1、精品学习资源洋节与传统节日的作文【篇一:中国传统节日的作文 春节】春节对于中华民族而言,再没有什么节日能比春节更让人梦系魂萦、铭心刻骨,它以其神圣、郑重、喜庆、吉利的浓郁特色,在人们心中打下牢牢的情结;这无与伦比的厚重情结,在漫长悠远的历史长河里,仿假设一根风雨不蚀,亘古不朽的硕大红飘带,维系着泱泱华夏的繁殖生息,连结着百姓的幸福与苦难;当岁月的脚步声又一次震响于年末岁首之时,年关已倏忽而至;我在神圣的期望里翻捡着关于春节的陈年记忆,也在暖和的盘算中寻找着关于年关的诸多话题,由此衍生出一连串的思索;随着中国对外开放的步伐加大,国门的洞开,各国文化的沟通,人 们逐步关注起西方节日来,如圣诞节就早
2、已闪亮登场于我们这片古 老而焕发活力的大地;尽管洋节来到中国,却冲击不了中国传统节 日,过大年,它依旧没有失去其永恒的光泽,挥舞红绸、打着腰鼓 而扭秧歌,舞雄狮从来都没被冷淡; 红炉围坐、张灯结彩而为除夕守岁的光景总是令人倍觉温馨;一个古老悠久的节庆,以其极为强大的民族性而经年沿袭,绵延不绝,没有任何的力气可以消灭它的存在;即便世间长期流传着年关伤心年年过的说法,然而不管是孩提的过年所憧憬的欢快,仍是成人的过年关所滋生的微妙情感,都不行能动摇人们对过年的浪漫憧憬与谨慎思谋,这便是春节的无限魅力;春节文化已由单一变得丰厚,由传统走向新潮;人们从过去的放鞭炮、贴春联、张灯结彩,转向外出旅行,游玩名
3、山大川;转向参与主题 party庆典活动;同时,人们也开头将传统的阖家团年,转向到饭店包席守岁 ;即便拜年,很多人早开头用问询、 短信、 call 机传呼欢迎下载精品学习资源以及发 e-mail等手段,将传统的团拜与逐门逐户的恭贺新禧取而代之;此外,以辞旧迎新为主题的歌舞晚会、朗诵会、音乐会、书画展现会,愈来愈受到人们推崇和青睐;全部这些,不仅增加了传统佳节 的气氛,而且以其日渐浓郁的文化含量折射出富有时代气息的特色;一俟年关迫近,跋涉于迢迢旅程的人们,那种星夜兼程的匆忙行色, 那期望乡关的殷殷目光,无一不是因春节这根幸福丝带所牵动所濡 染;没有哪一个国家和民族,能像我们这样对春节饱含深情,旷
4、世 长久,也没有哪一个国家和民族,能像我们这样对春节无比真诚, 历久弥坚;春节,是亲情的高度凝炼,又是催生欲望的时辰;寄托的是真情, 期盼的是团聚;此时此刻,就连铁窗之中的囚徒,也会萌生对大墙之外的家的深深挂念;在年关,许很多多人的心中便有形形色色的欲望悄然升腾:有的期 待时来运转,把悲伤与苦痛抛弃; 有的期望开年大吉,将抱负与希望化为现实 ;有的畅想宏福齐天,能有贵人保佑平安、万事顺遂;因而久别的期望重逢,别离的期望团聚,贫困的期望富有,卑微的期望 公平,痛楚的期望幸福,悲伤的期望和美,农人期望丰收,工人希 望上岗,穷人期望发财,我期望顺当考上重点高中人们好像把全部 人气与运气和机遇一古脑的
5、托付给春节;哪怕是画饼充饥,望梅止渴,人们也对春节布满无限的爱恋;因而春节盛满了欲望,春节催生着欲望,人人抱负乘着这不无吉利的欲望之船抵达美满如意的此岸;爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏;千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符;【篇二:土节与洋节】欢迎下载精品学习资源“土节 ”与“洋节 ”说起 “土节 ”,人们第一想到的确定是春节;鞭炮对联压岁钱,门口挂着红灯笼,璀烂如珠,随风飘摇,冬日里倒也春意盎然;但现在的年味好像总是没有过去那么浓郁,对吃饺子穿新衣,人们也少了翘首希望的味道;而相比之下,各式 “洋节 ”好像个个行情走高,满街灯红树绿彩带飞扬,叮咚西乐到处可闻,商家纷纷抓经时机选酬宾,年轻人结伴庆
6、贺,小孩子希望礼物,竟也喧闹得如本土节日一般,甚至有过之而 无不及;于是,不少人开头忧律民族节日的传沉问题;而酣归端午节申宜的胜利,更是加重了国人的危机感;至于如今沸沸扬扬的韩国端午节申遗活动,我自然也倍感遗憾,一 时疏忽导致了牛排鹅肝有时尝新奇自然美味,但又有多少人情愿用 它代替馒头炒菜?过几个 “洋节 ”,伴侣之间促进感情,夫妻之间增加浪漫,收到几声祝愿,人心亦暖,仍可顺便带动一下国民生产总 值的增长;所以说 “土节 ”自然虽然甚好, “洋节 ”又何尝不妙?而那种对于传统节日的情结,经过几千年的厚积,犹如中国人血液里的黄河长江 ,一份文化标记的缺失;但即便如此,在端午节到来之时,名义上拥有
7、端午节的韩国人却未必能感受得到那份缅怀屈子的 惆怅,那份逝者如斯的苍凉;此时我们需要做的,是将心中对传统 节日的心情和祝愿外化为暖和团聚的力气,深深印刻上民族的烙印, 让它们越走越远;原来我仍想呼吁中国的节日走向世界,想了想最终仍是没有下笔;由于中国的节日,只要能在中国的心里,便也够了;- 1 -欢迎下载精品学习资源【篇三:中国人过洋节看法英语大作文western festivals 】my views on people gaining interests in celebrating western festivalsnowadays, nobody can deny the fact t
8、hat an increasing number of chinese young people are habitually engaged incelebrating some western festivals like valentine s day and christmas. for instance, on valentine s day the majority of young people will send flowers and delicately decoratedchocolate to their beloved ones. on christmas, ther
9、e will be santa clause s pictures hanging on the show windows of different stores and christmas trees and other related products also can be found in those places. this phenomenon has been brought into public attention in our society. some people deem that it is beneficial for young people in china
10、to gain interests in celebrating western festivals in many aspects whereas others hold the entirely contrasting point of view. among thenumerous factors influencing people s opinions, there are five conspicuous reasons that consist in my conviction that themerits of young people in gaining interests
11、 in celebrating western festivals outweigh its demerits and we young people in china should celebrate some western festivals selectively.first and foremost, celebrating western festivals is an essential method for young people in china to adapt to this increasingly global world. with the constantly
12、cultural exchange among different countries, we are kept being exposed to new cultures. if we young people did not have any interest in celebrating western festivals, it might mean, to some extent, we do not conform to the current trend and cannot keep ourselves informed of what is going on欢迎下载精品学习资
13、源throughout the world. therefore, we are bound to maintain our interest in celebrating western festivals.furthermore, it is celebrating western festivals that provides young people more opportunities to comprehend different cultures. by celebrating the western festivals, young people in china can ha
14、ve a more vivid understandingof western cultures than just by reading books. at the same time, we will also see the differences between western values and eastern values by celebrating both native and western festivals. it can provoke more consideration about our own culture among us young people so
15、 that we may ponder over some related issues more critically. thus, not only doescelebrating western festivals open chinese young people shorizon but also facilitates our ability of critical thinking.moreover, celebrating western festivals boosts our nation s economy. young people, without any doubt
16、, are the main forceof consumption during the celebration of western festivals. with the aim to pursue more profits, retailers usually hold a sales promotion during this period by offering discounts. in this way, not only young people but also people of other ages may be involved in the celebration
17、to pick up several good bargains. it is more of a chance to go shopping than a ceremony to celebrate certain things. both consumers and retailers will benefit from the celebration of western festivals because this phenomenon may stimulate the inactive marketand contribute to the sustained boom of ou
18、r nation s economy.what s more, celebrating western festivals can make the life of young people in china more colorful and exciting. wechinese have our own traditional festivals, but western festivals can distinguish themselves from ours with the fresh feelings and customs they give us. our traditio
19、nal festival“ double seventh festival” is a case in point. this festival falls on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. it has a long history and欢迎下载精品学习资源a beautiful love story about the weaver maid and the cowherd. however, instead of undermining the celebration of doubleseventh festival, the coming
20、 of the brand-new valentine s dayprovides young with a new kind of feeling and enhances the possibility of embracing new thoughts. many young people have a great passion for celebrating this festival and they are becoming more and morecourageous to express their love to their beloved ones thanks to
21、the influence of valentine spirit.celebrating western festivals is also a good way of young people in china to get together with friends. we young people usually spend chinese traditional festivals with our family and visiting other relatives but we rarely have chances to enjoy quality time with our
22、 friends during holidays. celebrating western makes up for this situation. owing to our common interests in celebrating western festivals, i am convinced that a reunion during the celebration will be a big success.last but not least, lasting interests in celebrating some western festivals is highly
23、correlated with chinese youngpeople s keeping good virtues, especially chinese traditionalvirtues. the most apparent example is the celebration of thewestern festival“ thanksgiving day” . the thought of“ thanks ”has been influencing chinese people since a very long time ago, but there does not exist
24、 a traditional festivalconcentrating on“ thanks ” among our own chinese festivals. the coming of thanksgiving day makes up for this situation. itoffers us young people an opportunity to recall others help and show our gratitude to them. festivals of this kind canrem ind people of the importance and
25、necessity of“ thanks ”. the same also applies for the western father s day and mother s day. these two western festivals always manage todivert our attention from the competitive society andpressured academic study to our parents, who are long欢迎下载精品学习资源tolerant of our neglect and never complain to u
26、s. consequently, as long as properly used, some western festivals can be vital to keep our chinese traditional values.from the above discussion, we can come to a natural conclusion that it is an irresistible trend that celebrating western festivals will become increasinglypopular among young people
27、in china and this tendency cannot be shifted in the near future. however, meanwhile we young people also should be aware that the same importance must be attached to our chinese traditional festivals while celebrating western festivals. on one hand, we cannot abandon our own culture and traditional
28、values only to celebratewestern festivals. on the other hand, we can try to celebrate some meaningful western festivals in our chinese way with our own culture as the core of the celebration. only in this way, can we young people maintain our interests and passion to learn and our chinese traditional culture can be developed and glorified.欢迎下载