1、2022此地无银三百两篇一:此地无银三百两 此地无银三百两 从前有个人叫张三,喜欢自作聪明。他积攒了三百两银子,心里很高兴,但是他也很苦恼,怕这么多钱被别人偷走,不知道存放在哪里才安全。 带在身上吧,很不方便,容易让小偷察觉;放在抽屉里吧,觉得不妥当,也容易被小偷偷去,反正放在哪里都不方便。他捧着银子,冥思苦想了半天,想来想去,最后终于想出了自认为最好 的方法。张三趁黑夜,在自家房后,墙角下挖了一个坑,悄悄把银子埋在里面。埋好后,他还是不放心,害怕别人怀疑这里埋了银子。 他又想了想,终于又想出 了一个办法。他回屋,在一张白纸上写上“此地无银三百两”七个大字。然后,出去贴在坑边的墙上。他感到这样
2、是很安全的了,便回屋睡觉了。张三一整天心神不定的样子,早已经被邻居王二注意到了,晚上又听到 屋外有挖坑的声音,感到十分奇怪。 就在张三回屋睡觉时,王二去了屋后,借月光,看到墙角上贴着纸条,写着此地无银三百两七个大字。王二一切都明白了。他轻手轻脚把银子挖出来后,再把坑填好。 王二回到自己的家里,见到眼前的白花花的银子高兴极了,但又害怕了起来。他一想,如果明天张三发现银子丢了,怀疑是我怎么办?于是,他也 灵机一动,自作聪明地拿起笔,在纸上写到“隔壁王二不曾偷”七个大字,也贴在 坑边的墙角上。 注:后来人们根据这个民间故事,把这句话“此地无银三百两,隔壁王二不曾偷”当作一个成语,用来比喻自作聪明,想
3、要隐瞒,掩饰所干的事情,结果反而更加暴露明显了。这句成语,被简化为“此地无银”了。 “此地无银三百两”,本来的意思就是这个地方没有三百两银子。后来人们用这个成语比喻由 2于做事愚蠢,想隐瞒的事情反而被彻底暴露。 成语 此地无银三百两王建峰 绘 篇二:此地无银三百两-英文短剧 此地无银三百两 从前,有一个人,他辛辛苦苦工作了一年,赚了很多钱。当然,这个很多是对他自己来说。他日夜担心他的钱被偷,每天都提心吊胆。所以,他想了一个好办法。 (Before, had one people , his to have worked with so much toil having earned many
4、money for 1 year.) A: Oh, money ! So much money !So beautiful money ! Its my money ! (Many are to come to say to himself certainly , so. He worries about that his money is stolen day and night , is always on tenterhooks every day. Reason why , he have thought of a good way. 一天,他把他全部的钱装进袋子里。然后,背到一个很少
5、有人经过的地方,打算埋起来。 A day , he put his all money into sack lining. And then, the back arrives at a very little the local that somebody passes , consideration buries.) A: OK,here it is . Let me have a rest . 休息一会儿后,他开始挖一个坑。After having a rest, he begins to dig one pit. A: Oh my baby ,my lovely money .I lo
6、ve you so much ,but I must leave you ,now .I will miss you . Dont forget me ! Oh my heart ! 然后,把坑填好,恢复原状. And then, a pit is finished filling , is restores the status quo ante. A:Wait ! How can I do if one person found it ? No, I must think of a way . C : ( He is in deep thinking . ) A:Haha! I can d
7、o this . C :A good idea is made in his “smart” head so he write some words on the wall near by the pit “there are not three hundred silver here ” (此地无银三百两)after write it he is very happy . Before he leave therehe is still worried about his silver stolen A: he think :”write these words are not prefec
8、t” C: So he writes some words at the back of the just now the sentence “not here ,I did not really ”(没有,这里真没有!) after he write he is very satisfied so he go to go home to Sleep . C: incidentally(恰巧) ,this scene was see by next door wang erhe see the chen san left So he skip the wall and dig up the s
9、ilver . before he leave he is worried B: he think “if chen san found his silver is stolen ,he must doubt me ” C: then he also write some words on the wall B: “Next door wang er did not steal ”(隔壁王二不曾偷) ” Did not steal, I did not steal really ”(没偷,我是真没偷) C: The next day chen san come to see the silve
10、r he was very surprised after he found the silver was stolen .he is very angry .at this time ,he found there are some words on the wall A: “Next door wang er did not steal ”(隔壁王二不曾偷) ” Did not steal, I did not steal really ”(没偷,我是真没偷) A:chen san is very wonder “next door wang er did not steal ” ” wh
11、o are the people that would be ”(那会是谁呢?) Over C:the story tells us “Because of foolish things ,you want to hide more easily exposed” (由于做事愚蠢,你想隐瞒就更容易暴露出来) 注:最后一句寓意 英语汉语都说出来 已给听者诠释! 李想,你演A,记住啊! 篇三:此地无银三百两 此地无银三百两 传说,古时候有个自作聪明的人,名叫张三。他好不容易攒了三百两银子,心里很高兴。但是,他又很苦恼,总担心别人把银子偷去,不知藏到哪里才保险。 想了好久,张三决定把三百两银子藏在一
12、只小箱子里,箱外加上两把大锁。但是,又一转念,觉得这个办法也不妥当,万一小偷将银子和箱子一起偷走怎么办呢?他越想越不放心,他感到屋子里简直找不到藏银子的安全地方。 经过焦思苦虑,张三终于想出一个好主意。他趁着黑夜在房后墙脚下挖一个坑,悄悄地把银子埋在坑里。但是,他仍然不放心,害怕别人怀疑这个地方埋了银子。他左思右想,终于想出一个自以为巧妙的办法。他在一张纸上写下“此地无银三百两”七个醒目大字,然后将纸贴在埋银子那个地方的墙上。他以为这样才算安全,于是放心地去睡大觉了。 张三的一举一动,都被隔壁邻居王二看得清清楚楚。到了半夜,张三睡熟以后,王二就去屋后悄悄地把三百两银子挖出来,偷走了。 这王二也
13、是个自作聪明的笨蛋。他怕张三怀疑自己偷了银子,于是灵机一动,也在埋银子那个地方的墙上,贴了一张纸,上面写道:“隔壁王二不曾偷”七个醒目大字。 后来人们根据这个故事,概括出:“此地无银三百两,隔壁王二不曾偷”一句成语,用来比喻一件事情要想隐瞒、掩饰,结果反而更加暴露。这句成语常被简化为“此地无银三百两”。 1、查字典区分下面两个字的意思。 拼音组 词意 思 贴 粘 2、哪儿最能看出张三很愚蠢?请用“ ”画出来。哪儿最能看出王二也很愚蠢?请用“ ”画下来。 3、想象一下张三发现银子丢了以后会是什么样子的?请接第五自然段后继续写下去。 4、“此地无银三百两”的意思是: 5、 联系实际生活,用“此地无银三百两”说一两句话。 此地无银三百两出自:百味书屋链接地址: 转载请保留,谢谢!本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页