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1、精品学习资源Seeing the back of the car看看汽车业的将来In the rich world, people seem to be driving less than they used to在西方富有世界,人们似乎不像以前那样频繁驾车出行了;Sep 22nd 2021 | from the print edition欢迎下载精品学习资源1. “ I LL love and protect this car until death do us part,”says Toad, a 17-year-oldloser whoselifeisbrieflytransformed

2、bya “ superfine” 1958ChevyImpalain “ American Graffiti”Th.e filmfollowshim, his friends and their vehicles through a latesummernightinearly1960sCalifornia: cruising the main drag, racing on the back streetsandneckinginbackseatsof machineswhichembodynotjustspeed, prosperity and freedom but also adult

3、hood, status and sex.一名 17 岁的失败者,图德说, “我将会爱惜这辆车并且爱惜它,始终到死亡把我们分开为止 ”,他的生活由于 “美国风情画 ”中的一辆 1958 年的超精细雪佛兰羚羊而完全转变了;这部电影带着他,他的伴侣们和他们的车穿越到了二十世纪六十岁月加州,一个夏天的 夜晚:快而平稳地穿过那里的主要街道,在 破旧的街巷中飙车,在汽车后座位上拥吻, 这辆车表达的不仅仅是速度,财宝和自由, 仍有成年的宣告, 社会位置和性关系的成熟;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源2. The movie was set in an age when owning wheelsw

4、asanormdeeplydesiredand newly achievable. Since then car ownershiphas grown apace. There are now more than 1 billion cars in the world, and the numberis likely to roughly double by 2021. They are cheaper, faster, safer and more comfortable than ever before.当时这部电影的制作背景是拥有辆车的深深期望和它代表的一种新型的成就;从那时起,汽车保有

5、量是益增长;全世界现在的汽车数量超过了 10 亿辆, 到 2021年这个数字大致会翻一翻;相比于以前,现在的汽车更廉价,速度更快,配置更安全,而且更加舒适;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源3. Cars are integraltomodernlife.They accountfor70% ofall journeysnotmade on foot in the OECD, which includes most developedcountries.IntheEuropean Unionmorethan12mpeopleworkin manufacturing and service

6、s related to carsand other vehicles, around 6% of the total employed population; the equivalent figurefor America is 4.5% of private-sector employment, or 8m jobs. They dominate household economies too: aside from rent or mortgage payments, transport costs are the single biggest weekly outlay, and m

7、ost of those costs normally come from cars.汽车已成为现代生活不行或缺的一部分;经合组织 - 包括了大部分进展国家- 调查显示,非徒步旅行者中有70% 的人选择了汽车出行;在欧盟, 超过 1200 万人在汽车及其他车辆相关的制造和服务行业中工作,占了整个就业人口的 6%;美国从事类似行业的人数到达了800百,占了私人企业就业率的4.5% ;他们也是家庭经济的主要支出:除了支付房租或者抵押贷款,交通开支是家庭的 周最大单一开支,而且这些开支的大部分都 来自于汽车;欢迎下载精品学习资源4. Nearly60mnew cars were added to t

8、he world s stock in 2021. People in Asia, Latin Americaand Africaare buyingcars pretty muchas fast as they can affordto, and as more can afford to, more will buy.2021 年,全世界股市有近6000万辆新车加入;在亚洲,拉丁美洲和非洲,人们只要能负担得起就会马上买车,当他们的购买力越来越高时,购买的人也会越来越多;欢迎下载精品学习资源5. But in the rich world the car s previo但us是ly 在富有

9、世界,以前汽车销售上的猛升趋欢迎下载精品学习资源inexorablerise is stalling.A growingbody of academicscitethe possibilitythatboth carownershipandvehicle-kilometres drivenmaybereachingsaturationin developedcountries orevenbeonthe wane, a notion known as“ peak car”.势正在跌停;越来越多的学者都有引证一种 可能性 - 即发达国家的汽车保有量和行驶里程数可能都会到达饱和- 或者甚至会慢慢削

10、减,一种被称为 “汽车峰值 ”的现象;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源6. Recessionandhighfuelpriceshave markedlycutdistancesdriveninmany countriessince2021,includingAmerica, Britain,FranceandSweden.Butmore profoundand longer-run changes underlie recenttrends.Mostforecastsstillpredict thatwhen the recoverycomes, peoplewill drive a

11、s much and in the same way as theyever have. But that may not be true.从 2021年起,经济衰退和高油价明显得削减了许多国家私家车的行驶里程数,包括美国,英国,法国和瑞典;但是最近的趋势是由于更多的深层次和长期的变化造成的;大多的预报仍旧预示着,当经济慢慢复原时, 人们会像以前一样,频繁地使用汽车;但是这些推测只是推测罢了;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源7. Asa generaltrend,carownershipand kilometrestravelledhavebeenincreasing througho

12、ut the rich world since the 1950s.Short-term factors like the 1970s oil-price shock caused temporary dips, but vehicle use soon recovered.作为总趋势,从二十世纪五十岁月以来,全部富有国家的汽车保有量和行驶公里数始终在上升;类似二十世纪七十岁月石油价格危机的短期危机引起的临时削减,但是车辆的使用情形复原得很快;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源8. Thecurrent fallin car usehas doubtless been exacerbat

13、ed by recession. But it seemsto have startedbeforethe crisis.A March 2021studyfortheAustralian governmentwhichhasbeenatthe forefrontofinternationaleffortstotease outpeak-carissues suggestedthat20countriesintherichworldshowa“ saturatingtrend” tovehicle -kilometres travelled.Afterdecadeswheneach indiv

14、idual was on average travelling farther everyyear, growthper personhas slowed distinctly,andinmanycasesstopped最近汽车使用方面的下降无疑由于经济衰 退而加剧了;但是这个情形似乎在危机以前 就开头了; 2021 年 3 月对澳大利亚政府的争论显示澳政府在整理汽车最高使用量方面已经走在了国际各方努力前沿 ,在富有世界的 20 个国家, 行驶公里数已趋于饱和; 数十年后, 每个人汽车的年均行驶里程将会更多, 购买汽车的个人也会逐步放缓,而且在许多方面将会完全停止;欢迎下载精品学习资源alto

15、gether.欢迎下载精品学习资源9. Therearedifferentmeasuresof saturation:totaldistancedriven,distance perdriverandtotaltripsmade.The statisticsarestrikingoneachofthese countseveninAmerica,stillthemost car-mad countryin the world.There,total vehicle-kilometrestravelledbegan to plateau in 2004 and fall from 2007; m

16、easured per person, growth flatlined sooner, after 2000, and dropped after 2004 before recovering somewhat see chart. The number of trips has fallen, mostly because of a decline in commuting and shopping of the non-virtual variety.衡量是否到达饱和, 仍有些不同的检查方法: 总行驶距离,平远行驶里程和总旅次;各国 这些数据的统计,甚至美国这个仍旧是世界上最大的汽车制造

17、国 ,都令人震惊; 在美国,总的车辆行驶公里数在2004年到达平衡期,从 2007年开头下跌;以人均算,从2000年后行驶里程数增长很快, 但是,2004 年后开头降低,直到前几些才有所复原;总旅次始终在下降, 大多由于上下班来回和 非虚拟用品购物次数的削减;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源10. Britain,anothernationthatmeasures such thingsobsessively,has a similararc.Kilometres travelled per person were stable or falling through most of t

18、he 2000s. Totaltraffichasnotincreasedforadecade, despite a growing population. For the past15 years Britons have been making fewer journeys; they now go out in cars only slightly more often than in the 1970s.Pre-recession declines in per-person travel were also recorded in France,Spain,Italy, Austra

19、lia, New Zealand and Belgium.另一个测量这些让人困扰的数值的国家- 英国的情形和美国类似;人均行驶里程以前很稳固,或者在2000年间的大部分时间在下跌;尽管人口在增长,但是过去十年间的总 流量没有增长;过去15 年间,英国人几乎都不怎么旅行了;相比于二十世纪七十岁月, 他们的驾车出行量只是略有增长;法国,西 班牙,澳大利亚,新西兰和比利时这些国家, 经济衰退前的个人出行同样也是如此;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源11. Saturation of car ownership over time isoneexplanation.Thecurrentcoho

20、rtof随着时间的推移,汽车保有量的饱和也是缘由之一;目前退役的汽车都是世界上的首批欢迎下载精品学习资源retirees Toadfrom“ American Graffiti”产, 品美国风情画中,在越南假死的terry欢迎下载精品学习资源having faked his death in Vietnam, is now 67is the first in which most people drove.So more retired people drive now than everbefore. In Britain 79% of people in their 60s hold li

21、cences, which is higher than thefigure for the driving-age population as a whole; in America more than 90% of people aged 60-64 can drive, a larger sharethan for any other cohort. New generations of drivers will replace old ones rather than add to the total number.现在已经 67 岁了,大部分人都驾驶过;现在驾驶汽车的退休人员比以往任

22、何时候都多;在英国, 79% 的人在他们 60 多岁时才拿到他们的驾照,这个数字比作为整体的驾龄人口数字都高;在美国,60-64岁的人口中超过 90% 的人都开车,在全部驾车人数中, 占的份额比其他年龄段的驾车人数都多;新一代的驾车人员将会取代那些老司机,而不是增加驾车人员的总数;欢迎下载精品学习资源12. Thenthereis a secondtrend.Allover therichworld,youngpeopleare getting theirlicenceslaterthantheyusedto in AmericaseechartandalsoinBritain, Canada

23、, France, Norway, South Korea and Sweden.EveninGermany, car-culture-vulture of Europe, the share of younghouseholdswithoutcarsincreased from 20% to 28% between 1998 and 2021.Unsurprisingly,thisgoesalongwith driving less. American youngsters with jobs drive less far and less often than before the rec

24、ession.16- to 34-year-oldsin American householdswithincomesover$70,000 increasedtheirpublic-transportuseby 100% from 2001 to 2021, according to the Frontier Group, a think-tank.届时也有另一个趋势;在富有的世界里,年轻人们拿到他们驾照的时间比以前的同龄人晚- 在美国是这样, 在英国, 加拿大, 法国, 挪威,韩国和瑞典都是如此;甚至在德国- 欧洲的汽车文化秃鹰,无汽车的年轻家庭从 1998 年的 20% 增加到了 202

25、1年的 28% ;意料之中的是,相伴着这种现象的仍有驾车频率的削减;相比于经济衰退前,美国在职年轻人的行驶里程和驾车次数都在削减;依据一家询问机构 - 美国先锋集团的争论,从2001 年到 2021年,年收入超过70,000美元的美国家庭中, 16-34 岁的家庭成员在公共交通的使用上增长了100% ;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源13. Cost is one factor: fuel prices have risenforall;insurancepremiumsforthe young have soared. Youth unemployment has not helpe

26、d. But there is also the influence of anewkidontheblock:theinternet.A UniversityofMichigansurveyof15 countries found that in areas where a lot of youngpeopleuse the internet,fewerthan normalhavedrivinglicences.Aglobal surveyofteenattitudesbyTNS,a consultancy,foundthatyoungpeople increasinglyview car

27、s as appliances not aspirations, and say that social media give them the access to their world that would once have been associated with cars. KCR,a research firm, has found that in Americafar more 18- to 34-year-olds than any otheragegroupsaysocialisingonlineisa substitute for some car trips.花费是其中一

28、个因素:全部的燃油价格都在 上涨;年轻人的保险费用全面飙升;年轻人 的失业问题仍没有缓解;但是,仍有一个新 生事物也对此产生了影响:因特网;密西安 高校对 15 个国家的调查显示, 在这些地方大部分年轻人都有使用互联网,除了正常的驾 车人员有驾照外,几乎没人申请;由一家咨 询机构,特恩斯市场争论询问对全球年轻人 态度的调查发觉,越来越多的年轻人认为, 汽车只是个家用电器,购买欲望已经没有以 前那么猛烈了;这份调查仍表示,社交媒体 的普及让他们更简洁进入这个曾经一度与汽车 密 不 可 分 的 世 界 ; 一 家 市 场 研 究 公 司-KCR- 对美国不同年龄段人调查发觉,认为社交网络可以替代汽

29、车出行的人中,18-34年龄段的人最多;欢迎下载精品学习资源14. Evenwithoutchangingabsolute numbers, however, age can still play a roleinpatternsofuse.Thoughmoreolder people drive than used to, per person theyalsotendto driveless. Andso, ifpeoplekeepgettingtheirlicenceslater,may然而, 甚至在确定数值不发生变化的情形下, 年龄仍旧在汽车使用中占有重点的作用;虽 然现在开车的老年人

30、比以前多,但是他们人 均行驶里程却也在削减;同理,假如人们申 请驾照的年龄越来越大,那么人均行驶里程也会削减; 依据牛津高校的乔登 - 斯图克的发欢迎下载精品学习资源everyoneelse. The laterpeoplepass their test, the less farthey driveeven once they can, according to Gordon Stokes of Oxford University.He says peoplein Britainwho learn in their late 20s drive 30% less thanthose who

31、learn a decade earlier.现,人们越迟通过驾驶测试,那么就算他们 可以,他们的行驶里程也会越少;他认为, 现在的英国人中,在他们近三十岁学习驾驶 的人比十年前同龄学驾驶的人少了30% ;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源15. Geographymatterstoo.Inmostrich countriescarusehasbeenstableor increasing in rural areas, where driving still offersfreedomandconvenience.Itis in cities,especiallytheircentre

32、s,thatcar ownershipanduse is declining.Andcitylivingisontherise:theOECD,a rich-countrythink-tank,expectsthatby 2050,86%of the richworld psopulation willliveinurbanareas,upfrom77% in 2021.地理也很重要;在大部分富有国家里,农村 地区汽车的使用始终保持稳固甚至在增长, 由于在那里,开车出行仍旧让人们感觉到自 由和便利;而在城市里,特殊是市中心,汽 车的保有量和使用正在下降;而且城市生活 水准却在上升;经合组织-

33、一个富有国家的智库,估量到 2050 年,富有国家人口的 85%将居住在城镇,相比于2021 年上升了 77%;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源16. InAmericatheshareofmetropolitan residents without a car has grown since the mid-1990s: 13% of people in cities of more than 3m people have no car while only 6%in ruralareas live withoutone. InLondon car ownership has bee

34、n falling since 1990,withaplateaufrom1995to2005;the percentage of households without cars has been growingsince 1992. InotherBritish citiesthe proportion ofcarless householdshas been growingsince 2005.Car use has fallen in many European cities.在美国,自从二十世纪九十岁月以来,城市居民中无车一族的比例始终在上升;超过三百万的城市居民没有买车,占城市总人口

35、的13%,而在农村无车一族只占 6%;在伦敦,自 1990 年以来, 汽车保有量始终在削减, 从1995 年到 2005 年进入了停滞期;从 1992 年起,无车家庭的百分比始终在增加;在英国其他城市,自2005年起,无车家庭的比例也在上升;在其他欧盟城市中,汽车的使 用也在下降;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源17. There are various reasons for this. Public mass-transitsystemsare,inthemain, fasterand morereliablethantheyused to be, with increasedca

36、pacityin many cities. Thispartlyreflectsincreasedinvestment, particularlyinrail.Forthepast15 years road and rail investment has been about 1%产生这种现象的缘由许多;主要的缘由是, 公共运输系统比以前更加快捷、安全牢靠, 同时在许多城市, 运输系统的容量也在增加;这种现象在确定程度上也反映了公共运输投资的都加,特殊是铁路; 国际运输论坛认为, 在过去 15 年间,经合组织国家中,大路和铁路总投资约为各国国内生产总值的1%,但是欢迎下载精品学习资源of GD

37、P for OECD countries, but railshares铁 路 在总 投 资 中 的 比重 从 15% 上 升 到 了欢迎下载精品学习资源of that has increased from 15% to 23%, says the International Transport Forum.23% ;欢迎下载精品学习资源18. More recently, private alternatives to car最近以来,针对拥有汽车的私人替代品,特欢迎下载精品学习资源ownership, notably car clubs, have been spreading acros

38、s North America and northern Europe. By some estimates one rental car can take the place of 15 owned vehicles. Zipcar, which is the biggest international car-share scheme, has 700,000 members and over 9,000 vehicles.Buzzcar, a French company set up by the Zipcar founder, has 605,000 members sharing

39、9,000 cars.别是汽车俱乐部的替代品现在已经遍布北美 和北欧;把一些估量,一辆租赁汽车能够取 代 15 辆自备车;世界上最大的汽车共享系统,美国网上租车公司拥有700,000会员和超过9,000辆车;由该公司创始人在法国建立的汽车共享公司 - 布兹卡已经拥有 605,000个成员,有 9,000辆车给他们共用;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源19. Perhapsmostbasic,though,is thatin terms of urban living the car has become a victimofitsownsuccess.In1994the physici

40、stCesareMarchettiarguedthat peoplebudgetanaveragetraveltimeof aroundone hour getting towork;theyare unwilling to spend more. For decades cars allowedthisbudgettogo farther.But as suburbs grow and congestion increases只是,可能最基本的缘由是,就城市生活而言,汽车已经成为它自身成功的受害者了;1994 年,物理学家寒萨尔 -马尔凯蒂认为, 人们把自己的平均出行即日常活动时间控制在一小

41、时左右,他们不愿意再花更多的时间在这个上面;数十年以来,汽车把人们的这个时间预算拉长了许多; 但是当城镇扩张, 堵塞越来越严肃时,大部分的城市最终最终产生了由于长时间通勤导致的任凭扩张的问欢迎下载精品学习资源most cities eventually hit a“ sprawl wa题ll - 如”果o不f 通勤就不会有这个扩张问题了;欢迎下载精品学习资源too-long commutes beyond which they willnot spread far. After that, it appears, a significant number of people start to

42、moveback towards the city centre. In America,where over 50% of the population lives in suburbs, more than half the nation 5s1 largest cities are seeing more growth in thecore thanoutsideit, accordingto William Frey at the Brookings Institution.20. Ifcarusehaspeaked,whatarethe implications.One is tha

43、tvehicle-makers, which are already having a tough time, willnot easily find new markets in the rich world. In America available cars already outnumber licensed drivers. “ We are looking at replacement rather than growthinthesecountries,”saysYvesvander StraatenoftheOICA,aninternational trade body of

44、car manufacturers.此后,事情又有了变化,相当多的人又开头搬回到了城市中心;依据布鲁金斯学会的威廉姆 -弗雷的争论, 在美国, 有超过 50% 的人中居住在城镇里, 这个国家 51 座大城市中有一大半,市中心的进展都比它外围的进展快 得多;假如汽车的使用已经到达顶峰,那么它预示着什么呢?一个,就是车辆制造者们他们现在已经进入艰难时期了,在富有国家里,很难再开发出新市场;在美国,汽车的供应量已经远远超过了有驾照的人;“我们正在查找新的市场,而并不是期望在这些国家销售有所增长; ”全球汽车制造商的贸易组织-世界汽车组织的伊夫- 范德 - 斯特瑞腾如此说道;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源21. Somenicheandluxurybrandsare thriving and are likely to keep do


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