1、读后续写用靓词靓句:丰富的心理活动描写7句|品读原著灿烂千阳|分级原著读写素材丰富的心理活动描写7句1 She climbed the stairs, and though she couldspotJalil out of the corner of her eyewalking parallel toher, shedid not look out of the window.对父亲很失望,不想原谅父亲,倔强的Mariam不想与父亲交流.虽然她看见父亲跟着她平行地走,她不愿意朝窗外看。在看见与不看之间,描述了她的心理。在这里,作者并没有直接告诉读者玛丽亚姆很失望 disappointed,
2、 而是用描述的手法来揭示人物心理:虽然她看见父亲跟着她平行地走,她不愿意朝窗外看spotJalil out of the corner of her eyewalking parallel toher, shedid not look out of the window.2 Mariam had never before worn a burqa. Rasheed had to help her put it on. The padded headpiecefelt tight and heavyon her skull, and it wasstrange to see the world
3、through a mesh screen. She practiced walking around her room in it and kept stepping on the hem and stumbling. The loss of peripheral vision was unnerving, and she did not like the suffocatingway the pleated clothkept pressing against her mouth.Mariam 对于布卡的初次接触的体验:不适应,不喜欢。(布卡:伊斯兰国家妇女穿的全身式罩袍)上次我们提到过描
4、写的技巧:如果你写的东西涵盖了多种感觉,那么就更真实。比如,视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、味觉。如果有几个的话,写出来的东西就很逼真。在这段话中,作者运用了:触觉:The padded headpiecefelt tight and heavyon her skull,视觉: it wasstrange to see the world through a mesh screen.描写穿上布卡的感受:She practiced walking around her room in it and kept stepping on the hem and stumbling.让主角玛丽亚姆走入日常生活中
5、,运动的,而非静止的,真实感强。3 And the burqa, she learned to her surprise, was also comforting.It was like a one-way window. Inside it, she wasan observer, buffered from the scrutinizing eyes of strangers. Sheno longer worried that people knew, with a single glance, all the shameful secrets of her past.描写Mariam逐
6、渐接受与喜欢布卡的体验:It was like a one-way window;no longer worried.这段描写与前面提到的初步接触布卡是连续的,而非孤立的碎片,所以就更真实。这段心理活动描写也反映了玛丽亚姆逆来顺受的性格特征。可怜之人必有其可恨之处;可恨之人必有其可怜之处。在深深同情的同时,不禁发出一声叹息。4 Shecouldnt keep her hands from drifting to her belly.She thought of what was growing there, andhappiness rushed in like a gust of wind
7、blowing a door wide open. Her eyes watered.描述Mariam对自己怀有孩子的喜悦:用动作描写:couldnt keep her hands from drifting to her belly.用比喻手法:happiness rushed in like a gust of windblowing a door wide open.5 When Mariam thought of this baby,her heart swelled inside of her.It swelled and swelled untilall the loss,all
8、the grief,all the loneliness and self-abasement (自卑)of her lifewashed away.描述玛丽亚姆怀有孩子的自豪感:本句用swelled and swelled,重复的表达,来表示不断膨胀。然后用三个带all 的并列短语强调这些悲伤孤单自卑等都没有了all the loss,all the grief,all the loneliness and self-abasement (自卑)of her lifewashed away。6 But Mariams grief wasnt aimless or unspecific. Ma
9、riam grieved for thisbaby, this particular child, who had made her so happy for a while. Some days, she believed that the baby had beenan undeserved blessing, that she wasbeing punished for what she had done to Nana.内疚的情绪一直萦绕心头,以至于一切不顺心的事情发生的时候,她把事情发生的起因都归咎于自己。(性格特点彰显无遗)孩子:an undeserved blessing她自己:being punished for what she had done to Nana.如果说之前孩子给了她快乐与自信,孩子的离去让她又开始自卑。7 Shehated the sniffling, pleading tone of her voicebutcould not helpit.Mariam央求父亲不要把她嫁出去。此刻玛丽亚姆的心理活动是这样的:憎恨她自己抽泣的乞求的语调hated the sniffling, pleading tone of her voice但是她忍不住乞求could not helpit.(多么无奈与可怜的玛丽亚姆!)(完)