1、精品学习资源本科生毕业论文论菲茨杰拉德在了不得的盖茨比中的道德观院专系业外国语学院英语(训练方向)班级06 教本 2学号0401060208学 生 姓 名李宁联 系 方 式指 导 教 师 赵佳职称:讲师欢迎下载精品学习资源2021 年 4 月独 创 性 声 明本人正式声明:所呈交的毕业论文是本人在指导老师指导下取得的讨论成果;除了文中特殊加以注释和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的讨论成果;与本讨论成果相关的全部人所做出的任何奉献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意;签名:年月日授权声明本人完全明白许昌学院有关保留、使用本科生毕业论文的规定,即:有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送
2、交毕业论文的复印件和磁盘,答应毕业论文被查阅和借阅;本人授权许昌学院可以将毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采纳影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段储存、汇编论文;本人论文中有原创性数据需要保密的部分为:签名:年月日指导老师签名:年月2 / 25欢迎下载精品学习资源F. Scott Fitzgeralds Morality In The Great GatsbyA Thesis Submittedto School of Foreign Languages, XuchangUniversity in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor
3、the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsBy Li NingSupervisor: Zhao JiaApril 26, 2021欢迎下载精品学习资源AcknowledgementsI am greatly indebted to my thesis supervisor, Zhao Jia. Without her patient assistance and friendly encouragement, it would not be possible for me to complete this thesis in such a short period of ti
4、me without reducing its scholarly quality. Her willingness to give me her time so generously has been much appreciated. Truly, without her painstaking efforts in revising and polishing my drafts, the completion of the present thesis would not have been possible.Thanks are also due to my classmatesan
5、d friends for their constant encouragementand their ways of assistance in the course of writing.Yet I have to acknowledge that I am independently responsible for the paper and I am theperson to blame for any pitfalls, flaws and neglects in it.欢迎下载精品学习资源摘要了不得的盖茨比是美国小说家菲茨杰拉德的代表作之一,这部小说除思想性较强外,仍取得了很高的艺
6、术成就,本篇论文论菲兹杰拉德在中的道德观着重探讨作者在小说中表达的道德观;文章从三个角度加以阐述;第一,挖掘了菲茨杰拉德道德观形成的社会历史背景和 理论背景;然后 , 分析了爵士时代人们道德堕落的缘由 , 菲兹杰拉德认为爵士时代的人们深受美国梦的影响;美国梦是他们形成道德面貌的一个重要的思想意识上的缘由;最终,通过作者的道德代言人来说明作家在小说中如何生动详细呈现他的道德观;关键词: 菲茨杰拉德;了不得的盖茨比;道德观;美国梦欢迎下载精品学习资源AbstractThe Great Gatsby is one of the twentieth centurys brilliant works,
7、andalso its writer F.Scott Fitzgeralds most outstanding works.His novel winsfor the writer a great deal of acclaimfrom a substantial number of researchers and scholars. This thesis aims to make a tentative study and exploration of the writer s morality in this novel fromthree perspectives.At first,
8、the focus is on the historicaland theoretical background forFitzgerald s moralityWhich contains social-historical background andtheoretical background.Then,the causes for moral degeneration in Jazz Age will be discussed,Fitzgerald holds the view that the morals of his contemporaries are greatlyinflu
9、enced by the American Dream. Based on the above analyses, the ways to preach hismorality in the novel will be illustrated. In my opinion, the writerpreaches his morality in the novel by the moralspokesman Nick Carraway.Key words: Fitzgerald; The Great Gatsby;morality ; American Dream欢迎下载精品学习资源Table
10、of ContentsAcknowledgement .摘要 . .Abstract.Table of Contents.Introduction1Chapter One Background of r Fitzgerald s Mo.r.a.l.i.t.y 31.1 Social-historical Background 31.2Theoretical Background .4ChapterTwoCauses for Moral Degeneration In Jazz gAe. . 62.1American Dream .62.2 Corruption of the American
11、Dream in the Modern Society. . 62.3 Corruption ofthe American Dream and its Negative Effects on Morality and Humanity .7ChapterThree Ways to Preach Fzitgerald sMorality in The GreatGatsby .103.1 Nick Carraway: FitzgeraldMoral sSpokesman in the Novel. . 103.2 Ways to PreachFitzgerald sMorality throug
12、h NickCarraway. 10Conclusion .14Works Cited15欢迎下载精品学习资源IntroductionF.Scott Fitzgerald is widely known as the spokesmanof American Jazz Age,an agewhen endless parties,alcoholic obsession and feverish pursuit of money are symbols of itscarefree madness. However, the recognition of Fitzgerald has under
13、gone a hard process.He did not attract much attentionduring his lifetime,and was continuously criticized by his contemporary critics as adecadent andvulgarwriterwithdecreasing fame.Hisliterarytalentsandvalue weredoubted,evenbyH.L.Mencken,oneoftheleadingliterarycriticsofthe 1920s.FitzgeraldRenaissanc
14、ebegins with the publication of his uncompleted novel The Last Tycoon and hisautobiographical works The Crack-up,compiled by one of his friends Edmund Wilson.From then on,his reputation roars among the readers,scholarsand critics along withthesales volume of his best noveTl he Great Gatsby.Now,Fitzg
15、erald is one of the mostsignificantwriters favored among academic critics and his novels and stories continue toattract a wide audience.His The Great Gatsby is regarded as the most widely taught andwidely read American literary classic.But what has made this novel so famous that it receives widepopu
16、larity from generations of both academicians and general readers.Most critics and scholars focus their attention on Fitzgerald ss-ohcisiatol rical criticismof America in the novel and on his spectacularartistic achievements such as symbolism and narration. However, Fitzgerald is more than thesementi
17、oned above. Not long after The Great Gatsby was published, Fitzgerald complained in hisletters to both Edmund Wilson and John Peale Bishop, saying that“ of all the reviews, evemost enthusiastic, no one has the slightestidea what the book is about Hen Dan Piper,19”70 .Many Fitzgerald critics view him
18、 as asocial observer of his times. They neglect the fact that he is oftenconnected with the invisible and spiritual dimension of life, that is, he isa moral and even areligious writer. Fitzge“rald integrates his strong moral sense and his concern about humanity intohis writing of The Great Gatsby ”Y
19、ang, 2002.In his November 4,1939 letter to his daughter, commenting on musical-comedy writersColePorter, Richard Rodgers, and LorenzHart,Fitzgerald admitted thathe si essentially a moralist.“ Sometimes I wish I had gone along with thagang, but I guess I am too much a moralist at heart and really wan
20、t to preach at people in some欢迎下载精品学习资源acceptable form rather than to entertain themKarl A N,”1999:47-48 .Just as Nick Carraway, Fitzgerald s moral spokesman in the novel, comments at the very beginning of the novel,I came back from the East last autumn I felt that I wanted the world to be in unifor
21、m and at a sortof moral attention for everF.Scot”t Fitzgerald,1993:3 .To my regret, I findthatpeople, especially researchers and critics in China, seldomattached importance to Fitzgeraldmosrality. In this thesis, I will try my best to call people sattention to his redeeming side of being a moralist
22、writer, which needs much more notice than it used to have received. The thesis begins with the summary of the general academic achievements made by former scholars and researchers,in an attempt to base the study and exploration of my subject on a research background. Then, the focus is on the histor
23、ical andtheoretical background for Fitzgeraldmosrality. After that, detailed and specific analyses aremade of the relationship between the writer s morality -ahnisdtohriiscaslocriaitilcism, and its embodiment in the novel, since the two are closely interrelated. Fitzgerald holds the view that themor
24、als of his contemporaries are greatly influenced by the American Dream. Based on the above analyses, the ways to preach hismorality in the novel willbe illustrated. In my opinion, the writerpreaches his morality in the novel by the moralspokesman Nick Carraway.欢迎下载精品学习资源Chapter One Background f or F
25、itzgerald s Morality1.1 Social-historical BackgroundThe Great Gatsby can be looked on as a piece of social satire, making comment on the careless gaiety and moral decadenceof the Jazz Age. The Jazz Age, the period immediately following the First World War, refers to the 1920s in America. One of the
26、obvious features of the period is the economic boom. Firstly, America makes a large amount of money in the war, and thus, withthe application of assembly lines and other techniques, the labor efficiency in American society had been greatly improved. As a result, endless consumer goods had been manuf
27、actured through assembly lines and delivered to the markets, where the commodities were sufficient and the consumption was active. Meanwhile, American people inscome and livingstandard were also enormously improved. Allthese illustrated a vital, wealthy and prosperousscene of American society. The 1
28、920s witnessed America tsransformation from production society to consumer society. World War I destroyed not only the old world order, but thetraditional morals and social customs. Growingup under the shadow ofwar, the young Americans no longer believed the lie of “ thewar to end all wars ”.Asthe w
29、ar ended, they surprisingly found “ allGods dead, all wars fought, all faiths in man shaken ”. Without faith, people found themselves living in a spiritual wasteland where life was meaningless, restless anddevoid of purpose. They did not, as the elder generations did, abide by the regulations of tra
30、ditional Puritanism. Instead, they advocated freedom and independence, concerned the expression of unique personality, and purchased hedonism and materialism. TInhe Great Gatsby, Gatsby s flashy cars, his lavish parties and the reckless conduct of the p-agrotyers are all part of this atmosphere of w
31、ild enjoyment and merrymaking.Secondly, accompanied with the atmosphere of wild merrymaking is the emergence of crimes and illegal activities, which leads to widely spread corruption. During the decade, the social world experienced a lot of change, and people msorals seen to be sharply looser and lo
32、wer than before. It is an era of disorder and chaos. There is a great popular contempt for anddefiance of law. The bootlegging business becomes very popular. Girls and young women欢迎下载精品学习资源startwearing more make-up and shorter skirts which only a few years ago was worn only by women of ill repute. M
33、any people begin to go to party and drink alcohol more. Another indicator of this change in morality was that people shows a much opener attitude towards sexual relationship. Even sports become occasions for bribery and cheating.In the Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald presents a harsh picture of the society
34、, which heads fordisaster. The characters and the scenes in the novel are a truthfulrepresentation and vivid description of the innately corrupted and morally bankrupt Jazz age. On one hand, Fitzgerald points out that his contemporaries erroneously place their faith in superficial external means suc
35、h as money and hedonism, while overlooking the cultivation of compassion and sensitivity that, in fact, separate humans from animals. On the other hand, the writercosncern is withthecorruption of values and the decline of spirituallife and moral standard. Like Nick Carraway,Fitzgerald is both an out
36、sider and an insider of the world. He is passionately attracted to its glamorous surface while being deeply conscious of the ugliness and suffering that underlie its tinsel, with his strong moral sense providing him with an insight into its inner nature and potential disaster. Whether on East or Wes
37、t Egg, we witness dissipated lives governed solely by instinct and desperate pleasure seeking, andcommon norms and social conscience are lacking there. Obviously, The Great Gatsbycannot be understood to be an effort at an objective depiction of the reality of America in the twenties. As a matter of
38、fact, the writer draws upon his own experience, his values, and his sense of the direction of America in the writing of the novel.1.2 Theoretical BackgroundIn the contemporary history of the novel, Fitzgerald is a writer ofstrong moral sense. A deep attitude ofmoralityunderlies his stories.The Great
39、 Gatsby is, inpart, an expression of Fitzgeralds doubts about Americas moral direction, and through thisnovel, Fitzgerald is urging a reconsideration of where the society is andwhere it is going. Sklar, one of the critics of Fitzgerald, and according to him, Fitzgerald never remains contentwith his
40、accomplished artistry, instead, he struggles all the time in hissuccessivenovels towards a firmingand deeper understanding of moralqualities and values he dramatizes in the conflictof his novels. Sklarholds the view that Fitzgerald takes seriously his legacy of the Puritantradition, which involves s
41、uch qualities as chivalry and decency, andmoreover, he devotes his life artistically to the search for a way tomakethis legacy morally defensible in a modern world where there are so manychallenges to this欢迎下载精品学习资源tradition with all gods dead, all wars fought, and allfaiths in man shaken. For that,
42、 Fitzgerald creates in his novels somemodern heroes who still retain their respective aspects of the tradition,and Jay Gatsby, Nick Carraway, and Dick Diver are the typical ones.In a materialistic society, inwhich his contemporaries are infatuatedwith materialism and hedonism and show disregard to t
43、heir moralimprovement and inner perfection, he adheres to his simple and plainmoral ideal, mixed withNew England Humanism, MidwesternEgalitarianism, and Southern Gentility. However, what he preaches andadvocatesmost is his Puritan belief,especial the well-known thirteenvirtues of order, industry, fr
44、ugality, temperance and so on, which aretaken out from Puritan dogmas by Benjamin Franklin.“ SuRsaensneckParrreads Gatsby as Fitzgeraldratsherpuritancommentaryontheconditionalofpersonal responsibilityin America ”Mc Adams,Tony,1993.欢迎下载精品学习资源Chapter Two The Cause of Moral Degeneration in Modern Socie
45、ty2.1 American DreamThe term the American dream was first introduced into contemporary social analysis in 1931 by James Truslow Adams, the American historian and quickly accepted by the American public. “ Inits broad senseAmeric an dream is referred toa broad cultural ethos that entails acommitment
46、to goal of material successTan, 199”7. In its original sense, the American dream isthe ideal of opportunityfor all, of advancement in a career or society without regard to oneorigin. In its most popular sense, the American dream is the search for materialistic success.In the early development of the United States, there are two traditions which play an important part on the formation of “Americ