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1、2022年中英文对照合同最新可编辑版 合同范本精选! 合同范本精选! 选购合同 合同编号(Contract NO.): 合同签订地点(Signed At):东营 签订时间(Date): 年 月 日 出卖人: 买受人: 鉴于:依据及相关法律法规, 信的原则,经双方协商一样,订立本合同。 Accord ing to the Con tract law of the PeopI e's Rep ublic of China and releva nt laws and regulati on s,we con clude the con tract on the basis of equa

2、lity, volun tari ness,co mpen sati on of equal value and sin cerity. 第一条 标的、数量、价款及交货时间 本着同等自愿、等价有偿、诚恳诚 物资编码名称及规格型号 Commodity code and type 生产厂家 Manu facture r 计量单位 Un it 数量 Qua ntity 单价(元) Un it Price 总金额(元) Total Amount 备注 Note 不含税总金额(人民币) Total Amou nt (V AT excluded) Item 1 Quan tity P rice and D

3、elivery time 交提货时间、数量: Delivery time: From 其次条 质量标准: 年 月 日至 年 月 日全部交货。 to 标准代号、编号和标准名称: GB150-98. Item 2 Quality sta ndard: sta ndard codeserial nu mber and sta ndard name:GB150-98. 出卖人对质量负责的条件及期限 Con diti ons and time limits that Sellers shall be held respon sibility for 12个月止执行。 第三条 Item 3 1.质量负责条

4、件和期限按正常运行 Quality respon sible con diti ons and time limits shall not be valid un til the p roduct has bee n functioning prop erly for 12 mon ths 出卖人对标的物的质量负责,产品均附质检报告单,质量保证书。假如出卖人知道或 者应当知道所处卖产品存在质量缺陷,所担当的质量保证期限不受前款质量负责期限的约 束,应依法担当相应责任。 2. Sellers shall be responsible for the quality of the marks.Th

5、e products should include the Quality Inspection Report and Quality Guara ntee .If the sellers know or should know the p roducts they sell with defects in quality,the quality assuranee time limits should not be subject to the previous quality responsibility deadline and they should be held due respo

6、nsibility for it . 第四条 包装标准:标准包装,产品所需包装由出卖人合理包装,适合水运和长途内陆 运输,防潮,防湿,防锈,防震。 Item 4 Packagi ng sta ndard: Stan dard p ackagi ng, the sellers should p ackage the p roducts prop erly, it should be suitable for shi pment and long dista nee inland transpo rtati on. The p ackag ing of the p roducts should b

7、e resista nt of dampn ess, moisture, rust and shock. 第五条 随机的必备品、配件、技术资料、工具数量及供应方法: 随设备交货一起交齐。 Item 5 The acco mpanied n ecessary material, accessories, tech nical in formati on ,qua ntity of tools and supply methods: Delivery with the equipment together 第六条合理损耗标准及计算方法 Item 6 Reas on able loss sta nd

8、ard and calculati on method 以双方共同确定的法定计量为准,合理损耗为无。出卖人向买受人实际所交付的产品数 量在本合同约定的误差范围内,出卖人不担当违约责任,甲乙双方也不互补差价。 Taking the mutual agreeme nt of legal metrology as the yardstick, there is no reas on able loss standard. If the quantity of the goods delivered by the sellers are in the scope of the error ,the s

9、ellers should not bear the respon sibility for breach ing the con tract and both p arties should not pay the price differe nee. 第七条标的物的风险及全部权的转移 Item 7 Tran sferri ng the risk and own ershi p of the marks and thi ngs 标的物的风险及全部权自交付之时转移至买受人,即在约定时间、约定地点交付之前 标的物的风险由出卖人担当,交付之后标的物的风险由买受人担当。 The risk and o

10、wn ersh ip of the marks will be tran sferred to the buyers at the deliveri ng moment, that is to say, the sellers undertake the risks of the marks before the delivery at the p rescribed p lace and time , however, after the delivery, the risks is tran sferred to the buyers. 拖延交付的,由造成拖延交付的一方担当拖延期间标的物的

11、风险责任。 If the delivery is postpon ed, the n the side postponing the delivery should un dertake the risks of the marks . 第八条 交(提)货方式、地点:买受人在出卖方产地自行提货。 Item 8 Delivery method and place: The buyers pick up the goods at the sellers' place of origi n by themselves. 运输方式及费用负担Transp ortati on method an

12、d exp ense burden 检验标准、方法、地点及期限Testi ng sta ndard, method, p lace and time limit第九条 运输方式及费用负担 Transp ortati on method and exp ense burden 检验标准、方法、地点及期限 Testi ng sta ndard, method, p lace and time limit Item 9 第十条 Item 10 检验标准:按本合同其次条质量标准进行检验。 Testi ng sta ndard:To do the test accord ing to con tract

13、 Item 2 验收方式:买受人自行提货的,在出卖人交付产品时,双方按规定提取产品样品,共 同封存样品,以备检验。买受人如有异议,应在交付后的 5个工作日内书面提出。 after the delivery,成套设备的安装与调试The in stallati on and commissi oning of sets of equipment after the delivery, 成套设备的安装与调试 The in stallati on and commissi oning of sets of equipment 结算方式、时间及地点 way of Settlement, time and

14、 p lace 第十一条 Item 11 第十二条 Item 12 分期支付:预付款为合同总价的 30%,在本合同生效后的 3个工作日内支付,产品经买 受人验收合格后买受人将合同总价款的 70% (即元人民币),支付给出卖人。买受人在收到 出卖人开具的增值税发票后,支付该款项。 In stallme nt p ayme nt: Prep ayme nt is 30% of the con tract total amoun t, it should be p aid with in 3 work ing days whe n the con tract take effect. After t

15、he testi ng of the p roducts, the buyers pay the other 70% of the con tract total amount. P ayme nt will be made from the receipt of the in voice from the sellers.第十三条Item 13第十四条Item 14担保方式:无 from the sellers. 第十三条 Item 13 第十四条 Item 14 There is no guara ntee way. 不行抗力 Force majeure “不行抗力”是指不能预见、不能避开

16、并不能克服的客观状况, 包括但不限于:天灾、 水灾、地震或其他灾难,斗争或暴乱,以及其他在受影响的一方合理限制范围以外且经该方 合理努力后也不能防止或避开的类似事务。 Force majeuremeans the unforeseeable , inevitable and insurmountable objective conditions,including not just natural disasters,flood,earthquake or other calamity,war or riot, but also other similar events that can�

17、39;t be preven ted or avoided even if the sellers make reason able efforts. 由于不行抗力的缘由, 而不能履行合同或延迟履行合同的一方视不行抗力的实际影响 免除部分或全部违约责任。但受不行抗力影响的一方应在通知可能的状况下马上通知对方, 并在不行抗力发生后 15日内特快专递邮寄相关的主管部门签发的证明文件,以便其他各方 审查、确认。 Because of the force majeure, the side can't carry out the con tract or postpone carrying

18、out the con tract is exe mp ted from part or all the respon sibility for breach ing the con tract. But the side un der the force majeure should inform the other side in sta ntly and after the force majeure, they should exp ress the mail of the releva nt docume nts by the related admi nistrative dep

19、artme nts with in 15 days, so that all sides can check or en sure it. 发生不行抗力事务终止或消退后,受不行抗力影响的一方,应马上通知对方,发生不 可抗力事务终止或消退后 15日内特快专递邮寄相关的主管部门签发的证明文件确认不行抗 力事务的终止或消退。 After the ending or elim in ati ng of the force majeure, the side un der the force majeure should inform the other side in sta ntly and exp

20、 ress the mail of the releva nt docume nts by the related admi nistrative dep artme nts within 15 days to en sure the ending or elim in at ing of the enforce majeure. 假如不行抗力的影响持续超过 2个月,受不行抗力影响的一方应与对方取得联系,以 便解决进一步履行合同的问题。 If the in flue nee of force majeure lasts more than 12 mon ths, the side un der

21、 the force majeure should con tact with the other side so that they can solve the p roblems in carry ing on the con tract further. 第十五条合同的变更和解除 Item 15 The modificati on and relievi ng of the con tract 双方协商一样可变更或解除本合同。合同变更或解除应实行书面形式。 The con tract can be modified or relieved on the mutual agreeme nt

22、, and it should be done in written form。 有下列情形之一者,可单方解除合同: If it were on one of the follow ing circumsta nces, either side can relieve the con tract: (1) (1) (2) 因不行抗力,不能实现合同目的;Because of the force majeure, they can not 因不行抗力,不能实现合同目的; Because of the force majeure, they can not realize the purpose o

23、f the con tract; 未经双方书面同意,将合同部分或全部权利义务转让给第三方; Without the consent of the both sides in writte n forms, one side tran sfers part or all the rights and obligati ons of the con tract to a third side; 在履行期限届满之前,一方明确表示或者以自己的行为表明不履行主要债务; Before the expiry of carry ing out the con tract, one side clearly s

24、tates or in dicates by his con duct that he don't p erform the major debt; 一方拖延履行主要债务,经催后在合理期限内仍未履行 ; One side postp ones p erform ing the major debt, and he still doesn't p erform it in reas on able time limit after the urging. 一方拖延履行债务或者有其他违约行为致使不能实现合同目的; One side postp ones perform ing

25、the major debt or he has other behavior for breach ing the con tract so that it can't realize the purpose of con tract; 法律规定的其他情形。 Other circumstances ruled by law . 解除合同方在解除合同时,应履行通知对方义务。 The side relievi ng the con tract needs to inform the other side whe n he relieves the con tract. 第十六条违约责任

26、 Item 16 Respon sibility for breach ing the con tract 出卖人未按期交付标的,每逾期一日,应向买受人支付延迟交付标的付款金额的 5% 的违约金,如出卖人逾期交货超过 7日的,除应向买受人支付违约金外, 买受人有权解除合 同,并要求出卖人赔偿因逾期交货而造成的损失。 If the sellers can't deliver the goods on time, one day overdue, the sellers should pay 5 p ayme nt amount as liquidated damages ,if ,th

27、e sellers overdue delivery more tha n 7 days ,besides ask ing the sellers to pay liquidated damages , the buyers have the right to term in ate the con tract and ask the sellers to pay the compen sati on for the loss caused by the late delivery . 出卖人交付的标的不符合合同数量约定的数量, 出卖人应按买受人要求在合理期限内 补足标的数量,同时买受人有权要

28、求出卖人赔偿因其不完全履约而造成的损失。 If the quantity of the mark delivered by the sellers is not in conformity with the agreed amount ,the sellers should compi eme nt the mark within a reas on able time accord ing to the requirements of buyers,at the same time ,the buyers have the right to ask the sellers to pay th

29、e compen sati on for the loss caused by the incomp lete p erforma nee of the selles. 买受人有权拒收和 / 买受人有权拒收和 /或要求更换和/或终止 在出卖人对质量负责的期限内, 如标的出 更换或者退货,因标的质量问题给买受人造 If the quality of the mark delivered by the sellers is not in conformity with the agreed quality, the buyers have the right to refuse an d/or r

30、equire rep laceme nt an d/or term in ate the con tract,the sellers should bear the liability for compen sati on of the loss.With in the time limit that 5%0的违约金,此 5%0的违约金,此 买受人未按期付款,没逾期一日,应向出卖人支付逾期付款金额的项违约总额以预期付款金额的 10%为限。 If the buyers fail to pay on time, one day overdue ,the buyers should pay 5 %

31、of the p ayme nt amount as liquidated damages, and this total amount for breach ing the con tract is limited to 10% of the exp ected p ayme nt amount 发生其他违约情形,违约方应赔偿由此给对方造成的损失。如属双方过错,应各自承 担相应责任。 If others cases occur ,the default side should pay the compensation for losses caused to the other side.

32、If both sides fault,they should bear corres ponding respon sibility accord in gly. 第十七条 合同争议的解决方式 Item 17 The soluti on of con tract dis pute 提交仲裁委员会仲裁。 Submitti ng to arbitrati on commissi on to arbitrate. 向东营人民法院提起诉讼。 Posing a lawsuit to the Peop le's Court of Dongying City 第十八条其他 Item 18 Oth

33、ers 本合同自双方法定代表人或授权代表签字后并加盖合同专用章之日起生效。 This con tract is effective after sig ning and sta mping sp ecial seal for con tract from the legal rep rese ntative and authorized rep rese ntative of both sides. 本合同未尽事宜,双方协商签订补充协议。 About the un acco mp lished matter, both sides can sig n compi eme ntati on ag

34、reeme nts after the n egotiati on. 本合同的附件及补充协议是本合同的组成部分,与本合同具有同等法律效力。附件及 补充协议与本合同内容不一样,以本合同为准。 The accessories and the supp leme ntary agreeme nt is an in tegral part of this con tract, and they are equally valid to the con tract. When the accessories and suppl eme ntary agreeme nt don't agree

35、with each other, tak ing the con tract as sta ndard. 保密:本合同的各项条款属于双方经营活动内容,任何一方未经对方当事人书面允许 不得对外泄漏。 Con fide ntiality : The terms of the con tract bel ong to bus in ess activities of both sides ,any sides are not allowed to leak without the writte n p ermissi on of the other side 本合同一式四份,出卖人执两份,买受人执两

36、份。 This con tract is in quadr up licate, the sellers hold two copies ,the buyers hold the other two cop ies. 单位名称: 单位名称: 出卖人担保方: 居处: 居处: 法定代表人: 法定代表人: 托付代理人: 托付代理人: 电话: 电话: 担保人: 开户银行 开户银行 帐号: 帐号: 邮政编码: 邮政编码: 年 月 日 税号: 税号: 合同范本精选! 第19页 共19页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页第 19 页 共 19 页


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