1、2022年描写端午节英语优秀作文 描写端午节的英语优秀作文 导读:我依据大家的须要整理了一份关于描写端午节的英语优秀作文的内容,详细内容:端午节是在一年的中间时间,今日我就给大家共享一下英语作文,须要写的就可以参考一下英语作文端午节 101 字端午节要到了,你知道端午节的由来吗?让我来为大家介绍一下吧。. 端午节是在一年的中间时间,今日我就给大家共享一下英语作文,须要写的就可以参考一下 英语作文端午节 101 字 端午节要到了,你知道端午节的由来吗?让我来为大家介绍一下吧。 端午节是古老的传统节日,始于中国的春秋战国时期,这一天必不行少的活动渐渐演化为:吃粽子,赛龙舟,挂菖蒲、艾叶,熏苍术、白
2、芷,喝雄黄酒。据说,吃粽子和赛龙舟,是为了纪念屈原,所以解放后曾把端午节定名为诗人节,以纪念屈原。至于挂菖蒲、艾叶,熏苍术、白芷,喝雄黄酒,则据说是为了压邪。尽管端午节年年过,端午节的来历,却不甚清晰,归纳起来,大致有以上诸说。 真希望端午节快点来到,就可以吃到香喷喷的粽子了! The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? Let me introduce you. The Dragon Boat Festival is the oldest traditional
3、 festival that started in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period in China, this day indispensable activity gradually evolved into: eating zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging calamus and moxa leaf, smoked rhizoma atractylodis, radix angelicae, drink realgar wine. It is said that e
4、ating zongzi and racing dragon boat are to commemorate qu yuan, so after liberation, the Dragon Boat Festival was named poets day to commemorate qu yuan. As for hanging calamus, mugwort, smoky, angelica, drinking realgar wine, it is said to be to crush evil spirits. Although the Dragon Boat Festival
5、 is over every year, the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is not very clear. Wish Dragon Boat Festival to come quickly, can eat fragrant rice dumplings! 端午节的英语优秀作文 早晨,我一起床就闻到一股芳香,于是赶忙跑到厨房,一看原来是妈妈在包粽子。 我很想体会体会这种气氛,便向妈妈要求,让她教我怎样包粽子。妈妈告知我包粽子,首先要把棕叶洗干净,在热水中泡软。再打算好枣子、鸡蛋、肉等做陷,将自己喜爱的陷煮得香喷喷的,就可以开工了。先把长长的棕
6、叶折叠,围拢来,做成一个窝,中间放进调配好的糯米和粳米,包出棱角。然后把陷放在米里,和在一起揉匀,最终把棕叶包着的粽子做成四角的形态。这包粽子的功夫全在最终一道工序,你的粽子包得好不好,就看四个角是不是匀整,是不是有型。之后把包好的粽子放进锅里用猛火煮,大约 1 小时后,改文火煮 30 分钟就可以。 在煮粽子的过程中,我总是急不行耐地要揭盖子察看状况。因为从锅里 飘出那粽子的香气,馋得我直流口水。 In the morning, as soon as I got up, I could smell a smell of incense, so I rushed to the kitchen a
7、nd saw that my mother was making zongzi. I would like to experience this atmosphere and ask my mother to teach me how to wrap rice dumplings. My mother told me to make zongzi, first to wash the brown leaves and soften them in hot water. When you prepare dates, eggs, meat and other things, you will b
8、e ready to start. Fold the long brown leaves first, fold them up, make a nest, and put them in a mixture of glutinous rice and glutinous rice. Then place the trap in the rice, knead it together, and finally make the four corners of the dumplings made of brown leaves. This package zongzi is all in th
9、e last process, your zongzi bag is very bad, it is to see whether the four angles are symmetrical, whether there is a type. Cook the dumplings in a pot and cook them in a pot for about an hour. Cook for 30 minutes. In the course of cooking zongzi, I always have to reveal the situation. Because the a
10、roma of the dumplings was wafted from the pan, and it made my mouth water. 优秀的端午节英语作文 古历的五月初五是我国的传统节日端午节。我家过端午节经常是包棕子、吃棕子、门上插艾蒿,来纪念我国古代宏大的爱国诗人屈原。 端午节到啦!要吃棕子了!听说要吃棕子我一蹦三尺高,口水直流,仿佛 闻到一阵棕子芳香味朴鼻而来。我迫不及侍的跑进厨房,只见妈妈手中拿着棕叶,正全神贯注的包着棕子,像变魔术一样,不一会儿一个个小巧玲珑的棕子包好啦!我忍不住学着妈妈的样子包棕子,正在放糯米的时候,哎呀!不当心把手划出血了,你别以为看着简洁,包着可
11、不简单呢! 今年端午节过的真好玩! The fifth day of the fifth month of the ancient calendar is the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival in my family is often a bag of brown children, eating brown seeds, and planting mugwort on the door to commemorate the ancient Chinese patriotic poet qu yuan. The Dragon B
12、oat Festival is here! Youre going to eat brown! I heard that I was going to eat the brown fruit and I was three feet tall, and my mouth watered, as if I could smell a sweet, fragrant, sweet smell. I forced not shi ran into liuxue86 the kitchen, I saw my mothers hand the palm leaves, wrapped in rice
13、dumplings are absorbed, like magic, in a short time each one small and exquisite of rice dumplings wrapped! I cant help but learn how my mother looks wrapped in brown. You dont think its easy to keep your hands off the bleeding. How interesting the Dragon Boat Festival is this year! 第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页