1、樂学儿童音乐教育研究樂学儿童音乐教育研究 本文关键词:音乐教育,儿童,研究樂学儿童音乐教育研究 本文简介:摘要本文是在现代教育哲学视阈下,基于我国的音乐教育实际情况,以及学前儿童的生理、心理能力,并通过乐学儿童音乐教育的实际教学情况,所做的针对学前3-6岁儿童的音乐教学法研究。本研究综合了奥尔夫音乐教学、柯达伊歌唱教学、达尔克罗兹体态律动教学、铃木教学等音乐教育理念,樂学儿童音乐教育研究 本文内容:摘 要本文是在现代教育哲学视阈下,基于我国的音乐教育实际情况,以及学前儿童的生理、心理能力,并通过乐学儿童音乐教育的实际教学情况,所做的针对学前 3-6 岁儿童的音乐教学法研究。本研究综合了奥尔夫音
5、接轨的机会,增强其使命感和社会责任感,促使其了解社会、了解国情,从而提高其服务社会的能力。5、通过本研究所形成的教材正在编写中,该教材在学前音乐教育中的运用,可以促进我国学前的音乐教育系统化、科学化。关键词哲学;教育哲学;学前儿童;音乐教育;乐学儿童音乐教育AbstractBased on the actual situation of China's music education and preschool children'sphysical and mental ability, the article is a study in music teaching for
6、preschool children aged3-6 from the perspective of modern music education philosophy under the actual teachingsituation of LeXue Children's Music Education. This study integrated with the musiceducation philosophy of the Orff music teaching, Kodaly singing teaching, Dalcrozeeurhythmics teaching,
7、 and Suzuki teaching. And on this basis, four music teaching modulesare formed, i.e. nursery rhymes, singing and choral teaching, music and movement, and musicgame creation. Through the study and research of these four modules, pre-school children willbe better in music feelings, experiences, imagin
8、ation and musical expression.The paper is a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the preschool music teachingmethod by using the basic theory of art, musicology, psychology, pedagogy, developmentalpsychology, music education and some other subjects, and using way of natural observationmethod, ca
9、se study method, interdisciplinary comprehensive study method, survey researchmethod. It is the focus and innovation of this thesis that modern education philosophy isused to guide college students' entrepreneurship. To be more concretely, it is to screen anddevelop a method of preschool music t
10、eaching which is suitable for the national condition ofChina by using modern education philosophy to research, demonstrate, analyze and developnew art teaching method.The teaching examples describe the concrete application of four teaching modules,nursery rhymes, singing and choral teaching, music a
11、nd movement, music game creation, inLeXue Children's Music Education. After the learning of four modules, the children's changesand improvements are compared in music literacy and skills, humanities knowledge,communication and cooperation, emotional training, etc. Through the teaching practi
12、ce ofLeXue Children's Music Education, the modern education philosophy has an importantguiding role to the music education of preschool children in our country.Under the guidance of modern education philosophy, the research of LeXue Children'sMusic Education has made some achievements, mainl
13、y in the following aspects:1. LeXue Children's Music Education makes music education not limited to the smallscale of professional music talent cultivation but in a new situation of music education for allpeople, makes children (referring to preschool children) feel and learn music in the musicg
14、ame and focuses on improving children's music integrated literacy, and health of physicaland mental development for children.2. LeXue Children's Music Education can inspire children's wisdom through musiceducation. It breaks through the conventional ideas of music teaching, and advocates
15、 thesubtle influence of environment on learning music, makes children feel, participate, explore,and perform music to make them have the opportunity to create and realize their artisticimagination and music expression, and gradually master some skills of playing simpleinstruments.3. LeXue Children
16、39;s Music Education Organization can provide practical platform foruniversity graduates to closely combine their interests and career, to do their own interest andthings that they are willing to do, and to maximize their talents, which is good for collegestudents to realize their self-worth. It can
17、 also provide internships and employmentopportunities for outstanding graduates in music education to ease the employment pressure.4. LeXue Children's Music Education Organization can provide social practice for musiceducation or related majors, create social integration opportunities, and help
18、students tounderstand the situation and the society of China to enhance the sense of social responsibilityand the ability to adapt to the society and serve the society.5. The textbook based on this study is being written which can promote China'spreschool music education more systematic and scie
19、ntific.KeywordsPhilosophy; educational philosophy; preschool children; music education; LeXuechildren's music education organization目 录摘 要关键词AbstractKeywords绪 论一、研究背景二、国内外研究历史及现状三、研究内容及方法(一)研究内容(二)研究方法四、创新点五、意义(一)理论意义(二)现实意义第一章 现代教育哲学视阈下的学前音乐教育第一节 哲学、教育哲学、现代教育哲学一、哲学与教育哲学二、现代教育哲学第二节 艺术教育哲学与音乐教育哲学
20、一、艺术教育哲学二、音乐教育哲学第三节 现代教育哲学视阈下的学前音乐教育一、现代教育哲学对学前儿童音乐教育的指导作用二、学前儿童教育不断得到重视和发展第二章 学前儿童的身心特征及学前音乐教学法第一节 学前儿童的生理及心理特点一、学前儿童的身心特点二、学前儿童音乐发展的机制第二节 学前儿童音乐教学法与乐学儿童音乐教育一、我国学前音乐教学法研究历史及现状二、国外学前音乐教学法研究现状及现状第三章 现代教育哲学理念与乐学儿童音乐教学法第一节 模块一 童谣一、童谣的概念二、童谣的特征与作用三、童谣在乐学儿童音乐教育中的应用四、童谣模块学习前后对比第二节 模块二 歌唱与合唱一、歌唱与合唱的概念二、歌唱与
21、合唱教学的作用三、歌唱与合唱在乐学儿童音乐教育中的应用四、歌唱与合唱模块学习前后对比第三节 模块三 音乐与动作一、音乐与动作的概念二、音乐与动作的特征三、音乐与动作在乐学音乐教育中的应用四、音乐与动作模块学习前后对比第四节 模块四 音乐游戏创编一、音乐游戏的概念二、音乐游戏的特征三、音乐游戏创编在乐学儿童音乐教育中的应用四、音乐游戏创编模块学习前后对比第四章 学前音乐教学法的发展趋势及反思一、学前音乐教学法的发展趋势二、乐学儿童音乐教育教学实践的不足与反思(一)ICT 技术在艺术教育中的应用(二)互联网+的广泛介入和应用(三)主题教学(四)关注特殊儿童艺术教育结 语参考文献致谢返回本篇论文导航 张洋. 现代教育哲学理念在“樂学儿童音乐教育”中的体现D.西安音乐学院,2022. 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页