1、哈佛博士后申请之路 博士后申请之路1 这是许多DXY里的挚友写信给我的要求,希望我写点,那我就代笔了,看我12号写了,到20号才来跟上,实在是懒,勿怪!那就把我的美国观先搁一搁吧,反正乱也乱了,但是大家看的时候就麻烦点了,呵呵,找日志日期就错不了。 因为我这几天也为自己的生计问题在忙,学车,买车等事情接踵而来了,本身也不是那么勤快,爬格子也不是长项,所以各位同志请稍安勿噪,原来她不让我写,但是我说已经都给人家开了口了,怎么办?那就凉拌!只要熟人不通知她本人,她是没时间来这里的。我想知道了应当会没事的。终归是阅历,大家共享! 幸好谁独创了OUTLOOK,因为自从她毕业,单位信箱就取消了,昨晚上抱
2、着最终一些希望,打开来(我出来都没用过,但我好象望见她用过的),还真行,信基本都在,但是电话语音就没有喽,呵呵,把信拷出来,再略整理,估计89不离10了,在这里先提示各位,这个只能做参考,每个人的幸运指数不一样,或许我爱人是比较幸运的一颗罢了。 把时间拨回到04年1月25日,正式发第一封信的日子,此前1-2个月是收集资料和写各种材料,或许这半年的时间是最难熬的吧,因为这半年内都是申请拒,试验攻坚,文章修改-被拒-修改-接受这个过程,身体又出了大毛病,哎,最终还是tough it out!(待续,我要吃饭了) 再次说一下,我不是靠这个在活,我有自己的事情要干,写不出来很正常的,看看我一个星期前才
3、来过的就知道了。炫耀说的太过分了,但是我可以说我很骄傲,可以吗? 申请之路2 起先申请的艰苦日子 首先就是找你的对象了,网上许多,但是有一点特别特别重要,网上有的要重视,可千万别轻视那些没有登广告的,说句屁话,许多牛人有职位也不登广告,我觉得可能他本身就是广告牌了! 专业对口当然是最好了,好像也没那么关键,从我所知道的几个人来看基本无关,关键是自己要突出自己的优点和你的强项。我自己猜的,因为不是我申请的啊,呵呵,往各个地方找了就发吧,先是找对口的,从文章上查,从广告上查,四十封信在陆接连续都发出去了,到后来都基本不管对不对口了,找到一个感爱好的,比较牛的就发,前后我数了一下有10个回信,NIH
4、有几个,还有什么洛克非勒高校,还有不知道什么高校,有MIT,西南医学中心,哈佛的,另外几个我也叫不出来什么名字,估计是探讨所之类的,估计就1/4有回信的吧,被拒的大都是没位置啊,没经费啊,还有MIT的说要等上半年一年的,抄,这不是拿人家青春到青菜嘛,还等个鸟。 起先还真的很心虚,每天胆怯去看信箱,但又是满怀期盼的去打开了,真让人悲观,每天都有一两封拒信,都是没位置了,而且自己的文章还在三篇文章真TMD也不争气,PNAS的要修回,可是修回日期都快过了,基本要重投,那没撤啊,等于白搞这半年的文字嬉戏,另两篇死活都不知道,每天的试验排的满满的,毕业啊,反正那时候我没做试验光陪着她我都快死了,早上7点
5、爬起来要到公司,晚上基本在12点后回去休息,那个累啊,但也牺牲点没什么,反正有网络就不怕,我的身影比她们试验室的博士们更多出现在她们老板面前,呵呵。 也许在2月初,最终盼到了一封来自西南医学中心一教授的信,算是专业比较对口的,很爽快,答应她就可以去,H或者J签证都可以,但基金还没申请下来,hoho,看来希望不大呀,虽然地处美国西南,治安据说不好,还好华人王晓东也是那里出来的,反正也算是好消息了,再接着等。大部分信有去无回了,比拒绝还难过!正值郁闷的时候,最终迎来了一封救世主的信,Harvard医学院的教授须要两封举荐信,虽然觉得只有那么一点点希望,总比没有要好吧,抓紧找两个老师发发信(都是自己
6、抄刀的),信是出去了,接下来的日子那才叫难熬,尽然在一两个星期没有消息,哎,又没戏了。但好歹也是跟稻草吧,捞一捞,写了封信问问有没有收到,万一是没收到,那不成了怨大头了(靠,弄出鼻血了。要休息下)。 申请之路3 大家别以为美国人什么都精明,什么都效率高,其实不然,反正我觉得不是,来到这里才发觉美国人有时候很马虎,到机场两块巧克力算一块的钱,弄个什么东西有时候把你急的,人家就是优哉游哉,你没脾气,常常有不明骚扰电话打来,也不好好看看有没有拨错号码,哎! 信已经回了,是要到美国面试,这时候已经是3。1号了,自己算算尽然过了个把月,当时我在外面,老婆给我来电,大家都兴奋的不行,拿电话手都颤抖,表笑啊
7、,事实。至少快熄火了的希望又被重新燃烧起来了嘛。正值我们为这事兴奋的时候,她被确症出有畸胎瘤,虽然算不上大病,也足够给我们一个晴天霹雳了,瘤啊,一听到简直就是跟死亡不远了,真他妈的急人,要答辩,试验还在收工,PNAS的文章就不说了,头疼了将近一年,文章刚出来的时候看起来挺前沿的,一年后别人都发了,SHIT! 另一篇NCB在3。10号也被枪毙了,疯了,事情都挤一块爆发了,没方法,能拖就拖,告知对方要先答辩,做手术吧,事情还没能令人无望呢,通过她导师的关系在协和定了床位,请协和最牛的朗大夫主刀(据她老板说是胡主席夫人的御用大夫),家里人出来不便利,我就请了假。3,26号早上6:00开刀(提前了1小
9、 48号,西南医学中心的教授来信了,说基金下来,可以去了,给H签证,接下来就是怎么平衡两边的问题了,拒了哈佛我信任谁都不情愿的,锯了西南,你就没后路,没OFFER急,有了OFFER还急!先稳定西南吧,争取哈佛吧,在这里我想各位假如遇到这种状况要好好想想怎么写信,尽管我们还是出了很大的漏洞,但想想觉得很有艺术的,吹吧,反正不上税,嘿嘿。以后的每封信都斟酌一再的,刚学到个句子叫,think again before you leap! 我也懒的说,干脆看信吧,Dear *,Thanks for your letter.I am still interested in your research a
10、nd this is also a very good opportunity for me.But at present I can not come to an agreement with my husband about my going abroad for postdoctor.So I need some time to persuade him.Would you please give me a deadline for my final decision? maybe two or three weeks is better for me.还是没想到是2-3周短了点,因为我
11、们没考虑到一件重要事情(见下文)了, hoho,4。15他回信了,看来还是很须要的,Dear*, For you I will wait three weeks.You know it takes a long time to get a visa, for secrurity clearance etc.Let me know if you need more information, particularly what your husband does and what would be here in Dallas to keep him happy?看到了吧,在前面提到了我,这会老外
12、看来是想解决我的问题了,惋惜没去:( 接着拖延,来点实际的东西吧,谈谈工资,谈谈试验,呵呵。信一来一回,拖了近一个月,太不厚道了吧。 短暂就不管了,想想3周差不多,因为4。20去签证了,早上去,没想到被CHECK了一下,生气啊,西南算是自动弃权了,就这样只有一条未知的路可走了,三周的CHECK过了是5。10,就该轮到答辩了,靠,5。1号起先写的论文5。27号答辩,事情象着火一样急人啊,只好把赴美时间再延到6。17号教授有空的日子,在中间的日子里,隔几天个美国老师打电话骚扰一下,可千万别遗忘此事啊,呵呵,虽然对英语口语没信念,但可以显示出你很自信,这是很重要的!老美挺热心,怕我们长话费太高,介绍
13、用Skype,感觉关系又进一层次了,是吧。没日没夜的又过了几周,身体都快跨了,5,27号顺当答辩完,6,17坐美国大陆航空面试。(待续) 申请之路4 我们每天都要联系,她是带电脑去的,没想到美国不适合我们这里的三相的插头(只要换了电脑变压器前面的插头就可以用的,但象中国的吹风机转换成美国的电压就带不起来了),结果还得用她一个师兄的电脑跟我联系,也没QQ,电话联系也不便利,我们就打开同一个信箱,你说一句,我说一句,这样也能当闲聊工具,汗在那里讲了个报告,然后跟他们试验室的人逐个沟通过来,呵呵,因为大家都有建议权,是否对你满足,所谓的轮番面试,所以当时确定也不会有什么结果了,其实面试也就这了,还大
14、老远的跑去,不过也不要错过这种机会,因为这种短暂的签证好过,为以后出去打了基础,所以我们后来的签证就没被CHECK。 在去美国前,我在一个BBS上也发觉了另一个HARVARD刚出站的博士后想找博士后起先自己做FACULTY的信息,应当是到哥伦比亚高校去了,她刚好在北大,当时叫我老婆过去,没去,结果约到HARVARD去面试,感觉应当也不错,有点想要的意思,后来也就不了了之了。还去约见了一个MC杂志的副编(投稿时有过几次沟通),在MIT,去了没遇到,因为不知道怎么上去,人家的门都是要刷卡的,哈哈。第一次就是这么土,连个面都没见着!所以有机会肯定要抓呀,管它结果如何呢。 回到国内,就是要等消息了,1
15、周没有消息,两周没有消息,期间跟那个试验室中有个中国人联系了,那人也是特别的NICE,不断供应一些消息,可就是没有定论,好急啊,我都看到有时候老婆心情特别低落,在床上流泪,也没什么方法,劝慰也只是自欺欺人的话。莫非这就是最终的结局吗? 我们每天都在思索哪里出现了问题? 申请之路5 假如是背景不符合,那么老板在看CV或者别的材料的时候就应当了解了,也不会花几千美金到美国去面试,老婆的自我感觉和从几个他们试验室的人的交谈中看,表现应当不错,而且也有竞争者,有的被刷下去了,有一个入取了,但是表现好象也很一般。经过了一个个的不眠之夜,想了千万条拒绝的理由,可心里还是不愿就这么被断送掉,没有其它的路了,
16、唯一的希望是没有明确的来信拒绝。希望也就这么一点了。那么确定是在迟疑什么了! 从各个方面来看,老婆应当是很优秀的人,只是高校没考好,被华中农大(学植物遗传去了)录用,到现在读过的中学还把她做典型讲,博士是考的北大和协和,当时北大全国才招3个,其余都直博,3个中她是一个,协和也在那30来个人中考个第一,结果是跑来了,所以专业理论学问很扎实,没问题的,试验应当做的不错,就是TMD论文被拖了又拖,修了又修,砸了,原来出来的时候特别前沿,一年后许多人做这玩意了,PNAS不行了,最近连7分的杂志都不接受了,哎,惨,叹世界发展太快啊!大家写论文得抓紧时间投呢!但已经投了2篇综述和2篇探讨论文吧,举荐信也写
17、的没问题,那边老板都亲口说了的,那么唯一的可能就是自己的口语水平了,因为他们从来没有干脆从国内招博士后的,一般是在美国的博士或者别的地方的人,从别人的口中知道那个老板对外语也相当的重视,这可能就是问题的所在了。 发觉自己的弱点是很重要的事,对症下药就会有疗效! 老天也差不多开眼了,正值一筹莫展的时候,老婆的一篇综述也发出来了,差不多4分不到一点,(不久又有7分不到点的文章发在BioEay上了),抓紧写了一封信,就这封信我们正正琢磨了一天,我在上班就在搞这玩意,修改来修改去的,想想是不是太过分了,呵呵,看看我们的杰作, Dear Prof.*, Recently I have been lear
18、ning the relevant knowledge about a large family of toll-like receptors (TLRs).In your lab, * provide powerful tools to study the potential roles of some important protein factors.TLRs are good molecular targets for diseases.I am interested in studying their functions involved in those procees such
19、as inflammation, antiviral responses and maturation of dendritic cells by constructing humanizing mouse models.It is so attractive that these models can be used to screen drugs to treat the related diseases.What do you think about it? I am eager to stand out in my scientific pursuing in the future.H
20、owever, there still remain some challenges in my way.During my trip in Boston, I felt that I could not fully expre myself when facing an English environment suddenly.I had a strong consciousne that it was very neceary to poe high level of English in order to realize my academic pursuing.Therefore, I
21、 have been trying my best to catch any chances to train my English.During my Ph D studying, I took part in our English seminar once a week in our lab.I wrote two reviews and two research articles myself.I felt that I made a rapid progre through these trainings.However, I still need more practices in
22、 order to freely communicate with others in English.Fortunately, I am a diligent and intelligent student all the time and I believe that I will rapidly adapt myself well to English environment which is absent in China. I am glad to tell you that J Cellular Biochemistry has just accepted one of my re
23、views; the other is also being revised for publication in BioEays.The research paper about transcriptional memory is being reviewed by JBC and the other will be resubmitted to PNAS after my further polishing as soon as poible.In addition, I just won the awards of excellent graduate students in our u
24、niversity in 2005. It is my dream to become an excellent scientist and I would make more efforts to realize it even though there are more challenges in my way than those who studied in America.I think that your research environment will provide me with an invaluable arena to improve my academic abil
25、ity.It will be a new scratch line.Working with a creative group will make me a better soldier. Best warm regards to you, 大家读完了是不是有点霸王硬上弓的味道,我觉得当老外迟疑不决的时候会有肯定的作用,既表明自己的决心又给老外一颗定心丸,嘿嘿,纯属个人揣测! 申请之路之结局 这回那个老板倒是来信挺主动的,过了一天就差不多出结果了,看来我们的一天是没有白白奢侈的。从信的内容看,英语的娴熟与否的确是问题的关键,老板也情愿出资让我老婆去学习班,后来也没去,没时间,也没多大必要。事情
26、基本就是这样了,后来的都是按部就班,有人问我老板怎么样,在这里简洁的说应当还可以,是哈佛医学院麻省总医院(学医的确定知道)的教授,钱是多的花不完了,他有几十个专利,听说光一年付给工作人员的工资就在500万美金以上,咳人!以前出的文章许多,估计C,S,N三大件在30篇左右,最近不在状态,哈哈,几年都没出牛文章了,所以我老婆还是成天担忧,会不会陷进去。May be god knowsL Hi *, Thank you for writing.I agree that toll-like receptors are interesting, but would not recommend that
27、you pick a research topic until you have been in the lab for a while.I would rather you had a chance to talk to everyone more fully before beginning to work on a specific project. I think improving your English skills is critical for making progre.I recommend that you enroll in a cla when you are he
28、re (we can help support the cost of tuition) and that you practice English at home or in your ordinary life.This will make your transition more rapid. Best wishes 申请信 Dear Prof.* I am currently a graduate student in * and I am writing to inquire about the poibility of a postdoctoral position in your
29、 laboratory.I plan on graduating in July 2005 and I would be interested in beginning between July-September, 2005. My graduate work has focused on how to establish an acceible and extend chromatin structure and active chromatin conformation at globin gene cluster and Hox D gene cluster during develo
30、pment and differentiation using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) aay and Chromatin Conformation Capture (3C) technology.Since alpha- and beta-globin genes poe characteristics of tiue-specific and development-specific expreions and Hox D genes are turned on and off in order during the course of d
31、evelopment and differentiation, and since all of them have long distant regulatory elements-major regulatory element (MRE), locus control region (LCR) and global control region (GCR), respectively, they have been a good system for studying molecular mechanisms of epigenetic regulation and long-range
32、 gene activation during development and differentiation.My research work has observed that MRE of alpha-globin gene cluster could come in proximity to the downstream active globin genes through looping out the intervene region liking beta-globin gene cluster using recently developed 3C technology, s
33、uggesting that looping model may be a common mechanism to mediate the long-range gene activation.This work is being revised for PNAS.To further understand the generality of looping model and the mechanisms of establishing looping conformation, Hox D gene cluster is selected to explore whether 5end G
34、CR and 3end ELCR regulate Hox D and the middle lnp and evx2 genes also through looping structure and if so, what roles histone modifications, chromatin remodeling complex and intergenic transcripts play in constructing this specific chromatin structure during the different development stages.This wo
35、rk is being carried on.During the course of development and differentiation, genes are turned on and off in temporal and spatial order.To guarantee the products of development and differentiation, cells have evolved some mechanisms to remember their fates, that is to say, to maintain a certain expre
36、ion pattern during cell divisions.It has been demonstrated that most of the transcriptions mediated by all three RNA polymerases are ceased and some transcriptional factors are also displaced from chromatin when cells enter into M phase accompanying the formation of chromosomes.But these transcripti
37、ons are restored when cells exit mitosis.What on earth mediates the reactivation of previously active genes when cells exit mitosis? My investigations have suggested that some interphase epigenetic markers of active genes such as histone H3 and H4 acetylation, histone H3 lysine 4 methylation and his
38、tone H3 lysine 79 methylation are still remained in M-phase chromosomes, and even certain important developmental-specific transcription factors are remained in their binding sites in M-phase chromosomes using ChIP and immunofluorescence aays (the paper is being prepared).These results implied that
39、M-phase chromosomes might retain the memorable markers through highly organized chromatin structure.Whether does there exist a certain partial interphase 3-demensional chromatin conformation in M-phase chromosomes? This poibility is being validated. During the course of my graduate work, I have beco
40、me very interested in the regulation of gene expreion during development and differentiation.I have been especially intrigued by studies how the genes are turned on and off during development and differentiation.Thus, I am quite interested in the work going on in your laboratory. I am more than will
41、ing to answer any of questions concerning my application and research.I am looking forward to your response.Thank you for your time and consideration. Enclosed are a copy of my C.V and the information of my references. sincerely yours * 哈佛博士后申请之路 博士后之路 申请国外博士后 博士后出站申请 美国申请博士后 博士后 博士后 国外博士后申请心得 博士后基金申请体会 博士后申请进站 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第20页 共20页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页第 20 页 共 20 页