1、汉英翻译技巧 汉英翻译技巧 第一节 汉语无主语句的英译处理 一、祈使句对应为祈使句 e.g.当心轻放。 Handle with care.量体裁衣,看菜吃饭。 Fit the dre to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes.宁为鸡首,不为牛后。 Better be the head of an a than the tail of a horse. 二、采纳英语的被动结构译出 采纳英语被动结构翻译的汉语无主语句一般的状况:一是某些表示事物存在的无主语句;二是有些句子突出宾语部分,在翻译时可以不用补出主语而用原句中的宾语来充当主语。 e.
2、g.这儿将修建更多的居民大楼。 More apartments will be built here.利用发电机,可以将机械能转变为电能。 The mechanical energy can be changed back into electrical energy by a generator. 在合同中,具体地规定了双方必需履行的各种条件。 In the contract, all kinds of conditions which both sides should follow were laid down in detail.没有爱心,就无法了解人生。 Life cannot be
3、 understood without much charity. 三、采纳倒装语序 e.g.地下埋藏着大量的金银。 Hidden underground is a wealth of gold and silver. 随着一声吼叫,忽的从树林里窜出一只老虎来。 Following the roar, out rushed a tiger from among the bushes.山里住着个老和尚。 In the mountain lived on an old monk. 四、采纳 THERE BE 结构 例句:没有顺当,无所谓困难;没有困难,也无所谓顺当。 Without facilit
4、y, there would be no difficulty; without difficulty, there would also be no facility. 剩下的时间不多了。 There is very little time left. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱。 There is no accounting for taste. 无水则无鱼。 Without water there would be no fish. 楼下有人想和你说话。 There is a man downstairs who wants to speak to you.you are wanted down
5、stairs. 五、采纳 IT 作主语译出 例句:要解决问题,还必需做系统、周密的调查工作和探讨工作。 In order to solve the problem it is neceary to make a systematic and thorough investigation and study.与自然作斗争,倍感欢乐。 It is a great joy to battle against nature. 活到老学到老。 It is never too old to learn. 子曰:学而时习之,不亦说乎?有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? Confucius said, is it no
6、t a pleasure after all to practice in due time what one has learnt? Is it not a delight after all to have friends come from afar? 六、增加适当的代词或名词充当主语 例句: 知彼知己,百战不殆。 If you know your enemy and yourself, you can fight a hundred battles without peril.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 If one does not enter the tigers den, how ca
7、n he get a tigers cub. 六、因文制宜,区分对待 例句:未经审批机关批准,合同中不得规定禁止接受方在合同期满后接着运用技术的条款。 Unle approval has been obtained from the examining and approving organ, a contract shall not include provisions prohibiting the recipient from continuing to use the technology after the expiry of the contract term. 由于英语被接受为联
8、合国的官方语言之一,这就使英语在国际外交场合运用得更为广泛了。 The use of English in international diplomacy is strengthened by its acceptance as one of the official languages of the U.N. 说明白了一切,就再无奥妙可言了。 It will leave nothing in obscurity; everything is seen. Exercises: 1.要适可而止,否则就要完蛋。 2.不远处传来了提琴的声音,调子哀enough, or we will die.Eno
9、ugh is 伤。Not far away from the sound of the fiddle, and thatll sorrow. 3.在游廊的最左端,靠近一道门,坐着一位将近30岁的男子。 4.他的书桌上放着带有细菌的小碟the left, near a door, sits a nearly 30 years old man. Most of the veranda at 子。His desk is put a little dish of bacteria All in all, it was two 5.总之,是两点而不是一点。 6.花瓶里没有水了。 and not a bi
10、t. The vase no water.7.要 很简单看得出来那作家是一位生手,刚从事写作。8. 。 Very easy to see the writer is a beginning, just writing 9.不怕一万,就怕万一one thousand. Ten thousand not afraid, afraid of 10.还看不出来他能挑得起这副担子。Also see he can pick up the burden alone. 11.去年 12.必需仔细做好建厂前的打算工作。The factory must do the preparing work before.
11、Should teach children to 13.应当教育儿童讲实话。 14.必需保证8小时的睡眠。 15.发觉了错误,肯定要改正。 tell the truthhours of sleep.must correct. Must ensure that eight Find a mistake, 其次节、汉语“是”字句的英译处理 一、表示“等同” 例句:他最佩服的就是你。 Of all the people, you are the one he admires most. 二、表示“类属” 例句:这台机器是进口的。 The machine was imported from abroa
12、d.他是来找你的。 He is here to see you. 三、表示“事物状态” 例句:要是旧社会,遇上这样大的水灾,早已是哀鸿遍野了。 If a flood of such magnitude had hit the land in the old days, the stricken area would have been a scene of desolation and despair. 你现在是身不由己,只能听他的。 You have to listen to him whether you like it or not. 四、表示“存在” 例句:她满脸是泪,默不作声。 Sh
13、e was soundle and her cheeks were bathed in tears. 别看他长得胖,其实浑身是病。 Despite his stout build, he suffers from all sorts of diseases. 五、在两个类似结构中表示“区分”,转换为英语相对的对比结构。 例句:他是他,我是我,我们谁也管不着谁。 We have our own wills, he and I, neither is the others master.昨天是昨天,今日是今日,状况是不断改变的。 Events are moving very fast; what
14、was true yesterday may not be so today. 这个人言行不一,说是说,做是做。 This mans deeds do not match his words; he never practices what he preaches. 敌是敌,友是友,必需分清界限。 A friend is a friend, a foe is a foe; one must be clearly distinguished from the other. 六、表示“让步”,用适当的副词或者让步句型来体现。 例句:书是好书,惋惜贵了点。 It is true that this
15、is a good book, but its a bit too expensive.他的本意是好的,只是措辞不当。 He meant well, but he didnt put acro his ideas properly. 你就是有天大的本领,唯恐也施展不开。 However capable you are, you probably can do nothing in this circumstance.这房子老是老,但离商店近,选购便利。 Indeed, the house is old, but as it is close to the stores, it is conve
16、nient for shopping. 六、表示“强调”,一般转换为强调句式 例句:是谁教你这样做的? Who told you to do so? 是这位解放军战士救了你。 It was this PLA man who saved you. 我写的信是给她的,不是你。 It was to her that I wrote a letter, not to you. 七、表示“凡是”,由英语习惯句型确定。 例句:是人都会犯错误。 Every man is liable to error./ No one is free from error.是孩子他都喜爱。 He loves all chi
17、ldren. 正如一句话所说,是亲三分像。 As an old saying goes, blood is thicker than water.是重活他都抢着干。 Whenever there is a tough job, he is always the first to do it. 八、表示“恰当” 例句:屋里的家具放得都不是地方。 The furniture in the room is arranged exactly where it should not be. 你来得正是时候。 You have come just in the nick of time./ You can
18、t have come at a better come.她穿的裙子很是美丽。 The dre looks very beautiful on her. 九、表示“选择”或“疑问” 例句:你是看电视还是听音乐? 他不是出国了么? 十、表示“确认”,有强调的意思,一般通过助动词、副词或短语来体现。 例句:她爸爸是不同意她和汤姆来往的。 Her father does disapprove of her having anything to do with TOM.这件事他是不知道。 He certainly doesnt know this.这孩子是可爱。 The child is lovely
19、 indeed.我不是不懂,只是不想说。 It is not that I didnt understand, but that I didnt want to say anything. 十 一、表示“特征”,一般直译。 例句:马克思主义的基本原理是普遍适用的。 The fundamental tenets of Marxism are universally applicable. 本事高强的人,往往是虚心好学的。 Men of capability are often modest and show a desire to learn.作战时他总是身先士卒,故能所向无敌。 He was
20、always at the head of his men in battle, and so his army was invincible. 练习题 1、我们是坐船去武汉的。 2、玩弄她的感情是卑鄙的。 3、这个故事好是好,就是长了点。 4、这场火灾是他们不当心而引起的。 5、满屋都是烟,连他衣服上都是烟味。 6、他开办这家工厂完全是白手起 7、 8、 9、 10、 11、 12、家的。 这本书我是有的,可是我一下找不到。 这原来是破旧、窄小的一条旧街。 这人真厌烦,总是死皮赖脸的缠着人家。 既然要搞掉他,罗织罪名还不是易如反掌。 今日开这个会啊,是想听听各方面的看法。 不管怎么样,我是决
21、意要完成这项任务的。 Keys: 1.We went to wuhan by chartered boat. 2.It was mean of him to play with her/affections.3. It is a good story all right, but a bit too long.4. The fire resulted from their carelene.5. Smoke filled the room; even his clothes smelled of smoke.6. He built up his factory literally from n
22、othing. 7.I have the book somewhere but I cannot lay my hands on it now.8. This place was originally a narrow, shabby street.9. The man is quite a nuisance; he keeps pestering/bothering others/me shamelely. 10. Now that they have decided to get rid of him, charges can easily be framed. 11. Look!We a
23、re holding this meeting today to make sure that different opinions are put forward freely. 12. I mean to accomplish the task, come what may happen. 汉语习语的英译处理 习语是人们在语言发展过程中,经过长期的社会实践提炼出来的短语或者短句,是语言的精华。 从广义上讲,汉语习语包括成语、谚语、俗语、歇后语等。详细特点表现在: 1、习语本身是修辞手段的集中体现,如谐音等来增加美感,如“嘴上没毛,办事不牢”,“吃得苦,耐得烦;不怕死,霸得蛮”;英语中的“b
24、y hook or by crook”, as red as a rose。 2、习语是语言中独立、不规则而固定的因素。如“露出马脚”不能说成“露出猪脚”,“雪中送炭”不能说成“雪中送煤”。 基于上述特点,翻译过程中必需留意: 1、尽量保存原文的民族特色和风格,在可能的状况下以直译为主。 2、不能把习语当做一般语句处理,留意修辞美感。 一、汉语习语英译的常用方法 1、英语同义句借用法 A: 借用意义和形象相同或相像的 B: 借用意义相同但形象不同的 例如: A: 随大流, 以牙还牙 隔墙有耳 一文不名费尽心机 针锋相对 时时刻刻 一触即发 滥竽充数 swim with the tide a t
25、ooth for a tooth walls have ears without a penny to ones name to rack ones brain give tit for tat every now and then hung by a thread to fish in troubled water 如坐针毡 a bed of thorns 谋事在人,成事在天 Man proposes, God disposes 星星之火可以燎原 Little chips light great fire.一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳 Once bit, twice shy. 空中楼阁、君子协定、
26、事实胜于雄辩、有其父必有其子、B: 半斤八两 six of one and half a dozen of the other 无足轻重 of no account 锦囊妙计 ace in the hole/sleeve 非公莫入 no admittance 徒劳无益 hold a candle to the sun 茫然若失 be all adrift 水中捞月 fish in the air 乳臭未干 the smell of the baby 寿终正寝 die in the bed 一丘之貉 birds of a feather(flock together) 2、直译法 蓬头垢面 wi
27、th disheveled hair and dirty face 求同存异 see common ground while reserving differences 扑朔迷离 complicated and confusing 朴实无华 simple and unadorned 能者多劳 the abler a man, the busier he gets.自食其力 regeneration through ones own efforts 顺水推舟 push the boat with current 欺软怕硬 bully the weak and fear the strong 半途
28、而废 give up halfway 笑里藏刀 with honey on ones lips and murder in ones heart.有钱能使鬼推磨 If you have money you can even make the devil turn your mill(serve for you).十年树木百年树人 It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear/cultivate people.路遥知马力,日久见人心。 A long road tests a horses strength, while
29、a long time proves ones heart.天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福 Storms gather without warning in nature, while bad luck befalls men overnight. 3、意译法 畏首畏尾 over-cautious 不到黄河不死心 Not stop until one reaches ones goal 独木不成林 One person cannot accomplish much. 4、节译法 汉语习语中有些是对偶词组,往往前后两对含义相同 无影无踪 vanish without a trace 长吁短叹 千真万
30、确 一朝一夕 根深蒂固 不屈不挠 自给自足 经久耐用 同心同德 清规戒律 油头粉面 惊心动魄 sigh deeply be quite true overnight deep-rooted unswerving self-sufficient durable with one mind taboos (regulations) high-painted soul-stirring 5、直译加注法 东施效颦 Dongshi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrow in imitation of the famous beauty Xi Shi only to m
31、ake herself uglierblindly copying others and making oneself look foolish. 二、汉语习语中数词的英译 1、直译法 千金难买一笑 A thousand pieces of gold can hardly purchase a smile.一寸光阴一寸金 An inch of time is an inch of gold.一着不慎满盘皆输 One carele move loses the whole game. 百花齐放,百家争鸣 Let a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred scho
32、ols of thought contend.听君一席话,胜读十年书 One evenings conversation with a gentleman is worth more than ten-year study. 2、保留部分数字 杀一儆百 punish one as an example to others 三心二意 two-minded 两面三刀 double-faced and tricky 万无一失 ninety percent sure 3、省略法 (当数字是虚指时) 昙花一现 be a flash in the pan 一尘不染 neat and tidy; 不三不四
33、dubious;inappropriate 百无聊赖 to be overcome with boredom 白问不厌 to serve patiently and tirelely 三言两语 a few words 五谷丰登、五花八门、五湖四海、十万火急、才高八斗、千秋万代(throughout the ages) 汉英翻译技巧 汉英翻译 汉英段落翻译练习 汉英翻译视角转换 汉英翻译教学资料 用汉英翻译搞定作文 新编汉英翻译教程笔记 汉英翻译实践其次讲 八级汉英翻译练习 汉英翻译技巧译者的精钢钻 第六节, 长句翻译,答案。 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第19页 共19页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页