1、精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -我的中国梦英语演讲稿:My Chinese Dream我的中国梦英语演讲稿:My Chinese DreamMy Chinese Dream From“ Made in China” to“ Designed by China”Dream, with each one of us.Dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heartthemostbeautifulexpectations,so thedreamalso become our long-held
2、beliefs. And my dream is to letmy country become strong.我们每一个人都有理想。理想是漂亮的,它是发自内心的期望,所以最漂亮的理想也成为我们长期以来的信仰。而我的理想是, 让我的祖国变得强大。The various kinds of products in delicate Chinesestores,inns andshopsinevitablyhavethesignof “ Made in China” 。 Even if some peopledo not speak English,afterviewingplentyofthose
3、goods,are capable of identifying this high-frequency phrase.闲逛中国街头,在那些小而精致的店中琳琅满目的商品上,总可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -是印着或刻着“中国制造”。即使是不会英语的人,看多了这些小商品后,也熟悉了这个显现率很高的句子“中国制造”。When Mr. Xu me
4、ntioned“ Made in China” during socialscienceclasswhenexplainingconcepts,hesolely referredto thisphraseandwished itcould become“ Designedby China ”inthefutureina regretful voice.However,when Iheardhiswords,my heartthumped.It is indeed true that at present, most of the miscellaneous goods are made in
5、China instead of designed by China. For instance, some of my pens havethe label of“ Designed by Korea Made in China” .上回的社会课上,徐老师在讲到“乌鲁木齐”时,讲到了洽谈 会,也讲到了“中国制造”。起初,徐老师只是略带遗憾的说:“真是期望以后能从中国制造变成中国制造啊。”我的心里“咯噔”一下:的确,现在市场上,许多小商品都是中国制造的,但明显,制作那些商品所来自的创意,有些并非来自中国。 在我的一些笔上写着: “ Designby Korea Made in China.Is
6、tillremember theindignationfrommy heartlast可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -timewhen Isaw thenews thata number ofmultinationalcompanies made use of the low standard of“ Made in China ” to
7、produce illegitimate products. From that on, I have a dream. I have a dream that one day thosepitiable“ Made in China” labels can transfer into“ DesignedbyChina”oreven“ Chinapatent technology”。ThoughIamneitheraprofessional engineer, nor a sophisticated designer, I am only astudentwhohasnospecialized
8、knowledgeabout invention. Nevertheless, I always have the dream thattherewillbe less“ MadeinChina ” andmore “ Designedby China”。我仍记得上回在网上,有些外国的企业让中国制造一些非法的产品完善的利用了”中国制造”。于是,我的心中,便有了一个理想:将“可怜巴巴”的“中国制造”,变成“中国制造”甚至“创意来自中国”。但我不是一个工程师,不是一个设计师,我只是个同学。我甚至对发明一窍不通。 但我的心中有一个恒久的理想,让那些商品上,少显现“中国制造” ,多显现“中国制造” 。
9、Without actions, determinate can only be remotedreams generatedfrommy mind.Isaidtomyselfsilently, only when I take actions can the dreams become closer可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -to f
10、acts. For instance, I should be more focused whenhavingscienceclass,shouldtakesomeinventive extracurricularactivities,shouldknowmoreabout lifetime stories of renowned inventors should be anactiveobserver,shouldsuggestotherstoact.Through these ways, the dreams are more likely to become lessremoteand
11、thepitiful“ MadeinChina ” aremore likelyto diminish.但没有实际行动的理想,只能是个梦,只能是我脑中空洞的想法。我在心中悄悄对自己说:“不能将理想付诸行动,不是明智的挑选。要在日常的课程中特别是科学用心听讲。在课外,要多学一些小制作,多明白一些创造家的故事,善于在生活中找到灵感,并呼吁身边的人也行动起来。或许这样,能离理想更进一步。能让那些缩在角落中的“中国制造”稍少一些。Unconsciously, I think of the abstract word “ patriotism ” 。 Some “ patriots ” resist t
12、he consumption of Japanese products. Some“ patriots ”damageJapan manufacturedcars.Some “ patriots” make humiliatingGIFs aboutJapan.Some “ patriots” attack countries that do not admit the China s sovereigntyof Diaoyu Island. The examples are endless. At their可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - -
13、- - - - - -第 4 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -pointsofview,thesearedemonstrationsofpatriotism. Nonetheless,theseactionsmaybetooimpulsive.Probably, it is a better way that we can earn respectfrom foreign nations via making China a more powerful
14、country in terms of economics politics.不觉想到了“爱国” 这个很抽象的词。 有人坚决不买那个岛国的东西, 有人拒绝日本的一些物品,有人砸日本生产的车,有人用电脑制造出一些羞辱日本的GIF 图片,有人就“钓鱼岛”大事对一些不认为钓鱼岛是中国的国家进行抨击,有人,或 许,这样的方式,在他们眼中,是爱国的行为,但这样,未 免太冲动了一些了?或许,我们可以试着让中国变得强大, 从而使其他国家肃然起敬了?或许,这样,是表达我们对自 己国家的喜爱的最好方式?Ido notknow.Butinmy heart,Ihave a firmbelief that other
15、 countries can respect China genuinely fromthechange of“ MadeinChina ” to“ Designedby China ” 。我不知道,也无从知道。但我的心中,有坚决的信念,让其他国家, 真正的对中国肃然起敬,让缩在一隅的 “中国制造” ,变成光明正大的“中国制造”!Finally,Iwanttosay:We arethehopeofour可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢
16、迎下载精品名师归纳总结资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -motherland,weshouldinheritthetraditionof excellence,strivetoadvancedcountrycontributesown strength. Here, I have a kind of inarticulate touchedand proud.IfortheconstructionoftheChinesepeople feel proud, proud of themselves as part of this greatcountry.最终,我想说:我们是祖国的期望,我们应当继承的优良传统,努力为先进的祖国奉献自己的力气。在这里,我有一种说不出的感动和骄傲。我为建设中国的人感到骄傲,为自己是这个宏大国家的一部分而骄傲!813 班肖卓韪可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 6 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载