1、英语演讲稿:和平的英语演讲稿 【小编寄语】以下是小编为大家整理的英语演讲稿-和平的英语演讲稿,以供大家参考:mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to
2、be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the w
3、orld who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much.【小编提示】更多演讲稿范文,尽在小编! F132.cOm更多精选
4、演讲稿阅读 英语演讲稿:和平 本文是小编为大家整理的英语演讲稿:和平的文章,盼望大家能够喜爱! 英语演讲稿:和平 mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right
5、to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across th
6、e world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 和平的英语演讲稿 I am both surprised
7、 and deeply humbled by the decision of the nobel committee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard ev
8、en in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sa
9、crifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 英语演讲稿范文参考:和平的英语演讲稿 这篇英语演讲稿范文参考:和平的英语演讲稿是由小
10、编整理提供的,请大家参考!英语演讲稿范文参考:和平的英语演讲稿 以下内容从原文随机摘录,并转为纯文本,不代表完好内容,仅供参考。hese challenges can be met so long as its recognised that they an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she ref
11、uses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace.that has
12、always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 游向和平英语演讲稿 On S and Rule by la the place in ice sea of North Atlantic in 17 Jan. 2004 and that sea area is just the place where Titanic sank
13、93 years ago. I hope that the winter swimming with the theme of love of life and swimming for pease is much concernd throughout the world. I pray God bless and protect us. 和平的英语演讲稿范文 这篇和平的英语演讲稿范文由小编整理提供,盼望对大家有所启发! mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st
14、-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment t
15、o democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of americ
16、a. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 关于和平的英语演讲稿 小编为大家收集整理了精选关于和平的英语演讲稿供大家参考,盼望对大家有所关心! mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be
17、met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sa
18、crificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always l
19、ooked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 和平的英语演讲稿格式 以下是小编为大家整理的关于和平的英语演讲稿范文的文章,盼望大家能够喜爱!和平的英语演讲稿范文 mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or an
20、y one nation. and thats e of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after
21、 tour of duty on behalf of someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats
22、 why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 2022年和平的英语演讲稿 这篇2022年和平的英语演讲稿由小编整理提供,盼望对大家有所关心!2022年和平的英语演讲稿mittee. let me be clear: i do not vieen, and all americans, mon challenges of the 21st-century. these challenges cant be met by any one leader or any one nation. and thats e
23、 of the an who marches silently in the streets on behalf of her right to be heard even in the face of beatings and bullets; for the leader imprisoned in her own home because she refuses to abandon her commitment to democracy; for the soldier who sacrificed through tour after tour of duty on behalf o
24、f someone half a world away; and for all those men and women across the world who sacrifice their safety and their freedom and sometimes their lives for the cause of peace. that has always been the cause of america. thats why the world has always looked to america. and thats why i believe america will continue to lead. thank you very much. 以上英语演讲稿:和平的英语演讲稿由范文资讯网演讲稿栏目资深小编整理编辑而成,盼望能关心您的写作和演讲需求,也请您继续访问更多关于2022“英语演讲稿专题! 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第10页 共10页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页第 10 页 共 10 页