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1、精品学习资源引言 Introduction人文地理学, 作为科学王国中一支较小的学科,尽管经常不被人们关注和重视,然而它却是一支最具活力的学科, 它的讨论主题 社会的空间组织和人与环境的关系 为许很多多形式的讨论和朝气蓬勃的地理学者供应了机遇和挑战;在最近30 年来,西方人文地理学可以说是百家争鸣、 百花齐放; 人文地理学家不断地接受他们以前很少遇到的其它学科的新思想、新观念,这样就给人文地理学的进展带来无限的生气;Human geography is such a subject fullof vitalitiesdespite of being neglected sometimes.It

2、s research themes, the social-spatial structure and the relationship between human and environments, have brought opportunities and challenges to both various forms of research and geographers.In recent30years,thewesternhumangeographyhassomanyvariegatedtheoriesand ramifications.Human geographers hav

3、e kept absorbing new ideas and opinions from many other subjects, which gives tremendous vital force to the development of human geography.一、人文地理学的性质Characters of human geography 1、地理学形成及分化Formation and differentiation of geography地理学 geography是希腊语中关于地球和书写两个词复合词,主要讨论人类生活空间的地球外表 Haggett , 1990;Geogra

4、phy mainly studies the earth sphere that people live in.高校地理学的进展一开头就受到自然科学和人文社会科学两大类学科分化的影响,讨论自然环境的地理学称为“自然地理学 ”,讨论人工环境的称 “人文地理学 ”;Geography studied in university had ramifications about“physical geography ” and“ human geography” because its development had been affected by the differentiation of na

5、tural science and social science from the beginning.随着科学的进步和社会需求的显现,地理学的定义也在不断地发生变化;通过英国和美国地理学家学会讨论组对大多数地理学系课程和学科体系的调查发觉,1990 岁月的地理学主要由人文地理学、自然地理学、混合人文和自然地理学和其它领域四个方面所组成 ;With the development of sciences and the emergence of social demands, the definition of geography has been evolvingcontinuously.A

6、s shown in a survey about the curriculumand the subject system of geography, in the 1990s, geography was consisted of four branches: human geography, physical geography, human- physical geography together with other geography fields.2、人文地理学的进展Progress of human geography18 世纪后期到 19 世纪早期,德国和法国的人文地理学萌芽

7、From late 1800s to early 1900s, human geography germinated in German and France. 1918 1939,两次世界大战之间,处在早期调查阶段From 1918 to1939, the progress of human geography was in the period of early survey.二战后,主要从1960 岁月起,人文地理学与其他社会科学互动与接轨,实现了从区域描述到诠释人与社会、人与环境、及人与地点或地方关系的转变;Afterthe world War II,especially fromth

8、e 1960s, human geography had interacted and linked up with other social sciences. It changed into interpreting the relationship between human欢迎下载精品学习资源and society, human and environment, human and site or place, while in the early time, it mainly aimed to describe region and place.20 世纪 60-70 岁月,地理学

9、的数量革命涉及到“社会经济 ”的诸多主题,为后来的诸如人口、社会、城市、经济、工业和农业地理学等一些特地人文地理学学科的进展奠定了基础;From 1960s to 1970s, quantitative revolutionin geography stepped into many themes of social sciences.It contributed to the development of many human geography specialties such as populationgeography,socialgeography,urbangeography,ec

10、onomicgeography,industrial geography and agricultural geography.20 世纪 70-80 岁月, 世界人文地理学显现了两个主要趋势:内部的特地化和哲学上的多元化;From1970s to1980s, twoimportanttrends ofthe worldhuman geography, inner specialization and philosophical diversity, had come into being.20 世纪 80 岁月,实证主义地理学、人文主义地理学和激进地理学成为人文地理学三种特别不同的学科方法;

11、Inthe 1980s, positivisticgeography, humanistgeography and radicalgeographyhad become three distinct subject methods.在过去 20 年里,其它学科思想给人文地理学科带来了新的增长点;人种地理学、人口地理学、聚落地理学、文化地理学、政治地理学、商业地理学、经济地理学、工业地理学、农业地理学、交通运输地理学等都是在此阶段形成并进展壮大起来;In the past 20 years, various thoughts from other sciences have brought ne

12、w growth points to humangeography. Ethnicgeography, populationgeography,settlementgeography, cultural geography, political geography, commercial geography, economic geography, industrial geography, agricultural geography, transportation geography and so on have developed during the time.二、当代人文地理学讨论内

13、容当代人文地理学的基本理论主要涉及空间、全球化、城市化、人口、迁移、文化、景观、进展和地缘政治等;Thebasictheoriesofcontemporaryhumangeography refertospace, globalization, urbanization, population,migration, culture, landscape, development, geopolitics and so on .其内容主要包括: 1社会经济进展的全球化特点与地区差异之间的关系;2人类与其四周生活环境之间的相互关系;3不同空间尺度 包括世界、国家、地区和城市的政治、经济演化特点与趋

14、势; 4与民族、种族、性别、年龄、阶级等因素相联的社会文化特点及其对空间进展的影响;The main contents include: 1the relation between globalizationand regional differences; 2the relationbetween human and circumstances; 3the politicaland economic evolutionof different-scale spaceincluding the world, state, region and urban. 4the social-cultur

15、al characters of factors relating to nationality, race, gender, age, class, and their effects on spatial development .1、经济地理学Economic geography以阐释人类生产和生活资料的生产、流通和消费安排等人类经济活动的地域分布和空间组织为主要任务;Main task: study thespatial distribution and arrangement of human economical activities, such as production, ci

16、rculation and consumption.传统的经济地理学关怀各种资源、生产及商业的分布同自然环境的关系,以生产布局、区位分析为讨论核心;欢迎下载精品学习资源Traditionaleconomicgeography was concerned withthe connections between natural environment and the arrangement of resources, production and commerce. Its research highlighted production distribution and location anal

17、ysis.现代经济地理学的讨论开头留意政府决策以及人们的行为决策对经济布局的影响,显现了国土经济学,重视国土整治问题;The contemporary economic geography has began to focus on the effects that the decision of government and people imposed on economic distributionand then territoryrenovation has been regarded.2、城市地理学Urban geography很多国家重建城市的需要、新的城市的快速增加、城市规模日

18、益扩大的趋势,促使城市化进程加快,使城市地理学在人文地理学中逐步居于重要的位置;Many factors,such as demands of urban reconstruction in many countries, the emergence of more and more new cities as well as growth of the urban scale, have accelerated the urbanization. Hence, urban geography is becoming more and more important in human geogr

19、aphy category.3、旅行地理学Tourist geography其次次世界大战以后, 旅行业蓬勃进展, 旅行收入对于国民经济收入的重要性日益提高, 使得旅行地理学进展很快,成为人文地理学的一个新分支;Afterthe second worldwar, tourismindustrydeveloped vigorouslyand tourist income became increasingly important to the national income. Then, tourist geography developed quickly and became a new b

20、ranch of human geography.4、政治地理学Political geography1897 年拉采尔出版的政治地理学 ,将国家产作附着于地球上的有机物,并提出 “生存空间 ”的概念;以后,麦金德于1904 年提出陆心说;由于他们及其他学者的努力,政治地理学成为人文地理学的重要分支;In 1897, 拉采尔 published POLITCAL GEOGRAPHY, in which the state was regarded as organism attached to the earth, he also proposed the concept of EXIETEN

21、CE SPACE. After that麦金德 raised the concept of “陆心说 ”in 1904. With their and other scholars efforts,politicalgeography became an important branch of humanitygeography. 5、人口地理学Population geography很早以来,地理学的著作中已留意到种族和民族的分布,以及自然环境对人类的影响;第一次世界大战后, 鲍曼分析了中欧的人口地域分异现象,瑞典地理学家德 耶尔深化讨论瑞典人口分布并制出人口分布图;据此,人口地理学成为人文

22、地理学的一门分支学科; 人口普查、人口分布、迁移、人口问题等都是人口地理学讨论的重要内容;The distribution of race and folk, together with the effects nature took on human had been referred to in early geography works. Afterthe firstworld war, 鲍曼 analyzed the phenomena about population distribution differences. Sweden geographer德耶尔 drew maps o

23、f population distributionpattern. From then on, populationgeography has become a ramificationof human geography. the Census, populationmigrationand distribution , populationproblems are all included in the categories of population geography.6、社会地理学欢迎下载精品学习资源Social geography社会地理学分析空间中的社会现象,讨论各种社会类型的区

24、域分布并分析比较它们之间的相互关系;Socialgeographyanalyzesthesocialphenomenainthespace, studiesregional distributions of kinds of social forms and compares the relationship among them.讨论内容包括人口、聚落、民族、宗教、语言行为和感应等方面的地理问题,并致力于解决社会问题;Itstudies such geography issues as population, settlement, nationality, religion, langua

25、ge behavior and response, and aims to resolve social problems7、文化地理学Cultural geography从人类文化的空间组合的角度,说明各种文化要素如何使不同地区具有各种区域特点;Fromthe aspect ofcultural-spatialcombination,explainhowvariousculturalfactors generated different regional characters.不同于社会地理学讨论人类不同社会集团的地域特点及其与环境的关系,文化地理学主旨是讨论人类制造的文化地域;Contra

26、st to social geography studying the spatial characters of different social groups and their relation to environment, cultural geography aims to study cultural region human creates.8、行为地理学Behavioral geography70 岁月,行为讨论在地理学中特别盛行,通过讨论不同人类社会集团、阶层、阶级对不同环境的反应和行为决策这一过程,使地理学为解决实际问题的决策发挥更大的作用;During 1970s, b

27、ehavioral study was prevailing in geography. By studying responding and behavior-deciding of different social groups, hierarchies and classes to different environments, geography has exerted better effects in solving practical problems.9、区域地理学Regional geography传统的人文地理学以小区域讨论、经济区划和文化景观类型为其主要论题,现在就转向分

28、析解决现实社会问题为主,涉及国土整治、环境爱护、贫困和饥饿、种族鄙视、资源合理利用以及改善人民生活等问题;Traditional human geography s main issues are research of small areas, economic zoning and cultural landscape types. Now it has changed to analyze and solve realistic social problems, concerningabout territoryrenovation,environmentalprotection,pov

29、ertyand hunger, racial discrimination, rational use of the resources and improving people s life.10、历史地理学Historical geography人文地理学的讨论与历史学关系亲密;英国的学者达比等自20 世纪 30 岁月以后,开头讨论历史自然地理,使历史地理学不仅讨论历史时期人文地理现象的变化,也讨论历史时期自然地理现象的变迁,从而成为地理学的一门独立分支;After 1930s, English scholar 达比 began to study historical physical g

30、eography. From then欢迎下载精品学习资源on, historical geography studied not only changes of human geography phenomena but also physical geography phenomena in history.Hence it became a independent ramificationof geography.11、应用地理学Applied geography人文地理学同经济学、人口学、政治学以及环境科学、生态学、区域科学、行为科学结合,可以为解决世界性的资源短缺、人口危机、自然灾难

31、、环境污染和生态平稳以及城市问题等作出贡献,特别是对于国家和地区的经济进展规划起到重要作用;Human geography combined with economy, demology, politics, environment science,ecology, regional science and behavior science can contribute to solve world resource shortage, population crisis, natural disasters, pollution,ecological balance and urban pr

32、oblems, especially useful to the the planning of state and regional economic development.人文地理学的主要应用领域有: 1城市与区域规划; 2制图与遥感; 3工业区位与市场营销; 4公共设施规划与治理;5土地开发与治理6公共卫生与疾病生态讨论;Main application areas: 1Urban and Regional Planning; 2 Cartography and Remote Sensing; 3 Marketing and Location of Industry; 4 Locati

33、on and Management of Public Facilities; 5 Land development and management ;6 Disease Ecology三、当代人文地理学讨论方法Contemporary human geography research approaches 一讨论方法论Research approaches人文地理学是讨论社会、空间、地方和环境相互关系的科学,在不长的时间内形成了很多思想学派, 特别当代人文地理学的特别多元化,不仅在调查讨论课题上, 而且在探究的方法上也特别多样,概括起来,主要有如下12 种地理思想中常用的方法;Humangeo

34、graphy is the science studying the relationshipbetween society, space, placeandenvironment.Ithasnttakenlongtimetoformvarioustheory-ramifications.Contemporary human geography is very diverse both in research themes and approaches. There are 12 kinds of common approaches in geographic thoughts, as sho

35、wn below:1、体会主义方法Empirical approach体会主义者坚持科学只能关怀世界的客观事物并寻求其原来的真实面目;人们的价值观和意图的标准问题被排除在科学讨论之外,由于它认为我们无法对此进行测度;术语 “体会主义 ”是一种思想学派,认为事实会为自己说话,而无需懂得进行说明梅尔,1993Empiricist insists that science can only care for impersonal matter in the world and seek its original features. Human values and purposes are excl

36、uded from scientific research because they cant be measured. The term “empiricism ”refers to such a school whichbelieves that reality speaks itself and we need not to understand and explain it May,1993.实证主义方法Positivistic approach实证主义认为,通过具体和客观的收集与社会现象有关的数据,我们能够确定一些规章来猜测和说明人类行为的缘由和效用;当代实证主义主要可分为两类思想:

37、以证明为基础的规律实证主义和以证明为基础的批判理性主义;在人文地理学讨论中,与实证主义最接近的方法是数量分析方法的应用;Positivism believes that we can make sure some principles to forecast and explain the reasons欢迎下载精品学习资源and effects ofhuman behaviorthrough objectivelycollectingdetaileddata about social phenomena. Contemporary positivismcan be divided into

38、two branches: logical positivism and critical rationalism. The application of quantitativestatistical approach ismost close to positivism.3、行为主义方法Behavioristapproach行为主义者寻求通过说明空间挑选来模拟空间行为,通过对人类记忆才能、处理和评判 地理信息的测度模拟决策过程;行为主义讨论方法的原始数据的来源是有确定答案的调查表和特地的以学问为基础的心理学测试为主体;1970 岁月,行为地理学具有两种形式:1在空间模式中综合入行为的变量,

39、称为分析行为主义; 2完全舍弃空间分析, 对价值、心理和现象进行探究;Behavioristssought tosimulatespace behaviorthroughexplainingspatialchoices and decision-makingprocess through measure ofhuman memorycapacity and handlingand valuing geographic information. Throughout the 1970s, there were two forms of behaviorist geography: 1 analy

40、ticalbehaviorism, which introduced the factor of behavior into spatial mode; 2 the one which entirely abandoned spatial analysis and explored values, mentalities and phenomena instead.4、现象学方法Phenomenological approach现象学拒绝实证主义和行为主义的科学的数量分析的方法;现象学认为,我们应当集中 懂得而不是说明客观世界;现象学的目的是重新构建个体及其行为以及客观世界中的现象的意义,以便

41、熟悉个体的行为,不必提出假设的理论;在本质上,该方法强调“地方的社会构建、考虑了感情、审美的和象征主义的感觉等方面”,并寻求反应个体与环境 之间的关系;Phenomenologyrefusedthe quantitativeanalyticalapproachempiricistandbehaviorist science employed. Phenomenology thought that we should focus on understanding the world instead of explainingit. The purpose of phenomenology is

42、to reconstruct the meaning of individualsandtheirbehavioras wellasphenomenaintheobjectiveworld,thus understanding individual behavior without proposing assuming theories.5、存在主义方法Existentialist approach存在主义方法主要关注个体如何产生和支配他们的世界的意义,以及如何认同客体和其它事物的价值;存在主义讨论的原始数据来源是深化的访谈、人种志、以及参加观测;现象学主要考虑意义,而存在主义就考虑价值观;萨

43、缪尔1981 年是人文地理学中最闻名的采纳存在主义方法的学者;Existentialist approach was mainly concerned with the meaning of how individuals form and control their world and how did they identify with the values of object and other things. The original data of existentialist research came from penetrating interviews, ethnics re

44、cords and observation. It focused attention on V ALUES. Samuel1981 is the famous human geographer to utilize it.6、抱负主义方法Idealist approach抱负主义本体论假定,真实世界不外于个体的观看和表达而存在;不同于存在主义关注的是真实世界的存在,抱负主义认为真实世界是心灵的构建;抱负主义通过熟悉隐匿于欢迎下载精品学习资源行为背后的思想而说明行为的类型;其讨论的原始数据来源于深化的访谈和人种志;吉尔科 1974 年, 1981 年是地理学中应用抱负主义讨论方法的主要建议者;

45、Idealist assumed that the real world wasntbeyond individual observation and expression. Different from existentialism, idealism regarded the real world as construction of mind and explained behavioraltypes through cognizingthoughts beneath behavior. Its originaldata came from profound interview and

46、ethnical records. Guelke 1981 is the primary advocatorto employ idealist approach in geography.7、有用主义方法Pragmatist approach有用主义的创始者是北美作家沛尔斯1839 1914 年,杜威 18591952 年以及詹姆斯 1842-1910 年,这个学派提倡通过实践活动来构建对现实世界的熟悉;有用主义提出不应关注个体,而应当关注社会和个体在社会中的相互作用;并认为,熟悉必需从 根植于体会的行为中获得,而不是从学问中获得;The father ofpragmatismis 沛尔斯

47、1839 1914,杜威 1859 1952 and 詹姆斯1842-1910 . Theysuggested understanding the real worldby practice. Pragmatism proposed that we should focus on the interrelationship between society and individuals andthatcognitionshouldbegainedfrombehaviorsembedded inexperienceinsteadof knowledge.8、马克思主义方法Marxist approach地理学中马克思主义方法是为了反对空间科学的实证主义而显现的;马克思主义者认 为:空间科学不能熟悉到社会运作强加在空间类型上的经济和政治的约束;马克思主义地理学家寻求区分空间和时间上的社会关系,以便重新产生和维护生产和消费方式,提出其替代模式;In geography, Marxistapproach was firstused to oppose pragmatism of sp


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