样,这家公司在秋季业务相当繁忙。 As usual ,the corporation does s great deal of business in fall.他们认为这座新建的运动中心适合各种年龄层次的人的需要。 They argue that the newly built sports center is tailored to the needs of people of all ages. 乔的父母不赞成他与罗伯特交朋友,但是乔不听。 Joes parents frowned on his m
9、aking friends with Robert,but he didnt listen.我叔叔说编制程序是他终生兴趣所在。 My uncle said programming is his lifelong interest. 我们应该善待那些心智有缺陷的人,因为他们也是我们社会的一部分。 We should treats people with mental deficiency kindly ,for they are part of our society. 作为哈佛大学法学院毕业生,噢利弗有着极大的政治潜力。 As a law graduate from Harvard Unive
10、rsity,Oliver has great political potential. 在海滩上,彼得戴了一副墨镜,以防别人认出他来。 Peter wears a pair of dark glasses in case he will be recognized on the beach.他在农村度过的五年时间很宝贵,他觉得可从中受益终生。 The five years that he had spent in the countryside was so valuable that he thought he would benefit from it all through his li
11、fe.在学校,老师期望学生成为尖子生。 In school ,teachers expect their students to become top (bestexcellent) ones. 马克吐温写的这部小说分五部分。 This novel written by Mark Twain falls into five parts. 过量抽烟饮酒影响健康,对此人人皆知。 Heavy smoking and overdrinking affect health,which is known to us all. 尽管这位年轻姑娘是一位著名的模特儿,但在日常生活中她并不讲究衣着。 Althou
12、gh she is a famous model,the young lady doesnt care about her clothes in daily life. 工资应该与工作量成正比。 Pays should be in proportion to the amount of work. 我希望能做点什么来回报他的帮助。 I want to do something in retur-n for his help. 本书皆在研究失业问题。 The book is aimed at studying the unemployment. 银行拒绝再给这家公司提供贷款。 The bank
13、refused to make loans to this company again. 由于计划出了差错,我们没能按时完成任务。 For the plan had gone sour,we didnt finish the task on time. 西部大开发是由中国政府支持的。 West development is backed by the Chinese gover-nment.这种书是专为儿童编写的。 This kind of books are intended for children.打游戏机的人通过按键盘或其他的输入装置,如鼠标或操纵杆来操作游戏机。 Players op
14、erate video games by pushing buttons and using other input devices,such as a mouse,or a joystick.休闲装很受青年人的青睐。 Leisure wears become popular with young people. 爱因斯坦的相对论使电视的出现成为可能。Einsteins Theory of Relativity made the advent of TV possible. 恐怖电影对孩子们产生不良影响。 Horror films have adverse effects on children.我要花一周的时间来熟悉这种新的软件。 It ll take me a week to familiarize myself with the new software. 情人节那天,我们请了一个过路人为我们在埃菲尔铁塔前照像。On Valentines Day,we had our photo taken by a passer-by in front of the Eiffel tower. 烟民们清楚地意识到吸烟对他们身体的危害。Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health. 专心-专注-专业