1、2022动画片英语怎么说 动画的概念不同于一般意义上的动画片,动画是一种综合艺术,它是集合了绘画、漫画、电影、数字媒体、摄影、音乐、文学等众多艺术门类于一身的艺术表现形式。那么,你知道动画片的英文怎么写吗 动画片的英文释义:cartooncartoonsanimated drawinganimated filmanimated pictureanimated cartoon动画片的英文例句:动画片绘制者设计、创作或制作动画片的人,如艺术家或技术人员One, such as an artist or a technician, who designs, develops, or produces
2、 an animated cartoon.而另一部动画片可以保证极具消遣性。Another animated film also promises to be entertaining.她同其他同学一起把自己的早期作品制成动画片。She animates her early works in animation with other students.他是个老来少,最爱跟孙子一起看动画片。He is young at heart and is fond of watching cartoons with his grandson.国内的工作室已经不能满意对动画片产量的要求。The domest
3、ic studios cannot cover the production of animation films any longer.这部动画片达到了风靡一时的地步。The cartoon has achieved cult status.史密斯想再看一遍动画片。Smith hopes to see the cartoon again.摄制动画片的制作艺术或过程。The art or process of preparing animated cartoons.考虑动画片的长度。Consider the length of your animation.领导上指定几个人制作动画片。The
4、leadership assigned several people to making animated films.动画片本身还不错,惋惜质量远不能与前几部影片媲美,在很多角色设计的细微环节方面也有所欠缺。The animation is good but not up to quality with previous films and many of thecharacters designs are sadly lacking in detail.我信任,对于大多数人来说,那个时代的记忆,仅仅是我们在各自的家中看到的动画片和电视剧而已。I believes, for most of
5、us, memories of that period were comprised of only thesame cartoons and TV series we had watched at our respective homes.这表明,有许多母亲在孩子睡前播放的并非动画片,而是用我的电视讲话陪伴他们的孩子。It seems that there are mothers here who, instead of putting their kids to sleepwith cartoons, put them to sleep with Chavez我给儿子看漫画书,看动画片,还
6、看雷鸟救援队剧集,就是因为我想他明白什么是对,什么是错,以及与黑暗势力斗争的重要性。I give my son comics and cartoons and episodes of Thunderbirds because I wanthim to understand right and wrong, and why its important to fight the dark side ofthe Force.它还运用阅读,小品文,动画片和互动练习帮助病人处理干扰睡眠的因素。It also uses readings, vignettes, animation and interact
7、ive exercises to helppatients deal with factors that interfere with sleep.孩子们玩嬉戏,看一些关于青春期的动画片。The kids played games and watched cartoons about puberty.这个视频事实上是小兔子哐哐系列动画片的一集,这个小鬼最大的特色就是总流鼻血的鼻子。The video was part of an long series of animations featuring Kuang Kuang, thelittle boy with the bloody nose
8、.尽管这是一部动画片,但许多像我一样的成年人还是很喜爱它。 一位25岁的年轻人看完午夜首映场后说。In spite of being a cartoon, it is still loved by many adults like me, said the 25-year-old after watching the first show at midnight.这主要是由于大部分中国动画片只针对儿童这一事实。This is largely due to the fact most Chinese cartoons are targeted only atchildren.泰勒说:哈!当然算然
9、后打了过来,一记直拳,就似乎是星期六早间动画片里带弹簧的拳击手套,打在我的胸口,我撞在停在身后的汽车上。Tyler said, Yeah it counted, and hit me, straight on, pox, just like a cartoonboxing glove on a spring on Saturday morning cartoons, right in the middle of mychest and I fell back against a car.但是最近几年,电视动画片的收视率不断下降。But in recent years, TV cartoons
10、have been declining in viewership.研a href=/www./yangsheng/kesou/ target=_blank咳嗽备6个七个月大的婴儿放一系列不同场景的动画片,里面会有一个类似蓝精灵的角色看一个球滚到桌子上的长方体后。The researchers showed 56 seven-month-old infants an animated cartoon inwhich a Smurf-like character watches a ball roll behind a rectangle placed on atable through a n
11、umber of scenes.星期六的早晨,当我的父母睡一会儿懒觉的时候,我可以看动画片。On Saturday mornings while my parents slept-in a little bit we were allowed towatch cartoons.中国的动画片不太吸引人。Chinese cartoons are not very appealing.许多电视节目,动画片,电影,音乐还有音乐电视都是不法地上传到网络中的,这种视频应当被禁止播放。Television shows, cartoons, movies, and music videos are often
12、 illegally posted tovideo hosting and sharing sites and should probably be considered off-limits.传统上,中国的动画片只在中国放映。Traditionally, Chinese cartoons were only released on TV.我喜爱美国的动画片。I like American cartoons.在跟孩子一起看电视时,提示孩子,动画片是夸张和虚构的。Remind your child, when you watch television together, that cartoon
13、s are make-believe.金正日曾经给文化部和他的共产主义电影制作人一个特殊指示:制作更多的动画片。Kim Jong Il has since given specific instruction to his Ministry of Culture and hiscommunist filmmakers: Make more cartoons.这是为什么地狱之门始终被攻击肉食动物与有毒的植物轮番攻击简直就像在上演一个环保动画片。Thats why Hells Gate was under constant attack. a biobarrage of predators andpoisonous plants which was an ecological cartoon.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第8页 共8页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页第 8 页 共 8 页