1、商务英语专业自荐信-英文版(精选多篇)第一篇:商务英语专业自荐信-英文版personal basic information:full name: leenian sex: female date of birth: may21, 1988 marital status: singleheight: 1.66m health: y major and have got high marks in my curriculums. moreover, i entered many tests and got some certificates, like cet-4, yet, i am not
2、just a port and export corporation during july and november. through five months ent of insurance business, ain idea of the specialized train and the treasure of group spirit. from these, i had my personal ability promotion and grasp human affairs of our society, to make a good beginning for the tri
3、p of my e the necessary survival capability of our modern society. the former british prime minister brella for us before the cloudy and rainy coming to reduce the risk to us. insurance is not the symbol of fortune but its safeguard. buy the bills of insurance is not the consumption but the investme
4、nt that could make your future better.my business e across the difficulty such as some professional arks90 to pass the exam, ade me great mirror and promotion during my more times, told them the aterials about him ake all our efforts to make consumers satisfied and think about them all the times. so
5、 i handle insurance procedure for him again, according to his mind, changed the beneficiarys information aster the gnosis and enhance their abilities. that is to say, read a lot and make trip further. through the contact ost of them didnt ushroom and ham to the one learningthebusinessenglish.ifoundt
6、hereareverydifferenttofceap.businessenglishmoreclosedtoourspecialty.iamveryinterestinginit.ourteachernameis*ation:full name: leenian sex: female date of birth: may21, 1988 marital status: singleheight: 1.66m health: ent because of my excellent port and export corporation during july and november. th
7、rough five months work, i had the further understanding to the international trade work. i would welcome the opportunity to discuss my background with you further at your convenience. thank you for your consideration. best wishes,yours sincerelyleenian第五篇:商务英语专业求职自荐信尊敬的领导: 您好! 202*年,我将毕业于鹰潭学院外语系商务英语
8、专业。我自幼在山清水秀的宜春长大,家乡的山赐给了我健康的身体,水更赋予了我灵气和智慧。现在我惴着梦想,踏出校园,步入社会,在纷繁的市场中充满自信地找寻着人生的新起点。我鼓足勇气叩响贵单位的大门,我深信门里必定是一个充满着生机与活力的世界。 大学生活是美好的、令人难忘的,它不仅给了我一个新的生活环境,更给了我一个汲取知识、不断充实自己、完善自我的广阔空间。在以知识经济为主体的21世纪,高素质人才是社会的要求,也是贵校招聘人才的首选目标,我懂得:只有不懈努力地辛勤耕耘,才会有好的收获,才能把自己培养成一个符合社会需求的人才。因此,我的大学3年没有虚度:我努力学习科学文化知识,系统地学习和掌握了相关
9、专业课程,在学习理论知识的同时,我注重理论与实践相结合,积极参加义教活动和初中、高中家教的工作;在教育实习中,采用以教师为主导,学生为主体的启发式教法,再加上扎实的专业基础和出色的教师技能,赢得了领导、老师和学生、家长的好评,并获得了 优秀实习生 的荣誉称号。 大教育家夸美纽斯曾经说过: 教师是太阳底下最光辉的职业。 当初选择师范专业的时候,我就深深地理解了这句话的含义。做一名人民教师一直以来是我的梦想,多年来我一直为了这个梦想在努力着。现在我热切期望成为贵校中的成员之一,为贵校的发展贡献自己的菲薄力量。 我不求安逸的生活和优厚的待遇,只愿能用自己的所学,干出一番事业,愿意用一颗饱蘸真诚的心去开启那扇走入社会、走向生活的大门。我相信贵校能够提供一个展现自我的机会!若蒙不弃,定竭尽所能,倾洒青春热血,用自己的智慧与才华为贵校教育事业的蓬勃发展添砖加瓦,增添艳丽奇葩。 期盼您的答复!随函奉上成绩单,请收阅。 祝贵校教育事业蒸蒸日上,蓬勃发展!此致敬礼! 第 5 页 共 5 页