1、2022年描写春天的英文诗歌欣赏 篇一:英语歌:Spring 英语诗歌:Spring Sound the Flute! Now its mute. Birds delight Day and Night. Nightingale In the dale, Lark in Sky Merrily Merrily Merrily to welcome in the Year. Little Boy Full of joy. Little Girl Sweet and small. Cock does crow, So do you. Merry voice, Infant noise, Merri
2、ly Merrily to welcome in the Year. Little Lamb, Here I am, Come and lick My white neck. Let me pull Your soft Wool. Let me kiss Your soft face. Merrily Merrily we welcome in the Year. 把笛子吹起! 现在它无声无息。 白天夜晚 鸟儿们喜爱。 有一只夜莺 在山谷深深, 天上的云雀, 满心喜悦, 欢欣鼓舞,迎接新年到。 小小的男孩 无比欢快。 小小的女孩 玲珑可爱。 公鸡喔喔叫, 你也叫声高。 开心的嗓音, 婴儿的闹声
3、, 欢欣鼓舞,迎接新年到。 小小的羊崽, 这里有我在, 走过来舔舐 我白白的颈项。 你的毛松软, 让我牵一牵。 你的脸娇嫩, 让我吻一吻。 欢欣鼓舞,我们迎接新年到。 威廉布莱克是十九世纪英国浪漫派诗人,主要诗作有诗集天真之歌、阅历之歌等。早期作品简洁明快,中后期作品趋向玄妙晦涩,充溢神奇色调。本诗选自天真之歌。春天来了,万物复苏。这表现在动物的活动上:鸟儿欢腾,公鸡鸣叫,云雀在天上翻飞,夜莺在山谷间歌颂;也表现在孩子们的活动上:欢蹦乱跳,笑语喧哗,跟小动物一块儿玩耍。这首诗的三节像三个变焦电影镜头:由远而近依次是山谷树林、村庄农舍,然后聚焦在一个与羊羔相戏的儿童身上。意象显明、详细、生动,趣
4、味盎然。而诗以儿童的口吻写出,反映了孩子们对春天的感受。诗行由片语和短句组成,留意押韵和反复,几近童谣,轻松自然,琅琅上口,读来颇有春天气息扑面而来的簇新感。 篇二:这些描写春天的古诗词,译成英文竟也如此美 这些描写春天的古诗词,译成英文竟也如此美 1春晓 孟浩然 Spring Morning 春眠不觉晓, This spring morning in bed Im lying, 到处闻啼鸟。 Not to awake till birds are crying. 夜来风雨声, fter one night of wind and showers, 花落知多少。 How many are th
5、e fallen flowers? 2春夜喜雨 杜甫 Happy Rain on a Spring Night 好雨知季节, Good rain knows its time right; 当春乃发生。 It will fall when comes spring. 随风潜入夜 With wind it steals in night; 润物细无声。 Mute, it wets everything. 野径云俱黑, Over wild lanes dark cloud spreads; 江船火独明。 In boat a lantern looms. 晓看红湿处 Dawn sees satura
6、ted reds; 花重锦官城。 The towns heavy with blooms. 3江南春 杜牧 Spring on the Southern Rivershore 千里莺啼绿映红, Orioles sing for miles amid red blooms and green trees; 水村山郭酒旗风。 By hills and rills wine shop streamers wave in the breeze. 南朝四百八十寺, Four hundred eighty splendid temples still remain; 多少楼台烟雨中。 Of Souther
7、n Dynasties in the mist and rain. 4相思 王维 Love Seeds 红豆生南国, The red beans grow in southern land. 春来发几枝。 How many load in spring the trees? 愿君多采撷, Gather them till full is your hand; 此物最相思。 They would revive fond memories. 5好事近 秦观 Song of Good Event 春路雨添花, The spring rain hastens roadside flowers to g
8、row; 花动一山春色。 They undulate and fill mountains with spring. 行到小溪深处, Deep, deep along the stream I go, 有黄鹂千百。 And hear hundreds of orioles sing. 飞云当面化龙蛇, Flying cloud in face turns to dragon or snake. 篇三:有关四季的英文诗4首 Spring 春 Spring is life 春天是生命 Spring is hope 春天是希望 So is love and happiness. 是爱与华蜜 Spri
9、ng renews. 春天是新生 Without spring, 没有春天 life is forlorn. 生命是凄凉的 Spring is dreaming 春天是怀想 after bitter storm. 在风雨过后 Put spring in your heart 请把春天放进你心里 Snowflakes雪花 One little snowflake falls on my nose, 一片雪花落在我鼻子上 It makes me shiver from my head to my toes.它让我全身颤抖 Two little snowflakes get in my eyes,两
10、片雪花落到我眼睛里 Blink! Blink! What a surprise! 一眨、一眨,真惊喜 three little snowflakes tickle my chin, 四片雪花挠我的下巴 I laugh, I jump, I run, I spin.我又笑又跳又跑又转 four little snowflakes softly land.五片雪花轻轻着陆 Snow on the house, snow on the tree,雪落在屋子上、树上 Snow on the ground, snow on me.雪落在地上、我身上 Here It Comes 夏天来了 Here com
11、es summer 夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了 Chirping Robins, budding roses 罗宾鸟鸣叫,玫瑰花盛开 Here comes summer 夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了 Gentle showers, summer clothes 夏雨阵阵,夏衣上身 Here comes summer夏天来了 Here comes summer夏天来了 Whoosh shiver there it goes 很快地,它又走了 Autumn is coming The wind kisses my face, Slowly and
12、slowly Like the hand of my mother, The crops become golden, Beautiful and beautiful, Like the honors for me, The air is cool, fresh and fresh , How magic it is! How exciting it is! what happened? OhAutumn is coming! 第7页 共7页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页第 7 页 共 7 页