1、阅读课的要求课例背景介绍阅读教学分析教学过程设计教师课后反思 阅读课的要求 三级(7年级)能正确地朗读课文;能理解并执行有关学习活动的简短书面指令;读懂简单的故事和短文并抓住大意;能初步使用简单的工具书;课外阅读量应累计达到4万词以上。英语课程标准对学生的阅读提出了循序渐进的要求 四级(8年级)能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;能理解简易读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为;能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;能理解并解释图表提供的信息;能读懂简单的个人信件、说明文等应用文体材料;能使用英汉词典等工具书帮助阅读理解;课外阅读量应累计达到10万词以上。 五级(9年级)能根据上下文
2、和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题,理解故事的情节,预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局;能读懂相应水平的常见体裁的读物;能根据不同的阅读目的运用简单的阅读策略获取信息;能利用词典等工具书进行阅读;课外阅读量应累计达到15万词以上。对阅读要求及内涵的理解直接影响英语教学实践 目前阅读教学的大部分时间都消耗在机械记忆上,没有真正学到语言,更没有领会所读内容和交流技巧。 全面改观英语阅读教学需要深入研究阅读的概念及其培养途径,真正提升阅读教学的理解力、执行力和实践力。 课例背景介绍教材的指导思想就是强调学习过程,体现语言学习的渐进性、实践行和应用性。教学需
3、要通过创设具体语境,设计循序渐进的语言实践活动,让学生在“用英语做事情”的过程中获得语言知识、发展语言运用能力。教学需要关注语言学习策略和教学策略的培养,帮助学生提高英语学习效率。学生学习过程需要有体验、实践、参与、探究和合作等方式感悟、发现并总结的语言学习规律。 阅读教学分析读前活动读前活动读中活动读中活动读后活动读后活动 教学过程设计(一)Unit 3Unit 3Go for it 7BGo for it 7BHow do you get to school?How do you get to school ?Is it easy or difficult for you to get t
4、o school ?教师通过提问,让学生复习之前所学的各种交通方式。教师通过提问,让学生复习之前所学的各种交通方式。通过问题:通过问题: Is it easy or difficult Is it easy or difficult for you for you to get to school?to get to school? 引出词汇教学。引出词汇教学。各种交通方式的复习,未打开思路,阅读铺垫未达成各种交通方式的复习,未打开思路,阅读铺垫未达成。villageHow do they get to school ?vldwalk to schoolHow do they get to s
5、chool ?There is a small river between their school and the village.btwi:n How do they get to school ?cross the river to schoolcross the bridge to schoolkrs brdtake a boat to schoolPre-reading 1 环节分析环节分析 借助图片,设置情境,引出词汇village, walk to school, 及句子There is a small There is a small river river between t
6、heir school and the village. between their school and the village. take a boat / bridge / cross the river to school的教学。How do they get to school ?There is no bridge.The river runs too quickly for boats.There is a very big river between their school and the village.How do they get to school ?ropewayr
7、pweWhat is it used for ?(有何用处)?(有何用处)? 展示两张湍急河流的图片,引出文本中句子教学展示两张湍急河流的图片,引出文本中句子教学: There is a very big river between their school and the village. There is no bridge. The river runs too quickly for boats. 展示溜索图片,让学生猜猜并完成新词汇ropeway的教学。思考绳索的用处,逐渐引入主题。 Crossing the River to School how to get to school.
8、 B. how to have a dream.Look at the title(标题)(标题) and guess What the passage is about ? 读标题,猜测文本主题。实现阅读策略的教学。读标题,猜测文本主题。实现阅读策略的教学。Pre-reading环节小结: 本环节,展示图片,设置情境,引入文本主题,完成重要词汇、短语和信息的学习。表面看,似乎为之后的阅读做了充分准备。 实质上只完成了教师的教学设计思路,学生被动接受。文本内容被提前讲解,学生的自主阅读、自主发现权利被剥夺,完全失去了阅读的意义。How?They go on a ropeway to cross
9、 the river to school.take a ropewayWhy ?They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.There is a very big river between their school and the village.The river runs too quickly for boats. There is no bridge.“I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. Hes like a father to me.”fredLi
10、angliang is only a 11- year- old boy go on a ropeway to cross the river to school every day.Are they afraid ?dreamWhat is their dream?The students and villagers want tovld(r) 问题:How do they get to school? 找答案 They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. (用动态的图片解释) 问题:Why do they go on a ropewa
11、y to cross the river to school? 找答案 引出Liangliang, 通过问题:Are they afraid? 阅读第二段, 找原因。齐读Liangliang说的话,引出问题:Whats their dream? 最后一段找答案。 读前环节已预先处理和讲解文本中的新词汇、重难点,学生失去新鲜感,丧失了阅读兴趣。 用问题呈现重难点,找答案,完成整个阅读过程。学生机械回答问题,没有真正感悟文本。 本环节看似行云流水,学生似乎也对答如流,实际上只是通过预设的问题引导而出,并非通过阅读内化的有感而发。 While-reading 环节小结环节小结Is it easy o
12、r difficult for them to get to school ? 播放一段农村孩子上学视频,配上凄美音乐,让学生感受他们上学之路的艰辛,再次抛出问题:Is it easy or difficult for them to get to school? 与 warming-up环节相呼应。 看似是加深学生的感受,问题也首尾呼应,但学生仍然直白回答问题,无法表达文本真正内涵,与之后的复述环节显然是脱节的。 从阅读本质看,不仅没有提升学生的阅读能力,更糟糕的是让阅读成为走流程,让学生失去阅读兴趣。Is it easy or difficult for you to get to sch
13、ool ?Compared to yourself, who are easy to get to school? Why ?Can their dream come true?tru: 要求学生谈谈孩子们上学难易理由。由于教师之前各环节太多的指定和介入,学生没有机会真正自主完成文本阅读,严重限制学生的思维,导致学生对文本内容不熟悉,更谈不上深刻的理解,学生的回答大同小异,运用的词汇几乎只有easy和difficult。完全没有达成阅读课的目标。Retell the storyCrossing the River to SchoolHow do you get to school ?For m
14、any studentseasyFor the students in a small villagedifficultHow?Why?Liangliang 教师呈现思维导图,学生按既定思路复述,课文复述中规中矩,看似内容完整,但是字里行间却感受不到他们内心的触动。 如:“Students in big cities ride bikes to school. Students in small villages go on a ropeway to cross a river to school, because there is a big river between their scho
15、ol and the village. 读后环节应鼓励学生将所阅读的内容与自己的经历、知识、兴趣和观点联系起来。学习语言知识,并将阅读技能与其他语言技能进行整合,经过思考,表达自己的见解,提升学生综合语言能力。 由于教学设计由教师代劳,导致学生缺少机会运用所学的语言知识。因此,原本彰显学生个性的环节却进行的了无生趣,全然体会不到学生有所思,有所学之后的真心表达。Retell the story to your classmates.2. Talk about “How do you get to school? ”with each other.Homework 要求学生课后继续复述故事,并结
16、合自身的感受相互交流自己上学的出行方式,是对本堂课的一个延伸。但关键是无法监控,无标准、无目标可言。 教学过程设计(二)阅读板块2a-读前活动 利用非文字信息,激活背景知识 以图激趣 读图助解 截图扩展2b-读中活动 借助问题,搜索关键信息,尝试表达2c-读后活动 通过阅读,围绕本单元话题,尝试运用 修饰词及所学的新句型,拓展相关话题 的表述。 Unit 3Go for it 7 BHow do you get to school? Section B 2a-2cWarming-up 滚动图片,尝试表达所见,开放的问题旨在打开学生思路。视角不同,引出更多相关词汇。滚动图片,尝试表达所见,开放的
17、问题旨在打开学生思路。视角不同,引出更多相关词汇。如如:bridge, river, schoolbagbridge, river, schoolbag等,甚至,有同学能发现图中城市学生和农村学生不同的出行方式。为等,甚至,有同学能发现图中城市学生和农村学生不同的出行方式。为之后阅读作了充分铺垫。之后阅读作了充分铺垫。Pre- reading 通过热身环节,学生思路打开,再利用课文图片,给学生更宽泛的想象空间,让学生说说图片中男孩们在干什么,进一步引入主题。 这样设计不仅激趣,还激发了学生想阅读文本的欲望,为学生的自主阅读奠定了基础。1. What do you get from the li
18、stening?Task 1 Listening 2. What is the passage about? While-reading 听录音,尝试速记听到的主要内容。有任务、有难度、有好奇,较开放,无硬性规定,发挥每个学生的自主能动性。 在听后讨论中,使学生人人有话说,进一步激发学生的学习积极性。通过讨论所听到的内容,集思广益,从而确定文本的主题,进一步深入文本。2b Read the passage and answer the questions.1. How do the students in the village go to school?2. Why do they go t
19、o school like this?3. Does the boy like his school? Why?4. What is the villagers dream? Do you think their dream can come true? Why or why not?Task 2 Reading 带着问题自主阅读文本,并在小组讨论问题的过程中了解文本重点词块和句型,真正体现合作和互助。 回答问题的同时,按照预设的顺序板书重点词汇,搭建文本复述支架。 跟着录音朗读,感悟、理解文本并获得关键信息农村孩子上学的艰辛和他们的梦想。 阅读中没有教师引导,学生自主完成阅读任务,自主发现文
20、本的重难点,真正达到阅读功效。 教学设计最大亮点:教师没有过多讲解和引导,而是真正将课堂还给学生,给予学生充分时间进行自主阅读,让学生用眼睛看、用脑思考,带着问题获得文本关键信息并理解关键信息,真正实现学生阅读技能提升的学习过程。 教师所做的只是向学生交待清楚阅读任务,这是保证阅读有效性的关键。另外,教师动态生成的板书也为读后的文本复述悄悄地做了准备。 2c complete the sentences with words from the passage.1. For the students in the village, it is _ to get to school.2. They
21、 have to cross a very _ river between their school and the village.3. They cannot go by boat because the river runs too _.4. It is not easy to cross the river on a ropeway, but the boy is not _.5. The students and villagers want to have a bridge. Can their dream come _?Task 1 ExercisePost - readingd
22、ifficult, big, quickly, afraid, true 看似只是完成词语填空练习,实则让学生进一步熟悉并掌握文本中重要的句子,为读后的文本复述作准备。 另外,教师并未将该练习简单地处理为词汇练习,而是充分利用辅助练习,在每得出答案时,都会联系学生实际,对答案展开讨论。让学生进一步感受到农村孩子上学不易,不怕苦的精神,从而珍惜自己目前的生活。 Task 2 make sentences 学生根据图片说句子。相比较读前活动中,要求学生看图片说自己的所见,本环节对学生的语言运用提出了更高的要求,但是,经过自主阅读及思辨交流后,对文本中的语言知识已非常熟悉,所以,学生们在造句时,不仅
23、运用了文本的语言表达,还能结合自身的感受表述观点。如: I see many students in the cities ride bikes to school. Its easy for them to get to school. But some students take a ropeway to cross a river to school. Its really difficult.Task 3 Think and share? 借助图片,让学生思考表达,为后续开放表达做个过渡。但与前面图片不同,这幅图呈现了一个“?”,学生大多将之处理为农村孩子的梦想。这是自主阅读后水到渠成
24、的反映。但对梦想的诠释,却各不相同。如:I think they want to learn more; I think they want to go to the big cities. 同时也期待学生思维是多元的,能关注到图片的笑脸,更好地理解文本第二段中孩子的质朴。 But he is not afraid. “I love to play with my classmates. And I love my teacher. Hes like a father to me.” Task 4 Try to say something ? 之前看图说句子环节实则是对文本进行分解复述,而此环
25、节尝试对文本进行较完整的讲述,学生参考组合的图片和板书的重点短语,结合自己的理解,讲述即可达成。 学生将思考重心放在如何把自己的感受通过句子完全表达出来。如:“We are in a big city, and we go to school easily. But do you know the students in the small village go on a ropeway to school? Do you know they have to cross a big river between their school and the village? Do you know
26、they cross the river to school every day? ” 学生用了“Do you know”的排比叠加,足以得出学生通过自主阅读,已经被文中乡村孩子上学之路的艰难深深触动了。这才是学生的语言生成。 After reading the whole passage, which part touches you most? Why?Task 5 Discussion 学生在自主阅读、自主探究为核心的学习过程中,激发了阅读欲望,激活了思维角度,学生的回答各有所想,不只局限于easy和difficult的简单回答。如: “Its difficult for the stu
27、dents in the village to go to school, but they still go to school every day. So I think they are really hardworking.” “They go on a ropeway to cross the river to school. I think they are very smart.” 通过读前活动引出话题,感知话题;读中活动自主阅读,体验文本;读后活动阅读实践,展开思维。使学生将所学的语言知识分层运用,激发学生进一步思考,为最后的讨论环节作了充分而扎实的过程推进,真正让学生体会到阅
28、读过程的层层递进,所思、所说得到充实。Read the story again and try to retell the story and then give your opinion.2. Make a new conversation with your partner.Homework 课后作业是对课堂学习的延伸和巩固,需要更具体,可操作,利于监控检查。鼓励每个学生实践自己的所思所学。并结合本单元话题相互交流,灵活使用所学语言。小结:阅读课教学,只有教师学会放手,因材施教,给学生搭建支架,引导学生自主阅读,自主探究,才能让学生乐于阅读、善于阅读,真正提高阅读能力和思辨能力。 教师课后
29、反思The analysis of the warming-up part 1. In the warming-up part, We designed the question: “What can you see in the picture?” to broaden their mind and review the expressions of transportation. However, the students might not be familiar with such kind of opening questions. Being not sure about my i
30、ntention, they kept silent for a couple of minutes. 2. For the next time, I may give them a simple example first, such as “I can see a bus” 3. We would go back to all the expressions of transportations listed by the students themselves and ask them to say/read them together.The analysis of the pre-r
31、eading part In this session, we brought out the theme directly by asking “How do they get to school ?”, instead of taking the advantage of the picture to lead students to find it out by themselves. We approached the picture simplistically with only one question, that is “What can you see in this pic
32、ture?” Next time, we may design more questions like “What are they doing? Maybe they are playing games? How does the boy feel? Is he happy ?.” Different answers from students may further stimulate their reading interest. And, it would be much easier to motivate students desire for reading.The analys
33、is of the while-reading part (1) Before listening to the passage, we gave the instruction “Try to get some information while listening and take down some key words.” on the slide. Obviously, it is not only meaningless but also not beneficial to practice listening skills. The simpler, the better. Nex
34、t time, we will ask the question orally to help students focus their attention to do some listening.The analysis of the while-reading part(2) 1. Without considering students language ability, we put forward all the questions in one time before reading the passage, which made students fully stressed
35、out, and extinguished their reading interest as well. If given the chance, I will show one question in one time and ask them to read it loudly together before reading. 2. Good classroom questions can activate students thinking and test students language proficiency as well. However, if teachers dont
36、 go back to the questions and let students repeat answers together, it will be easy to ignore the reading efficiency of the rest students who have no chances to answer questions. Next time, we will go back to the questions and ask all the students to repeat answers together, which is good for studen
37、ts to have a better understanding of the reading text. 3. After answering questions, we ask students to follow the tape and read the text loudly with two intents. One is to help students thoroughly understanding the text and the other is to make them deeply feel how difficult the children in small v
38、illages go to school by enjoying the changes in pronunciation and intonation. Otherwise, students just read loudly without paying any attention to the pronunciation or intonation. Next time, we may ask them to follow the tape in a whisper for one time, and read it loudly for a second time. While-rea
39、ding procedure is the most important part in the teaching of English reading. In this part, we use the TBL teaching method. we designed two tasks to improve reading skill. Firstly, Ask students to read the passage with questions and discuss them with their partners. It provides an interactive learni
40、ng environment to promote interactive language learning. Also, it ensures the learner- centeredness, which challenges the traditional teaching model during which it is always teacher-centered. Secondly, we ask students to percept the moving story by following the tape and reading the text, which ste
41、ps the stones to the retelling part. The analysis of the post-reading part All the sentences in this exercise are the key sentences in the text. Next time, we should go back all the sentences and ask students to read them together to step stones to retelling part. Besides, the students can get more
42、understanding about the using of the adjectives in different sentences. The analysis of the post-reading part In the post-reading part, we desgined a task: retelling. Unexpectedly, when retelling the story, students focused too much on the target languages but not based on their own feelings. Next time, we may ask students to think before saying. Its helpful for them to retell the story with their personal feelings of the text.Thank You世界触手可及世界触手可及携手共进,齐创精品工程携手共进,齐创精品工程