1、 硕士学位论文 外宣翻译中归化与异化相结合策略的研究 专 业 名 称 : 英 语 语 言 文 学 研 究 生 姓 名 : 史 永 洁 导 师 姓 名 : 袁 晓 宁 教 授 On the Combined Approach of Domestication and Foreignization to Chinese-English Publicity Translation A Thesis Submitted to Southeast University For the Academic Degree of Master of Arts BY Shi Yongjie Supervised
2、by Professor Yuan Xiaoning School of Foreign Languages Southeast University June 2013 iilffii 东南大学学位论文独创性声明 本人声明所呈交的学位论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得 的研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含 其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得东南大学或其它教育机构 的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均 己在论文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 研究生签名: 曰期 : 的 东南大学学位论文使用授权声明 东南
3、大学、中国科学技术信息研究所、国家图书馆有权保留本人所送交学位 论文的复印件和电子文档,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。本人 电子文档的内容和纸质论文的内容相一致。除在保密期内的保密论文外,允许论 文被查阅和借阅,可以公布(包括刊登)论文的全部或部分内容。论文的公布(包 括刊登 ) 授权东南大学研究生院办理。 研 究 生 签 名 : 导 师 签 名 期 年池 7 Acknowledgements Acknowledgements The thesis owes its fiilfillment to the guidance of Professor Yuan Xiaoning, m
4、y supervisor, during the whole process of writing. He has helped me with my topic selection, given me guidance in reshaping some of the ideas and spent time correcting the mistakes of the thesis. My gratitude also goes to those professors who have been instructing and enlightening me in my three-yea
5、r studies in Southeast University. From them I have learnt knowledge of different disciplines, and more importantly the rigorous attitude towards academic research. I also owe thanks to my parents and friends, who have been consistently checking on my thesis progress and giving me much encouragement
6、 Special thanks go to Nicky working for . He replied in time to my email requesting for the English version of the 2012 Work Report of Jiangsu Provincial Government thus greatly facilitating my thesis writing. Abstract Abstract Chinas ever-increasing cultural exchanges with the rest of the world hav
7、e resulted in growing importance of Chinese-English (C-E) publicity translation, the quality of which has a direct influence on the publicity effect. Given the importance of publicity translation, many translators and scholars have studied it from multiple perspectives. But there exists a problem th
8、eory and practice are not well integrated. Some research is insightful in theory but vacant in practice while some other research is largely experience-based, shedding little light on the guiding theory. The thesis, however, is to diminish the gap between theory and practice. Based on Skopostheorie,
9、 the thesis advocates the flexible choice of domestication and foreignization when doing publicity translation in accordance with the translation Skopos. The thesis holds that the publicity translation has two Skopos: the first one is to inform the target audience of China politics, business and tou
10、rism, etc; the second one is to introduce the Chinese culture to the world. The first Skopos requires domestication be used to produce readable and understandable target texts. The second Skopos demands the maintenance of the source culture by translating culture-loaded words in foreignizing way. Th
11、e thesis first introduces the definition and current research of the publicity translation, and then elaborates on Skopostheorie and its three rules, i.e. the Skopos mle, the fidelity rule and the coherence rule. And the body part shows in detail how to use domestication and foreignization to deal w
12、ith linguistic and cultural elements in the source text. The publicity materials are so broad in content that the thesis certainly cannot cover all the types. The cases this thesis chooses belong to two types, i.e. the news publicity and the political publicity. An analysis of abundant examples lead
13、s to the conclusion that Skopostheorie has strong applicability to publicity translation by allowing translators to flexibly use domestication and foreignization strategies. Keywords: publicity translation; Skopostheorie; domestication; foreignization _ m _ 摘要 中国对外交往日益增多使得外宣材料的英译工作越来越受重视,英译质量的好坏也直接影
14、响对 外宣传的效果。鉴于外宣翻译在对外宣传和文化交流方面的重要性,很多专家学者从多种角度对其 进行了研究。但存在的一个问题便是理论和实践未能得到较好的结合。有的研究偏向理论,实际操 作简略粗糙,对实践的指导意义不大,而有的研究拘泥于具体的翻译操作,缺乏理论的宏观指导。 鉴于此,本文本着理论实践紧密结合的原则,以目的论为理论依据,强调外宣翻译时要根据翻 译目的灵活选择归化异化这两大翻译策略。本文认为外宣翻译有两大目的:一是向世界介绍中国在 政治、经贸和旅游等方面的信息:二是对外宣传中国的文化。外宣翻译第一大目的要求译者以目的 语为归依,较多地应用归化策略,尽量消除英汉两种语言存在的鸿沟,使译文通
15、俗易读;第二大目 的则要求尽可能保留源语的文化特色,较多使用异化策略来翻译文化负载词,从而达到宣传中国文 化的目的。 本文首先介绍了外宣翻译的定义和研究状况,接着介绍了目的论的基本概 念并阐述了目的论三 大原则的概念和关系,继而选取两篇实例,根据目的论理论,对其进行分析并从语言层面和文化层 面上具体阐明应如何应用归化异化策略。 需要指出的是外宣翻译内容庞杂,本文不能穷尽所有外宣翻译的类型。本文锁定新闻翻译和政 治文献翻译这两大外宣翻译类型,选择了一篇新闻报道以及一篇政府工作报告作为语料。本文通过 大量的实例分析得出结论:可以通过归化异化策略对原文的语言方面和文化方面进行灵活处理,目 的论对外宣
16、翻译具有较强的适用性。 关键词:外宣翻译;目的论;归化;异化 iii Tabic of Contents Table of Contents Acknowledgements . i Abstract . 摘要 . . . Table of Contents . *v Chapter One Introduction . 1 1.1 Research Background . 1 1.2 Research Significance and Research Objectives . 2 1.3 Research Methodology and Case Collection . 2 1.4 T
17、hesis Layout . 3 Chapter Two Literature Review . 5 2.1 An Overview of Chinese-English Publicity Translation . 5 2.1.1 Definition of Publicity Translation . 5 2.1.2 Classification of Publicity Materials . 6 2.1.3 . Review of Studies on Chinese-English Publicity Translation . 7 2.2 Skopostheorie . 9 2
18、.2.1 Early Functionalist Views . 9 2.2.2 Skopostheorie . U Participants of Translation Process . 12 22.2.2 Translation Brief. . 13 2.2.23 Three Rules . 14 2.2.3 Advantages of Skopostheorie . 17 Change of the Source Text and the Target Text . 17 Flexibility in Using Translatio
19、n Strategies . 18 2.2.4 Further Development of Skopostheorie . 18 Chapter Three Application of Skopostheorie to Chinese-English Publicity Translation . 20 3.1 Text Analysis of Publicity Materials . 20 3.2 Skopos of Chinese-English Publicity Translation . 20 3.3. Case Study . 21 3.3.1 Case OnePolitic
20、al Publicity . 21 3.3.2 Case TwoNews Publicity . 24 Chapter Four Translation Strategies of Chinese-English Publicity Translation . 26 4.1 Brief Introduction of Domestication and Foreignization . 27 4.1.1 Domestication. . . 27 4.1.2 Foreignization . 28 4.2 Domestication Strategy Adopted When Dealingw
21、ith Linguistic Elements . 28 4.2.1 The Main Differences between Chinese and English . 29 iv Table of Contents 4.2.2 Domestication Techniques When Dealing with Linguistic Elements . 32 Deletion . 32 Addition . 37 Interpretation . 40 4.2.2A Substitution . 42 Restructure
22、 . 44 4.3 Foreignization Strategy Adopted When Dealing with Cultural Elements . 52 4.3.1 The Definition of Culture-loaded Words and Its Characteristics . 53 4.3.2 Foreignization Techniques Adopted When Dealing with Cultural Elements . 54 Transliteration . 54 4.3.2_2 Transliteration plus Anno
23、tation . 55 Literal Translation . 56 43.2.4 Literal Translation plus Annotation . 58 Chapter Five Conclusion . 61 5.1 Major Findings . 61 5.2 Limitations . 62 5.3 Suggestions for Future Research . 62 References . 63 Chapter One Introduction Chapter One Introduction 1.1 Research Background Ch
24、ina5s overall growth since the reform and opening-up since 1978 has astounded the world, with which come more closer and frequent contacts with the rest of the world. Given the fact that many peoples of the world know little about China or even harbor bias against us, it is of urgent need to emphasi
25、ze the work of publicity materials translation. Publicity materials translation does more than providing access for foreigners to know more about China. It serves a bridge to connect people from different cultural backgrounds, an instrument to establish the image of China in front of the world and a
26、 tool to ensure the development momentum of China. Publicity translation involves translating Chinese into many foreign langues. Yet as English dominates communicative channels such as radio, TV, newspapers and the Internet, the thesis narrows its scope down to the translation of publicity materials
27、 from Chinese into English. Chinese-English publicity translation (hereinafter referred to as t6the publicity translation”) has been attracting the attention of Chinas translation circle since the 1980s. And the past decades, in particular, have witnessed a boom of the publicity translation. The imp
28、ortance attached to the publicity translation can be seen from the fact that almost all government white papers and corporate brochures are at least bilingual with both the Chinese version and English version. Many translation theories have been adopted in the study of the publicity translation. Among those theories is German scholar Vermeers Skopostheorie, which provides a new research perspective. Based on Skopostheorie, this thesis does research on how to use the two strategiesdomestication and foreignizationin publicity translation. The thesis puts forward that domestication appro