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1、2022年机械面试英文简历范文篇一:机械面试英文简历范文yjbysThe 33-year-old cantoneseEducation: junior collegeWorking years: 5-8 yearsExpected salary: 8,000-12,000 yuanWorking location: guangzhou - unlimitedJob objective: salesmultiplayerWork experience(working seven months, seven months, five jobs.)Suzhou zhenheng machinery

2、equipment co., LTDWorking hours: May 2022 to February 2022 9 monthsJob title: mechanical engineerWork content: mechanical design, project communication, formulation plan, quotation, etc. (guangzhou office)Guangzhou panyu co., LTDWorking hours: October 2022 to December 2022 1 year 2 monthsPosition na

3、me: sales manager/manager mechanical engineerWork content: mechanical design, technical communication, formulation plan, quotation, contract signing, business management, etc., with technical leading business.Guangzhou dachuan machinery co., LTDWorking hours: March 2022 to August 2022 5 monthsJob ti

4、tle: mechanical engineerWork content: such as cleaning machine, conveyor belt, filling machine, spinning machine, etc.Guangzhou apia stage lighting co., LTDWorking hours: March 2022 to December 2022 2 years 9 monthsJob title: mechanical engineerWork content: develop and develop golf automatically, d

5、esign, drawing design, communication, assembly process, machine optimization etc.Guangzhou handa machinery co., LTDWorking hours: June 2022 to December 2022 2 years 6 monthsJob title: mechanical engineerWork contents: the design of stamping feed automation equipment, the modification of the machine,

6、 and the work of the auxiliary business, shop process, warehouse statistics etc.Education experienceJuly 2022, CAM/CAD of guangdong institute of mechanical and electrical engineeringProfessional skillSolidworks: good at experience: 8 yearsCAD: proficiency in experience: 8 yearsLanguage skillCantones

7、e: good mandarin: goodself-descriptionI honest and modest, pragmatic and enterprising, treat people with courtesy, supercilious, of new facts, new knowledge, strong learning ability of get along with people, but not fashion, have alone opinions about things.篇二:机械面试英文简历范文yjbysFemale, 22,Education: ju

8、nior collegeLength of work: 1 to 2 yearsExpected salary: 3000-5000 yuanWorking location: guangzhou - unlimitedObjective: mechanical engineer | mechanical draftsman designer | | | mechanical designer auto parts indoor and outdoor decoration designerStrong ability to learn and strong sense of responsi

9、bilityWork experience(worked for 1 year, 9 months, got 1 job)Dongguan hardware products co., LTDWorking hours: June 2022 to March 2022 1 year 9 monthsJob title: three coordinate surveyorWork content: using three coordinates to check the product quality of the whole department has received the third

10、prize of the excellent intern in the company,Familiar with the operations of CAI si 3 coordinates,Using vernier calipers, height feet, and various instruments,Able to read drawings and CAD drawings,Familiar with the processing of hardware products,Education experienceIn March 2022, the nc processing

11、 technology of guangdong technical teachers college is graduatedself-descriptionI am responsible for the work, can bear hardships and stand hard work, work actively, responsible, adaptable, has a good sense of team, have the courage to meet new challenges. Graduated from mechanical industry I had wo

12、rked as an intern in hardware factory for two years, able to skillfully use the Zeiss three coordinates testing, also familiar with CAD drawing software, can independently work in the day, and have a strong working ability and learning ability.第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页


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