3、的上述保证已充分理解,并承认本保证书解释权属比赛组委会。本人自愿签字。保证人签字: 年月日english:letter of guarantee for competitorsi guarantee the ergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.5. i myself, my family members, relatives andmy guardian have fully understoodthe content a
4、nd significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsoccessors petition can use myname and the photo of me
5、freely in relation to thecompetition. i recognize thecommercialization of the entionedassurances for the competition. i ergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.5. i myself, my family members, relatives andmy guardian have fully underst
6、oodthe content and significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsoccessors petition can use myname and
7、 the photo of mefreely in relation to thecompetition. i recognize thecommercialization of the entionedassurances for the competition. i ergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.5. i myself, my family members, relatives andmy guardian ha
8、ve fully understoodthe content and significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsoccessors petition ca
9、n use myname and the photo of mefreely in relation to thecompetition. i recognize thecommercialization of the entionedassurances for the competition. i ergency treatment and itsresult if i am injured, ill or have anunexpected accident during thecompetttion.5. i myself, my family members, relatives a
10、ndmy guardian have fully understoodthe content and significance ofthis competition and have approvedmy participation in the comptition. i have had my personal insurance forthe competition. therefore, i guarantee thati myself, my family members, executor of testament, property administrator andsocces
11、sors petition can use myname and the photo of mefreely in relation to thecompetition. i recognize thecommercialization of the entionedassurances for the competition. i )式(包括但不限于公开播放、上映、传输、复制、改编、编辑、出版发行、网络下载等现有或未来科技可能发明之一切手段)开发影音、娱乐、文化出版、网络等产品;本人亦同意在赛事进行期间及赛事结束后任何时间,为宣传推广赛事或行使上述表演著作权时,主办方以及承办方可以无偿使用本
13、人有约束力的任何合同;或违反任何相关法律或法规、或任何政府机构的任何命令、判决或法令。本人保证自签署本保证书之日起,本人将不会与任何个人、公司或机构签署与本保证书相冲突之文件或协议。十三、本人保证在赛事进行中,无论本人因任何原因中途退出赛事,本人均按照赛事组委会之要求公布退出原因。十四、本人同意若有违反本保证书项下任何承诺,本人愿意承担因此所产生之全部法律责任,包括但不限于赔偿赛事组委会之全部损失(包括直接损失和间接损失),且赛事组委会有权取消本人超级男女称号及参赛资格。十五、若本保证书中的某一条款或某一条款中的部分表述无效,仍不影响其他条款或其他描述的法律效力。十六、本人保证在签署本保证书时已经详细阅读并理解了本保证书的全部内容,本人同意无条件遵守此保证书,且在完全自愿情况下签订本保证书。保证人:年月日 第 6 页 共 6 页