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1、Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.新六西格玛六西格玛Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.挑战挑战 挑战挑战Challenge快!快!快!Be quick!Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.QSCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Then and Now1986Six Sigma metho

2、dology introduced at Motorola 1987Six Sigma by 1992 goal was set1988 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award1991 Black Belt Initiative introduced1992 10X defect reduction every 2 years, cycle time every 5 years1998 Corporate Renewal1999 Rules of Engagement, Performance Excellence, Balanced Scorecard

3、2000 Black Belt Initiative Accelerated2003 Digital Six Sigma2002 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality AwardCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.1987制定制定1992 应达到的西格玛目标应达到的西格玛目标以往与现在1988 马称科姆马称科姆鲍德里奇全美质量大奖鲍德里奇全美质量大奖1990 在全公司开展在全公司开展“顾客完全满意小组过程顾客完全满意小组过程”和和“黑带计划黑带计划”1992 每两年减少缺陷十倍,每五年一个周期。每两年减少缺陷十

4、倍,每五年一个周期。1997 五个五个“9”:系统可用性。:系统可用性。1999 公司革新公司革新 2000 行为准则,优秀业绩和平衡的记分牌行为准则,优秀业绩和平衡的记分牌2001 “黑带黑带”创意加速创意加速2002 第二次鲍德里奇全美质量大奖第二次鲍德里奇全美质量大奖2003 数字化的六西格码数字化的六西格码Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.

5、1985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000淨營收 (十億美元)14%24%16%14%4%18%28%31%22%9%B US$Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.我们从“六西格玛” (Six Sigma) 作为一项衡量开始。西格玛是一项利用统一衡量尺度对“完好度”的衡量。西格玛提供一种衡量改进情况的相关方法。西格玛的衡量单位是百万分之缺陷率 (DPMO) 。例如,某一水平的西格玛可以说明生产一百万只咖啡杯的过程中有多少残次品。 所谓统一是指可以用西格玛来

6、衡量从咖啡杯缺陷到失去销售机会的一切内容。它衡量的对象其实就是在一百万次机遇中,有多少次没有达到顾客的要求(即缺陷)。值得庆幸的是,一百万只是一个衡量系数,我们用不着等到生产出一百万只咖啡杯才开始计算西格玛水平。Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.西格玛水平与改进后的完好度水平有关。要达到“三西格玛”水平,我们在一百万次机会中只能允许 66,811 个缺陷。而在“五西格玛”水平中,我们只允许 233 个缺陷。 不同西格玛水平之间的差异并不是简单地对半削减缺陷数量。西格玛水平每升高一级,缺陷数量都指数级地减少。 Copyright 2002

7、Motorola. All rights reserved.“Sigma” is a measurement scale upon which improvements can be gauged.“Six Sigma” is an overall methodology that drives business improvement.Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.六西格玛定义六西格玛定义Definition of Six Sigma Whatever we do, The maximum error number which is

8、 allowed to make should not go beyond 3.4 times among 1,000,000 opportunities. 无论做什么,在无论做什么,在1 1百万次出错机会中,所允百万次出错机会中,所允许出现的错误为许出现的错误为3.4 3.4 次次Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.六西格玛与每百万机遇六西格玛与每百万机遇3.4个缺陷个缺陷(DPMO)相对应。相对应。正态分布居中1.5Sigma偏移Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Sigma dpm

9、o Defect Rate 缺陷率缺陷率2s 308,538 1 in 33s 66,000 1 in 154s 6,210 1 in 1605s 233 1 in 4,3006s 3 1 in 300,000dpmo: defects per million opportunities每百万次中的缺陷数10,000XCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved. 什么是“六西格玛”(Six Sigma)? 你可能在两方面听到人们使用这一术语作为一项衡量内容和作为一种方法。区分这两者对于我们理解“六西格玛”有着至关重要的意义。 “六西格玛”(Six

10、Sigma) 衡量: 以西格玛为尺度的衡量水平,其中西格玛是对完好度的一项衡量内容。 相当于百万之 3.4 的缺陷率。 “六西格玛”(Six Sigma) 方法: 全面改进业务的方法。 通过降低缺陷、加工周期、对环境的影响和其他不必要的波动来推业务过程的改进。Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.A comprehensive, flexible system for achieving & maximizing business success through thoroughly understanding customer needs,

11、 a disciplined use of facts & data, and diligent attention to improving and re-inventing processes. Cost reduction Improved productivity Market-share growth Customer retention Cycle-time reduction Defect reduction/elimination Culture change Product/service developmentBusiness Success Factors 成功因素成功因

12、素成本下降生产率提高市场占有率增长顾客维持周期缩短缺陷减少/消除文化变革产品/服务开拓是一个全面的柔性系统,通过充分理解客户需求,严谨地使用事实和数据,勤奋地注意改进和重新创造程序,来最大程度的达成生意的成功。Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.数码六西格玛 (Digital Six Sigma) 是对摩托罗拉经典业务改进方法的一次重大革新。数码六西格玛是一次巨大的改进,因为它可以一劳永逸地杜绝酿成缺陷的变因。通过实施可重复使用的网络化改进,数码六西格玛 彻底消灭了缺陷。A key innovation to Motorolas class

13、ic business improvement method is Digital Six Sigma. Digital Six Sigma is a dramatic improvement, because it permanently eliminates targeted sources of variation that cause defects. By implementing reusable web-enabled improvements, Digital Six Sigma eradicates defects from the face of the earth.Cop

14、yright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.摩托罗拉的数字化改进工作带来一整套新的更好方法、工具和技巧。这方面的工作包括: 由于有了上述改进,今天“六西格玛” (Six Sigma) 比以往任何时间都更加功能强大,更加适用于当今动荡的业界环境。 e-Training:在短短几个月而不是几年时间里,培训和测试数以千计员工的能力。e-Processes: 随时处于掌控之中的数字化改进措施。e-Tools: 网上调查、模拟程序及各种归纳工具可以对“六西格玛”过程的众多阶段进行改进。e-Tracking: 监督所有重要业务度量及其附属改进项目的能力。e-Visi

15、bility/Control: 监督所有重要业务度量及促成如此结果之部门和职能的能力,其中包括正反两个方面。Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Cp 0.67 1.0 1.33 1.67 2.0Cpk 0.17 0.5 0.83 1.17 1.5)DPMO(Defects Per Million Error Opportunities业界标杆一般公司baggage handling: 3.5 sigma国内航班Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved. 持续进步及竞争的需要 The requi

16、rement of CI and completion建立共同语言 Setup command language数据驱动进步 Data driven解决问题的方法与思路 The methodology of problem solving Command the tools Customer focusCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.The Current Situation 目前状况目前状况Cycle Time运转周期运转周期Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意顾客满意(Phone Rings Again)Contin

17、uous Improvement持续改进持续改进Gamba Kaizen5sTPMCOQTCMCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Sky Tower on Tomorrow明天的大厦Customer Satisfaction 顾客满意顾客满意(Phone Rings Again)Cost 费用费用Service 服务服务System 系统系统Management 管理管理Delivery 交付交付Quality 质量质量Continuous Improvement持续改进Cycle Time 运转运转 周期周期 6 Sigma 6西西格玛格

18、玛Management teams Commitment & consensus 管理层的承诺与一致管理层的承诺与一致全体管理团队的共识订货铃不断响起Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.ControlSystemISO9002ISO9001QS9000ISO140005SEHSTPMGK/LeanSPCTCMTQM1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 20026-SigmaCOQMRP-IIOr ERP控制系统Digital6 SigmaCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.I

19、ts all aboutdelivering business results!Achieving sustainable business improvement requires integrated team efforts linked to business priorities.通过团队对重大的问题进行快速的解决通过团队对重大的问题进行快速的解决,得到持续的财务结果得到持续的财务结果!Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.“六西格玛领导方针”包括以下内容:The Six Sigma Leadership Principles in

20、clude the following: Align ( 结合) Mobilize (动员) Accelerate (催化) Govern (治理) THE SIX SIGMA LEADERSHIP PRINCIPLESThe People Who Make it Happen:Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.大师级黑带大师级黑带 Master Black Belt - 黑带和高级管理层顾问黑带和高级管理层顾问 Black Belt and Senior Management Consultant 绿带绿带 Green Belt黑带黑带

21、 Black Belt - - 团队成员与实施者团队成员与实施者 Team Member and Practitioner - - 团队领导与统计顾问团队领导与统计顾问 Team Leader and Statistical Consultant Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Y关键性的成果哪些活动使你可以实现这些成果?= f (x1 , x2 , x3 . )持续的支持与持续的支持与评审评审六西格玛六西格玛项目选择项目选择Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.“Link actio

22、ns to critical results!”Simplify the game!What do youwant to improve? What actions will getyou there the fastest?Y= f (x1 , x2 , x3 . )Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.戰略與目標戰略與目標戰略方向戰略方向願景願景: :我我們們的首要目的的首要目的我我們們如何向如何向顧顧客客提供提供價價值值。使命使命: :我我們為誰們為誰服服務務,我,我們們提供哪些服提供哪些服務務,我我們們如何如何實現競爭實現競爭優勢優勢

23、。 戰戰略目略目標標: :為實現願景為實現願景我我們們必必須須完成的目完成的目標標。 提出或突破提出或突破創創意意為為在今天在今天獲獲得成得成功,我功,我們們需要需要採採取哪些行取哪些行動動。 超越超越創創意意: :為為在未在未來來取得成取得成功我功我們們需要需要採採取取哪些行哪些行動動。 績效衡量績效衡量業務過程業務過程業務成業務成果果顧顧客客與與市市場場培培訓與發展訓與發展内部内部業務業務財務財務為為建立建立實現實現我我們們戰戰略目略目標標所需的所需的能力,我能力,我們們需要需要採採取哪些行取哪些行動動 目標:實際:度量目標:實際:度量目標:實際:度量目標:實際:度量Copyright 2

24、002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Strategies & ObjectivesCurrent Year InitiativesSTRATEGIC DIRECTIONVision:Our overriding purpose how we will deliver value to customers.Mission:Who we serve, what services we provide and how we achieve competitive advantageStrategic Objectives:Goals we must accomplis

25、h to achieve our vision.Make or Break Initiatives:What we need to do to be successful today.Breakaway Initiatives:What we need to do to be successful in the futurePERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTBusiness ProcessesBusiness ResultsCustomer & MarketLearning & GrowthInternal BusinessFinancialWhat we need to do t

26、o build the capability to achieve our strategic objectives.Goal:Actual:MetricGoal:Actual:MetricGoal:Actual:MetricGoal:Actual:MetricCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Be the market leader in providing superior wireless products and solutions Lead Internet to wireless. Drive success by excee

27、ding the expectations of customers, consumers, shareholders and co-workers Customer, consumer & share holder driven employees winning through the 4Es +1; Recognizing & celebrating successes. One Motorola / One PCSCULTURE: Fully link the Front End experience and planning process Develop a measurement

28、 and ensure differential investment for Most Effective Talent Ensure Most Effective Talent occupy Most Leveraged Positions PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTBusiness ProcessesBusiness Results2002 PERFORMANCE EXCELLENCE SCORECARDPCS Rev 2.7Strategic ObjectivesCurrent Year InitiativesSTRATEGIC DIRECTIONVISION:MI

29、SSION:FINANCIAL Deliver strong financial resultsCUSTOMER & MARKET Delight customers and become the coveted supplier by all top 25 customersOPERATIONAL & PEOPLE Transform the organization to Performance Excellence Motivate employees and create a positive work environment Build active community involv

30、ementFINANCIALImprove Total Cost Competitiveness of productsImprove overall ability to deliver End-to-End solutions, content and applications CUSTOMER/CONSUMER & MARKETDefine and develop Compelling Products and Signature Experiences Improve customer relationships through operator partnering and cust

31、omizationDrive and sustain consumer demand and pull-through programs and increase the effectiveness of co-marketing with operators and distributorsSubstantially enhance the value and impact of the Motorola BrandInvest in innovation to leverage technology advancements and architecture to improve mark

32、et/customer responsiveness OPERATIONAL & PEOPLEMake the matrix organization workMake Six Sigma “The Way We Work” in everything we do Dramatically improve software capability & qualitySTRATEGIC PLANNINGCUSTOMER & MKT FOCUSHUMAN RESOURCE FOCUSPROCESS MGMTLEADERSHIPINFORMATION/ANALYSIS Improve End-to-E

33、nd selling capabilities on Account Teams Improve S&OP Process Drive development and differential investments in human assets, by implementing the Organization Vitality Process Institutionalize M-Gates across all projects Implement YEAR 1 Next Generation Supply Chain projects Deploy Time Tracking Sys

34、tem (Primavera) across PCSFINANCIALMake The Numbers PBT Sales: Device & Non-device Cash Flow CUSTOMER/CONSUMER & MARKET Increase Market Share 20% movement in Customer Satisfaction - Top 2 Boxes Improve consumer & POS equity by 11.5% in top 11 countriesOPERATIONAL 30% complexity reduction by YE & all

35、 2003 NPIs achieve complexity index of 1.33Cpk 2Cp 2J .L .L .L .Cp=Cpk(1-k)Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved. 黑带的发展黑带的发展 Exceeding CustomerExpectationsSix Steps toSix SigmaProblemSolvingStrategiesand ToolsContinuousImprovementCurriculum(CIC)Weight: REWORKED PARTS0100200300400500600CountBC

36、GEDAFMLHIKNJOSOURCEPareto Chart-2-1012345Chipsize (mils)7213549637791Avg=0.82LCL=-1.51UCL=3.15Individual Measurement of Chipsize (mils)012345Chipsize (mils)7213549637791Avg=0.88LCLUCL=2.86Moving Range of Chipsize (mils)Control ChartThickness0.480.490.50.510.520.53405406Line No.All PairsTukey-Kramer

37、0.05Oneway Analysis of Thickness By Line No.RESPONSE5678910111213141 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596Part123412341234CassetteBobFrankJanetOper

38、atorVariability Chart for RESPONSEWeight: REWORKED PARTS0100200300400500600CountBCGEDAFMLHIKNJOSOURCEPareto ChartScreening Fit2nd HarmonicSummary of FitRSquareRSquare AdjRoot Mean Square ErrorMean of ResponseObserv ations (or Sum Wgts)0.8113030.6697814.242256-30.7881 15Analy sis of VarianceLack of F

39、itParameter EstimatesEf fect T estResponse Surf aceInsertion 360M hzSummary of FitRSquareRSquare AdjRoot Mean Square ErrorMean of ResponseObserv ations (or Sum Wgts)0.6714360.4250130.414974 -0.9236 15Analy sis of VarianceLack of FitParameter EstimatesEf fect T estResponse Surf aceReturn loss 360MhzS

40、ummary of FitRSquareRSquare AdjRoot Mean Square ErrorMean of ResponseObserv ations (or Sum Wgts)0.7859330.6253833.830314-13.8293 15Analy sis of VarianceLack of FitParameter EstimatesEf fect T estResponse Surf aceContour Prof ilerHorizVertFactorC709L660C710Current X 2.715.91632111.984906Grid Density1

41、0 x 10Update ModeImmediateResponse2nd HarmonicInsertion 360M hReturn loss 360Contour-36.38759-0.598651-19.93862Current Y-37.02109-0.704413 -22.0236Lo Limit ? ? ?Hi Limit -35 -0.15 -1515C7108.22nd HarmonicInsertion 360M hReturn loss 3602.2C7092.70C709C7102nd Harmonic0C709C710Insertion 360M h0C709C710

42、Return loss 360Thickness0.480.490.50.510.520.53405406Line No.All PairsTukey-Kramer 0.05Oneway Analysis of Thickness By Line No.Weight: REWORKED PARTS0100200300400500600CountBCGEDAFMLHIKNJOSOURCEPareto Chart图表的图表的探测地探测地交互式的交互式的多项比较多项比较度量系统分析度量系统分析质量控制质量控制实验设计和实验设计和 最优化最优化确认问题收集数据分析数据解释数据汇报分析提出建议实施行动监

43、察和控制Problem IdentificationCollect DataAnalyze DataInterpret DataReport AnalysisMake RecommendationImplementation of ActionMonitoring & ControlGraphicalExploratoryInteractiveMultiple ComparisonsMeasurement Systems AnalysisQuality ControlExperimental Design and OptimizationCopyright 2002 Motorola. All

44、 rights reserved.六西格玛持续改进课程表六西格玛持续改进课程表Six sigma CI CurriculumStatistical Approach to Six Sigma (CIC1141 & 1142)Foundations of Six Sigma & the DMAIC Model (CIC1157)Green Belt ProgramBlack Belt ProgramMaster Black BeltBenchmarking (CIC540)Teaming (TBD)Cycle Time Reduction & Map. Workshop (CIC850)Qual

45、ity Function Deployment (CIC1070, 1071)Business Skills (TBD)Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved. . . to support a Six Sigma CampaignLeadership Jumpstart Event (2 days)- align with business strategy- secure commitment, prioritize and resource projectsSeniorLeadershipTeamFoundations Training

46、Organization WideBlack BeltCandidatesChampionsSix Sigma Black Belt Training (20 days)- prepare Black Belts to lead Six Sigma improvement teams- equip Black Belts with SPC tools and techniquesSix Sigma Management Training (3 days)- equip results owners to manage in Six Sigma environments- ensure the

47、advancement of the improvement projectsGreen BeltsSix Sigma Green Belt Training (5 days)- prepare team members to execute project activities- provide solid foundation of improvement processes and toolsCopyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.提高整个组织的实力提高整个组织的实力支持六西格玛运动支持六西格玛运动领导人才助推活动领导人才助推活动 (2天

48、天)- 与业务战略取得统一- 为项目而保证承诺,安排重点,提供资源 高级领导团队高级领导团队基础培训基础培训全组织全组织黑带候选人黑带候选人带头人带头人六西格玛黑带培训六西格玛黑带培训(20天天)- 教会“黑带”如何领导六西格玛改进团队。- 为“黑带”提供SPC工具和技巧。 六西格玛管理培训六西格玛管理培训(2天天)- 为成果所有者在“六西格玛”环境中进行管理创造条件。 - 保证改进项目的进行。绿带绿带六西格玛绿带培训六西格玛绿带培训(6天天)- 为团队成员执行项目活动创造条件。- 为改进过程提供坚实基础和工具。 Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights rese

49、rved.六西格玛绿带学习班大纲 六西格玛基础六西格玛基础 (Fundamental to Six Sigma) 界定机遇界定机遇(Define)1.1 找出、排序并选择改进机遇。 1.2 制定项目团队宪章1.3 组建有效的团队1.4 明确顾客及顾客需求 1.5 界定待改进的过程并绘图 衡量业绩衡量业绩(Measure)2.1 确定衡量的内容 2.2 对衡量进行管理2.3 认识波动 2.4 评估衡量系统2.5 确定过程业绩表现 分析机遇分析机遇(Analyze)3.1 找出潜在的根本原因 3.2 进行失败模式及效果分析 (FMEA)3.3 实施对比法 3.4 进行波动源(SOV)研究3.5 进

50、行相关性分析 改进业绩改进业绩(Improve)4.1 提出解决方案 4.2 解决方案的排序与选择 控制业绩控制业绩(Control)5.1 制订控制计划5.2 实施过程控制系统Copyright 2002 Motorola. All rights reserved.Week 1Core ContentDMAIC MethodologyIdentifying Business OpportunitiesCustomer RequirementsMapping ProcessesEffective TeamsCritical MeasuresMeasurement Systems Analysi


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